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Book 23 Chapter 4

Okay, use this!

-Holy sword? Holy stick? Holy stick?

"You look like you have something to say. That's good, I'm a good teacher. If you have something to say, say it now, it doesn't come every day."

The master, who had retrieved the True Secret Sword, turned to his student, who was visibly depressed. Bi Ryuyeon had somehow managed to regain her composure. If she continued to show her defenselessness in front of the damned master, she would be caught unawares. But it wasn't as easy as she thought.

"It's good that you took the gin non-reliability. I can't, so give me a spare instead!"

In a confident voice, Bi Ryuyeon demanded. The original request letter was a practice one. It wasn't as good as the real thing, but it was good enough. In fact, she wasn't in a position to cover up the cold and hot rice right now. It was better to have a little something than nothing at all.

"That doesn't work either."

He was acting like he was going to die if he said "yes" today.

"Why is that?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked pointedly.

"Didn't this master teach you long ago that it's not good to rely too much on weapons?"

Sensei said in a stern tone.

"I don't rely on it."

In a sharp voice, Bi Ryuyeon replied. It was so unfair.

"Okay, so everything's going to be okay then, thank goodness."

Not a good sign.

"That's that, and this is this!"

Ryu-yeon Bi screamed. It was impossible not to shout.

How could the two be the same? Not wanting to and not needing to were two different things. He must be playing dumb on purpose. The master gestured to the Xiantian Ning Lin on Bi Ryuyeon's right.

"Besides, you have that black umbrella, don't you, and that should be enough?"

He was a ghostly master, after all. But I couldn't just say yes.

"Not enough!"

Bi Ryuyeon replied crudely, but it didn't seem to have much effect against the master.

"Then what do you think Nobu will say?"

Master asked in a testing voice.

"Ha, not enough, then we'll make it enough!" Nine times out of ten."

With a small sigh, Bi Ryuyeon replied. Even when you know too much, there are times when you get tired.

"I know, I know, but you can always tell me. If it's not good enough, I'll sell it right now. I don't want to keep something I don't need, and by the looks of it, it'll fetch a pretty penny."

Her eyes flashed with lust as she looked at Chen Yunlin. It was handmade and had taken quite a bit of work to make, so it was impossible for Bi Ryuyeon not to be impressed.

"Kuk-kuk, there's no need to be so wary. Don't tell me that Master Yi won't give you something to replace it?"

He seemed to be trying to tell me not to be so mean.

"Are you sure?"

The master nodded vigorously.

"Sure, sure."

He picked up the 'it' next to him and held it out in front of her.

"Yes, take this!"

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes widened and she exclaimed.

"This… is……."

"Hmph, how's that, thanks?"

The master smiled and said.

"That can't be right!"

Bi Ryuyeon shouted in exasperation. The object the master held out was one she had watched being made, and it had the words 'Strike Awakening Spirit Rod' written on its body. He had just given her a hastily made beating stick to use in a fight, so it wasn't unreasonable for her to be upset.

"You want me to use this… this?"

Bi Ryuyeon, who had been staring at the crude, rough iron club with a hastily forged tee in front of her with a trembling face, replied with a tone of incredulity.


The master replied harshly.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Uh-huh, a joke? I'm serious. And what's the big deal about the stick? A master craftsman uses all the tools he can find."

He's got a point, but I thought it was a bit much. I could only assume it was intentional.

"Is this plural by any chance?"

The perceptive Bi Ryuyeon cautiously asked, "If you refuse, you will not be able to enter the Master's Axis.

"What? Revenge? What revenge?"

Nosabu crossed his arms and gestured as if he didn't know what to do.

"It's definitely revenge!

I was becoming more and more convinced by their attitude, but there was nothing I could do about it now.

"Why, no?"

Master asked.

"Of course I hate it, but I have to use it, even if I really, really hate it!"

"Good to know."

He was also a great teacher with a great personality. At times like this, she was reminded of who she was learning from.


The curse words came out on their own.

"It's a smart move."

The master replied with a satisfied snort, and Bi Ryuyeon clenched her fists and gritted her teeth inwardly at the sight of his glee. Now she understood why the lion's share of the name Wasshin Counseling had been coined. He knew that he was not yet strong enough to crumple that happy face.

