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Book 24 Chapter 8

Blast (炸裂)! Ampha Swordplay

-Heavenly flowers, once again!

Neither man spoke a word. Nangong Shang didn't offer any excuses, and Qin Lie didn't utter any words of resentment. They both knew that the moment had already passed.


It was Qin Ling who drew her sword first. He couldn't read the hesitation in her eyes. He couldn't even tell what she was thinking. After a moment's hesitation, he let out a small sigh and drew his sword.

"Is this really the right thing to do?

He wasn't even sure of that. In fact, he had no idea what he was going to do next. Worse, he didn't want to know. The only thing he was sure of was that something was going decidedly wrong. Namgungsang was frustrated. It was almost unbearable if he didn't say something.



As soon as he opened his mouth, the Qin Wushuang sword shot out at the Southern Archer with terrifying speed. It was a sword that suddenly unfurled without any prior action.


The flying blade was blocked by a sword from the South Palace, an almost unconscious reaction. A second too late, and it could have been devastating.

"No way!

A chill ran down Namgung-san's spine. He couldn't believe it. Qin Lie was serious. She had no intention of speaking, and she was speaking through her sword. If you talked to someone when they weren't ready to talk to you, you were just talking to yourself. Namgungsang sighed again and straightened her sword. Perhaps she would have to survive the blossoming and fading petals for a while before she could speak again.

A lotus bloomed from the tip of the expressionless Qin Lie's sword.

The two of them were no slouches.

No one was winning. No wonder. They were lovers, and they knew each other's breathing, habits, strengths, and weaknesses better than anyone else. They had watched each other's swordsmanship; they were pursuing the path of the sword together. Finding such a like-minded, like-minded lover was like finding a star in the sky. However, the star was about to fly back into the sky because it had been picked for too long.

The sword of Amifa was colorful and elegant, but the sword of Qin Lie was more than just colorful. It had a sharpness to it, and it was the Namgung Sang who helped it develop that sharpness.

"Qinling, your sword is colorful and has many changes, but it lacks sharpness. On the other hand, Gongsang, your sword is quite fast, but the lack of changes makes it boring. Look at each other and learn from each other. Or steal, if that's not an option, teach each other. Don't go around and around. You want me to teach you? No. Why should I? I'm boring."

It was something their godbrother had said to them one day, and it was true. From then on, they filled in the gaps for each other. Just like a married couple. They owe a lot of their success to their evil big brother, but they couldn't have done it without each other, no matter how much hell they went through.

They'd never put their full strength into each other before; it was too dangerous. They had been so afraid of hurting each other, but now they were using their hard-earned sword skills to hurt each other. Something was wrong. But no one could stop it now. Someone had to try to stop this. First, Namgungsang stopped his sword and opened his mouth.

"You've improved a lot, Ling."

As long as Namgungsang remained unassailable, Qin Ling was unable to swing his sword.

"You too, Sang."

"Why don't you stop, that was a misunderstanding, and I'm sure Liu Sojae can attest to that by now."

When the name Liu Sojae came out of the Southern Palace Master's mouth, Qin Lie was even more offended.

"Anything that's easier said than done can be overturned."

Qin Lie coldly replied.

"So what do you mean, what should I do, not say?"


Qin Ling's answer was short but heavy.

"What do you want me to do?"

Qin Ling glanced at the statue of the Southern Palace, then at Liu Eun Kyung, who was waiting in the waiting area.

"That's for you to think about, Sang."

"Well, if you put it that way, I guess I wouldn't know……."


Namgungsang didn't get to finish his sentence as he blocked a blade that flew toward his throat. Beyond the blade, he saw the face of a furious spirit, her eyes burning to consume him.

"That's why you can't do it, you stupid idiot!"

The Qinling's sword exploded outward, slicing through the entirety of the Southern Palace.

"You coward, you dullard, you blowhard who doesn't even try to fathom a woman's heart! You don't know what I've been waiting for you to say, you'll never know, and if you did, you couldn't have stood there so smugly, you'd have to hide in a rat hole somewhere in shame!"

From the tip of the shouting spirit's blade, Amifa's Softening Sword Technique spun and unfolded. With each additional word, its power grew stronger.

"My, what did I not say? What am I supposed to do?"

Barely able to defend himself, Namgungsang spoke up. Then, unable to speak for much longer, he turned his attention back to his defense.

"The biggest problem is not knowing what to do, and that's a sin in itself!"


Three stabs to the face unfolded.

"So in other words……."

This time, I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"Shut up!"

Qin Ling shouted fiercely.

