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Book 20 Chapter 20

The Boy Stands in the Hall of Heaven

-If you keep your credit, it will come back to you.

"Well, Eunseong, it's been a while since I've seen you, and what's up with your forehead? It's dark, like you've got some kind of black mark on it. Did something happen?"

Having just exchanged pleasantries with Qin Xiaolong, Magin's gaze stopped on Yue Eunsung's forehead.

"Oh, no, sir, it's no big deal."

Yoo Eun-sung said, trying to cover the bruises from yesterday with her hands somehow.

"I'm glad to hear that. I thought I'd gotten hit by the first blade of a pointillist or something."

"Well, I see……."

Yoo Eun-sung didn't realize that her forced smile was crooked.

"Yeah, is it these kids?"

After greeting them, the majin's gaze fell on the Yu siblings and stopped. Still unaccustomed to the unfamiliar surroundings, the boy and girl clung to Qin Xiaolong's side, unwilling to move away. This was especially true for Sun'er, who's majestic, bronze-colored behemoth was likely to look like a monster or a fierce beast in the eyes of a young girl. The fact that he was so tall made him seem even more terrifying. When the girl's expression turned sour, he felt sorry for her.

"Oops. This old lady must have made a mistake by not paying attention, because she's got a sore neck from looking up."

With a gentle smile, Mazinga lowered herself to be eye level with her younger brother.

"I finally feel comfortable talking about this allocation."

Seeing that smile, Sun Ah's expression relaxed, as if he was relieved. The majin's benevolent gaze fell on the boy, Yu Yun.

"So, you're the eldest grandson of Yoo Jae Ryong, the owner of Blue Dragon Silver?"

"Yes, I am Liu Yun, the successor to the Qinglong Silver House. My father asked me to deliver this to you."

With trembling hands, the boy took the silk pouch from his bosom and held it out with clasped hands. The majinga accepted it with a solemn expression, knowing full well that many lives had been crossed to keep it.

"You never opened this, did you?"

Mazinga looked at the boy in surprise.

"How do you do that……."

"You can tell because the seal on the knot is still intact. It's a seemingly simple seal, but one that very few people know. I'm sure you were curious, but you held your tongue."

"Because it was my father's will……. Besides, I'm still young, but I'm a man of business. My father always said that credit is life for a merchant, and I'm just following his advice."

The boy's eyes widened as he tried his best not to tremble. A hand the size of a crockpot lid was tapping him on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Zhang Hai, for protecting 'this'. This is an object that may decide the fate of Kang Ho in the future. To protect it, no, your father died to protect Kang Ho, so take pride in that!"

"Father… blackblack……!"

Yu Yongyong couldn't hold back the tears and burst into sobs. It had been a very difficult journey. I don't know how many times I crossed the life and death line. It would have been impossible if the heavens hadn't helped us.

"Kang-ho's sacrifice must be repaid somehow. What do you want me to do for you? I'll do whatever I can."

Mazinger said in a solemn voice. The thirteen-year-old boy's answer was predetermined.

"I want to rebuild the burnt out Blue Dragon Silver Hall!"

Without missing a beat, the boy replied.

"Rebuilding the family name…… doesn't sound like something that should come out of the mouth of a boy who's only thirteen. I'm proud of you, Cancer, I'm proud of you!"

As a marginalist, Yoo's request must have been very unexpected.

"So you're helping me?"

The boy asked, beaming.

"Sure, I'll support you. But… you're still young, aren't you? I don't think you can handle such a big job at your age, so why don't you wait until you're a little older?"

The boy shook his head.

"No, we can't wait, we have to start now. Before my will is weakened. And I'm not alone. We, the Blue Dragon Silver Clan, have already agreed to form a joint venture alliance with Lord Zhang Wuyang of the Zhongyang Mark Bureau here."

Mazinger's gaze fell on Zhang Wuyang, who had been forgotten until now; he had been involved in this case, and had been called in for the transportation of the marker.

"Is that true, Lord Zhang?"

Zhang Wuyang replied with a puzzled expression.

"It's true, Lord Ma. We, the Zhongyang Marking Bureau, have already promised Young Master Yu here that we will do everything in our power to rebuild the Qinglong Silver Pavilion!"

Zhang Wuyang's answer was equally emphatic.

"If that is the consensus of the merchants, then I will not prevent it any longer, and I am most grateful to you, Lord Zhang, that you have been able to complete this difficult journey safely, despite the many difficulties you encountered on this first trip. Furthermore, it's truly amazing that you were able to transport the marks without sacrificing anything in the face of such a great danger in the middle of the road. I, for one, am now a firm believer in the convoy capabilities of the Zhongyang Marking Bureau after this incident… and now that we have confirmed that one of the Zhongyuan Marking Bureau's Diamond Twelve Walls was involved in this incident, we as the Heavenly Martial Academy need to be even more careful. We're still not sure if it was the entire Zhongyuan Bureau or just him, but it's time to start phasing things out, at least to spread out the potential risks. I'd like to have more of our trophy shipments go through the Zhongyang Bureau in the future, and I'll be sure to pester Lord Zhang more in the future."

"Go, thank you, and you're welcome for that bother, and I'll be even more sincere in the future."

Zhang Wuyang replied with excitement. His words were a clear indication that he was willing to expand his business, which meant more sales. With the cooperation with the Qinglong Silversmith and the patronage of the Heavenly Martial Academy, Zhongyang Silversmith was like a winged tiger finding the wind to carry him high into the sky.

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discord ko-fi