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Book 20 Chapter 3

A white phoenix flies over an empty mountain

-Wuzhou Gongshan

"Is this Zhongwenpyo Bureau Namchangji Bureau?"

"Yes…… hogok!"

The gatekeepers' eyes widened as they turned to answer. They had never seen such an exquisite woman in their lives. They were dumbfounded.

"Moo, moo, moo, moo, what do you want?"

The gatekeeper's voice was shaking so badly that I wondered if he had been beaten.

"May I come in?"

One of the cobwebs pointed to the front door.

"Nothing, of course…… Oh, no, he said no one is allowed in today."

The gatekeeper became angry and changed his answer. He had almost disobeyed his boss's orders.

"You mean you can't open it?"

Na Yerin's words tugged at Zhao Gang's heartstrings, but to disobey her orders would risk tearing one of his body parts, not his mind.

"I'm afraid I can't help you, Sojae."

"I can't."

The gatekeeper, Zhao Gang, apologized again with a contrite expression.

"I'm so sorry……."

But Na Yerin wasn't done yet.

"The only way to get in is to open it yourself."


A ridiculous counter-question popped up.

"How the heck do you do that?

The method was surprisingly simple.

"Uh! Uh!


With a graceful step that felt weightless, Na Yerin climbed the stairs and stood at the front door. She touched the front door lightly with her fingertips, and when she was satisfied, she turned the new prisoner around.

It's just going to go away. Zhao Gang thought.


After taking three steps, her new shoe danced and spun. At the same time, her pet sword, Ice Spirit, emitted a pure white light.

Zing, zing, zing!

It was only after Na Yerin straightened her stance and sheathed her sword that thin lines began to appear across the massive gate, made of solid ironwood, and……

Oomph, bang!

With a clap of thunder, the door broke into twelve pieces and crashed down.

"Then let's go in."

The voice of the man who started it all was still calm.

"Uh, sure."

Completely mesmerized, Zhao Kang could only reply, "I'm not sure. Leaving the gatekeeper, who was seriously contemplating whether this was a dream or a birthday, behind, Na Yerin stepped quietly over the pile of collapsed gates.

"Long, was that a sword cavity… or not?"

"Well, I guess so."

Hyo-ryong, who was watching from behind, replied in a slightly goofy voice.

"What's wrong with you? You look like you've lost your mind, don't you?"

In fact, it did.

"Well, I never would have thought that I, Sojae, who is known for being a nice, quiet guy, would do something so drastic."

"My sister is really upset right now."

Hyo-ryong's head tilted at Lee Jin-sul's answer.

"You're angry?"

"Yeah, I've never seen my sister so angry."

Hyorong's head tilted again.

"Where's that figure, it looks like the usual to me?"

Hyo-Ryong replied with a nervous expression.

"Tsk, tsk, this is what men are for, don't you know that anger as cold as ice is more terrifying than anger as hot as fire?"

"Mo, I didn't know."

"Well, you should know that by now, especially if it's Na Yerin the Bing Bing!"

There was no hesitation in Na Yerin's stride as she crossed the Zhongyuan Marker Bureau's South Changji Station.

Ding, ding, ding!

The gatekeepers, stunned by the unexpected turn of events, rang the alarm.

"What, what?"

"What's going on?"

"Is it a break-in?"

The waiting marksmen rushed forward, blocking Na Yerin's path. But as soon as they caught a glimpse of the intruder, their faces vanished into thin air. They had been dumbfounded by her beauty.

"I… what should I do, Mr. Kang?"

A representative asked.

"That, I don't know……."

Kang Feydu, who led his men to stop Na Yerin, was equally troubled.

"Are you sure it's an intruder?"


They didn't feel like an intruder, and they didn't have an immediate response. Everywhere they looked, they looked more like valued customers than intruders. They felt like criminals for wanting to attack her.

"Please step aside."

Na Yerin said, her face expressionless.

