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Book 24 Chapter 18

Take off the chains

-Pulled nails


The seven scratches on the floor didn't say a word. There was dust everywhere, and he hadn't bothered to dust it off.

"Okay, now surrender……."

Yun Fei stopped talking. It was because of the unusual aura emanating from the seven scars' entire body. It was a clear sign of intent, and a powerful one at that. It was a searing intent that had never been seen in him before. Beyond the aura, there was a new determination. He was going to do something now.

Boom! Boom!


The chains binding the coffin fell to the ground with a loud clatter. Judging by the sound of the pounding on the ground, it wasn't just one or two muscles. Once the chains were loosened, the coffin on his back fell to the ground with a thud.

After breaking the chains that bound him, Chil-Sang-Heon began to stretch his body, shaking his head from side to side and flailing his arms. To loosen his stiff muscles.

"That sounds pretty heavy."

"It's about two hundred pounds."

"That must have been a lot of weight?"

"Thanks to you, I think I'm going to fly now."

He brought the coffin in front of him. The coffin was nailed with large nails in many places. Then it shuddered, and the nails began to come out of it by themselves. Then they were all pulled out and fell to the floor of the tomb.

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, so let me show you what I've got to break the past."


Finally, the rusted nails that had been driven in for so long came out, and the worn hinges creaked and screamed, and the lid opened. The air that had spent nine years rotting in the coffin greeted the new breeze with a gasp, and the two swords that had been suffocating in the dank, stale air were finally revealed with a cheer. Nine years had passed, and they had been neglected, but the blades still retained their former brilliance, untarnished by rust, and the memories and memories that had been suppressed flowed like a torrent of water into the eyes of the seven-scarred man as he gazed at the twin swords.

"I see, those two double-edged swords must have been something from your past that you had to bury with a nail."

Yeonbi said in a curious tone.

"You opened something you shouldn't have. You will pay the price."

"With what?"

"Your death!"

I picked up my twin swords. An unparalleled momentum emanated from the two swords.

"Is that the same person as the seven scars from earlier?

From the moment I picked up that pair, I felt like a different person. This is what it means to have a different presence.


The newest member of the Seven Sigils disappeared in the middle of the arena. It was too fast, or so it seemed.

Unchained, his attacks were nowhere near as powerful.


A double-edged sword appeared out of nowhere and struck the blade of Shen Tianlin's spear. The blow was so powerful that it shook the inside. It was as if he was wielding not a sword, but an enormous thousand-millimeter iron spear.

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discord ko-fi