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Book 20 Chapter 30

《飛雷刀(飛雷刀) 場外劇場('章'外劇場)

第一. Show me the money!

:After Arrival at the Tower

Upon passing through the fearsome and murderous-looking "ear gate," the spirit thought it would never have to pay again, but it was too late.

They were greeted by a well-dressed, slightly burly man in his mid-thirties who was waiting for them.

"Hello, and welcome to your first visit to the Skyscraper."

He introduced himself as Mr. Yi Cheng, a hospitality specialist, and led the group to a location. It was a large three-story building, quite lavishly built. The pungent smell of food, rice, and alcohol wafted in on the lake breeze.

"This is the officially designated lodging house for the time being. Rules do not allow for homelessness, so you will register your name here and stay until the test. Do you have any questions or concerns?"

Yi Cheng pointed to the building with one hand. The spirit flashed a hand.

"Yes, the lady."

"When you say for the time being, how long are you talking about?"

"Hmm, that should be about a week."

"Do they charge for lodging here, too?"

If your accommodation is free, it doesn't matter how much it is for the time being. But if it's not, then it becomes a very important question.

"That's a strange thing to say, to ask such an obvious thing. Of course we charge for accommodation, and if you don't pay for your food, firewood, and maintenance, who will? Nothing is free on the Black Island, and you are about to set foot on the Black Island, and I urge you to always remember that."

"I see."

The Turo spirit sighed heavily, knowing I would. The ominous premonition from earlier had been confirmed.

The lodging was ridiculously expensive compared to other places, but after three times in a row, it was no longer a shock. Feeling painfully aware that familiarity sometimes dulls the mind, the spirit shoved her hands into her silk bag and let out a long sigh.

'I'll be broke before I even take a college exam…….'

第二. Trial of the Skyscraper

:Worse to be deceived than to be deceived

"Eh… We do not discourage cheating. It is our theory that it is worse to be fooled than to cheat, so if you're going to cheat, cheat. But if you can't cheat perfectly, don't try in the first place. We are unrelenting in our punishment of clumsy trickery, because we know from experience that once you've learned that awful lesson, you'll never try your clumsy tricks again. Since deception is fully permitted, we are thoroughly trained not to be deceived by others. Again, the blame lies more with the fool who fails to recognize the deception than with the deceiver. The unprepared fool deserves to be fooled, that's what we believe. So be prepared to give your life to deceive others, and be prepared to make your opponent look like a complete fool. Is everyone ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready!"

The candidates answered loudly in unison.

"Please don't put our examiners on the test. We've seen too many tricks, and we've seen them through. We're tired of it. If you still have a new trick up your sleeve, feel free to try it. But remember, no matter how clever your idea is, the moment it's discovered, it's not clever anymore, and you'll wonder why you ever had such a lame idea in the first place. We will wait for that moment with pleasure."

The hopefuls listened with bated breath, some of them spirits.

'If you're going to fool me, fool me…….'

The proctor's opening remarks were the complete opposite of the spirit's mindset. I couldn't help but be suspicious.

I'm like, "What are all these places? Is this even possible?

Allowed to cheat outright……. I realized that the entrance exam wasn't going to be as easy as I thought.

"Then go!"

第三. Bad mouthing is dangerous

The Saga of Geum Young Ho

"Do you want to hear it, do you want to hear it?"

Geum Young-ho asked Hyun-woon in a desperate tone.

"That wide face, don't lean in so close. It's overwhelming."

"Then say you want to hear it."

Geum said, still not removing his giant face.

"It's a numerical blackmail.

"Okay, what do I want to hear?"

"Of course, it's a trick of mine, a borrowed offstage costume for special occasions like the Samsung MUJE finals."

"I thought you said you'd listen later!

I learned not to make promises I couldn't keep.

"Yeah, that's a good one. How did you do it?"

Reluctantly, Hyunwoon asked.

"Uh-huh! You know what you're talking about. It's been a while since I've been in charge, but I've calculated that the name of the Army Goddess Qin Xiaolong should be enough."