"Well, that's… ah, no, no, no, no, no, Sojae, I can't get out of the way!"

Kang Feydou almost replied, "Yes, please," but he had to sweep his hand across his chest.

It was like his mouth was playing with a mind of its own.

"I can't do that. If you don't move out of the way, I'll have to force my way through."

As soon as she finished speaking, Na Yerin walked away without hesitation.

"Uh, what shall we do, Mr. Kang?"

Pyo asked again, sounding confused.

"Eh, shit, why do you keep asking me that?"

The impatient river shark bellowed.

"Because it's the tallest here."

Mark replied with a sneer.

"Nope, nothing to say."

"So what do we do now?"

"Stop it."

"Are you sure this is okay?"

"I don't know! How am I supposed to know that!"

The distance between them and Na Yerin had narrowed dramatically as they exchanged barbs.

"Eight, Ma, stop him!"

Finally, Kang Feydu gave the order.

"Eh… yes!"

The markers moved in a fumbling pose.

Lee Jin-sul, who had been leisurely following behind Na Yerin, exclaimed in a voice that was somehow pleased.

"You go first. We'll clean up here, no problem, right, Hyo-ryong?"

"Huh? Ah! Well… of course."

Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! Whiz!

Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck!

It was a spectacle that proved that a master's fight is more about quality than quantity. Dozens of marksmen formed an encircling circle and charged, but all of them were tossed aside one after the other at the beck and call of the two men. Swords were not even necessary.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to pass you first."

Through all the blocking, spilling, and throwing, Na Yerin's steps never slowed.

By the time she reached the next door, there wasn't a single one left standing. Only Feydou Kang was left, staring blankly at the scene with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Excuse me then!"

Na Yerin bowed lightly, then opened the middle door and stepped inside.

Upon entering, a group of men awaited Na Yerin, weapons drawn. Their prayers were no match for those in charge of the outside; these were the elite of the Zhongyuan Clan, and now they were led by their representative, Chen Zhengyuan.

"What's all the fuss about, we have an important guest!"

Shouting, Yun Yizheng leaped to his feet, followed by two of his men, the Oga brothers. But his momentum, like everyone else's, was short-lived, for he, too, was speechless at the sight of Na Yerin. Age didn't seem to matter.

"What brings you here, Mr. Sojae?"

Yoon asked.

"I'm here to find one person."

In a quiet voice, Na Yerin replied.

"This is not the place for such solicitations, but……."

"The person you're looking for is here, so don't bother looking any further."

"Who the hell is……?"

"I'm looking for a person named Ishigan."

At the sound of his name, Yun Yizheng's body flinched like someone who had been suddenly stabbed.

"Well, how do you do that?

Yun Yi couldn't understand how the woman could know such top-secret information that only she and her henchmen knew.

"I'm afraid we don't have anyone like that here, Sojae. You must be in the wrong place."

I had to keep that fact to myself.

"Is that true?"

Na Yerin asked, her eyes shining brightly.

"Of course it's true."

The answer came back without hesitation.

"You're lying."

Na Yerin said in a confident tone.

"How do you do that?!

Yoon couldn't help but feel nervous. Apparently, this wasn't someone she could make excuses for.

"What, you're lying, how can you be so sure?"

"Because that's the truth, I'm very curious about this important guest you just mentioned."

Na Yerin's eyes were deep and still, as if she already knew everything. They seemed too transparent to be clouded with lies. Yun Yizheng had no words to reply.

"Are you still going to flirt with it?"

"Everybody back off!"

Yoon exclaimed loudly.


The unexpected command took everyone by surprise.

"Didn't you hear? I'm in charge of this place. Everybody back off!"

"But Mr. Yoon……."

Someone's cautious half-question was drowned out by a rant.

"Shut up and go away!"

Facing Yun Yizheng's killing glare head-on, poor Pyo Du stiffened his body into a stance and replied.

"Yep… Yep!"

