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Book 24 Chapter 7

Zhenling vs. Nangongshang

-Opener! The Lovers' Fight (戀人死鬪)!

"What do you think, Jinling, do you want to reconsider?"

Maha asked, turning to Jinryung, who was still staring across the room.

"No, sir. I don't need it."

Qinling answered sharply. The two of them were now on a first-name basis.

"Are you sure you want to fight?"

"Of course, otherwise you wouldn't have made it this far by knocking out all those people, would you?"

The sight of a furious Qin Ling facing down the enemies that stood in her way was like a nachal. She seemed to be pouring her unbridled rage into this arena. Many men fell to their deaths at her hands, but her searing rage was still unquenchable. I kept wondering if I hadn't chosen the wrong name for her, perhaps the name was a misnomer. Her friend Nan Gongshan spoke up in a worried tone.

"Well, it's me, and I followed you here because that's what you do, but I'm still a little suspicious, because I can't believe that the architect has suddenly become so bold, and he hasn't even taken your clothes off …… yet!"

Under Qin Lie's piercing gaze, Nangong Shanshan realized his mistake and hurriedly closed his mouth.

"That's why it pisses me off even more!"

In a sharp tone, the spirit shouted.

"No, that's what I meant, there was a misunderstanding after all……."

Namgung Sansan tried to take control of the situation, but it didn't work out as well as he thought.

"I haven't even been proposed to yet!"

Qin Lie bellowed.

"Oh, so that's why you're more upset.

If so, then…….

"You already knew that, didn't you?"

Namgungsansan asked in a doubtful voice.

"I don't know! I don't even want to know! This isn't that kind of problem!"

Qin Lie snapped his head around and shouted back.

"I thought you had already done it. I didn't realize you still hadn't done it. I thought you had done it the last time we were on the moon. Proposed."

"But then he interrupted, and it was all through his mouth, and I never heard it from his mouth. He's a coward."

"So what are you going to do?"

"You said your brother-in-law did it, so don't do it."

What on earth are we trying to make it do?

"That's your idea of an anima?"

Namgungsansan seemed to understand what it was.


Sansan didn't stop his friend.

"Then go ahead and do it, as you believe. He needs a spanking now and then to wake him up. Men are mostly idiots, so you might want to be a little more explicit, because they're not delicate enough to hear the delicate unspoken words of women. Men are all dullards."

"I really don't like that he's so unsure."

"My big brother always said it was a problem, but he's been through hell a few times since I met him, and he's gotten stronger."

Of the main troupe, Namgungsang has probably made the most progress. We haven't really been comparing notes lately, but that's something we all agree on.

"But it's not enough. You're still indecisive. I want you to be more definitive. I've been waiting for this!"

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to get an answer."

Qin Lie replied, his voice filled with determination.

"Okay. I've set up the conversation, so go ahead and spill your guts. After Ling Yi gets back, you take care of Mr. Ma's side."

"Me, me, how?"

Maha Ling was a little taken aback by Qin Lie's adamant demeanor.

"Go for it, you won once, how hard can it be twice?"

Sansan said in a nonchalant tone.

"But he hasn't jumped her yet, or cheated on her, or anything like that?"

It was her way of saying that she had no reason to fight. It was only her feminine anger that got the best of her with Qin Lie, but she didn't want to be swept up in it. He didn't like the idea of a girl he'd never seen before sitting next to Yong Tianming, but there was still time for them to talk. Moreover, as he watched the Qinling rage and rampage like a Nachal, he suddenly realized that he shouldn't do that. You learn from others who are broken before you are broken. This is how the 'other teacher' works.

"We can learn from our failures just as much as we can learn from the successes of others.

In this case, he was not so lucky that he was the one who failed.

Qin Lie finally walked toward the battlefield where the wheels of fate were turning. In the distance, she could see the man in question walking toward her.

When was the first time you saw him in the snow? Probably on the way to the amino acid. Before that, he was just another competitor.

The Nine Dragon Seven Peaks, there were no men or women in it. Qin Ling wanted to win, regardless of man or woman, so the third son of the Southern Palace family was just one of many rivals to watch out for. But when did that make him different?

He was very handsome as he concentrated on the sword. When he talked to women, he had such a deep vein and was so foolish, but when he picked up a sword, he looked so handsome, it was a mystery. That's when Qin Ling learned that you can't tell a man by looking at one side.

And…… she fell in love with him because of the scars on his back from throwing himself to save her from an onrushing tiger. He still bore that scar on his back.

She thought she would always have his figure by her side for the rest of her life. It was a certainty, but it had recently been shattered. She felt a terrible sense of betrayal, and she had to make it up to him somehow.

Finally, the two stood facing each other.

What fate awaited the two doomed men in the center of the arena was unknown at this point. But one thing was certain: the air between them was boiling. The tension was palpable, even to those watching from afar. It was hard to call it speculation, for the spectators were quite familiar with the sort of feeling that had arisen between these two, and it was that familiarity that made them nervous, for they had often felt it themselves, and it had always been when they were in the midst of a lovers' or wives' quarrel. They remembered unconsciously, with an animal sense, the peculiar aura of tension that was always present, and now, by feeling a similar sensation in an unexpected place, the unconsciously stored feeling was brought out. It was the reason they were so tense now.

