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Book 23 Chapter 5

In the auction house

-No one lives there

"Now, let me ask you again, would you like to buy this item?"

The moderator looks around, but no one speaks up.

"Is there anyone out there who's really willing to buy them? They're two of the famous Black Dragon ships, and I dare say you'd be hard pressed to find a better deal. Do you have any?"


Everyone was averting their gazes and looking away. It was almost as if they were deliberately trying not to pay attention.

"I'm going to count down to the last column, and if there are no bidders by the time I get to the last column, I'll know it's a 'no bid'."

The moderator issued an ultimatum.

"Isn't that right?"

The apprentice looked at the master sitting next to him and said something.

"Nobu has ears, too."

Master replied sternly.

"One… two… three… four… five… six… seven… eight… nine……."

I took a quick look around, just in case, and didn't see much improvement.


Everyone was silent, and no one raised their hand until the end.

"Two black dragon ships, unfortunately not sold, please wait for another opportunity."


"Three strikes of the hammer," the moderator declared. The auction in which the master had been so confident had come to naught.

But the problem remained.

"This isn't going to end, is it? I don't like to be bothered.

Because she knew better than anyone that her master was not a man to be taken lightly.

"Not sold, huh?"

Bi Ryuyeon said in a flirtatious voice, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. He was wearing his original appearance today. It was because of his master's picky (?) taste. He had been typing away indoors because of the risk of running into a familiar face. Luckily, after glancing around a few times, he didn't see any familiar faces.

"Don't laugh. Yours is not sold either."


The two Black Dragon Ships, as well as the sea god captured by Bi Ryuyeon, were not sold.

"Hmm, this is a bit unexpected, I would have thought that something like that would have brought in enough buyers… don't you think, apprentice?"

Strange as it may have seemed to him, it made sense. The great teacher had overlooked one thing this time.

"What's so weird about that, you didn't take the bidders' position into account too much. The original owner has eighteen of them, and at that point, they're already dangerous artifacts. Do you think everyone is some kind of monstrous master?"

Even if they wanted the Black Dragon Ship, they were afraid of the retaliation of Jiang Kang Shuocai behind it. Whether they paid a fair price or not, it was clear that he would come back for their lost goods on the water. It was something they overlooked until they realized they couldn't sell it.

"Oops, I forgot about that for a second, I was so focused on the quality of the product that I forgot about the buyer!"

Like conversations, business required at least one other person besides myself.

"Great, then."

Bi Ryuyeon's amber eyes narrowed at her master's words.

"What is it?"

As far as she could see, nothing was going right.

"It's a good thing you're in charge of this, since you know it so well."

As she realized what her master was about to entrust her with, an ominous sense of foreboding settled over her.

"Come on… you're not going to leave me with that, are you?"

But Sensei hadn't met Biryou's expectations since Yuyu.

"No, of course not. Those two black boats, you shall sell them. While you're at it, you can sell yours, too; it's a good opportunity, don't you think, apprentice?"

Master ordered in a calm voice.

"Why would I even……."

Bi Ryuyeon grumbled under her breath.

"Then what am I, an old man, to do? Since you've been gone, I've been forced to do it. Now that I've taught you, shouldn't you pay for it? If you learn, you should use it. If you don't use it, what's the point of learning?"

After all, he was a master who never lost to a student with a horse's foot. For some reason, to her ears, it sounded like he was just raising a disciple to be used at a time like this.

"Chit, is that because I'm saving for retirement?"

With a one in nine chance of being saved, Bi Ryuyeon was sure.

"Do you see that now?"

The master laughed at me. I couldn't be bothered to argue with him.

"Okay, alas, I'm busy with other things, and I don't have time for this chore……."

She was grumbling, but right now her mind was racing.

"I think we should write a letter to Jang Kang Surochae."

As she thought about what to write, she said.

"What are you going to write, say hello?"

The master asked, sounding doubtful that it would work, but she was confident.

"No, I'm holding the lost item for you, and I want you to pick it up, but don't forget the case."

"Ho-ho, that sounds like a good idea. After all, there's nothing like a letter to convey your feelings. Go for it."

"I wasn't hanging out after the descent either."

It used to be that a warm letter was all you needed to convey your sincerity. But in this case, it will never be a warm letter. To limit a letter to a single purpose and effect is to kill its potential.

"And you know what, Master?"


"You didn't make a mistake on purpose to get your protégé to do the work, did you?"

"Well, why should it be?"

'Shit,' said the master with a meaningful laugh. It was an ugly laugh.

"By the way, Master."

Suddenly, Bi Ryuyeon spoke up cautiously.

"Why again?"

"If we solve this auction problem, will you. You'll give it back, right?"