The marksmen began to scurry away, realizing that provoking Yun Yizheng any further would surely lead to something unpleasant. The courtyard was soon empty.

"Now let's get back to talking, shall we, Sojae?"

He said with a smile that was never favorable. It was clear that he would shut her up if he had to. Na Yerin, however, was very desensitized to such threats.

"I only have one request."

Na Yerin replied, her voice unchanged.

"In this case, I just need you to tell me where he is."

"That's it!

It was beyond his authority.

"That's very awkward, but……."

That was it.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa! No, look who it is! Isn't it the famous Snow White, Nayerin Sojae?'

It was none other than Ishiguro who opened the visit.

"Go, Confucius!"

At the unexpected appearance of Lee Shi Gun, Yoon Yi Jung exclaimed in horror.

"That's it."

Yoon Yi-jeong's mouth popped open like a goldfish, and Lee Shi-gun stopped her.

"How can the head of the company stay in hiding when he can't overcome his longing and has come all the way to Ye?"

"Is he in his right mind?"

Lee Jin-sul, who was secretly watching the scene, asked Hyo-ryong with a dumbfounded expression.

"A lot of men live in delusion, so I wouldn't say he's the only one who's out of his mind."

"Tsk, tsk, what are men……."

Lee Jin-sul clicked his tongue in pity. The two of them were perched on the wall of the inner courtyard, having disposed of the outer markers, for Hyo-ryong's sake and to fulfill their duties as witnesses. It was a blind spot, moderately shaded by a giant willow tree.

"Hmph, just in time."

Ishigan said, a sinister grin spreading across his face.


"Well, I had a use for you, and you found it on your own! I wouldn't have bothered."

Even he didn't realize the opportunity would come so soon.

"Hmph, I never thought my prey would walk into the snare on its own feet!

Nevertheless, he was still trying to figure out how to get his hands on her. And just when I thought I had come up with an idea, Na Yerin herself came to me. What a windfall!

Ishiguro's jaw dropped, and rightly so.

"Sojae, I don't think you should think about going back."

Ishigan's eyes glowed like snakes.

It's a situation she's seen many times before.

"Do you think you have that ability?"

Na Yerin's sword glowed with a pure white light, pointed at Ishigan.

"Of course!"

Raising his right hand, curved like a hook, Ishigaki answered confidently.

'I'll make it a night you'll never forget!

Desire burned in Ishiguro's eyes.

'I never thought I'd have to use that skill……. I didn't think I'd ever need to use it for anything other than killing.

When I learned it, I didn't think it was useful, but it has come in handy in my life.

"Then be careful!"

Zun (purple cloud) dark wind.


Jubakin (呪縛刃).

A web of invisible threads stirred in the darkness to entrap Na Yerin.

"You're mine now!"

Ishiguro exclaimed with a smile of conversion.


But just as his invisible winds were about to encircle her, her body glided. It was as fluid as flowing water, and when it was over, she was out of his grasp.

"Uh, how do you……!"

Ishigan exclaimed in disbelief. It was clear that he had never considered the possibility of his skills being discovered.

"So it's a sword, after all, but that skill seems rather mundane."

Na Yerin said, her voice devoid of emotion.


Ishiguro, his pride badly bruised, retorted.

"Yes, I know someone who is a much better swordsman than you, but your skills are so-so compared to his."

It was a dagger to the heart for Ishigan, who was a corpse except for his pride.

"You're lying!"

There was no way I was going to admit that.

"I have no reason to lie to someone like you, it's the truth."

Na Yerin's demeanor never wavered.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it, and I'll prove it to you."

"Onya, let's see how good you are!"

Ishigan cried out, his sanity blown.

"I tried to catch it unharmed, and it crawled away, so I wonder if I'll get some of this herbage?"

Ishiguro's hands crossed roughly.

Zun (purple cloud) dark wind.

Killing (殺式).

Extermination Decree.

