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Book 20 Chapter 2

Two visits

-Bing Bing Bong's Counterattack


"Yes, I'm leaving."

Lee's eyes widened as he stopped what he was doing and ran over to open the door.

"Sister Yerin, what are you doing here?"

His surprise was compounded by the fact that while he often visited her room, she rarely visited his room first.

"I'm here with a favor. I need you to help me with something."

"Boo, a favor, you clearly said a favor now, didn't you?!"

Lee Jin-sul shook with excitement.

"Yes, I said please, but… why is she crying?"

Honestly, Na Yerin didn't understand the binary's reaction. It would be more accurate to say that she didn't understand the process rather than the cause.

"But… but Yerin asking me to do something like that… it's never happened before. You've always tried to do everything on your own, and while I don't deny that you're capable of it, I've never felt so left out. But now that I have a chance, I'm going to take it… ……."

Lee Jin-sul balled his fists, his eyes burning with determination.

"We'll do our best!"

"Well, yeah, good luck with that……."

The answer was yes, but his enthusiasm was a bit overwhelming. Can I trust this kid? But there was no other way. It was too dangerous to do this alone.

"You know the old adage, don't put all your eggs in one basket. It's best to spread the risk around. It's the same with investing, why take it all at once? Don't you think?"

"That was his way of saying, too……."

Muttering to herself, Na Yerin smirked.

"Uh, big sister Yerin, what did you just say?"

"No, I didn't say anything."

"Sis, didn't you just laugh?"

Lee Jin-sul asked, unable to let go of his suspicions.

"Well, I don't remember that."

Na Yerin shook her head.

"Ugh, that's weird……. I'm pretty sure I've seen this before……."

It happened in a flash of light, but if her eyes were correct, what had just formed at the corners of Na Yerin's mouth and then vanished just as quickly was what was commonly referred to as a smile, something you wouldn't see on the usual Na Yerin, even if she were to rise from the dead.

"Anyway, good luck."

"Leave it to me. What do you want me to do first?"

"I need one more person to do this besides you, Seol. Can you call him?"

"Who is that? Is it someone I know?"

"Of course. That person is none other than……."

A man's head turned. Another man's head turned. Each time Lee took a step, the men's gazes were fixed on it.




Boom, boom, boom!

On this particular night, it's safe to say that the all-boys dormitory's Sword Dance Night was a raucous affair. A woman had fearlessly stepped into the beast-infested forbidden women's area. It's no wonder the men froze in their tracks, but Lee Jin-sul was unperturbed by their stares as she made her way through the hallways and up the stairs to her destination.


Without waiting, Lee Jin-sul flung the door open.


The tea Hyo-Ryong was holding in his mouth spewed out like a fountain.


Junho Yoon, who was drinking tea with him, jumped back in surprise, but it was too late. The spewing tea hit him directly in the clothes.

"This, this Sojae?"

Hyo-Ryong squinted at the unexpected figure that had burst through his door. He dabbed at his eyes with his sleeve a couple of times, but nothing seemed to change.

"Hey, how do I get to……."


Before he could finish his sentence, Lee Jin-sul grabbed Hyo-ryong's apron.

"I think you should come with me, Long!"

Seeing the determination in her eyes, Hyo-ryong didn't dare to refuse the order. With a mindset of "Yes, I will do as you ask," Hyo-ryong obediently followed her lead.


One of the Sword Honor Guard, who had been watching the whole thing with bated breath, stuck his finger in his mouth and whistled loudly.

"Somebody! Pfft!"

"I'm jealous, really!"

"Oooh, that's awesome!"

"Good luck! Yay!"

It wasn't just whistling. There were also a few crude jokes mixed in with the all-male crowd, which meant that there were some assholes here who thought they weren't men if they didn't tell crude stories at times like these.

"Are you getting your bachelor scar today?"

"Goodbye pity, Hyo-Ryong!"

"Tell the lady to be gentle!"

"Watch your back."

Here and there, he could hear applause in honor of Lee Jin-sul's confidence and aggressiveness. Hyo-ryong, blushing at the enthusiasm around him, meekly allowed himself to be dragged along by Lee Jin-sul's hand. He had already been stripped of his choice to control the situation.

"My sister! I brought her."

"Okay. Good job."

Na Yerin, who had been waiting, nodded.

"What, big brother Zhang?"

After being dragged to the mysterious location by Lee Jin-sul, Hyo-ryong's eyes widened when he saw the male of the two waiting there. The fact that the woman was Na Yerin was surprising enough, but the fact that Jang Hong was beside him was even more surprising.

"How do I get here……."

"Uh, yeah. Long Yong, are you here too?"

Jang Hong replied with an awkward expression. It was quite an awkward position to be in.

"Big brother Zhang was also dragged along?"

Hyo-Ryong asked in a low voice.

"Right. You must have been captured. How the hell did you find me……. Apparently, so did you."

"That's what happened."

"Enough with the small talk, my request is simple. I have only one question to ask Mr. Zhang, and rest assured, I have no other agenda."

"No, it's a big deal……."

It was only today, scratching the back of his head, that Jang Hong realized for the first time that it was quite ecstatic to be called Dai Hao by a heavenly beauty.

"Where is he?"

Na Yerin asked.


"Ishiguro, you mean."

"How can I find out where he is……."

"Where is it?"

Na Yerin asked again, sharply. Jang Hong looked into her eyes. Dark, deep eyes that could see through any lie, and in front of them, Jang Hong instinctively realized that all lies were unacceptable.

"I can't do it.

Jang Hong could only tell the truth.

'What other choice do I have…….'

"Where! That's all I want to know. That's all you have to tell me, Zhang Daihua. After that, you can contact me at……."

Na Yerin said, determination in her voice.

"I'll take care of everything."

"You told me lying to Sojae doesn't work, and it's true. I can't. I have to let you know."

Finally, Jang Hong surrendered.

"He is currently staying in the Nanchangji Bureau of the Zhongyuan Marking Bureau."

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discord ko-fi