"Is that okay, those two?"

Na Yerin asked in a slightly worried tone. As a dragon eye possessor, her senses were dozens of times more developed than everyone else's, so she knew better than anyone that the aura of tension currently emanating from the two of them was out of the ordinary. The emotions swirling between them were like a fierce whirlpool in a stormy sea. There was none of the purity of life so often felt between ordinary confrontations. Instead, there were fifty thousand emotions-anger, misunderstanding, disappointment, affection, regret, resentment, and more-all swirling together in a single mass.

"Hey, isn't it natural for lovers to fight? I mean, it's not that new, isn't it? I mean, everyone does it, I don't know, isn't it?"

At first glance, Yunmi's statement seemed reasonable, because it was a common practice, a kind of common sense. Then Yunbi objected.

"Wait, who decided that fighting is a given? I can choose not to fight, I can certainly do that, if I want to, and wouldn't I be much happier not to fight than to live my life fighting, which is nerve-wracking, draining, and, as a bonus, makes me feel bad, and hurts my feelings?"

"But most of them fight, right?"

"Well, it's not like 'everyone' is fighting, so why put yourself in the majority? If happiness is only in the hands of an absolute minority anyway, isn't it much more profitable to try to be in that minority?"

"I don't have a rebuttal."

"So it's just an excuse that everyone else fights, and it's actually a wrong world for couples to live in, and if you decide it can't happen, it can never happen, because to deny it is to erase the possibility that it could happen in your world, and no matter what, it's nice to be in a relationship without fighting, and it's fun!"

And then he added, emphatically.

"If it's meant to be, it's meant to be, and if you're willing, you'll hold on to it, and if you're not, you'll break up."

"Sobering, Yeonbi."

It was an incredibly callous and tasteless remark coming from the mouth of the man who was the de facto cause of all of this, or, to put it more mildly, the culprit. Of course, he didn't care about Yeonbi.

"It's just honesty. I'm more surprised that Lean cares about that than anything else. He's never cared that much about other people's business before, and if he did, it was limited to the two or three people around him."

"Genetics. Nothing ever changes, and if it does, it's better if it's for the better, right? Oh, that's not from me, that's from someone I know, someone who's not here right now."

"So what you're saying is that Lean agreed with that person's idea?"

"Yeah, so I've come to realize that it's not a bad idea to change things up and try to get out of your own world a little bit."

It was great to see Na Yerin, who had been so sheltered in her own world, become unhappy with who she was and try to be more courageous and change.

"You're not stepping outside your world, you're expanding your world."

"That's right, I definitely added that, and I'll send it to……."

Then Yunbi spoke up quickly, taking away Na Yerin's chance to finish her sentence.

"You're definitely not the same Lean you were when I first saw you, and I'm glad you've changed."

Yeonbi laughed.

"Good, it didn't let me down on Yeonbi."

Na Yerin laughed along with me.

"Of course I could be disappointed, I hadn't seen Rin in a decade and she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, how could I be disappointed, who could believe she was the scrawny, unattractive girl she was back then, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

"You're making fun of me."

Na Yerin blushed slightly. However, only a few people had the good fortune to see such a different side of Bingbai Peak so closely, and Yun Fei was one of them. It's hard to say what to say when you're the object of the jealousy of hundreds or thousands of people. And yet, he had taken it for granted, without showing any sign of apology.

Na Yerin spoke up, silently watching the arena where misunderstandings and anger swirled.

"Is it possible for me to have a relationship with someone?"

Yeonbi asked in surprise.

"Rin, is there anyone who can do that? It's amazing."

Na Yerin smirked at the Yeonbi hype.

"Is that really such a surprise, that you're surprised by something that's barely a word, that's not Yeonbi?"

But sure enough, the Yeonbi was genuinely panicking. He wasn't exactly sure why, but he was suddenly so disturbed that he felt as if a passing remark had triggered it, as if a trigger had been set off. She shook her head nervously as if trying to calm down.

"No, it's definitely a surprise. You never thought about marriage before, did you? For her, it was something that would never happen to her, something that could never happen to her. But a moment ago, she said……."

He couldn't finish his sentence because of how agitated he was. Na Yerin smiled slightly.

"You said everything changes, so I guess I've changed a bit."

She accepted her change with grace, which was also a bit of a shock.

"This is going to be a big surprise."

"I'm just thinking, 'Hey, that might not be a bad thing,' but it's just a thought, of course, and I have my doubts that it's possible."

"So you have a target for that?"

This question must have hit a bit of a nerve. Na Yerin blushed slightly, uncharacteristically for her, and panicked, unable to answer right away.


Yunbi swallowed hard and stared tensely at Na Yerin's red lips, until finally, Na Yerin's mouth opened. And just as she was about to say something.


A tremendous roar erupted from the crowd, drowning out the words. Or, more accurately, what was meant to be said was drowned out.

'As for the horsemen among the youths, they are all very good, ahhhhhhhhhh!"'

Yunfei turned and looked at the two men who were clashing sharply. His cold, hardened eyes were saying.

'Both of you, later. Let's see!

Yanbian's tightly closed mouth opened and a quiet cry escaped.

"Die, both of you!"

There was no forgiveness in the golden light that flickered in those corundum eyes.

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