His pride was bruised, and he had to restore it by any means necessary.

"That's not going to work."

Na Yerin's eyes began to glow faintly in the darkness.

The trajectory of an invisible gale entered her eyes; she could see and feel the path of the living.

It was a powerful and formidable herbivore, nothing like the attack from earlier. But……

'Compared to his…….'

This was nothing.

"Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and if you can feel it, what's the problem with avoiding it?"

Na Yerin slowly unlocked Longan's abilities. Everything began to become clearer. At the same time, Na Yerin's feet slipped.

Water flow steps.

Water can seep in wherever there is an opening. In her view, his technology was riddled with holes.

"I said no use."

And she backed up her words with actions. Even Zaun's killing winds did her no harm.

"Ha, not once… two, two times……."

Having his overconfident technology destroyed twice in quick succession left Ishigaki completely stunned.

"Will you obey now?"

Na Yerin asked again.

"Heh, funny!"

Ishiguro snorted.

"Are you not admitting your defeat?"

"Defeated? Who are you talking about?"

Unable to cut the minutes, Ishiguro bellowed.

"Is there anyone else here besides you?"

Ishiguro's face turned red, as if covered in blood.

"Phew, I'll admit you got the better of me, but I'm not defeated!"

Ishiguro exclaimed in a nervous voice.

"You're a bitch, you're offensive, this is what men are like, they'll put a woman down if they think they're going to lose, don't you think?"

Lee Jin-sul, who had been watching from the shadows, spoke up.

"Well, yeah."

When asked if the fact that it was the same man stung, Hyo-ryong broke out in a cold sweat.

"If you're going to lose, you're going to admit it, and not ugly, right?"

"Well, yeah."

The steadfastness of the response enraged Ibsen.

"That's right, that's right, that's right. Hyo-ryong, is that all you can say?"

"Well, yeah."


At that unwavering response, Lee Jin-sul's shoulders drooped helplessly. Even Hyo-ryong would have been ashamed.

"In a way, it's great that you're still so confident. Does that mean you have some tricks up your sleeve?"

"Aha, this is what sissies are for, they want to climb on top of your head when you look at them."

It reeked of male chauvinism. It was unreasonable to expect more from a man who had never seen a woman as anything more than a plaything.

"I never thought I'd solve this today, consider yourself lucky!"

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Ishiguro rolled up the sleeves on both arms, revealing a black toshi that wrapped around his entire forearm.

Clunk! Clunk!

With an uncharacteristic sound, they fell apart.

"Okay, let's start this rotation, shall we?"

Thump! Thump!

A heavy, continuous beeping echoed off the ground.

"He must be an iron poet. I can't believe he was wearing that……."

Hyo-Ryong, who had been watching, let out a grunt.

"You'll be fine!"

Without breaking eye contact, Lee composed herself.

"Heh, heh, heh, what do you think, are you surprised, are you in awe of this body's infinite capabilities, heh, it's not unreasonable."

But Na Yerin didn't seem surprised at all.

"I'm not surprised, but I'm not so narrow-minded as to be surprised by such a tasteless act."

"What, what, it's boring!"

Mediocrity was next on the list.

"How many roots is that?"

Na Yerin asked, sounding completely unperturbed.

"Don't be surprised to hear it, it's ten roots for one!"

Ishiguro said, puffing out his chest with pride.

"It was only ten roots."

Na Yerin said in a bored tone.

"What, what!"

The attitude hurt him again. For a young man with a penchant for flamboyance, that kind of cavalier attitude was the most intolerable kind.

"I'll make you cry and beg!"

Impatiently, Ishiguro exclaimed.

"Living the high life……."

The flesh of Hyo-ryong and Lee Jin-sul's skin tingled as they watched from afar. It was nothing compared to their earlier speculation.

"You can't beat me after all."

Na Yerin declared with unwavering eyes.

"I'll make you admit defeat, full force!"