"Do you think I only pay lip service to words? I've told you in so many ways. I've asked for it. I've waited for it! But it was you who didn't listen to those words, you coward. Insensitive!"

The more he shouted, the faster the spirit sword chased after him. Sword energy rushed out in all directions, enveloping his entire body. If it slowed down even a little, it would slaughter him in an instant. Somehow, the intangible pressure was even more terrifying and powerful than the Amulet Goddess. Feeling threatened for his life, he cried out.

"Lol, lol, lol, lol, I'm going to die!"

Stomping on the Family Vision, Nangong Shang retreated backwards. Qin Lie followed, stomping on the Amifa's stamp, the Nangwa Stamp.


Qinling shouted, and she drove harder.

"Did you like a girl that young, you lowlife, pervert!"

Flesh sprang to life at the tip of his sword.

"Oh, no, that's a misunderstanding, come on, I swear nothing happened!"

Namgungsang was frustrated, frustrated, frustrated. So it was just an accident.

"Hmm, how do I know nothing would have happened if I hadn't opened the door?"

Once again, the spirit sword sliced across the nape of Namgung Sang's neck. By a hair's breadth, Namgung Sang dodged the attack. A chill ran down his spine. For some reason, the spirit sword seemed to grow faster and faster.

"It was an accident, an accident!"

There was no way that lame excuse was going to work now.

"Phew, I see you didn't have the nerve to propose to me, but you did have the nerve to strip the young lady, how long have I been waiting!"

Nan Gongsheng's body instantly stiffened. His thoughts seemed to clear up in an instant. He had intuitively gotten to the point. Although it was a long overdue intuition. In an embarrassed voice, Nan Gongsheng spoke.

"That… that was the problem……."

Qin Lie's face turned bright red. He had revealed his true feelings. Her anger flared up again. If he knew what a woman was really thinking, he would pretend not to notice and keep it in his heart, but he had to shame her by revealing it. This could only be described as inconsiderate or insensitive. Qin Ling shouted.

"Do I really have to say that?"


The sword sliced through the air once more.

"Do I really have to say that out loud!"


With even more speed, the spirit sword flew toward the South Palace.

"I've done something wrong again!

Even as he fled, Namgung Sang was bitterly disappointed. He was not yet a man who could comprehend a woman's delicate heart.


Qin Lie stopped swinging his sword for a moment to catch his breath. It's important to keep your composure when practicing martial arts, whether with a sword or spear, but it's easy to get tired after swinging a sword in anger.

'"Ha, you can do it, Ryeong.'


Qin Lie's piercing gaze pierced into the heart of the Southern King. His heart sank. Why? Qin Lie was more enraged now than he had ever been when he was holding onto Liu Yun's half-off top.

The next moment, she leaped backward, closing the distance. Her mouth was tightly shut and her head was half bowed, so it was impossible to tell what she was thinking right now.

"If…… says……, what's so hard about that……?"

A strange change began to take place in her sword.

"Those two, are they okay? There's something sinister in the air."

Na Yerin asked in a concerned tone, watching the rapid flurry of emotions between the two with her dragon eyes.

"Well, it's probably fine, you know what they say about cutting water with a knife?"

"Well, right now they look like they're about to slash each other with knives, and besides, they're not even married yet, are they?"

Na Yerin pointed out.

"Oh, you hit the nail on the head. In fact, the fact that it didn't happen may be the crux of the matter, although given that dullard's temperament, a courageous proposal would be out of the question."

"I don't feel good."

He felt an intuitive sense of unease. And then she saw it, unfolding in the Qinling's hand. Yan Bi's face hardened slightly.

"That's definitely overkill for cutting water."

Nangong Shang's eyes widened in horror as he watched the Qinling Sword slowly rise into the sky. He remembered this initiation. He had nearly died because of it, and it was still something that made him flinch in fear of seeing it in his dreams.


A disbelieving rumble escaped from the mouth of the Nangong Shang. It was clearly the Unlearning of the Yi Qi Detection Technique, an Amifa supreme vision that had been unleashed once before in the hands of the Amifa Goddess Qin Xiaolong.

Qin Lie had meant it, and had been training himself for a short time without playing. To defeat no one else, but her lover, Nan Gongsang himself.

"That's ridiculous! How could he have……. You're lying. You're not even a few years older than me, how could you……."

Yulan's eyes widened in disbelief, astonishment, and skepticism as he watched from the audience, sitting next to the Amity Goddess Qin Xiaolong. To him, being able to perform such a technique was almost equivalent to being the next Jiang Wenyin candidate.

"I can't believe you pulled out that technique……. Did I belittle her wounds?"