"Ha, good, good, you're getting your revenge, you must be having a lot of fun picking on your students! I can't help it, I'll take what I can get, but at least teach me the technique you showed me earlier."

"Huh? What technology?"

"That trick you showed me earlier, the one with the black and white orbs spinning around, I thought you said you had a class left?"

"It stayed."

"Then teach me that, too. I've lost my sense of taste, and I need to learn that, too. Why is it called a chicken instead of a pheasant? If you don't want to teach me, give me a class, I'm self-taught."

"Extra pay? I don't have that right now."

It got worse.

"Why aren't there any? Did you sell it?"

It was certainly a possibility.

"No, I gave it to some guy a long time ago. Along with a pair of swords."

"A sword?"

"Oh, it was a sword and a road unfolding technique, originally a bundle with a bijou, and it was something Nobu didn't need, so what was the point of keeping it, so I gave it to him."

"For free?"

"Heh, heh, what a strange thing to say, this master with a mind like the vast expanse of the heavens and a distribution like the oceans beyond the land, how could he be attached to such a flimsy thing? Of course he gave it away for free."

Her eyes widened at that.

"You're lying! Ha, is she some kind of heavenly beauty or something? How could a Zarin Gobi asshole master give away something that sells for so much for free……."

He's still in disbelief, and it's one of the facts that surprised him the most today.

"He wasn't a beauty, but he was pretty. He was often mistaken for a woman. It's a good thing I picked him up on the road, or he would have been sold to the giru. He was a fool."

Suddenly reminded of old times, the master poured the liquor back into the cup and slid it down his throat.

"You were a disciple?"

The master shook his head.

"No, he wasn't a student. He wanted to be a disciple, but we weren't meant to be."

The master's drunken eyes seemed to be looking at a time other than now.

"But I'm sure you've taught me something, even if it's just by the side of the road. You didn't just throw a book at me and expect me to learn on my own, did you? I'm sure you remember some things, so tell me what you remember."

Bi Ryuyeon was being quite persistent today. The master seemed to be hiding something.

"I don't know anything else but this technology."

Waving his hand in annoyance, Sensei cut him off.

"Why don't you know?"

Holding her chest in frustration, Bi Ryuyeon shouted.

"Because I'm not interested in weak skills."

He poured himself a cup of moon dew and swallowed it down. The words were indeed maddening, but coming from this old man's mouth, they felt natural.

"Great, great, great, then teach me that technique. That thing you make with the black beads and the white beads."

"This? No!"

"No, why not? Why not again? That's so mean!"

The indignant Bi Ryuyeon couldn't hold it in and let out a loud yell.

"It's too early for you! That's why! What's your problem?"

I complained a lot, of course, but I wasn't good enough to keep quiet about it.

"…so that means……."

The master chuckled as he set down his cup.

"Do you realize that now? I have nothing to give you, nothing at all, pupil, so you must be strong! You are born naked, naked, naked. And, by the way, your master has had a hard time finding you. Even if we put aside the unlistenable travelogue of an old master's tearful search for a runaway pupil, wouldn't this master be a little disappointed if you didn't suffer?"

In other words, the pain was already there.


It was me. He was deliberately demonstrating a skill that no one would ever teach him in order to favor himself. It was obvious that she would choose the next best thing if she didn't have the best option! It was said that it was a monk's teaching to give back everything he received with several times the interest, but it was really too much.

'You damned crooked old man, we'll see, I'll have my revenge!'

She promised herself over and over again that she would not forget today's humiliation and that she would return the money with interest.

"Ha, can I go now?"

Bi Ryuyeon, who had been depressed by the deprivation of the Bi Liu Dao, said in a sagging voice. In fact, I had no intention of staying here for very long, but now that I feel like I've been robbed of a part of my body, the more time passes, the more angry and resentful I get, and I feel like I'm going to go crazy and jump up and down. He wanted to get out of this stifling place as soon as possible and enjoy his freedom under the open sky. But could he read his mind? My master cut me off.



Bi Ryuyeon asked.

"Because I have work to do."

The master's response was very unkind. In a way, I thought it would be scarier if he was kinder.

"What do you think you're going to do, come all this way to pamper your one and only disciple? Look at that vast lake of compassion and expand your mind, expand your narrow mind, expand."

Sensei's reaction was quick.