Na Yerin drew her sword, and her surroundings seemed to be bathed in a snowy white light.

"Sis, you must be serious!"

"What does that mean, Sojae?"

"I've never seen Yerin give it her all, but I have a hunch that I might see it today."

"It's the power of the Bing Bing Peak Na Yerin……."

I couldn't imagine.

"Don't you know, the world around you is already filled with my touch! You are now nothing but a butterfly caught in a spider's web!"

True to his word, Na Yerin's surroundings were densely packed with swords that stretched from end to end. It was dangerous to take a step in this state.

"Now, can we continue to be confident in this?"

Ishigan scoffed and snapped his fingers.


The spiderweb of swords moved in response to the echo. And then,


One side of Na Yerin's white skirt slipped away, revealing her shapely thighs in the moonlight.

"Oh my God, how could he do that, he doesn't even know the numbers!"

Lee Jin-sul cried out in anger.

"That's right, that's right, ugly!"

Hyo-Ryong, his eyes wide and his gaze fixed, swallowed dryly and replied.



Hyo-ryong replied, still not looking away. I was distracted and didn't hear you.

"Close those eyes, before I gouge them out!"

With a terrifying crackle of flesh, Lee Jin-sul brought his menacing grappling hook hand in front of Hyo-ryong's eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll wind it up, I'll wind it up!"

Hyo-Ryong quickly squeezed his eyes shut as he realized that his eyes were about to be gouged out.

"Now, what do you think, do you see how great this body is?"

Ishigaki shouted in a triumphant voice. He always felt a sense of pleasure whenever he confirmed his dominance like this.

"Poor guy……."

"What, what?"

Na Yerin's gaze, unmoved, turned straight to Ishigan.

"What a pitiful person you are, that you can only confirm your dominance by abusing, belittling, disrespecting, and bullying others."

"What, what!"

Ishiguro's face crumpled like a piece of tissue paper.

"I stand corrected on my earlier statement."

Na Yerin said.

"What do you mean?"

"If you say you're going to give it your all, I'll take it back, because you're not even worth it."

In some ways, it was the harshest ruling yet.

"What, what!"

His advantage should have been obvious, but it wasn't in his mind.

"What, what's with this dirty, salty feeling? I'm winning! I'm the best!

But the feeling of defeat was not going away anytime soon.

Na Yerin smoothed her skirt over her severed thighs with a nonchalant expression. Then she looked directly at Ishiguro and said, "I'm sorry.

"I'm not going to give it my all, I'm going to win."

Ishigaki's modest pride exploded when he couldn't find the slightest hint of fear in her eyes.

"Don't look at me like that!"

He couldn't stand the look in those deep eyes, the complete disregard for his presence.

"I'll tear you to pieces and see if you can still look at me with those eyes!"

Zun (purple cloud) dark wind.

Killing (殺式).

Gale Slaughter (朔風斬殺刃).

The jauntsa, who had surrounded the clinic like a spider's web, charged at Na Yerin in unison.

"It's not finished yet, but……."

Na Yerin also had something she wanted to try.

Opening the dragon eye.

A flood of information flooded through her eyes as the pent-up power of the Dragon Eye was unleashed, and there was nothing she couldn't read now, no matter how complicated the movements.

Cold Jade Spirit Sword.

Non-snowmobile misconceptions.

Dizzying (眩亂舞踏).

Like snowflakes scattered by the wind, her newfound power dispersed, leaving behind a blizzard-like afterimage.

"What, what?"

Ishigan cried out in panic as Na Yerin's new model disappeared from view for a moment.

"Lord, Lord!"

It was the Oga brothers who were the first to notice Na Yerin's mysterious appearance behind Ishigan's back. It was almost by accident that their eyes caught a glimpse of Na Yerin's new form as they frantically looked around for her missing form.

"It's dangerous!"

They weren't usually very loyal, but they rushed to stop Na Yerin. If they wanted any beans to fall, they had to make sure she was safe first. But the cost was greater than they could have imagined.

