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Book 25 Chapter 21

Handsome vs. handsome

-America's Greatest Generation

"Are you sure this is the right place to be, with that parasitic oraby?"

I asked in a polite tone of voice.

"I guess so."

Mo Yonghui replied quietly.

Mo Yonghui hated the King of the East Sea for courting Yan Bi. He wanted to punch him in the face, so he supported the Eastern Sea Route. Then Bi Ryuyeon told Mo Yonghui that he should go with her to the Eastern Sea Route.

"I'm good enough on my own."

Gong Yonghui exclaimed confidently. He didn't want to be with Mo Yonghui because he wanted to show him that he could do what Mo Yonghui could do.


Bi Ryuyeon roughly slapped Gong Zhenghui's cheek. His head snapped back.

"Hey, what is this?"

"Don't be ridiculous, kid! You're still a long way off, and what are you going to do with that big ego and lousy skills? If you don't want to die, just stick close to Mo Yonghui. Oh, and use your fucking language. They're all your seniors."

"Yeee, yeee, yeee, yeee!"

The humiliation of the slap on the wrist and the crushing of his pride made him want to pounce on her. At this point, he still didn't realize how terrifying this human being was. Ignorance makes one brave. However, being brave doesn't necessarily lead to good results. This is because ignorance can also bring bitter consequences.

"Whoa, the young fellow is fearless."

It's a great way to get the most out of your life, but it's also a great way to learn about the world around you.

"Stop. You could get yourself killed."

"You're young, you should value your life."

"I'm busy right now, so be quiet when I'm watching you, or I'll beat you to a pulp."

One by one, they seized his arms and legs, and he could not move a muscle. Feeling as if he was being crushed by a thousand boulders and unable to escape, Gong Zhenghui's pride was hurt again. And he was surprised.

"How strong are these people?

Their inability to uproot a single one of them was a testament to their skill.

"Is he going to be okay? He's so young."

His pride as the heir to the Gongsong family was crumpled like a piece of toilet paper when he was blatantly asked if he should drop out because he wasn't good enough. His answer was even worse.

"Well, it's still pretty good, don't you think that's enough to get the girls?"

What that means is that…….

"Now, wait a minute, are you saying that you picked him based on his face and not his skills?"

"Well, sure, it's not as good as the Whee guy, but it's still pretty good."

What else is so-so, so-so.

"You know who I am, and I'm polite……."

Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle!

The polite man's cheeks turned twice to the left and twice to the right. His cheeks burned like they were on fire. He had been slapped four times at lightning speed.

Without warning, Bi Ryuyeon's hand clamped over his mouth. He couldn't see when she moved.

"Shut up, kid, I'm in a hurry and I don't have time to train you, so listen, I'm not counting on your skills, so go ahead and use that face to get some girls, because from the sounds of it, there are plenty of them. But remember, your backstory doesn't count for anything here. It's all about skill, face or sword. If you're still clinging to your family name, get the hell out of here. I don't need it, and I don't need it now."

For a moment, Gong Gongzhihui reeled from the shock of the golden flesh piercing through his entire body. His cheeks tingled where Bi Ryuyeon had struck him, and his jaw and mouth tingled where she had grabbed him. Several of the cast members looked at him with pity, some whispering that he was lucky he hadn't been beaten to a pulp.

He resented the politeness, but he couldn't resist. He didn't even have the heart to resist the flesh that had just pierced his entire body, and he realized that his family name of Gongongse and his grandfather's name of Swordzon meant nothing to this man. And how insignificant he was, stripped of them all. But his pride, raised in a prestigious family, would not allow him to sit idly by. In what millennium would he defeat the Mo Yong family and make the Gongsong family's name a household name?

"To be strong, you must learn from your enemies!"

His grandfather Gumzon's words echoed in his mind. He had to learn, even if it meant humiliation. He had to stand beside them and keep their deeds etched in his mind. It was kill or be killed.

I thought I was going to leave because my pride was bruised, but when I saw her stand up and straighten her clothes, she laughed.

"Aren't you going?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked with a look that said she could always walk away with her tail between her legs.

"I'm not leaving, I'm staying!"

Before you know it, you're using a polite phrase that you didn't realize you were using.

"Really? You're tougher than I thought. If you don't die this time, you'll have a point."

It was a compliment, I suppose, but the polite man was not pleased at all, and his notion of politeness was shattered by the screams that erupted from the ramparts.


A woman's scream erupted from the ramparts, but it was not a scream like any they had heard before. It was not pain and terror, but exultation and joy. Mo Yonghui and Gong Zhenghui stared at the wall in disbelief.


