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Book 2 Chapter 9

Yeomdo, family shame

Yeomdo merely grasped the handle of Tao.

But this one simple action changed everything around him.

Yeomdo has become an active volcano that looks like it could erupt at any moment.

An active volcano with immense destructive power, capable of sweeping away everything in its path…….

The gathered and concentrated power was about to be transformed into a great and powerful force of destruction. Now his mourner, the Red Flame, will leap from his den and strike down his opponent with tremendous power and speed, slicing his prey in half, shattering it to pieces, and burning it to a black powder. Only a handful of ashes would remain in the end. It has always been that way, but…….

"Oh, wait."

He had just drawn his Red Flame Sword and was about to burn her to a crisp when he was interrupted by Bi Ryuyeon's unexpected words. "Why are you bothering to build something that can be destroyed?" she said, looking at him with a questioning gaze.

"Surely you weren't trying to pull a fast one here, a master of such prestige would never do such a senseless thing, am I mistaken?"

"Hmph, of course I was going to pull it. You don't mean to tell me you're afraid now? Forgive me, but it's too late. You're going to die the most miserable death in this world."

He replied in a sullen voice. It was unreasonable to think that a man who was so angry at the top of his lungs would now beg for forgiveness and say, "Come on, do it." But that wasn't what Bi Ryuyeon meant. But that wasn't what she meant.

"Ah, no, that's not it. If you didn't think about the aftermath and impact of a master of your caliber unleashing his power on his surroundings, then I'm really disappointed in you. If a master of your caliber were to unleash his power, would the guests in this Hua Yun Lu be safe? There's no way they'll be safe, they'll all be killed by the strength and sword qi. A man of your age and reputation shouldn't take such a reckless action, Cancer."

Ryuyeon shook her head from side to side in a tone of incredulity, and Yin Dao was left dumbfounded. He couldn't think of anything to retort, which was a huge blow to his pride. In his nature, he would act indiscriminately, not caring about such trivial things around him, but when he was openly criticized in front of so many people, he would not be able to act recklessly.

In fact, it's actually quite correct, and it's easy to see why when you stop and think about it. When a master who has reached the peak of his skill, technique, and power, beyond the first class, unleashes his might, the aftermath is a terrifying display of destruction. In the cramped confines of the Hua Yun Lu, it is unlikely that a master of Yi's stature would have any respect for a sword wielded by an aging man with his head at the peak of his powers, so if Yi had not stopped the movement of the foot sword he had just used, but had instead drawn the mourning groove sword and swung it at Bi Ryuyeon, the aftermath of the impact would have been unimaginably devastating.

I couldn't help but think about Yidou. Even if he had a reputation for being short-tempered and impatient, he still knew what to do, what not to do, and what to watch out for as a martial artist who stood up for righteousness. He had just made a huge mistake. He shuddered to think of the casualties and property damage that could have been caused by his haphazardly wielded crimson sword, and the accusations that would have been made against him. He could breathe a sigh of relief that such a tragedy had been prevented.

"I almost made a big mistake, and I almost embarrassed myself.

Yeomdo patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah, I'm all for a walk, but I'm afraid this place is a bit too small for a test of truth and fiction, and neither of us can be at our full strength. I was wondering if we could move the trial to a more spacious and secluded location. I'm sure you won't say no, because it would be unscrupulous of you to not think of the inconvenience it would cause to those around you, and you're the one who's known as the Blade of Red Flame, aren't you? Shit……."

Ryuyeon flashed one of her polite little smiles at him. She spewed words at him like clear water, and there was nothing wrong with what he said. It was just that she was impersonal and had no head on her shoulders.

'That, that guy…….'

Yin Dao could not help but go berserk, but he could not dare to move. The words of Bi Ryuyeon, though condescending, were absolutely correct. He had no choice but to say, "Yes!" and move on. How could the other party speak so loudly, in such a large crowd, emphasizing his name, reputation, and status as a powerhouse, and talk about the master's actions, when his mind was already made up? How could he possibly tarnish his reputation?

