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Book 2 Chapter 27

Go wash your feet and get some sleep, kid.

The back of his head suddenly went cold.


Damn, this was unexpected!

Bi Ryuyeon turned around and saw the

In that brief moment, I waved once to Hyo-Ryong and Jang Hong,

Taking advantage of that tiny gap, a ferocious and sharp

Six strands of crescent-shaped sword Qi rushed toward him.

Uh, but when I tried to dodge the vicious, mindless attacks aimed at his back and behind, the damn space was too cramped. The small space made it impossible to make a smooth evasive move. The space is small, but the sword fills the space and flies in unexpectedly. In other words, I couldn't dodge.


Bi Ryuyeon clapped his hands together for the umpteenth time. In an instant, his right hand glowed pure white, and then struck down like a thunderbolt. A strike as fast and strong as a thunderbolt! You have just cast Thunderbolt, a powerful technique that utilizes the energy of the Thunder Spirit.

Sword Qi and Thunder Spirit Qi clashed head-on. Someone said it was unavoidable, not unstoppable. Of course, if one had the upper hand, one might be able to annihilate them. Bi Ryuyeon tore the swarm of sword Qi flying towards her in half with a single, simple hand gesture. There was a dazzling flash, a booming roar, and a huge shockwave as the Thunderbolt Brainstorm and the unannounced sword qi collided head-on!

The building shook and the storm tore at the walls in geometric shapes. The sword forest shattered, sending thousands of sword fragments scattering wildly through the air like leaves in a storm. It was just as powerful as it had been when it had been struck.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding!"

In the aftermath of the impact, the bell rang out loud and clear, but it soon failed to withstand the force and shattered to pieces. It took some time for the storm to subside, leaving the entire building in a state of ruin. The destruction was all the more devastating for the fact that it was an instantaneous clash of overwhelming forces in a confined space.

It wasn't until a while later that the storm began to subside, and the dense dust that had been coating the hallways in a yellowish haze was finally cleared.

"The bell rang, does that mean you passed?"

Ryuyeon smiled as if nothing had happened and looked to one end of the corridor, where a man with a long, heavy, sharp greatsword decorated with tiger symbols had been standing silently ever since. His sword was much larger and sharper than a normal sword, and the raging tiger symbol on the hilt was very impressive. And Ryuyeon could recall that she had seen the raging tiger symbol once before.

Roar! Raging tiger!

It is the famous symbol of Hoa Zhang, a sword master who has risen to prominence in recent years. It was so famous that there were few people in the city who didn't recognize it. Of course, I had visited Hoa Zhang not too long ago, so I remembered it. But while he had seen the sword, he had never seen the man who wielded it.

And if you look closely, you'll notice that the man's greatsword is shaped differently from the ordinary no-ho swords you've seen surrounded by so many warriors in Hoa Jiang. Of course, Bi Ryuyeon's powers of observation were keen, and she was interested in the man's sword, but it didn't matter to her that his sword was an inch longer than the swords wielded by the students at the academy, or that the decoration on the blade was more ornate and elaborate, or that the color of the hilt was a striking, inky black.

And the fact that the sword was a rare, untouchable sword, passed down only to the immediate successor of the master, was even more irrelevant. It had been given to him by his master as a sign that he was entrusting him with his life and all of Zhuang. He gripped his beloved sword even tighter. The responsibility and expectations of the Sword of the Great King made his own sword feel even heavier.

"Who are you?"

The first to speak was Bi Ryuyeon. She was curious about the identity of the man who had appeared out of nowhere and stabbed her in the back of the head. However, he still had a bright smile on his face, so he didn't seem to harbor any ill feelings toward the other man.

An icy voice escaped from the man's mouth, his eyes burning with uncontrollable rage.

"Do you remember Hoa Giang?"

It was a question that assumed the other person would know, but she simply betrayed his expectations. Only after thinking for a while did she realize where it was.

"Hoa Giang? Alas, if it's there, I've been there before."

