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Book 20 Chapter 21

Blood Revitalizer

-Price of Resurrection

Woof, woof, woof.

With each step he took, the crowd scattered to the left and right, as if the sea were splitting. As he watched them trudge away, he sighed and wished the earth would go away.

'Eh, it's my octave, not that I wasn't expecting it, but this is…….'

The reaction was worse than he expected. He wasn't sure how he was going to explain himself in front of those faces, but he knew what those stares and contorted expressions were saying.


A scream he'd heard dozens of times already on his journey here. Another scream echoed in his ears, one he didn't know how many more times it would end.

"Who are you, you?"

Eyes aren't for decoration, you know.

"Yeah, I don't know why you're here……."

Don't treat them like they're in the wrong place.

"Am I looking at the wrong thing?"

Don't roll your eyes. You're looking at the right thing.

"So I'm wrong, too, right?"

I said no.

"Why in broad daylight?"

Oh, well, they say it's not a ghost. Have you ever seen a fresh ghost with blood this reddish-black?

"Look at that pale face, he must have died holding a grudge, and he's here for revenge, yes, I'm sure of it."

"But what about that compliant young man next to me?"

"Is it a lover?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Thump, thump, thump! Thump, thump, thump!

With each step, Namgungsang's face grew more and more grim, and his fists shook violently.

"They're called gaping mouths!

At times like this, it's a shame he doesn't have a flap for his ears.

It's the first day of resurrection, a day to rejoice.

Instead of joy, Nan Gongsheng's heart was filled with shame and anger. He could hardly rest easy as everyone looked at him as if they had witnessed a vision or a ghost.

"Everyone's giving me weird looks, huh?"

The polite man who accompanied him looked around and said.


Namgungsang replied in a weak voice. He no longer had the strength to respond.

"It's like you're seeing a ghost, isn't it?"


The thread of patience snapped in Namgungsang's mind.

"Who do you think this is all about, aang?"

Unable to contain his anger, Namgungsang tugged at Gongzhihui's cheeks from side to side.

"Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

If this guy hadn't killed me, I wouldn't have had to deal with all these stares……. After thinking about it, I realized that if I didn't keep bothering him, he wouldn't be able to do it.

"Grrrr, sin, sinful Nian……."

With the ball bouncing from side to side, the polite man answered desperately, but it wasn't enough.

"Sorry, that's it, that's it, that's it, that ship has sailed and it's not coming back! You think an apology will make up for your past horrible mistakes, huh? Don't have such a small view of the world, you little brat!"

Boom, boom, boom!

Gong Gonghui's cheeks puffed up like glutinous rice cakes as he watched Su Su's hand like a noodle plucker.

"That hand, stop!"

What the hell was that? Nangongshang's head naturally turned.

"The author is clearly a nonpartisan……."

If his memory serves him correctly, he is a shamanic disciple of the same distribution as Hyun-woon, so his name is…….

"You vile creature, why don't you get your filthy hands off me? If you don't do so immediately, I will not forgive you in the name of the Lord of Tai Shang!"

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

He held a broadsword in his right hand, a bell in his left, and an amulet. It seemed he had been preparing for an exorcism.

Click, click, click!

Hyunsoo ferociously swung the exorcism spirit in his left hand.

"Howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy! Howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy, howdy!"

Get it!

"What do you mean, a weasel? Who are you looking at?"

In front of Gong Gongzhihui's eyes, the new model of the Southern Palace disappeared in an instant.

When Hyun-soo saw the ghostly figure of Namgung suddenly appear in front of him, he cried out in terror.

"Hmph, a goblin casts a spell!"

Blue tendons wriggled in the Namgung Sang's fist.

"Who are you, to be a star in the sky!"


A blow of fury struck Hyunsoo square in the jaw.

"Kueh-eh-eh! Save me!"

The cries of the flying monk were pitiful, but no one reached out to save him.


Namgungsang's breathing quickened as his anger drained his internal energy; he had infused more power than necessary into this strike.

"Am I… okay?"

The polite man, who approached cautiously, also asked cautiously.

"Oh well, that's fine."

"You're going to make a face."

Politeness pointed out.

"Shut up. If it's okay, it's okay!"

With his face flushed with embarrassment, Namgungsang quickened his pace.

After the brilliant and spectacular blow that had just been delivered, the people were terrified and shivering in fear, lest they fall prey to the wrath of this unruly ghost.

"If we don't fix this situation soon…….

Then a savior appeared before his eyes. His friends, the members of the Zhu Jia Clan, who were well aware of the events, had rushed out upon hearing the news of the appearance of the Southern Palace Demon. However, their agile senses, honed under the tutelage of the Great Master Bi Ryuyeon, immediately detected the subtle currents of the intestines.

"Hey guys, this is great. I need you guys to say something."

Never had the presence of his friends been so welcome as today, Namgungsang stretched out his hand toward his saviors.

"Alas, with the grief of losing a friend, I can't see straight now!"

As he approached, Hyun-woon quickly shielded her eyes with her hands and cried out, causing his outstretched hand to stop in its tracks.


"Alas, alas……, not only that, but I'm deaf, deaf, deaf!"


After a moment's puzzlement, Namgungsang quickly called out the name of another friend of Hyun-woon's.


But the old man was muttering to himself, looking up at the clouds in the sky, wondering what was going on.

"Hmmm… Gongsang, you must be shining like the North Star in the night sky by now! Alas, tonight I'll have to drink in my newfound stardom!"

"Da, dangsam?"

Fortunately, Tang San did not turn away his hand. After clasping his hands together, Dangsam said with watery eyes.

"Gongsang, ghosts can't come here, they have to go up there!"

The chin pointing toward the sky made it look even more demure.


Something inside him exploded, and now his only hope was the one person he'd missed so much. Shaking off Tang Xiu's hand, Nan Gongsheng searched his eyes for his beloved.

There she stood, a step behind the others.


Namgungsang's voice was silenced.


Qin Ling's voice was also deep in thought.


Namgungsang has seized the Qinling's hand.


Qin Lie turned his head in mourning.

"Sang, it's heartbreaking that you can't forget me even in death, but our bodies are already separated by the river of death. Please don't worry about me and rest in peace."

Through this final desperation, Namgungsang crossed his threshold.

"Even you!"

Quack, quack, quack!


An unearthly roar erupted from the Nangong Sang's eyes.

"They're all dead! Koooooooooooo!"

Finally, Namgungsang exploded, his bloodshot eyes flashing as he charged at the members of the Jujak Troupe.

"Boom! The demons are on the loose! Come on, exorcists! Exorcists!"

Like a swarm of locusts in a fire, the cast scattered in all directions.

"Was the prank too much?


"He must have a lot of friends.

But it's too late for regrets.

"Urgent! Urgent! Exorcist and Yin Yang, to the central garden now!"

But there was no stopping the wrath of an angry spirit.

Afterward, the event is referred to as the "bloody resurrection" and ranks in the top ten of events you never want to be reminded of again.

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discord ko-fi