"Very well. I'm willing to comply with your wishes. Let's move."

"Of course you do."

To the viewer's displeasure, Bi Ryuyeon kept smirking. It was a smile of joy. Finally, her opponent was completely trapped. As far as she was concerned, he was already a mouse in a trap he couldn't get out of. Bi Ryuyeon turned and walked out the door of Hua Yun Lu, followed by Yin Dao.

At the same time, a collective sigh of relief erupted throughout Huayunlu. As soon as the two disappeared, the sense of dread that had been weighing heavily on Hua Yun Lu was washed away, leaving only a slight lingering afterglow.

"I can finally breathe a little easier!" was the common sentiment of all the guests in Hua Yun Lu right now. Yin Dao had exuded such an enormous presence that everyone around him could barely breathe. And even after he disappeared, the aura of his imposing presence still lingered. Of course, no one felt a single drop of presence, power, or gravity from Bi Ryuyeon. All of the gravity and presence came from the sword.

Because of this, everyone in Juru was now predicting that Bi Ryuyeon's life would come to a miserably horrible and disastrous end.

"Looks like we're going to have to clean up another body today. You almost got us all dried up, Grimm."

"Is there a body to clean up? I'm sure there's nothing but a handful of ashes."

"I guess I don't have to worry about the cost of cremation(火葬费用)."

"Well, that's a relief. Anyway, tsk tsk… It's a shame you had to go crazy and die so young."

Everyone in Huayunlu had the same expectations. A complete incineration, without a drop of blood or a single piece of flesh left behind. There were even some people who silently prayed for Bi Ryuyeon's life.

"Well, let's get started, then, ding!"

A secluded clearing. The tip of Bi Ryuyeon's left foot lightly rolled on the ground as soon as she finished saying 'kayo' in this clearing they had found after searching for a few places after leaving Hua Yun Lu.


As soon as the tip of her left foot lightly tapped the ground, the silk dragon ring around her left ankle mysteriously came off and fell to the ground. At the same time, a fierce air current was generated from the tip of his foot, which stood on the ground, like a dragon circle, and enveloped his entire body in an instant, and in front of Yan Dao's eyes, with a single light - seemingly infinitesimal - flick of his left foot, Yan Dao hid his existence in an empty void and nothingness.

Even before Yeomdo could unleash his fiery blade with explosive force, Bi Ryuyeon had again revealed her presence to Yeomdo's vision. In fact, there was no time between the first and the second. By this time, there was no distance between her presence and Fenghui. At this moment, when the distance between them had been reduced to nothingness, a clash finally occurred.

The first to do so was Bi Ryuyeon's right foot, which made the distance between the two of them nothing. She stepped on his left foot as he was preparing to draw his sword in a stance with his right foot in front and his left foot lightly behind. In a single, unexpected move, Feng Shui was unable to react, and his movement was blocked.

But indeed, the famed culinary master was wrong about something. In this fleeting moment, with almost instinctive alacrity, he plucked out a half-plucked mourning hongyeom (紅焰). Unfortunately, before the graceful red mourning dao could leave its resting place, it was pushed back by Bi Ryuyeon's left hand, which turned over in a graceful spiral, causing Hong Yan to lose his bearings, and finally, the half-drawn red dao was grabbed by the left hand, causing him to lose all speed to finish. His dao had come to a screeching halt.

Yidou was stunned by this unbelievable fact. As an unsharpened sword, the power it contained was not something to be taken lightly. If a normal person touched it, they would lose the use of their arm for the rest of their lives. How could one use a charred piece of meat?

To be captured by a nameless pupil with a crimson flame that contained all the firepower and qi of such a spirit god, even before it had been drawn, was a disgrace and a stigma that could not be washed away, even if the crimson flame was held in the mouth and sucked dry. But even with this sense of bitterness, Bi Ryuyeon was not done yet.