For him, the story of trading success is akin to the saga of the mute.

"What the heck did I do?"

"Do you want to know?"

"Of course, I want to know!"

In this case, a quick retort was a quicker way to get the job done.

"Okay, let me teach you. First, I went to this old man who manages the backstage area. And I said, "I'm sorry."

Geum Young-ho cleared his throat and straightened his posture.

'She's famous for not showing her face to strong men, and she burns men's liver with the greatest firepower. You've heard of her, haven't you? Don't you want to see her?"'

"I'm sure the old man was nodding his head by then."

Hyunwoon throws in a coda to spice things up.

"That's right. Besides, he's nearly forty and still unmarried. He nodded eagerly."


"I spoke at the right time. You're right, Mr. Nao, and I'm right, too. We're comrades in arms. Besides, isn't it the job of an Amu Goddess to observe the martial arts of such a famous master, and wouldn't it broaden the horizons of our Heavenly Martial Academy students?"

He was talking as if the old man was right in front of him. It was as if he had cut and pasted it into today.


"That's obvious. What can I say? Of course, I'll say that he was already ready to listen to me at that time! If I don't take that opportunity, how can I say that I'm the Golden Tiger of the Great Golden Tiger Association?" I said in a slightly slurred voice. "But… Mr. Nosa… the opponent over there is an Amu Goddess with the prestige of a Heavenly Five Swordsman, and even if we asked her to, she wouldn't display her martial arts in a small, shabby, unarmed room, would she? She… she… why is there such a thing as dignity, dignity?"

"And he said yes again?"

Hyun-woon interjected again, but an excited Geum Young-ho waved his hand in the air, telling him not to interrupt.

"Mr. Yi, a person of such high standing deserves to be treated accordingly, and not doing so would be disrespectful in itself. It would be exactly the same thing as bringing disrepute upon the reputation of the Academy of Heaven and Earth. Do you think we should be told that the Great Hall of Heaven and Earth is a no-man's land? No, Am, no, no! A small stage scattered all over the place is not enough; we need a very special, spacious, and clean stage!"

He pauses here to savor the afterglow.

"So? So what happened?"

The interrupting gnome urged him on.

"And then he leaned in close to me and said, 'You know what?"

As if to relive the moment, Geum Young-ho squinted his eyes and leaned in close to Hyun-woon's face.

"Where is that?"

His tone was weighty.

"So you said, 'Only here!' And you got the yes."

"Exactly. I hesitated for a moment when I got there at the end, but she agreed when I told her that if she became an official, she might be able to meet the Amish Goddess herself. Ahem!"

He stuck his chest out as if to say, "How's Geum Young-ho?" or "Isn't he great?" or "I'm so proud of you. Of course, his butt came forward as well.

"Don't shove that ass up my ass, you're putting me under pressure."

Namgung Sanshan murmured a complaint from the side. Her face was also very haggard from days of preparation.

"Uh-huh, this isn't a poop boat, Namgung Sojae!"

Geum Young-ho protested, his stomach churning.

"If that's not an asshole, what is?"

Geum Young-ho proudly slapped his own asshole and said with a pouty face.

"This is my persona, persona."

The women in the main workshop all looked at each other in disbelief.

"For crying out loud, have you never heard that…… man's asshole is a disgrace?"

They all seemed to be in a state of massive culture shock that such a thing could be said so brazenly.

"No, no, no, he has a point!"

The gnome next to him chimed in.

"Why is he disagreeing with Geum Young-ho?

Nohak had always had a bad relationship with Geum Young-ho, the elder of the Albuza family. The reason was revealed in the following words.

"His personality is full of shit."

They were relieved to know that one of their friends didn't have a fever.

The depth of his character was quickly revealed.

"What, you're going to die, you bastard!"

Geum Young-ho shouted in frustration.

"Hmm, I guess the depth of character is not proportional to the protrusion of the asshole."

Dangsam chimed in with his academic opinion.

"Well, it could be inversely proportional, so we have to take that into account, too, right?"

Dang pointed out.

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discord ko-fi