True (斬)!

Na Yerin's sword flashed like snow. There was no compassion in her heart for the attacker of her daughter.


The sound of a pig being slaughtered echoed through the air, blood gushing into the sky like a fountain.


Seeing the Wu brothers collapse in a heap, Yun Yizheng quickly deployed the Feng Ma Dao.

The secret technique of the Wind Demon Sword Method.

Wind Demon Spirit (風魔歸魂).

A wild, ferocious wind rushed through Na Yerin's body. It was a power incomparable to the Oga brothers.

But Na Yerin remained calm to the end. Right now, she was aware of everything that was happening within this small world. Even the turbulence of the winds was a mere joke to her, as she could read the slightest movement of the wind.


As Na Yerin's sword danced through the air, the fierce wind had turned into a gentle breeze.

"Oh, my God, my Dosega!

The light touch of the woman's hand disrupted Yun Yi Zheng's complacency, and he was stunned. Horror breeds chasms, and chasms breed blood.


Na Yerin's sword, pinpointing his gap, sliced across Yun Yizheng's cheek.


The following year, this day would have been his sacrificial day if he hadn't fallen to the ground in disgust at Narathagon's herbage.

A blizzard of blood, a blizzard of blood. Blood flowers scattered in unison. Not a single petal fell on Na Yerin's white robe as she moved in the blizzard of blood petals.

"You're strong, you're really strong, I didn't think you'd be this strong……."

Yi Yun gazed at Na Yerin's figure with an almost mesmerized expression. It was beautiful, cold, and yet mesmerizing. Just looking at it was like being sucked into its sword dance.

"That's right."

Hyo-ryong, who had opened his eyes and was watching the scene in fascination, replied.

"Rewind quickly."

Without breaking eye contact, Lee warned.

"Yes, yes!"

Frowning, Hyorong quickly closed his eyes again.

"Why! Why! Why! Why isn't it working!"

Experiencing a helplessness unlike anything he had ever known, Ishiguro's cries were fueled by evil.

"Because you're weaker than 'him.'"

Without stopping her sword, Na Yerin replied.


Yi Shi Gun quickly crossed his hands and assumed a defensive stance. He hoped to protect himself by entangling Jounsa in a net.

"You're just a fake who can't do anything but imitate him anyway."

Only then did Ishigan realize who "he" was.

"Bi Ryuyeon, do you mean 'him'?"

Ishiguro shouted in a hoarse voice.

"So you're admitting it?"

Na Yerin's sharp rebuttal made Ishigun pause.

"Sloppy, that defense!"

Instead of waiting for an answer, Na Yerin plunged her sword in. The lightning-fast stab pierced Ishigan's defense and made a beeline for his uvula.


Ishigaki rolled his eyes.


When Ishigan waited for a while and there was no cold sensation piercing his throat, he opened his closed eyes slightly.

Na Yerin's sword stopped just an inch from his throat, a mere threadbare distance away.

"You still have testimony to hear."

And that's how it was.

"Does that mean I… I… lost?"

That was it.


A large, fist-sized sphere rolled to Na Yerin's feet.

"A bomb?

Seeing that, Lee Jin-sul exclaimed in an urgent voice.

"Sis, run!"

Na Yerin quickly throws herself backwards,


There was a loud bang and a blinding flash of light. The light was so bright and brilliant that Na Yerin could barely open her eyes. Her ears were deafening.

When I finally recovered my vision, Yoon was gone, and so was Lee. The spot where the bomb went off was still intact. It wasn't a destructive firebomb, but a flash bomb designed to confuse people's senses with sound and light.

"I missed it."

Na Yerin muttered in a quiet voice.

"No, they dare to run away, Hyo-ryong, Hyo-ryong?"

Lee Jin-sul, who had urgently called out to Hyo-ryong, tilted his head at the strange lack of response.

"Huh… long?"

