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Book 25 Chapter 22

The strong, that is justice

-Play (遊戱)

"A word of advice, friends."

Jang Hong summoned the people to disperse toward their respective islands.

"I'm going to tell you guys something up front."

The people looked at Jang Hong with puzzled eyes.

"Tell me ahead of time, what?"

Hyo-ryong asked.

"Something to watch out for if you want to survive."

"What is that?"

"Black Hand."

Puzzlement appeared on everyone's faces except for Hyo-ryong and Ok-yu-kyung.

"Black water? What is that?"

Most of them seemed to be hearing it for the first time.

"Black characters always hide at least a third of their true abilities, and everyone has a final, invisible trick up their sleeve. They call it the black hand, the invisible hand. It's the lifeblood of a political party. The commoners don't mind, but the masters are different. They have a different kind of trick up their sleeve. Unless you can break that black water, you won't be able to defeat them. Especially when the skill gap isn't that great. Don't get caught up in their flow. It means death."

Jang Hong warned in an unusually stern voice.

"Boys, I want you to know this. From now on, you're in for a fight unlike anything you've ever experienced before."

"Different, what do you mean different?"

Yonghui Mo, who had been thinking about black numbers, asked.

"Fighting at black degrees is different from fighting at white degrees. In the white degrees, it was enough to be stronger than your opponent. That's all you needed to win. But fighting in the Black Sea is different. Everyone's hiding something, cheating. Everything is wrapped in a silver screen, and unless you can peel back the layers and uncover the truth, you can lose to them, even if you are more skilled in martial arts than they are."

Losing despite being stronger than your opponent? This was something I never thought about when I was at the Academy of Heavenly Martial Arts.

"I'll admit you're strong. You're probably no match for anyone your age. But you can't win here just by being strong. Besides, this is their front yard. It's their home turf. It wouldn't surprise me if a male or female lurked here. So be careful, be careful, be careful. Don't forget that there's always an unseen one looking for you."

"What's so complicated?"

Bi Ryuyeon grumbled, "Why do you have to think so much about it when you can just beat them and win?

"This is a world where meritocracy is a thing of the past. Especially inside this pavilion, where all sorts of monsters sell their wares. If you underestimate them, even you, Ryuyeon, won't be safe. Besides, you're not in a perfect state right now, are you?"

"I'm fine."

Bi Ryuyeon said in a strong tone.

"Well, what do you think?"

Jang Hong didn't immediately believe him. But for now, he could only wait and see, since nothing he said would work.

"You should worry about yourself, not me. You're bleeding through the bandage."

Jang Hong wasn't feeling well in the aftermath of his fight with Okuyukyung, so it wasn't the time to comment.

"If they're monsters, I'll be the monster that eats monsters. I'll make them say 'monster' out of their mouths. Expect it."

Sincerely, Bi Ryuyeon said that without any hesitation.

"I expect so, but I hope others don't act like this reckless fellow. Some people can be reckless, and some people shouldn't. I hope most are wise."

* * *

He unfolded it and began to read through it.

First, there is evidence of hostile behavior toward the Martial Arts Hall by impure individuals.

Second, the casket is what the impure are after, so guard it.

Third, whatever the impure say is false, so do not fall for the enemy's tricks.

Fourth, in the unlikely event that you kill an enemy, you will not be held accountable. Do not hesitate.

Make sure to do at least one of these.

Giving it a 'license to kill'.

And underneath it was the seal of the person who sent it.


As he folded up the scrolls he had received, King Seo muttered to himself.

"What the hell is in that coffin……? Is it that important? A 'license to kill'?" ……. I've never seen anything like it."

It's a testament to giving it your all, a call to arms.

"The end justifies the means, right?"

It was a very black-and-white way of thinking, and he liked the simplicity and clarity of it.

"True strength comes from being on the edge of life and death. You don't have to say no to picking up the pieces."

