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Book 26 Chapter 14

Correlation between studying abroad and local wives

-Jiang Hong, cornered

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

Jang Hong's face was very serious as he asked the question in a casual voice.

"What is it?"

Okuyukyung looked at Jang Hong with a puzzled expression and asked.

"Betrayal of the Ten Thousand Pavilions."

"Hmm, that doesn't sound good, betrayal. I'm not trying to betray the Magisterium."


If what she was doing now wasn't an act of treachery, pointing a sword at the Heavenly Palace, then what was? But Okuyukyung didn't seem to think so.

"All I'm trying to do is right a wrong as one of the Thirteen Captains in charge of the discipline of the Temple of Heaven, and the cowardly act of kidnapping a girl is a betrayal of the Temple of Heaven, don't you think?"

Jang Hong didn't know what to say in response to Jade Yujing's sharp question.

"Well, you might think so, but……."

But that's only based on her own thinking, and it's clear that others would never see it that way.

"It doesn't matter what the world thinks of me, what matters is what I think of myself. I'm trying to find the traitor in the Tower of Heaven, and I'm willing to use some pretty rough means to do it."

By roughhousing, I mean taking down one captain or less from the same thousand and thirty-three.

"Thank you, Yu-Kyung."

Jang Hong was so grateful to Jade Yujing for helping him that he didn't dare to raise his face.

"No, there's no need to thank me, just answer my question, I'm curious."

My voice is a little shrill because of my mood.

"Ask me anything. Anything I can answer, I will answer."

"Then I'll take it."

And then, as if on cue, he started asking questions.

"You've been going to the injured country (扶桑國:Japan) for a while to build up your lessons?"

"That's right, it's called studying abroad, especially since the long wars there have developed a unique stealthy art of ninjutsu. Nowadays, even in the Middle Kingdom, ninjas from the wounded countries are often used, so it's necessary to master their techniques."

"I've heard stories of those people, especially the women, who use their bodies to practice a special art of seduction."

"Yeah, they're great."

Jang Hong was only sharing his honest impressions, but at that moment, Jade Yujing's eyes shone with a piercing intensity.

"What about you?"

"Uh, how was it, what do you mean?"

Jang Hong was caught off guard by the question, which came out of nowhere like a sharp rainbow.

"Was it nice to be seduced by a young woman?"

Ok Yukyung moved one foot forward and pressed in.

"Moo, what do you mean……."

All the while, Jang Hong was unknowingly taking a step backward.

"I've heard that when men go to work from one state to another, they create something called a 'local wife' there, and if it's overseas, across the ocean, what's to say, they've been there for years?"

The localization part made Jang Hong take three more steps back. The current atmosphere was quite intimidating.

"That, I don't know… I don't know, I don't know, I'm sorry, misunderstood, that never happened."

Throwing up his hands, Jang Hong vehemently denied it.

"I was just talking about other guys, why are you being so sensitive?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, it never happened."

Not a very convincing attitude.

"So you're saying you've never met any girls?"

Jang Hong nodded with a cracked neck.

"No, I was studying abroad to learn ninjutsu, so of course I met a female ninja……."

Ninja or female, a ninja was a ninja. It was even more unnatural to go to learn ninjutsu and not encounter one, but natural, unnatural, or unnatural was none of her business.

"Wouldn't you have trained with those women then?"

"That's right, but……."

"Then you must have been a training partner for the women."

"That's right… yes, but not so much because I learn differently……."

"See, that's the way it is, isn't it, especially with enchantment, you need an opponent to practice it, and I know because every school in the Black Sea has something like that, and I know how they practice it."

Already her eyes had the cold look of a podoo interrogating a criminal.

Cold sweat trickled down Jang Hong's back like rain.

"That, that… that's…… Oh, I'm sorry, that's not really……."

"Are you sure nothing really happened?"

"No, that's not how it works……."

Jang Hong's mouth dropped open in a "huh!".

"Ohhh, that's what happened, I'd love to hear about it, so tell me. You just said you'd answer anything you could answer."

Jang Hong was almost pushed to the brink. Okuyukyung was pressuring him from all sides, forcing him to tell the truth.

Jang Hong wanted to cry, but he could only hold it in, and he began to walk faster and faster toward the gate of the Northern Sea Route. It was as if he was crying out for discovery, and just as he hoped, the two magical guards guarding the gate to the Northern Sea Route spotted him rushing toward the gate and raised their weapons to stop him. Jang Hong was not amused.


However, the two men from the Eighth Dormitory, who were guarding the entrance to the North Sea, did not know English, and were stunned and knocked to the ground by Okuyukyung's words. It was indeed the skill of a captain in his thirties.

The two who had been nervously following the example of the Seventh Captain, Yue Jing, who had been shouting at the top of her lungs and chasing after the suspicious person with fierce momentum, had collapsed in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, now that the interruption is gone, let's get back to what we were talking about."

"Oh, no, don't we have to deal with these people right now, and we'll talk about that later, later."

In fact, Jang Hong didn't care if it was a lifetime later. He started to move quickly before he heard the answer.


Pulling the two fallen guards to one side and hiding them, Jang Hong was clearly refusing to talk.

"Are you saying you're going to refuse to talk to me?"

"I've got work to do first, and this doesn't seem like the right time to bring it up."

Jang Hong opted for a frontal assault using rhetoric, which gave Okuyukyung pause.

"Okay, first I'm going to solve this kidnapping, and then I'm going to beat the Heavenly Martial Academy fair and square, and give you a stinging taste of how strong the kids I've been raising are."

"Uh, I'm really going to have to pass on that one."

I don't think I'd be able to survive something like that.

"Oh, no problem, it's one of your favorite younger spirits, and they're good-looking, so I'm sure you'll like them, Cancer."

A cold sweat trickled down Jang Hong's spine as he sensed the sharp thorn in the horse's side.

"Wow, I can't believe you like the spirit world. I prefer ripe, big-breasted ladies to unripe ones……."

Jang Hong was so flustered by his gibberish that he didn't even know what he was saying. The words he blurted out in an attempt to explain only made matters worse.

"Guys think girls have nothing but boobs and ass, right?"

"No, I don't. Instinctively, my eyes go to that first, but I want to see your face, the curve of your back, the angle of your legs……."

"Shut up! Even animals can follow their instincts, and you're only human if you can control your instincts with your mind. That's why men are called animals, and when I teach my kids that men are animals, it's not because I have some sort of agenda, it's because it's just plain true."

After trying to argue that such extreme education is not good, Jang Hong realized it was all for naught and raised the white flag.

"If I had a hundred mouths to feed, I'd have nothing to say. It's all my fault, ma'am."

The corners of Okuyukyung's fierce eyes softened.

"Well, fine, but we'll see if you take the path of the beast or the path of the man. Because if you get distracted, you're going to……."

She bent and lifted her right index and middle fingers like hooks and pointed them at Jang Hong, who involuntarily flinched and averted his gaze. He was terrified that the hooks would gouge out his eyes. It was a warning to him not to dare to look at the young woman.

With that, she strode briskly toward the gate to the Northern Sea Route. Jang Hong hurried after her.

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