"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. What am I going to do, what am I going to do, where's my comb, my comb!"

"My mirror, my mirror!"

It felt very cluttered and out of place.

"Gah, what can I do, he's so handsome!"

"That white-robed nobleman is definitely the man of rumors, isn't he? Mo Yongxue's divine and genius handsome boy, Mo Yonghui, the Seven Feast Divine Sword!"

If Bi Ryuyeon had heard, she might have gotten angry that the name exists only for me.

"Yes, I'm sure, I've seen it with my own eyes not long ago."

"You snuck over and checked it out, you traitor!"

"Oh, it was just curiosity, curiosity. You are all I have, my lord."

To be sure, Mo Yong-hui is a handsome man who looks like he was chiseled from white jade. His lines are thin and his face is slender for a Muriman. His face is like a painting, and it makes people admire him. And what about his abilities? He is a model student and an honor student. He's a handsome man with a promising future who has earned the nickname of the Seven Deadly Sins Sword, so he's bound to be the center of attention in an almost exclusively female crowd.

"By the way, who's the guy next to you? He looks a little grumpy, but he's pretty nice too, and he's young."

"I suppose you could be twitchy and soften up at any moment. You don't seem so hard-hearted, do you?"

"I'm sure that's the one that's ticking, they're always ticking, but they just can't help it, because that vocabulary is bothering them."

As the conversation progressed, the women's faces grew redder and redder, and they shouted at each other.

"Moo, what nonsense!"

But it backfired.

"Gee, it's cute to be angry. You must have hit the nail on the head!"

"Gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah."

"So where's the offense and where's the reception?"

"After all, total is a noun, isn't it?"

"No, it's just that the younger side of the bird chrysalis suddenly switches to the older side!"


"Ball? Can?"

Stories were being told on those ramparts that were completely unintelligible to the mockingbird and the polite man, and that would make him want to commit suicide if he understood them.

In this case, it wasn't "knowledge is power," it was "ignorance is bliss! Today, ignorance prevented two people from committing suicide.

I don't know what it means anyway. But somehow I felt embarrassed and weird. It was because she realized that the women were definitely chewing on her for a story. Something was being said, but I didn't have the courage to ask what it was. Mo Yonghui tried his best to ignore the conversation and regain his own flow, but his instincts were strongly against it. He felt that if he continued to get caught up in their flow, he would probably dry up standing here.

"Excuse me, Sojaes."

Mo Yonghui called out to the women above.

"Oh, it's calling. I'll answer it."

"No, no, no, I'm first, you're stuck in the corner over there."

"No. You do that."

"No, you two stay put. I'll tell you what, I'm sure that Mo Yong Confucius would love to talk to a pretty girl like me."

"Who likes a mezuzah like you, dipping it in soy sauce?"

"Who says mezuzah, and what's wrong with soy sauce!"

"Come on, let's not do that, let's do rock-paper-scissors."

A few moments later, I heard several rock-paper-scissors sounds coming from the ramparts. It was a series of clicks, clacks, eeps, and wins, then silence again. A moment later, a woman poked her head over the wall. She was a very cute young lady in a green robe.

"Hello, Mo Yong Confucius. I'm Ju-Young."

"Oh, nice to meet you, Ju Sojae."

Mo Yonghui greeted him with a flourish. Then a voice came from above, "Don't flirt, you! A girl named Ju-young asked with a cute smile on her face.

"What brings you here, Mr. Mo Yong Confucius?"

"I have a favor to ask of the 'Jarl' inside. Can you come in?"

Mo Yonghui asked politely.

"Ugh, what can I do? It's hard to turn down a favor from a handsome man."

"But I told you not to let them in, especially men."

Another woman said, emphasizing the man part.

"Well, he doesn't like men."

"But don't you think it would be a picture if he and that Mo Yong Confucius stood side by side?"


"I have a nosebleed!"

I could hear him scrambling for a handkerchief as if he really had a nosebleed. The power of delusion was truly awesome.

What the hell was going on up there? It was a phrase that somehow made me feel like I wasn't supposed to know. Regardless, it was true that I was more uncomfortable now than I had been when I was surrounded by sword spears.


Mo Yonghui, who had been burning with loyalty when he first came here, couldn't help but feel very embarrassed. He was ready to storm out if they refused to let him in, but now he was completely a plaything on their tongues, and the goodwill he had to build up was only being eroded further and further.