I wanted a fight that was all-out, that scraped the bottom of the barrel, and I was bored with the idea of having an ejaculation in my hand.

"Are they strong?"

One of his subordinates, who was standing by, immediately replied.

"No matter what, no one is stronger than you, you are the strongest!"

No hesitation at all. He seemed to really believe it.

"Seeing as you've unleashed the 'Thousand Commandments,' you're not going to let me down, are you? I'm getting excited."

If so, I'd better be prepared to go all out on this one. It felt like I could pull 'it' out for the first time in a long time. That was a good thing.

"Bring me the 'Kang Shun Tian Armor' (鋼盾天鉀)!"

He commanded.

"You mean, like, that?"

The subordinate asks in surprise.

It was the strongest armor that was rarely used because the captain was so powerful.

"Sure. I think I can grease him up with flesh and blood for the first time in a long time after he's been stiff from being stuck in a warehouse. Kk, kk, kk. Kkkkk. Kahahahahahahaha! Kahahahahahahahahaha!"

It was a fun Rockvio to imagine. I am grateful to my 'superiors' for giving me such an exciting opportunity.

In exchange for the flesh and blood of others, he becomes another level stronger.

That's how he grew up.

* * *

As they crossed the drawbridge and entered the main road, Hyo-ryong was nervous. Naturally, he expected countless Tenth Battalion soldiers to attack them. However, when they finally entered Seohae Island, it was too quiet.

"Why isn't anyone here?"

There was no stopping them. Judging by the belligerent nature of the Ironclad we'd just defeated, the Teenagers seemed to be very rough around the edges. I didn't think they'd have the patience to sit still, but with the road ahead of them so clear, I had to be suspicious.

"Let's just go for it. We'll see."

If they didn't fight right away, this was a good opportunity for both Hyo-Ryong and Bi Liu-Yan. They could recover some of their strength later. Still wary of their surroundings, Hyorong and Bi Ryuyeon walked forward.

"Are they just leaving it there on purpose?"

Bi Ryuyeon muttered to herself.

"No, why would you do that? Are you setting up a trap or something?"

"Or maybe they're waiting."


"To restore our health."


"There's only one way this happens. He wants to have a good fight, with us. Apparently, the captain here is quite the fighting man."

"It's not that you don't have a point, but this is Black Island, and that's a very Black Island mentality."

The Black Sword's method was to deliberately lower his health and attack when he was at his weakest. On the other hand, Bi Ryuyeon's method was what could be called justice.

"Well, I think it's more a matter of personal preference than a matter of black or white ideology, but…… Ah, there you go."

Hyorong lifted his gaze as well, looking up at the pavilion rising before them. It was taller and wider than he had expected. The plaque above the main entrance read 'Tenth Main Building'. Suddenly, Hyorong had a question.

"Maybe they're all in here?"

It was clear that being surrounded by a large number of people, especially inside a building, would not be a pleasant situation. It was time to err on the side of caution.

"Well, we'll see when we get in there. Let's go."

With that, Bi Ryuyeon strode to the door, disregarding Hyorong's thoughts. Hyorong abandoned his plan to be cautious, sighed, and followed after her. It was a bad habit of his that he sometimes did things that seemed reckless.


The building was deserted, to say the least. A large chair sat on a slightly raised dais at the front, and a large man in an oddly shaped suit of armor sat on it. He wore a thin, shiny suit of armor that glistened with silver, and the plates of the armor were all round. The armor was unusually shaped, as if dozens of circular shields were wrapped around his body, and his shoulders were unusually bulging, raising the suspicion that he might be hiding some secret weapon within. The iron helmet beside him was also very unusual, round in shape, with a single eye and mouth opening, and a series of steel bars running horizontally across it. It seemed to be a device to prevent direct attacks on the eyes and mouth.

He was Rakbio, King of the West Sea, the ruler of the West Sea, and the Tenth Lord.

Behind him stood four equally large and muscular men. It was a fairly modest welcome.