It was gone. The presence of Hyo-Ryong, who had clearly been by her side a moment ago, had vanished.

"Don't tell me you're going to go after them……."

He felt ashamed of himself for leaving her alone and sneaking away, but he also blamed himself for not noticing. After all, reason and emotion operate in different realms.

"What are they up to?"

Yi Shijian and Yun Yizheng's steps slowed as they hurriedly carried the new prisoner. The powerful flash bombs had been used, and the smoke screen around the manor hadn't yet completely cleared.

"Who are you, show yourself!"

Ishiguro exclaimed in a shrill voice.

A young man with green guns crossed over his head and twin swords on his back stepped through the smoke.

Ishiguro's eyes widened.

"You're… Hyo-ryong?"

Hyo-ryong neither confirmed nor denied.

"How did you get here?"

For a moment, he wasn't sure how to react.

"That's for them to say. Why are you here?"

Hyo-Ryong asked, glaring with a fierceness unimaginable to anyone who had known him before. A muscle on one side of Yi Shi Gun's face twitched.

"It's the death penalty, Priest! Isn't it, Priest?"

Yi Shi Jian said in a frowning voice. He hated Hyo Long's attitude.

"People like you are not my death sentence."

"I see you've been talking a lot, fellow alumni."

Hyo-Ryong's blade twitched in anger at the obvious insult.

"I don't remember putting the cowardly fugitive on death row."

He'd always had a physiological dislike for this guy, Ishiguro.

"You, coward? How dare you call me a cowardly fugitive! This time, I just backed off. Do you think she's capable of inflicting even a single wound on this body?"

Ishiguro exclaimed excitedly.

"I already put it on?"

Hyo-Ryong said, pointing a finger at one cheek of Yi Shi Gun.


Quickly bringing a hand to his right cheek, Ishigaki winced.

"Uh, somehow……."

Red blood oozed from a long slash across his cheek.

"I guess Bego didn't even notice."

Hyo-ryong snorted and didn't miss the perfect opportunity to let out a sneer.

"I'll ask you again, why did you do this? There's no need for the Temple of Heaven to pretend to be the Temple of Heaven now, is there?"

"You think I'm going to tell your ass? If you're really curious, find out for yourself."

"Surely that's not the footnote's doctor?"

"Well, what do you think?"

He neither confirmed nor denied it.


A quip burst from Hyorong's mouth, but Yi Xigan didn't flinch.

"Phew, call it the death penalty, you rude bastard! I'd love to reprimand you right now, but I don't have time to flirt with you right now. I'm busy today, so I'm leaving now, but there's no forgiveness next time."

He was in a hurry. He didn't have time to argue with that stupid, balding priest. He had to go now and administer first aid.

"Otherwise, you'll end up with a scar on this handsome face!

I couldn't stand that.

"I've never met a man who didn't look forward to the next one."

Today I came to float, not to break.

"Wait and see. You'll see. Oh, and as a reunion gift, I'll give you something good. You'd better not think about coming back. I'm already out of the place where you belong."

"Shut up!"

Hyo-ryong exclaimed.


Lee Shi Jian burst into laughter and jumped over the fence. Hyorong didn't follow.

"How did it go, Hyo-ryong?"

Lee Jin-sul spotted Hyo-ryong walking toward them and asked, "What are you doing?

"I missed it, I'm sorry."

Hyo-Ryong replied in a deadpan tone. His mind was racing with the events of a few moments ago.

"I can't."

There was a hint of sadness in Lee Jin-sul's voice, as she sighed at having her hopes dashed. Hyo-Ryong felt unnecessarily sorry for her. Of course, it was because of his delicate position, but it was also because he hadn't done his best to chase after Yi Shi Gun.

"Well, should we get out of here? You haven't been much help, and you don't even look like it."

