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Book 20 Chapter 31

108 Books Every Student Should Read-But Almost No One Else Does

二十八. Reflections on the Mind's Eye

-What is deep thinking?

What is psychic vision?

What kind of cultivation do we refer to as the cultivation of the heart? The cultivation of the heart is closely related to the cultivation of the heart sword, and we cannot neglect this question in the slightest.

As you may have noticed, the appearance of any object changes depending on the perspective from which it is viewed. When a subject takes in an object, it selectively takes in parts of that object with a subjective orientation, and then undergoes an internal reorganization process. Since each subject has a different subjective orientation, the results of perceiving the same object can vary greatly.

So, what is seeing? It's actually an undefinable act, but for the sake of simplicity, it's the act of taking in information about an object through the eyes. When we focus to see something, we lose sight of our surroundings. However, it doesn't change the fact that our eyes are still seeing, just not as well. Therefore, if the brain can recognize the information that is being blocked, it will have a much greater capacity to take in information.

We also vary in our ability to recognize fast-moving objects. Seeing objects in the dark is also different.

The act of seeing is not just about what you see; it's about how you receive and interpret it. In that sense, it's better to think of deep vision as a quantum leap in brainpower, or perception, rather than an increase in vision.

To use a more humble example, it's like a highly developed intuition: the ability to take in information all at once and process it in an instant, even if you've been thinking about it unconsciously for a while.

If so, it would not be unreasonable to say that sim sword is a sword art that can instantly embody the information and realizations grasped through the mind into the body.

Therefore, it is absurd to say that those who have not attained peace of mind can attain peace of mind.


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