"Are you strong?"

That was the first thing King Rakvio asked. He was obviously short-tempered, asking if he was strong before he even knew who he was. And he was obsessed with power. He was the type of man who probably wouldn't even bother to talk to her unless he thought she was his equal, so she needed to show him that she was more than worthy of talking to him.

"Of course I'm strong."

Whistling lightly, Rakvio said.

"You don't hesitate to answer."

"Because there's no reason to."

His self-assurance bordered on arrogance, but he was none other than Bi Ryuyeon. This level of self-assurance was nothing new for a self-proclaimed super-beautiful boy and super-expert of the Cosmic Honghuang Silver Star. It was something that a normal mind would not be able to accomplish.

"You've heard of the Volcano Covenant Branch, right?"


"I'm the winner there, and I'm much stronger than you."

Bi Ryuyeon chuckled.

"Ryuyeon, what are you going to do about provoking your opponent?"

Feeling uneasy at his friend's provocation, Hyo-ryong fired back, but King Seo-hae's reaction was unexpected.

"That's great."

Rakvio didn't take offense to being told he was stronger than him.


"I was just trying to prove to you that I should have gone to the Volcano Convention even if I didn't. You had an accident, but you went to a place like that and didn't win, useless stuff. Good, very good. Defeating you will prove that I'm worthy of being the winner of the Volcano Convention."

"I don't know, that's like looking for a witch at a well."

"What does that mean?"

"What do you mean, what do you mean, you'll never beat me?"


"You know what? You're talking about winning before you've even fought me, and you're being a little hasty."

Seeing Bi Ryuyeon's confident demeanor, the man burst out laughing.

"Then you'll have to prove it. I don't believe in words. There are so many lies in people's mouths, and they're all mouths, and they're all tongues, and they're all trying to be cilantro, but I don't believe in that, I only believe in what they show with their fists and their cutlery."

It meant that if you were really good, you had to prove it with your body.

"Okay, whatever."

Ryuyeon Bi answered quickly.

"Before we do that, I want to ask you something?"

"What is it? Ask me."

"A casket should have arrived here today, do you know?"

"Oh, yeah, that's it."

Rakvio responded with a no-brainer.

"Did you open it?"

"No, I was told not to open it."

"Not to open it means it's an order from someone higher up than you."

"What do you want to know?"

"I want to know what's in that coffin?"

"I don't listen to the weak, command is the prerogative of the strong."

"Everything is power here."

"Exactly. I told you not once, but twice, that you're stronger than me, and you don't think I'm just going to go back?"

I guess I had it in mind.

"You're too timid for your size. I can't believe you were counting all those things. Okay, I'll fight you. But on one condition."

"What is it?"

"If I win, I get that coffin, and all that's in it, and all that was in it!"

"What if I don't?"

He asks with a frown, seemingly expecting some sort of answer.

"I'm going to make you do something you've never done before: regret."

"Regret? I'm looking forward to that. It's been so long since I've done that, I've forgotten how to do it."

"Don't worry. You're pretending to forget, but your body remembers."

It was a declaration of intent, a physical reminder.

"As one of the Four Heavenly Kings, I can't just say, 'Yep, here it is!' I've got some dignity. Besides, I have orders from the Grand Preceptor……. Besides, you're not going to get your hands on that coffin."


"Because you can't beat me."

Rakvio quickly echoed what Bi Ryuyeon had said earlier.

"They say fighting isn't done with words, so why not walk the walk?"

Viruyeon echoed his sentiments.

"Okay, but this is my space, and entertaining guests is the owner's job."

Rakvio said, raising his silver helm.

"You want to fight the fight your way?"

Rockvio chuckled.



With a snap of his fingers, the doors to his left and right burst open and a horde of men, all dressed in the same uniform, poured in. All of them were large and muscular, obviously members of the Tenth Battalion, and they lined up in single file against both walls. The momentum was palpable as dozens of men dressed in dark navy blue, almost black, completely blocked both walls.