If this was a planned trap in a deliberate mental attack, it was terrifying indeed, and if this was their sincerity…… it was an even more grisly shock and horror. His defective mind was not strong enough to withstand it. For now, only the shield of ignorance and the spear of diligent avoidance guarded his heart and untainted soul. Politeness, which was far more temperamental,

"Shut up and open the door!"

but they weren't the ones to listen.

"Gee, that's a foul mouth. You have a cute face."

"That's personality; a little tic is cute."

"Maybe, but it's not my cup of tea."

"Me too."

"Maybe it's just my taste."

Once again, the existence of polite speech is completely ignored.

"Would you mind letting me pass, Sojaes?"

"Do you have to come in?"

JooYoung asked on behalf of the team.

"I have to go in there."

If I was rejected, I planned to force my way in. However, since she was a woman, it was difficult to force her way out.


After chattering with the other women for a while, Joo-Young poked her head out again and said.

"Really, JusSojae?"

"Yes, of course, but on one condition."

"What, what's that condition?"

Then a woman named Ju-Young smiled and said.

"If you two kiss, I'll open it."

"What the hell, what the hell!"

Stunned, Gongong Zhenghui jumped up and down. His ramblings were so long that Mo Yonghui didn't know how to react. They were making such an outrageous proposal, and they were doing it so casually.

"Ha, there's no way that's possible, and it's… weird that a man and a man would… kiss… that… mouth… that's… weird. No, I think it's freaky. It's not normal."

Mo Yonghui said in disbelief. He was a straight-laced man, and such a thing could not be possible for a man with a defect.

"Gee, not being normal is exactly the point, because we're not really interested in being normal, ho ho ho."

The young lady, Joo-Young, was very determined and didn't let up.

"Ha, but……. I'm afraid that won't work either, please try something else."

I'd rather break down the door and force my way in.

"Are you sure that's not a good idea?"

"This is really, really bad."

Mo's intentions were clear.

"Well, why don't you take your clothes off?"

"Oh, you mean clothes?"

Mo Yonghui's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you in then."

How could these women make such shameful and manipulative demands without a care in the world? Mo Yonghui couldn't keep his mind off the mental barrage. But he knew that if he stayed in this situation, he would be doomed.

"How could you do such a manipulative thing, I refuse."

Mo Yonghui gathered his thoughts and narrowly refused.

"Ummm…… not work?"


"Oh, well, at least a top then."

The women chorused, their eyes shining like wildcats on their prey.

"You mean just the upper body?"

"Yeah, just the upper body. We'll settle for the neckline and collarbones, if that's all you want. What do you think? I don't think that's too much to ask, don't you think men do it shirtless when they train?"

Joo-young, who was now the leader of the women, said in a very light tone.

"By the way……."

Surely, he thought, if it's that good. There were many people who stripped to the waist to train, even if they weren't him. However, Mo Yonghui had never done so before. Compared to other people, he didn't sweat as much when he trained, and he had reached the point where he could control his metabolism to a certain extent with his inner gong. Physical training is of course important, but there comes a point when the training of the mind and qi becomes more important. Mo Yonghui had already reached that stage, which was why he didn't need to take off his robe to train alone.

Sensing Mo Yonghui's hesitation, Zhu Ying signaled to the women behind him. The women nodded in understanding, then raised their hands in unison.

"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!"

The women threw their hands up in unison and cried out. Mo Yonghui looked increasingly embarrassed.

"Now, if you're a company captain, make a decision. Are you going to take off your hats, or are you going to fight!"

What a bizarre choice.

"Do you want to flirt with girls like us?"

In fact, that was a big turn-off for Mo. But if you ask him which he hates more, he can't easily answer.


An anguished groan escaped Mo Yonghui, and he finally made his choice.

"Okay, I'll do it!"


A cheer erupted from the ramparts.

"Guys, he's doing it!"


The shouts came from above, and suddenly, with a rumbling sound, dozens of women appeared on the city wall. Mo Yonghui couldn't help but panic as the number of women suddenly tripled. Everyone was secretly holding their breath behind the walls. The reason was simple. It's easier to make a decision when you think fewer people are watching. Only then did Mo Yonghui realize that he had been completely trapped. Dozens of women were staring down at him with glowing eyes. His skin tingled.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

With a shudder, the polite man asked.

"……Why not?"

A promise is a promise. He wasn't a very shrewd man to pick up on words once spoken.

"You're crazy!"

Politeness shouted.


He wasn't sure if he was even sane now; the situation was too harsh for him to remain sane. His delicate mind was not strong enough to survive this harsh environment. Above him, expectant gazes rained down like a hail of arrows.