They hadn't been sneaking around, they had been asked to help, but they hadn't done anything worthy of honor. They were mere spectators and witnesses, and after making such a big fuss and doing so little, they felt a little embarrassed to see Na Yerin. I wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

"That's it. Let's get out of here."

Hyo-ryong was not the only one who didn't want to stay.

It was then that I heard Na Yerin's voice.

"Where are you going? You can leave now."

During the pause, Lee Jin-sul and Hyo-ryong lost their chance to sneak out.

"Hehe! I'm so sorry, sis, I didn't do anything to help, except watch."

Walking out of hiding with Hyo-ryong, Lee Jin-sul said in a disappointed tone.

"That was enough, don't be heartbroken. It was just in case, and I needed a witness other than myself. It's useless now, but……."

Now that Ishiguro is gone, it's all for naught.

"Don't you think they'll take issue with that?"

The fact that the current Murimenist Ban Jade Leaf had made a mess of the Zhongyuan Expeditionary Force's Namchang Jigoku was something that could have turned into a big problem if done incorrectly.

"I don't think they'd mind being stabbed, but they'd have to explain why this Ishigan guy was staying here, and even if they did……."


"A sea already set."

He was surprised to see a side of her that he hadn't seen before.

"What has changed her so much?

Nothing about today was easy to explain.

"You've caused Confucius a lot of trouble."

'Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no… I'm not going to give you that kind of pontificating…….'

Hyo-Ryong, whose attention had been stolen by the dazzling angularity of Na Yerin's body revealed through her cut-off skirt, replied in a fierce voice.

"Let's see!"


Lee Jin-sul's two fingers sliced into Hyo-ryong's eyes as swiftly as a hawk's talons.


A man's pitiful screams filled the night sky.

"I'm sorry, Ryuyeon."

Na Yerin lowered her gaze, her long lashes casting shadows over her clear eyes.

"No, what?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked in disbelief.

"That guy, I tried to capture him……."

Sadly, I had to go at the last minute and missed it. What a waste.

"…Did you move it yourself?"

Na Yerin nodded softly, and Bi Ryuyeon smiled brightly.

"Then it's a success."

It was a very bright voice. Na Yerin was suddenly at a loss for words. Obviously, she had failed and he was still in prison, so how could he be smiling like that. Bi Ryuyeon looked as if his situation was somehow good.

"Yerin made the move herself, Moxo. Maybe she decided to take on the world proactively?"

Na Yerin's move to catch the killer was only possible by throwing out a bunch of rules. It's something her normal self would never have done.

"By the way……."

A failure was a failure anyway.

"That's okay, nothing could be better news for me, I don't care about that pyramid, I've already tried my hand at it……."

In fact, it was unplanned that Na Yerin would make the move herself.

"But I wanted to do something about it."

Na Yerin blushed slightly, almost invisibly, and Bi Ryuyeon's face went blank for a moment.


Then an idea flashed through her mind.

"Really? Well, that's good, because there's one thing only Yerin can do for you."

"Something only I can do? What is that?"





Bi Ryuyeon nodded, "Yes.

"I want to eat something Yerin made."

Bi Ryuyeon said what no one else had ever dared to say before, with a truly casual face. If there was a follower of Bing Bai Peak Na Yerin here, it wouldn't just be a matter of biting the bubble and fainting.

"That… that's……."

Na Yerin stuttered in embarrassment. No wonder, she hadn't expected such a request.

'Maybe it's more convenient to go back to catch Ishiguro…….'

That was my honest sentiment.

"Actually, I've never done it before……."

"It's okay, everyone has to go through a first time to do something, isn't it? It's all about having the courage to try something new like this? Yerin already has the courage, she'll be fine, I'll vouch for her."

When she said that, I felt like I could actually do it.

"Are you sure you can do this?"

"Of course! Trust me."

These were the words of one of the least trusted people around.

"Then let's try……."

Na Yerin murmured, her tone still hesitant.

"Operation complete!

Bi Ryuyeon smiled inwardly at her conversion.

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