"Will you be right?"

He raised his fist slightly. Apparently, he wasn't too keen on being lectured about the breadth of his mind by his apprentice.

"Haha, just tell me what you're here for."

With a deep sigh, Bi Ryuyeon said. This was why she didn't want to set foot in this room.

"Dude, you're in a hurry. Try to calm down."

"Who am I to step on anyone, Master. It's all the environment, the environment."

He seemed to be a disciple who made it a point not to say he was to blame if he died soon.

"It's nothing… Nobu and I have somewhere to go tomorrow."

"Where is that?"

Bi Ryuyeon, who didn't really want to go anywhere with Master, asked reluctantly.

"Auction House!"

"Auction house?"

The master nodded slightly.

"This master has an item to sell at auction."

Two, to be exact, and the unit of counting was the chuck.


"I picked them up on the way here to Dongjing Lake. For some reason, they're often attacked by others there, and I'm beginning to wonder if they have a hobby."

"Well, that's a bit of a stretch, but it's worth it, right?"

The master nodded and said.

"It's quite high quality. From what I can tell, it's made of fairly high quality materials, and it's a special order. I'm sure it'll sell for a pretty penny, and I'm looking forward to it."

Sensei said with assurance.

"What is it?"

Finally, curiosity got the better of her, and she asked about the identity of the sale. The master replied.

"A ship. I have two ships for sale."

Bi Ryuyeon blinked and said.

"And Master?"


This time, the master asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, but what kind of van is it?"

She quickly changed the subject.

"Ah, the Black Dragon, a ramshackle vessel, and we took it in because it was bothering us on the road today."

It was truly a master's behavior. She deliberately ignored the fact that she was not in a position to comment.

"Hmmm… where is it?"

"Apparently, it's a long, hard day's work."

"…Jang Gangsurochae?"

"What's wrong?"

"No, come to think of it, I've had a bit of a connection with you lately."

It's a name I've been hearing a lot lately.

"No way… Come to think of it, there was another boat listed in the auction, was it yours?"

Tsk, tsk, Bi Ryuyeon grumbled inwardly.

"Ah, now that you mention it, it sounds like the disciple also put a boat up for auction."

As if she had just remembered, Bi Ryuyeon cast a wistful glance into the distance and replied.

"Whose ship is that again?"

"It's a long rainy day."

Ryuyeon Bi replied.

"…What's the name of that ship?"

"What did they say… it was a really big name……. Oh, right. It was a sea god, now I remember."

"God of the sea……. That's a pretty cheeky name for a guy who plays in a river and thinks he knows the ocean."

"We had a raid by some Zhangjiang warriors or something, and in exchange for a failed raid, we got the ship they came in on, which was pretty good."

"Great. Then we can sell that too. Tomorrow, I'll meet you at the auction house. Goodbye."

Then he added briefly.

"Don't run away."

"I'm not hitting!"

Bi Ryuyeon blurted out.

* * *


The door to the private chamber opened and Bi Ryuyeon walked out. She went in as Yeonbi and came out as her true self.


His expression is uncharacteristically blank. He looks like he's possessed by a ghost. His footsteps shuffle down the hallway.



You can't take three steps again, Bean!


He could dodge a flying blade by the width of a sheet of paper, and now he was stumbling this way and that in a wide hallway that could have been covered with open arms, but he didn't seem to feel any pain. This pain and humiliation was nothing compared to the inevitable nectar of the Master, which he could not avoid even if he tried.

At one point, she stood outside an outbuilding. With her feet on the ground, she stares at the moon in the night sky. The cold chill of the night pummeled her dazed mind. Suddenly, she felt a heaviness in her right hand. He glances down and sees the iron club that his master had given him as a substitute for his ten birodos. There was no domineering like this, no embezzlement like this. He lifted his head and looked at the moon in the night sky, the crescent hanging there like a sneer on his master's lips.

"Damn, I got robbed!"

Now I'm torn out of the fabric. I've been robbed of another alter ego.

"Negotiations? That's ridiculous.

He talked a good game, negotiated a good deal, and then walked in and had everything taken from him. He's been dragged around by his master, stripped of his initiative, and has only survived at his whim.

The only thing clinging to me is my life. That was all there was.

It was a humiliating day.

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discord ko-fi