A small groan escaped from Qin Xiaolong's mouth. However, her advice was limited to swordsmanship. When it came to matters of male-female relationships, she was no better than a vampire. How could she know what she hadn't experienced, and how could she convince him otherwise?

"Did Ms. Qin teach you that tremendous sword art?"

Yue Yunsheng, who had been paying more attention to Qin Shaolin sitting next to him than to the battle in the arena as they watched, asked in admiration.

"You can't teach that, you can't learn that."

He seemed to have mastered a skill that would have been impossible to master without talent and hard work. Perhaps his experience with the Southern Palace's countermeasures against de-training had come in handy, for he hadn't been the only one giving lectures on the art to the Southern Palace. He had gathered everyone together and taught them all at once because of a passing remark from Bi Ryuyeon that it would be better if they all learned everything at once.

"If you can learn it, learn it.

The appearance of the ice sword seemed to say so, and Qin Lie listened to the lectures with eagerness to save his lover and his own future. His learning paid off, and he found himself able to imitate ice sword techniques as well as Nangong Shang. After the battle between Qin Shaolin and Nan Gongsang, he began to pester his aunt to teach him about untrained swordsmanship, for she, too, had aspirations of becoming a swordsman. From that day forward, Qin Lie did not neglect her training, and after a few days of intensive special training, she was able to create a nearly perfect "fire flower" out of thin air.

"But I'm worried, I don't know how far he can go with his skills right now……. I hope you don't push him too hard."

"It's probably fine."

However, by its very nature, Yi Yi swordsmanship consumes a great deal of internal energy, so if you overdo it, your energy will ebb and flow out of your body, causing you to become exhausted or even fall into a coin-operated stupor.

Especially since the current Qin Lie was not yet a master of the Yi Yi Sword Technique, he was unskilled in controlling his qi. Qin Lie was understandably worried.

"Isn't that a bar, a foul?"

Namgungsang cried out in surprise. His teeth were chattering up and down in terror.

"Why, if I'm going to beat you, I should be prepared for this."

The Djinn spoke in a frozen voice.

Three years ago, the two of them were fellow Nine Dragon Seven Peaks, with similar skills, but one day, the gap between them grew wider and wider. Especially after watching his confrontation with the Amu Goddess Qin Xiaoling, he was convinced that he couldn't defeat Nan Gongsheng with his current abilities. He was both proud and angry. Even if it was only under limited conditions, the first rank of the Heavenly Hao Swordsman was the one who had defeated the Amulet Goddess Qin Xiaoling. If he wanted to defeat her, he would need to prepare accordingly.

"I'm sure you'll be able to stop him now that you've taught him a lesson, right?"

Gritting her teeth, the spirit cried out.

"I feel like I can't, or shouldn't, stop it."

For some reason, his life was in danger now.

"Is this what it takes to win?"

Qin Xiaolong shook his head.

"I don't want to win, I want to punish!"

Horrified by the fiery flesh on his body, Namgungsang began to seriously consider the words of his tombstone today, whether they would be in five or seven words. Qin Lie did not wait for him to finish. Qin Lie reached for the sword that had risen and shouted in a firm voice, "I'm going to kill you!

"Bloom, heavenly flower!"

There are a surprising number of jerks out there who think that the closer you are to someone, the better you can treat them. But that's a big mistake. It's better to fix things before you hit the ground and regret it. Because regret is always too late.

The closer people are to each other, the more careful they need to be with each other. The more you know each other, the more you can hurt each other. Therefore, the people in this world who need to be the most careful with each other are married couples. You should be more careful in a romantic relationship than in a friendship, and even more so than in a parent-child relationship. In that sense, a romantic relationship is also a very intimate relationship in the sense that it is a prospective marriage. Right now, Qin Lie was demonstrating the results of his thinking about how to hurt his opponent the most. The effect was obvious. Just looking at it was enough to send chills down the spine.

"No…… me… that's too much…… me, there's no…… me, there's no…… me, there's no……."

My jaw rattled and my teeth clicked together. Jinling said nothing, as if it were a question-and-answer dance.

Amifa (峨嵋派) Solitary Sword Method.

Flaming Sword (亂花劍).


Ichigo Sword Ritual (以氣御劍術式).

Flying Lotus (飛翔蓮花).

Bipartite double petals.

A feast of feasts that no one had mastered in the past fifty years, except for Zhang Wen and the Amish. It was in the hands of Qin Ling, still in his twenties, that the mainland rejoiced at the birth of another genius.

