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Book 24 Chapter 19

Thirteenth Degree


Certainly, as he had promised, the two-knife method of the Seven Sigils had a terrifying power that could uproot mountains and upset oceans. It was only when he abandoned the half-sword and picked up the two swords that his true power was revealed. With a momentum that would crush a mountain if it stood in his way, Qian Shuangxuan charged forward to slaughter his two Daoist targets.

"That's certainly something to talk about.

But for all his power, he was decidedly lacking in refinement; his wavering emotions were showing through in the shake of his blade. What's more, it was Yunfei himself who was waiting for his emotional outburst. He wasn't stupid enough to fall victim to what he had induced.

"Well, you must have been playing for the last hour, because it didn't work. I guess a hundred slashes wasn't enough?"

Yunbi said as she landed on the ground, narrowly avoiding the earth-shattering downgrade.

"Well, do you think so?"

Qi Shanghui was not disappointed. Even if he had picked up a pair of swords, he wouldn't have been able to open the coffin lid against Bale in a second.


Yeonbi's sleeve slashed open.

"The next one won't be a single sleeve."

The Seven Deadly Sins warned, and Yunfei shot him an accusing glare.

"You're a pervert!"

This out-of-the-blue accusation stunned Chilsanghun.

"Who said anything about being a dick!"

Though he had shed a great deal of blood in these cylindrical arenas over the years, he was unarmed to the bone. Every foe that stood before him had been crushed by force alone. For every grudge and hatred directed at him, he has always met it with strength. It is not a question of right or wrong; he is neither right nor wrong. But in choosing his means, he has always used only one: force. But how could he not be appalled to hear a young girl call him "slutty" and "perverted"?

"I'm not a pervert! I've been seeking nothing but 'pure nothingness' all my life, so don't you dare insult me!"

Yeonbi, however, had an idea.

"In your pursuit of 'pure nothingness,' you seem to have forgotten everything else, the basic emotions that a human being should have, all five of them."

"That's right. I have forsaken all that. I've betrayed my master, turned my back on the priesthood, and sought only pure 'wu'!"

"You said you abandoned them all? That's a lie! I wanted to abandon my heart, I wanted to abandon my love, I wanted to abandon my morals, I wanted to abandon my ethics, I wanted to become a daoist, but I couldn't abandon just one thing."

"What is that?"


Yeonbi replied.

"No way, I've overcome all my fears!"

He exclaimed paroxysmally.

"Then why can't you face it? Why do those words ripple through your mind that you've let go of all your feelings, so visibly? That's proof that you know you haven't let go of your fears yet, and that's why I'm not afraid of you at all, because it's kind of stupid to be afraid of someone who already has something to be afraid of, right?"

At that moment, Yeonbi's sepia-colored eyes began to glow golden.

"Besides, I'm not afraid of anyone who abandoned you, because you're a fake right now, a fake who can't even deal with his own past."

Qixiang He snorted and ignored Yan Bi's words. He couldn't take any more of her verbal abuse.

"No need to be disappointed yet. I will show you what I have perfected over the past nine years through the practice of the White Charm."

He was confident. He had devoted the last nine years of his life to this one act.

"I was just about to yawn in anticipation, but I'm kind of curious to see what you've got in store for me after nine years on the run. Let's hope it's something that conquers your fears, or it won't be much fun."

Yeonbi said, covering his mouth with a hand that was about to yawn.

"It will be fun. I guarantee it."

He was confident. He was confident, because with the meeting of the two dao, his Unsupernatural Blood Flow Sword had regained its full power.

"You'll be damned if you do," he said, "and that's what the fifteen-hundred-year-old Tao Te Ching says. If your neighbor vouches for you, he's putting his life on the line. Worship him!"

I used that phrase with Yunmi the other day. The history of vouching and shaming runs deep.

"I don't know what it is you've been craving for the last nine years, but I don't recommend you stand behind your work."

He replied.

"天外一刀 (天外一刀)."

"Huh? What's that?"

Yeonbi was asked.

"The thirteenth degree, the thirteenth degree of blood flow, that's what I've been looking for."


Na Baiqian, who had gotten a good seat thanks to the invitation, was so excited that he unknowingly jumped out of his seat. As a martial artist, he didn't have much of a body, so Ye Qing quickly dragged him back to his seat.

"Unusual? What's that?"

Ye Qing asked coldly.

"No, ma'am. Are you sure you don't know?"

Bai Xiaochun's eyes widened.

"Is that the name of the woman you cheated on me with, and why do I need to know that?"

The word 'wind' caused a gust of cold wind to blow across Nie Baiqian's chest, and his complexion instantly changed.

"What are you talking about? Ba, the wind! I, never……!"