Bi Ryuyeon's superior right hand stretched out, and with a light flick of the wrist, the open palm flipped over, the inner surface of the palm striking directly at Yan Dao's ming qi. It was a seemingly light move, a single flip of the palm, but the power it contained was not something that could be easily dismissed. This was the moment when Bi Ryuyeon's strange tension penetrated through Yi Dao's body.

As wide as the ripples on a calm lake, as strong as the waves in a storm, the tension in Bi Ryuyeon's right hand spread out into the body of Yi Dao, shattering Yi Dao's intestines with a tremendous impact. It was a precise strike, and the match ended with a whimper.

To his astonishment, one of the strongest and most prestigious players in the game was unable to handle a single move from the young man in the pavilion. There was no denying that the mental and psychological shock of being caught in disgrace with his own mourning red flame barely drawn played a part in this. In this way, he sank deeper and deeper into the depths of darkness, into the abyssal swamp, feeling his vision go black and his consciousness fade away. It would be some time before he could regain his senses after his disgraceful and disgraceful defeat.

"Uh, it's a bit like…….. Hmm, that sounds good."

"Pfft," Bi Ryuyeon muttered, casting a glance at Yan Do, who was lying face down on the ground. There was a hint of pleasant admiration in his mutterings. The martial art that Bi Ryuyeon had just demonstrated was the I Ching, also known as the I Ching Method, one of the I Ching, I Ching, I Ching, and I Ching methods that he had learned as an extra from his master. Ikki (一拳) is a three-fold beating technique, Ikak (一脚) is mindlessness, and Ijang (一掌) is the one you see here. Even if there was no thought in its origins (無想: interpreted as "it was created without any thought, but as a bonus…"), its power was not total.

Yeobanjang, the palm flip, is a drill with a name and a misconception. Literally, the only thing that exists in this ridiculously named art form is a palm flip. The warrior's palm is flipped by the mysterious rotational force that travels from the toes, around the waist and shoulders, and down to the fingertips in a spiral. But this single action, combined with the lightning bolts, would produce a terrifying power.

Not only was Bi Ryuyeon unable to be overpowered by Yeomdo's fierce dao power, but she was also able to seize his dao effortlessly and safely, because Yeomdo's skillful maneuvering disrupted the direction of Yeomdo's power and speed, causing Yeomdo's red dao body, which was about to explode, to be halved in power.

It was a deceptively simple martial art technique, almost as if it had been invented out of spite, that caught Kang Ho off guard, shattered his pride, and left him lying on the ground in an unrecognizable state.

It was a situation that, if it were to become known, could easily overthrow Kang-ho as easily as if he were the head of a school, but Bi Ryuyeon didn't seem to care, and simply stood quietly and waited for the lying Yidou to wake up. With her fingers, she poked and prodded at Yeomdo's head. …….

"Tsk, tsk, do I just have a new protégé to spoil?

Had he retained a glimmer of consciousness, he would have been engulfed in an infinite chill that threatened to freeze his entire body. He stretched out in a seemingly comfortable position, unaware of the absurd reality that awaited him when he woke up, as if the heavens and earth had been turned upside down at once.

With a joyful smile on her face, Bi Ryuyeon picked up one of the martial dragon rings she had removed and placed it back on her left ankle. It was a symbol of the enormous amount of effort she had put into the battle against Yin Dao. In order to defeat Yeomdo without using his thunder sword, he needed to gain more speed than he currently had, which is why he had removed one of the four jade dragon rings he had filled. This single, unstuffed dragon ring gave him a tremendous amount of acceleration, which gave him the power to subdue Yin Dao.

Bi Ryuyeon gazed silently at the western horizon. The sun was now tilted toward the western mountains, casting a deep dusk, and a pleasant breeze was whipping through the reddening sky and earth.

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discord ko-fi