The Zhenling's sword rose into the air, splitting in two as it fiercely slashed at the South Palace. Going head-to-head was not a good option. He decided to dodge for now.

Namgungsega's solo walk method.

The secret to telegraphing.

Thunderbolt Scatter (雷光散亂).

I cast a Brain Telegram on Namgungsang and he quickly dodged. He dodged the four leaves of the Non-Lantern Flower. Dodging two leaves was no problem. Nangong Shang's body moved as fast as a lightning bolt.

"Okay, so what do I do…… huh!

But he didn't have time to think about what to do next; the tip of the flying sword had already reached his brow. He swallowed hard and cast another warcry. Again, his new form disappeared from the tip of the blade. But where the blurry new form reappeared, the tip of the sword was following it again. Qin Lie's sword was as persistent as a ghost. It was as if it knew where he was dodging.

She had her finger on the pulse of the telegram.

Namgungsang gave up dodging and swung his sword, striking down the threatening tip. With that, the sword under his control returned to Qin Lie.

"You were serious?"

Namgungsang asked, touching the red liquid running down his cheek.


Qin Ling replied.

Nan Gongsang was suddenly angry, and he couldn't understand why he had to do this. It was obviously his fault that he hadn't noticed it until now. But was it really that big of a fault to not recognize it? Nan Gongsang couldn't understand, and he was so angry that he didn't want to.

"I'm not going to put up with this anymore!"

Namgungsang bellowed.

"Put up or shut up!"

The spirit shouted in defeat.

"Wow, this is really dangerous, what's wrong with them?"

Yun Bi frowned and muttered to himself as he watched their flirtation. Once lovers, they were now enemies, desperate to devour each other. As she watched, she couldn't help but sigh.

"You're both the same."

This wasn't the time to assign blame.

"Are you sure this is okay?"

Still worried, Na Yerin asked. Still frowning, Yanbi said.

"Maybe not anymore……."

For the first time, Nan Gongsang's blade pointed at the spirit, and blue sword energy pulsed from his blade. Blue sword energy, reminiscent of thunderbolts, now he was serious.

Qin Lie felt another surge of anger as the tip of the Southern Palace's sword was pointed at him again. The fact that this man still didn't know the error of his ways and dared to point his sword at her, nearly killing her, was not in Qin Lie's mind at the moment. It was because fights between lovers were usually far from reason and logic, and it was always the ones who acted recklessly without reflecting on their actions that things escalated into an avalanche.

"Okay, go for it!"

"Okay, let's see the end."

The Sword of the Spirit rose into the sky once more and blossomed. Wispy blue flames shot out from the Southern Palace Sword. No one dared to step back, as if they were about to fall to their deaths. Their vision, clogged with rage, was so narrow that they couldn't tell where they were or where they were going. Two men shouted at the same time.

"Go away, Saranhwa!"

Amphibian monologue.

Flaming Sword (亂花劍).


Ichigo Sword Ritual (以氣御劍術式).

Flying Lotus (飛翔蓮花).

Four-Ledged Flower.

Namgung Sang shouted at the same time, fiercely swinging his sword, which was wrapped in a wall-like blue 'sword steel'.

Thunderblade Law Misunderstanding.

Thunderbolt (雷光斷天).

The ultimate aura that had been squeezed to the very bottom of his abilities erupted simultaneously. Sword qi and sword qi, sword qi and sword qi, clashed in the center of the room, and a deafening roar erupted.

A piercing sound ripped through the air, deafening people. The aftermath of this tremendous impact was enough to give a good idea of the magnitude of the collision. At this moment, the same thought crossed the minds of the spectators.


"They're now tied!


It was a fearsome showdown of power that pushed both men to their limits.

"The world is a legal entity that must live in harmony with each other……. The world is an entity that must live in harmony with each other……."

There was a hint of sadness in Na Yerin's voice.

"There are some things you just can't give up on, and in this case, we were both just being stupid."

The Yeonbi comments were harsh.

"But what are the results?"

Yunmi Sojer seemed to be struggling with that one. In fact, it was the same for the judges.

"I don't know, but I'm pretty sure of this one thing."

"What is that?"

"That whichever side wins, they're not going to come out on top."

"Well, that's certainly a possibility, given the confrontation earlier, so why don't you go to……."

Na Yerin stopped talking and thought about it. If they were to move up to vice champion, the person waiting for them right now would be none other than…….

"That's right, our next opponent is the group 'Dreaming Samyoung'."

Na Yerin's eyes turned serious and she quietly mouthed the group's name.


The group I most hoped to meet, and the group I most hoped not to meet, was the group led by a spirit.

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