"I was wondering where everyone went, and here they are. Do they all look alike?"

After defeating the iron armor plaque and passing through the main gate, Bi Ryuyeon and Hyo-ryong were almost uninhibited, and when they arrived at the main building, they wondered why there were only five of them and why there was no resistance, but it seems that they were all gathered in the back of the building.

"Is this how it's done here, with the majority persecuting the minority? If you think you can win because you're outnumbered, you're sorely mistaken, because no matter how many bullies you have, you can't beat one."

Even if they all hit together, I'm not scared of any of them, said Turo's Viryoyeon.

"Oh, don't worry. They're just bystanders. The majority beating the minority all at once, we teens despise that sort of thing. We believe in the definition of strength, so we always prefer one-on-one. It's not in our nature to beat up a bunch of guys. We believe that a man should settle things with his fists, face to face. That's when strength meets strength, and that's when a man can feel life."

I knew there was more to the world than that, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Humans tend to see only what they want to see. And when you've become a believer in one definition, your eyes and ears are plugged with mud.

"Ho-ho, does that mean you're going to go it alone?"

"Sure! But you have to do it on your own."

"Don't worry about that. We're not weak enough to take on a man in two, so we'll take your hospitality."

"I'm glad you're hot, that's what men do, hahahahahahaha!"

Rakvio threw up his hands in exasperation.

"On this side, of course, this body goes out alone. On your side, who's going first?"

"Ho-ho, you're going to take on the two of us by yourself? That's pretty reckless. I'm not going to make fun of you, so why don't you get another one? I don't want to hear that you won because you were outnumbered."

"You don't need it, you're not going to win anyway."

The confidence in his voice was palpable.

"What does he believe that makes him so arrogant? Does he have a trick up his sleeve?

Jang Hong's warning to beware of hidden tricks suddenly flashed through Bi Ryuyeon's mind. However, it was impossible to know what he was hiding in advance. It was impossible to know unless you came face to face with it. All she could do was try to avoid being caught off guard. But you never know if you'll be able to stop it, and that's the beauty of a hidden trick.

"Well, then we'll have to face it, because we can't keep wasting time here.

Ryu-yeon was about to open her mouth to say she was leaving, but someone beat her to it.

"I'll go first."

Hyo-ryong was the first to step forward, beating out Bi Ryuyeon.

"Are you sure you're okay, Ronglong, you didn't like me taking over earlier?"


"Well, that's because it's a nuisance, and you can't knock it down, and you can't brag about it."

"Ho-ho, that speeds up the calculation a lot."

"I've been hanging out with you for a while, so this is pretty standard. It's all the fault of bad friends, so who's to blame?"

"Tell me you've opened your eyes to the adult world. It's not my responsibility to make sure he grows up. Everyone grows up at some point."

"I could have lived a little longer as a clean boy, with no reckoning. Innocent, oblivious to the filth of the world."

"So you're only going to take the good parts?"

"Something like that."

"Can I trust you?"

"Leave it to me."

The interior of the Iron God Hall, the main building of the Thirteenth Battalion, was very spacious and tall, with a floor of hard bluestone and, unusually, several compartments on each side. When it rained or snowed, the floor was covered with deep traces of training, as if it served as a training ground. The level of training they had practiced and their characteristics were visible just from where they stood.

Hyorong and Rakbio faced each other in the center of the iron hall, surrounded by dozens of soldiers. He was the first to speak. Without greeting each other, Rocky flicked his hand, and with the wind blowing through Hyorong's hair, two lines were drawn on the backs of Hyorong and Rocky.

"The rules are simple: spin the fungus and hit each other for the number of times it comes up."

"And the person who gets hit and pushed out of line loses."

"Yeah, that's the first edition."

"Rules for the second edition?"

"Oh, I'll tell you about that when you win the first game."

Hyorong's eyebrows rose slightly.