Finally, Mo Yonghui's hand reached for the pus.


The sound of the women's swallowing was like thunder.



In the midst of the tension and excitement, one of the women collapsed, but none of the women cared about their fallen companion. Leaving the fallen fellow unattended, the women lit up and watched as Mo Yonghui stripped. This was a sight to behold.

The robe flowed off his white shoulders, revealing a gracefully curved collarbone. His skin was as white as porcelain.


The women watching from the ramparts swallowed dryly once more in unison, their eyes becoming increasingly bloodshot. Their eyes were bloodshot from straining their eyes to see. None of them spoke. If you were to ask them now what was the most important thing in the world, they would not hesitate to say that it was seeing Mo Yonghui.


Push! Push!



"I'm falling down……."

A very unusual sound echoed off the ramparts.

The women screamed and fainted one after another.

Barely, a woman woke up, her left hand clutching her nose, red blood dripping between her fingers. She stretched her right hand, still trembling, forward, giving a thumbs-up.



Finally, the gates were opened.

But Mo Yonghui was not happy in the least. He felt mentally humiliated.

Politeness patted him on the back without realizing it.

"Let's go."

"Uh… well, yeah."

Mo Yonghui walked through the gates of the city, his face flushed and his heart pounding. As he did so, he thought to himself.

'Women are really scary sometimes…….'

It was as if the women, who were supposed to be the ones to protect, had been transformed into something else, especially when they came together as a group rather than individually, they were truly terrifying, like creatures from another world.

"I am……."

Then King Donghai's own army interrupted him.

"I know of you without introduction. It has reached my ears that the women of each house are in a frenzy, and, to my dismay, rumors of you are circulating among my own guards. So I couldn't help but notice. Who would threaten beauty?"


"Oh, when you call me, call me 'beauty' - my beauty, 'my beauty,' or 'beauty' for short, because I am the only one in this kingdom who doesn't have to use the formula 'I' and just use the word beauty. 'Beauty' is justice, and this body is justice itself, because I am beautiful!"


A ridiculous politeness muttered.

Mo Yonghui felt incredibly uncomfortable: this guy is dangerous, I'd better stay out of it. But things weren't as easy as he thought. He had to check something here.

"I don't think so, thank you."

Mo Yonghui replied politely.

"No? Why? Are you saying you can't recognize my beauty?"

Why do you reject the truth of the world, T'u Lo asked?

"Well, that's…… something, and I don't think I can do that anyway."

Mo Yonghui once again refused. His head had been pounding since earlier. Couldn't they just grab their swords and fight each other?

"Hmmm, that sounds like a good idea!"

After a moment of contemplation, Jagun suddenly exclaimed.

"What do you mean you're going to do that?"

"So you're going to play beauty with me, hmmm, yeah, that's right, you're going to try to defeat my beauty with your beauty, hmmm. I get it, I get it!"

He nodded repeatedly, as if he understood.

'What the hell did you mean you understood…….'

This only adds to the confusion.

"I admit that your beauty is more than enough to make you my nemesis; I will recognize you as my 'nemesis of beauty'!"

Jagun said to himself, in an intoxicated voice.

"It's nice to not get much credit……."

He didn't want to be recognized for that. He was not a martial artist, and he had no desire to fight to the death. That was not the path he wanted to pursue.

"Wushu isn't done with your face, is it?"

"No, it's the face! Mu is beauty, beauty itself!"

Without missing a beat, King Donghai said.

"I may not be of much use in this world of ignorant strength. It's a world of ugly muscle masses and ugly people who are impressed by ugly things, things that don't even know beauty! But in the battle of life, this thing called beauty is very, very important! You need to be beautiful to win the battle of life! And you, as one of the beautiful, need to know that, for I and you are the apostles of beauty!"

"The apostle of beauty, what is he talking about?

It was the kind of phrase I thought I knew, but didn't really want to know.

I couldn't follow the story for some reason, and I realized. No, I was sure.

'I shouldn't talk to the author for long…….'

He felt like he'd be weird if he did.

The mindset is so different, and the gap is like a huge cliff that can't be bridged by hard work.

"Now, let's have a battle of the beauties!"

Once again, he made an exaggerated gesture and said.

"Excuse me, but I'd like to decline."

Mo Yonghui pleaded. But his words had no effect.

"No, thank you. 'Beauty' is justice, and we'll have to decide whose justice is right here, won't we?"

We've all heard the phrase might makes right, but beauty makes right is a new one for me.

He wondered if he had come to Donghae Road for nothing.

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