She asked, deliberately using a definitive phrase.

"What do you mean, that. That?"

The master waved it off as if he didn't care. His demeanor was more condescending.


Naturally, the story was about the stolen-sensei claimed to have recovered it-rainbow. What else could be of interest to Bi Ryuyeon now?

"You're welcome. You're making me look even more suspicious, ho-ho-ho-ho."

If you don't do what you're supposed to do, you'll look more suspicious than cute.


He was a very troublesome opponent who was not easily flattered.

"Oh, you're wrong, you don't own it, so what's the point of giving it back?"

"Oh, don't sweat the small stuff."

Bi Ryuyeon waved her hands in affection. It was a tearful effort, but she couldn't do it.

"Disgusting. I told you to go away."

Nazik warned, rubbing his forearm to check for goosebumps.

"So are you going to give it back?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked, her eyes sparkling.

Her eyes were serious. It wasn't easy for her to be this serious. It was an important object to her. Perhaps this is what it means to know something is precious when it's gone.

"I don't know… well, I'll think about it if it works out."

It wasn't a very satisfying answer. I was also bothered by the fact that he seemed to be backpedaling.

"You're not going to tell me for sure?"

Ryu-yeon protested, not giving an easy answer and keeping things ambiguous.

"What about you, do you think your master would do something like that?"


At times, it was so real that I felt sorry for myself for not dreaming.

"That's all you need to know."

So she began to write a letter to the Jiang Kangsuro Union.

After a while, the master asked.

"Are you done?"

"That's it."

Bi Ryuyeon put down her brush and replied.

"Very well, then, send it to your country, express. You pay for it, of course."

"Is it my money again?"

"And shall this poor old master, whose pension has been cut off, pay?"

The master asked, miming a coughing fit. If there's one thing that's horribly unbecoming of a master, it's pretending to be weak.

"Don't do it, it's not appropriate. Okay, I'll take it, I'll take it, I'll take it, I'll take it. Well, I think I'll go back to the pavilion. I won't see you in five days. Well, it'll be another week or so before the buyer comes."

The master smiled and replied.

"Onya, in the meantime, you can stay here and have a drink, but you'd better not run away!"

And then he added one last thing.

"It's the only time he has left these days."

No matter how long it took, they would find it.

"That's awful."

Bi Ryuyeon replied briefly.

* * *

At about the same time that Martial Saint Nabaxian was accepting the invitation, a letter arrived from the Jianggang Surochai Chazhou City. The Black Dragon King's face began to turn red and purple as he read the words in front of his blind subordinates, a sign that he was now furiously angry. At a time like this, you had to be careful and cautious, because if you dared to approach him, you might see blood.

In a few short paragraphs, the proclamation that so enraged the loser of the Yangtze River was as follows.

Jang Kang-soo, pro-bondholder.

We'll skip the introductions and get straight to the point: We're writing to you because we've just happened to acquire three great boats. We're sure you'll be interested in them. First and foremost, they are the famous Black Dragon and the Sea God.

If you are interested in purchasing, please come to the dock next to the Kanghorando Auction House with payment by 1:00 p.m. on the evening of the first day of the month.

-The sender of the question.

P.S. We don't wait long, though.

In a nutshell, the story went like this.

'Your ship is our ship. If you want it, come and pay the fair price.

Underneath it was a nice little note detailing when and where to bring the money, but I wasn't grateful at all. Instead of gratitude, I gnashed my teeth and felt the heat rising inside.


The Black Dragon King couldn't stand it anymore and crumpled the scroll he was holding.

"Gal! How dare you send out a scout! You know where you are! You know who you are!"

The Black Dragon King spat out a word of anger. He had never received a more disrespectful, arrogant, and infuriating letter than the one he had received today. This was a direct challenge to the authority of the Eighteen Great Rivers, and such behavior had long since been labeled 'suicidal'.

"Fine! If you want to die, I'll kill you! You've only captured two black dragon ships and one sea god, and you're so proud of yourself! I'll show you how deep the Yangtze River is, and turn you all into fish food!"

And never to rise again! As long as the loser of the Yangtze River had decided so, it must be done.

The Black Dragon King commanded his lieutenant, Zogafi.

"Get the boys ready now! We are ready for battle. Hoist the anchors and unfurl the sails! We're off. I, the Black Dragon King, will lead the way. Let's show them the winding power of the Yangtze River!"

Adjutant Zogafi replied, bowing at a right angle at the waist.

"Yes, sir, as you wish."

The Black Dragon King leapt to his feet, wrapped a dark blue blood robe around his body, ferociously flung the door open, and strode out with an imposing, majestic stride.

"Let's go, Kanghorandoro!"

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discord ko-fi