"You don't think I'm going to win the first game?"

"Kkkkk, I know, I don't need to explain it any further."

His words and actions oozed confidence. It was as if he couldn't imagine losing.

"You're looking down on people. That's good. This old man will teach you a bitter lesson today.

Even though he was a two-armed swordsman, he never neglected to practice his art.

"If you think such heavy armor will protect you, you are sorely mistaken.

Upon closer inspection, the armor he wore was painted white all over, with bizarrely bulging shoulder pads on either side, and the word "ten" written in red across the middle of the breastplate. Apparently, the man believed in the bizarrely shaped white armor that covered his entire body.

"You can abstain if you're not sure. But if you do, you're going to have to go home quietly, right?"

"I will."

Hyo-ryong replied in a firm voice. Men had a habit of not being able to back down when they heard such words.

"Okay. Then hit him first."

"You want me to hit you first, are you serious?"

"Of course. It's not a man's business to lie about something as trivial as that."

Rakvio obediently surrendered the lead. The offer was so tempting that Hyo-Ryong became suspicious.

"What does this guy believe that makes him so bold? Does he have something up his sleeve?

First and foremost, this was not the Captain of the Tenth he knew; the Tenth had changed while he was away, and this was not the Tenth he knew. Everything he knew had changed in a few short years, and he was very confused. But he wasn't about to go quietly. It was only polite to accept the challenges that came his way.

"Okay, if you're willing to give up the lead, I'm all for it. But don't regret it."

"Real men don't have regrets!"

If you don't regret it, you want to make them regret it even more.

"Then let's turn it first."

Hyorong grabbed the fungus and spun it around.

The resulting number is……


"Two cars."

At that, Rakvio chuckled.

"If you can hit the second one."

I thought, "Man, he's talking nonsense," but I couldn't go with his flow here. He had to find his own flow. Even if he was wearing an armor of steel, he could see through it.

Hyorong silently maneuvered his inner qi. He drew up his Qi and focused it into his fist. By the rules, his opponent couldn't move a single step, which meant he couldn't use the spell to deflect the attack. He would literally have to take the attack head-on.

"Can I just eat this simple victory?

I felt a little guilty, but I had to say, I'm not going to take no for an answer.

"Then I'll take this victory!"

Scepter (覇王拳)


Hyorong concentrated his Qi into his fist and thrust it out at the fastest speed he could muster.


Qin Lie slapped the ground, the force traveling past Hyo Long's waist, up his shoulders, down his arm, and into his fist. The air was torn apart in that moment, and a long, lingering ripple sounded.


Like a meteor falling from the night sky, the fist slammed into Rakvio's body.

"What just happened?

Hyo-ryong's left knee was barely an inch off the ground. He was almost on one knee. Moreover, there was a mess of blood inside his body. It looked like he had internal injuries. Most troubling of all, he had been pushed back two feet from the gold on his back, leaving a gauzy mark on the floor where he had been pushed. In the middle of the dull marks, a white plate of iron that appeared to be part of his armor was spinning wildly.

"What happened to him?

That's when I heard the roar.

'I'll give you credit for not falling to your knees. You're the first one to do that.'

At the sound of the shout, Hyo-Ryong quickly looked up to see where Rak-Vio was.

"Oh, my God!

To his surprise, Rockvio seemed to have been pushed back a bit from where he stood, but his heels were still not touching the gold. The distance traveled was very minimal.

"Woohahahahaha, I win."

Rakvio said, an arrogant smile on his lips that only a winner could wear.

"No way, it's a one-hit wonder……."

He couldn't believe he hadn't been attacked, or that he had attacked and lost. He felt like he'd had a bad dream.

Bi Ryuyeon, who had been watching from behind with her arms crossed, couldn't help but speak up.

"Long Long, wake up, what's going on?"

"Moe, I don't know, I'm pretty sure I hit him……."

Hyo-ryong looked like he was frozen.