Stutter at the end.

"I'm just saying, yeah, yeah, if you really did that, would it have just been a word? What's more than that, an outlier?"

"That's thirteen degrees."

It wasn't a very detailed explanation. It only amplified Ye Qing's suspicions. Realizing his mistake, Bai Chen began to elaborate again.

"That's the thirteenth way of one man, and you know who that man is; you even met him in person the other day, and he's a bit of an old fart."

The words startled Ye Qing.

"No way!"

There was only one person who could defeat such an unruly inspiration with twin swords, and that was a man of great martial prowess.

"That's your nymphomaniac grandfather."

Then I heard an old man's voice next to me.

"Hey, can you stop talking to me like I'm not there?"

Nie Baiqian turned his gaze slightly and saw the face of the old man sitting right next to him.

"I'd rather have you call me 'Elder Shinma' than 'Color Bone Pervert', this gongchu is a fool!"

At those words, Nie Baiqian's eyebrows curled into an inverted furrow.

"Noh Dae-hyung, did you just say Meng Chu on purpose and not Meng Zhu?"

Nabaxian exclaimed.

"That's right, what's wrong with him, Meng Chu!"

Ye Qingyu gritted his teeth and protested. There weren't many people who could speak to a divine horse like this. After pondering for a while, the old man pointed at the two of them and spoke.

"That's weird."

There was an undercurrent of admiration in his voice that said, "Well, that's what happens when you live long enough to see it.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

The couple exclaimed simultaneously.

"Well, neither of us are going to point out that it's a joint venture. Isn't that right?"


That point made the couple dumb with honey.

"Well, that's enough to make it a blowhard. Don't you think?"

The old man asked with a wide smile.

"Isn't that what it's all about, old man?"

Suddenly, Bai Xiaochun asked with a serious face, abruptly changing the subject. He wanted to avoid that as much as possible. It would be a mistake to expect respect from a bad-tempered old man who had spent his entire life demonstrating what selfishness was. I decided to let that one slide. Instead, I decided it would be quicker to ask him about this oddity, since he was the one who knew more about the thirteenth sword than anyone else.

"That's it. What else could it be?"

The old man replied briefly. The words were not nutritious.

"Can I get to know you a little bit instead of just the two of you whispering in each other's ear?"

Narrator is Baekcheon Na.

"Ah, the original Thirteenth Initiation, the non-existent thirteenth initiation of the Blood Flow Initiation, an unorthodox practice of a once-popular shinigami."

As the name implies, the twelve herbivorous meals of the martial arts master Pachon, Galjoonghyuk, consisted of twelve herbivorous meals. So the idea of a thirteenth herbivorous meal made no sense. If there was, it would be the Blood Stream Thirteen, not the Blood Stream Twelve.

"You didn't give up your name because you were bothered, did you?"

"Am I crazy to do that?"

The old man grumbled.

"But you've been working on this for a long time."

"I did, because I was a fierce dragonfly."

The answer stunned Bai Chen.

"Does a man like Noh Dae-hyung sometimes have fierce dreams, a man who is synonymous with the fearless Anharmoo?"

Then the old man looked at the four hundred and ten thousand and said.

"Who do you think fought him in person a hundred years ago, did you fight him, did you fight him!"

"Of course…… didn't fight it!"

He is now the elder statesman of the Hundred Sword Forest, but back then he was young. And he wasn't ready for the big fight.

"I know his fears best because I've fought him and survived him, and I'm also the best sleeper. How can I sleep when I've used every last one of the twelve herbs I bragged about, and I still haven't sent him to the goal, and I've run in with him."

"But you won in the end, didn't you?"

"He was lucky, but he wasn't finished. I fleshed him out, boned him, fed him a knife, and dropped him off the cliff… but I never found his body. He fell off the cliff because he didn't need any more, Chet. Son of a bitch. At least leave a body behind."

"So I did the thirteenth……."

Ye Qing was able to comprehend the old man's feelings to some extent, as she would have done if she were the old man.

"Twelve didn't work, so what the heck, I'll just have to make a thirteenth, but it's a tricky thing, you don't make things up as you go along."

"So he's one thing, but did you succeed with the big guy?"

The old man's eyes widened as if his pride had been wounded.

"Who do you think you are, Nobu!"


Looking at Nie Baiqian's wide-eyed expression, the old man spoke firmly.

"It's a secret."

Then he shut his mouth tightly. Bai Xiaochun was so dumbfounded that he couldn't say anything with his mouth hanging open.

"You're going to get a fly in your mouth, shut up."

I had to keep my mouth open for a while after hearing that. It took a while for the shock to sink in.

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discord ko-fi