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Book 2 Chapter 8

Yeomdo, on the verge of disaster

The saber was unintentional.

A fresh-faced kid with no blood in his veins and a green thumb.

He couldn't believe that he'd interfered.

His chi is blocked, so he's going to give the scaredy-cat standing over there the

I couldn't bear to let him go without saying something.

"This is a baby, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy."

Her answer was even more bizarre, which made Yeomdo's answer even more bizarre.

"Cackle. I don't know where you live, but you're a little boy who's lost his fear. Do you wish to stand before my sword, or do you wish to be a shield against my sword, or is that what you are, a fluffy little thing?"

It's so ridiculous, it's not even funny, said Tou Lo Yan. Then the tail of Bi Ryuyeon's mouth, which had been labeled as a frightened, innocent child, curled up gently to one side. Then his two silver-rimmed eyes began to sparkle with confidence and mischief, and there was an air of dignity in his eyes that told her that he had no intention of letting her down.

"I would say yes."

A meek, unassuming admission. But its content was anything but mild and ordinary; it was absolutely out of the ordinary. Naturally, Bi Ryuyeon's answer only made Yi Dao's angry eyes glow an even deeper shade of red, the color of wrath, and caused his anger to ripple even more violently.

Yeomdo's red eye light was terrifying, and the intensity of it was such that one could swallow a bowl of cold water after puffing a piece of biliuyun into one's mouth. There were only a few people in the entire Martial Realm who could stare straight into his fierce eye light, and the average person would probably be nauseous and unable to stand upright.

In any case, judging by his glowing red eyes, it was clear that Yeomdo had made up his mind.

'I've already decided to catch one, and I'm about to do it, so I'm going to take a little extra trouble to catch you, too, just as a last-minute change of plans. I'll make sure you two are never alone in the world!

His eyes burned with such meaning and intent. His determination was reflected in the loud snorts that came out of his nose, and in the reddening of his face and the many strands of blood that stood out on his forehead.

"Hmph……. You think you're going to come at me, do you think there's a chance in a thousand, or even one in ten thousand, that you're going to get away with it? You think you're not scared of me, kid!"

It's a bunch of bullshit, said Turo. But Bi Ryuyeon's response was to scratch his insides four or five times, then flip him over again.

"Oh, yes, of course," said the old man, "I'm sure I'm good enough to cook for a sissy weirdo with a name like that, and I don't see how you can get by in this harsh world without that kind of skill, do you, mister? Oh, I don't believe you, I won't mare you if you try. Bingo!"

He had fearlessly touched a place that Bi Ryuyeon should never have touched, and he had trampled on the absolute forbiddance of Yan Dao, who had seen the blood of many people before, with his muddy feet.

"Huff, puff, puff, black!"

The sounds they make when they inhale and exhale rapidly, the terminal sounds they make when they mix. If a blind man were present, he would have thought that all of Hua Yun Lu's guests were suffering from respiratory problems. Everyone was swallowing their breath so quickly that it got stuck in everyone's throats. The atmosphere inside Hua Yun Lu had gone into a state of complete and utter tension.

It was like the strings of a golden koto, plucked so tightly that they would snap at the slightest touch, and the only sound that could be heard was the bitter laughter that emanated from the mouth of one of the pluckers, Yin Dao.

"Hmph, test? Onya, I'll test you. Am, don't just test me. Hmph, not only will I test you, but I'll also give you a graded assessment. I'm sure you'll pay dearly for the score on that evaluation."

His eyes were already torn from side to side with a snapping sound, a pair of wild red eyebrows twitching with rage, and the backs of his two fists, the size of cauldron lids, were covered with thick veins like a blue viper stalking its prey, popping out of their epidermis with a crackling sound.

However, even though he was looking at the state of the salt water with both eyes, he was relaxed, as if he had nothing to lose. I couldn't see the word tension on his face, even after washing my eyes and searching for it. Maybe it was even less.

"Oh, great, I'm ready to be evaluated by you anytime. You're welcome to give me a test of disbelief, but only if you're confident."

With a smirk on her lips, a smug smile that seemed to be the least bit condescending to Feng Shui, Bi Ryuyeon delivered the final blow to Feng Shui.

"Of course, that's when you're confident, so don't worry too much. You don't have to do it if you're not confident you're going to lose, do you want to make a bet?"


Somewhere along the way, someone's something broke. That someone, of course, was Yin Dao, and what was broken was a cord of patience that was otherwise thin and transparent. At the same time, a great explosion erupted from within Yin Dao, and the power released by the explosion burst outward with unbridled force.

In the next moment, with a crackling sound, a spiderweb-like pattern of cracks appeared on the expensive, hardwood floor of Hua Yun Lu that Yi was standing on, spreading out around him. What a powerful work of strength!

The powerful ripples of Qi from his body have caused the floor to crack, unable to withstand the force. The owner would have to choke back tears and spend an estimated amount of silver coins to repair the floor of Hua Yun Lu, which had just been damaged by Yeomdo's energy.

"Hmph, okay. A bet? Okay, very good, but in exchange for that bet, you're going to have to stake something of very, very great value."

Despite the overwhelming feeling of hot flesh that even the self-proclaimed experts sitting around her could not withstand, she remained weak. No, she was suppressing the desire to scoop up another drink and call out for help. After all, isn't it an inescapable truth from ancient times that those who are ignorantly powerful are simple?

The targeted fish bit the bait on the rod, and Bi Ryuyeon carefully started to pull the rod out. The fish had already been dragged to the water's edge, and now all the angler had to do was finish the job with the hook.

"Oh, I'll bet my life, and if that's not enough, I'll bet the entire fortune of the Zhongyang Mark Bureau."

Bi Ryuyeon's words, casually handing over the entire foundation of the Zhongyang Mark Bureau as if it were his own, were enough to stun the sovereign Zhang Wuyang. It wouldn't be strange at all if Zhang Wuyang's soul left his body and wandered through the Nine Heavens. Long Ke was only relieved that Zhang Wuyang still retained his sanity.

"Hmph, are you saying that you are in a position to dispose of the entire property of the Zhongyang Mark Bureau?"

Yeomdo said with a look that said it wasn't funny, but Bi Ryuyeon hesitantly replied.

"Oh, of course, it's the Zhongyang seal country, which will be destroyed if left alone, and if I save it, it's my property, isn't it? If I leave it alone, it will disappear, and if I take care of it, it's my property." Well, don't worry. It's something that the sovereign over there agreed to, isn't it? Mr. Zhang!"

Bi Ryuyeon may have smiled what she thought was an innocent and innocent smile, but to Zhang Wuyang, it was a sinister smile that seemed almost abominable. However, as if in agreement, Zhang Wuyang didn't say anything, just sat there in silence. Why did he do that, why didn't he just say no once and for all? Everyone was puzzled, but no one noticed the thin needle stuck in the nape of his neck.

"Look, even the King agrees, so let's make a bet, shall we?"

"Hmph, good. I'll make you regret it forever in that world."

As Yeomdo's thick, rough hand gripped the handle of the Crimson Flame, a storm of heat began to emanate from it. He was about to unleash his peak technique, the Sword Flame Qi.

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discord ko-fi