"Of course you hit me first. What I want to know is what happened after that? I didn't get a good look because of the bang and the smoke. When the smoke cleared, you were knocked back."

Hyorong lifted his fist and looked at it. His fist looked surprisingly intact compared to his disembowelment, so what was the force that had pushed him back? The impact was as if he'd been hit by a brickbat, and for a moment he wondered if his fist would shatter. If he hadn't been practicing, his fists would have been ground into powder.


"Diamond semi-barbed steel?"

"Yes, that's the qigong I'm practicing. It's an invincible divine qigong that can deflect any attack. Wuhahaha, don't you think this is the martial art of a man! Wuhahahahahaha!"

"That's ridiculous. You really think you can go on and on about your arcane martial arts?"

A vision is a vision because it is transmitted in secret. To reveal his martial arts to his enemies in such a way was very strange. It didn't make sense.

"A man is strong when he hides nothing!"

It was the most unimaginatively simple-minded thing I've ever seen.

"You don't look happy, do you want to try again?"

"No, a game is a game, a loss is a loss. This match, my defeat."

He was upset, but he had no choice but to accept defeat. Hyorong stood up, turned around, and walked toward Bi Ryuyeon.

"Sorry, buddy. I don't deserve to see you."

"It's okay, I'll take the next one. The game isn't over yet."

Instead of being angry or rebuking, Bi Ryuyeon greeted Hyo-ryong with a smile.

"Be careful, she's hiding something."

"I know, I just haven't figured out what it is yet."

Perhaps this was the "black number" Jang Hong had been talking about. Without knowing what had just happened and how it had happened, Bi Ryuyeon couldn't be sure of victory.

Standing across the gold on the floor from Rakvio, Bi Ryuyeon looked up at Rakvio and said.

"It's a player change."

"Is this yours?"

Bi Ryuyeon held out the round, shield-shaped iron plate she had picked up as she walked.

"Oh, that's nice of you to bring it on purpose."

Rakvio chuckled and accepted the griddle.

"So, shall we get started?"

"Wait, wait, wait, there's something I need to do first."

At that moment, Bi Ryuyeon's eyes sharpened.

Rakvio gave a signal, and one of the Tenth brought a small wooden box. He pulled out a piece of white dough from it and stuck it behind the shards of armor, then reattached it to the breastplate. It was the same place where Hyorong's fist had struck earlier.

"What is that?"

"Oh, no big deal, it's just glue."

"I've never heard of anyone gluing iron plate armor together?"

"So you see today, this is the way of the man! Woohahahahaha!"

"Looks like the macho man is talking to the fool here."

Rakvio's smirk froze in place as Bi Ryuyeon frowned.

"If you insult a man, I will not forgive you."

"You don't become a macho man by putting macho in your mouth."

The sneer on his lips deepened. This was no Bi Ryuyeon who could be intimidated into submission.

"Now, then, may we begin, Mr. Manly, and if you have the courage, will you pass the ball once more?"

"Of course! Courage is a man's necessity. I will make you pay for insulting a man!"


When Rakvio responded to the cash register, Bi Ryuyeon smiled in conversion and spun the spinner harder.


The number that came out was "two".

"That's a shame, there's only two of them."

"Good enough."

There's no point in having ten instead of two if you can't figure out what your opponent is doing.

"Do you think you can hit an eagle?"

Rakvio asked in a confident voice, apparently feeling absolutely confident in his defense.

"Of course!"

Bi Ryuyeon replied confidently.

"Okay, let's hope that's true."

Rakvio laughed heartily and leaned forward, his back slightly bent. It was his customary defensive stance, ready for the next attack. Other than that, he didn't do anything else.

Bi Ryuyeon was also cautious. He'd seen Hyo-Ryong get beaten firsthand. There was clearly something going on that went beyond a simple martial arts koha, and he had to find out if he was going to win this game.

"Okay, one for starters!"

Bi Ryuyeon shouted and raised her fist.


Rakvio's brow furrowed slightly as he struggled to keep himself upright.

"Why is it so slow?

Her outstretched fist was as slow as a slug. It was coming toward him very slowly, very slowly, but her demeanor as she extended her strangely slow fist was utterly serious. It was as if he was willing to put everything into this punch.

"I wonder if there's a lot of power hidden in that blow?

He seemed to have heard somewhere that the slower the peak Feng Shui, the more powerful it would be. Slightly nervous, he brought his arcane martial arts to its peak.

"Okay, in this state, I can withstand any attack! Come on, prove your strength to me!

And finally, Biryou's infinitely slow fist made contact with Rakvio's body.


With a slight thud, Bi Ryuyeon's fist touched Rakvio's body. But nothing happened, and no shock was transmitted to Rockio's tense body. Suspicious, he asked just in case.


"Oops, that's it."

The answer came back without hesitation. Rakvio suddenly felt very vulnerable.

"What, what's with this cotton-bat-like fist, are you making fun of me?"

"No, I didn't tease you. Why, were you a little nervous?"

"Whoa, who said anything about being nervous!"

"You must have been nervous to deny it so strongly, but there's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's human nature to question unexpected behavior."

"I told you I wasn't nervous!"

Rockio shouted. For some reason, he felt like a fool. Somehow he didn't like that guy with the overly long bangs.

"I guess it doesn't explode on a small impact after all."

Bi Ryuyeon spoke up in passing.

"Ho-ho, did you get it?"


"That's great, but what about the other half?"

"One more slap and you'll see."

I answer nonchalantly.

"This time, will I be able to break my strongest Hoche Bantan Qigong, the Diamond Bantan Qigong?"

His demeanor was confident, as if he thought that his golden bullet steel could never be broken. Then Bi Ryuyeon asked.

"Do you know they use soft mud to polish diamonds? Even the hardest diamonds can't stand up to soft mud."

"Nothing lasts forever. Everything has an end."

At that moment, Bi Ryuyeon's fist stretched out in a flash of light.


There was another explosion like the one before, and something was thrown backward in the smoke. Hyo-Ryong was startled to see it, wondering if Bi Ryuyeon had been pushed behind the gold like he had.

But it fell to the ground and spun around with a thud. It was clearly the shield on Rakvio's breastplate. Hyorong hastily turned his head back to the confrontation, where the smoke was clearing.

Bi Ryuyeon stood still, his back bent at an angle to the left, his feet no longer touching the gold, and his fists folded.

"Did he hang up?"

Rakvio asked, his brow furrowed. He hadn't thought he'd be able to get away with hitting him at a decent distance.

"Close, but it looks like I can't take it down."

Bi Ryuyeon managed to avoid being bounced, but that doesn't mean he's beaten Rakvio; he just doesn't have the destructive power to push his feet out of the gold.

"But I finally got it."

"What do you know?"

"You just found out what happened to Hyo-ryong."

"Ho-ho, really?"

He was quite nonchalant about the prospect of his secret being exposed.

"Of course, I don't lie about these things."

"But that's too bad, I've solved the secret."


"You won't get another chance, because it's my turn now."

As soon as Rakvio finished speaking, he quickly spun the fungus.


Like the wheels of a chariot racing across the battlefield, the fungus came to a halt.

The resulting number is "five".

Rakvio smiled, looking at the numbers with satisfaction.

"Looks like you're out of luck."

"I tend to consider myself a pretty lucky guy."

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been given the unfortunate nickname of the transportation bomb.

"Then your luck ends today, for I am not only the strongest on defense, but also on offense. No man has ever faced my iron fist and survived more than three generations."

And Bi Ryuyeon laughed uncontrollably.

"Well, we'll have one today, because there's a first time for everything."

She never lost a battle with words. She took a defensive stance and cried out.

"Try my luck? Interesting, I'll take that challenge, come on!"

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