As soon as he spoke, the man's eyes lit up. They were eerily cold and intensely alive.

"You call it a visit when you've wiped out an entire sect of the Martial Realm?"

A violent shout, like a volcano erupting. It seemed as if he could no longer contain the anger that was building inside him. His emotions were about to explode, no longer controlled by reason. His hands were clenched tightly around his greatsword, his eyes were glowing with madness and rage, his lips were set in a vicious grin that threatened to bleed with just a little more effort, and everywhere he looked, he seemed to be burning with the madness of revenge.

As a general rule, vengeance-minded people are not easy to deal with because they are fatally lacking in a rational thought system, so it's best to avoid them if you can, but one such vengeance-minded human is now standing in front of you with a sword.

"Hoa Zhang's great disciple, Hao Tiankang, I challenge you here and now to clear your name. Take up arms!"

The blue-robed man held his sword out in front of him and spoke confidently. There was nothing casual about his stoic gesture, which would have seemed intimidating enough to the casual observer. To everyone's surprise, this was the death sentence that Hoa Zhang's disciples had been waiting for. This was the same person who had not been present at the time of Bi Ryuyeon's visit to Hoa Zhuang because he had been admitted to the Heavenly Martial Academy.

However, upon being challenged by Hochenkang, Bi Ryuyeon's face still showed no sign of agitation, only an indecipherable smile…….

"Challenges? I see you're replacing them with unannounced sword strikes to the back of your opponent's head these days. Is that some sort of unique and personalized challenge here? Or did I just mistake an assault for a challenge?"

His tone was polite enough to be sarcastic.

"Well, it was just a greeting, nothing else."

When Ho Tiankang stammered out a flustered excuse, Bi Ryuyeon looked around the nearly deserted corridor and deliberately walked around the hallway once before speaking.

"Don't you think the greeting chirero was a bit much?"

"Moo, rude bastard!"

Judging by his complexion, which was changing from red to blue, it seemed that there was little reason left in him. From now on, emotions would begin to dominate his body and mind. But he hadn't exploded yet, and he was swallowing his anger; he couldn't afford another unannounced attack. If it happened again, he would be labeled as a coward who stabbed his opponent in the back without warning, regardless of his intentions. So Ho Tiankang held his tongue.

Unconcerned with Ho Tiankang, who was in the midst of a fierce struggle with himself, Bi Ryuyeon diligently analyzed the situation. She summarized it briefly.

"So your story is that I visited Hoa Jang and somehow harmed him, and you're going to take me down to avenge that, and establish your reputation as a shrine master, though I doubt I've done anything to earn your grudge."

Why did she deserve to be revenged? There were so many reasons, so many different reasons, that she might as well have been ignoring them. She asked.

"But do you want more?"

It was a bottomless pit of questions.

A random question from Bi Ryuyeon. She asked like a supervisor checking a construction site.

"The Farrani? Is he crazy?

Ho Tiankang didn't know or understand what the hell Bi Ryuyeon was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

What are you talking about?" Ho Tiankang asked with an honest face that said I couldn't understand a word you said.

"The Paranjan. Don't you know?"

How could you not know that?" said Bi Ryuyeon in a rebuking tone, as if it was too much. Hearing such words, Hao Tiankang was dumbfounded and resentful.

"You must have a very dark mind to make people say the same thing twice."

With a disdainful expression on his face, Bi Ryuyeon casually scratched Hao Tiankang's insides. Whether that bastard was sincere in his words, or whether he was doing it on purpose, Hou Tiankang couldn't even guess. This bastard was uncontrollable. He decided to kindly explain it to him as he stood there, wide-eyed and puzzling over Bi Ryuyeon's random rant.

"What I'm talking about is whether or not you're chung chul am, or something like that, whether or not you're stronger than your master. The head is there to be used, not for decoration."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled brightly, but you could bet your bottom dollar that it never endeared her to Ho Tiankang. If anything, it only provoked him even more.

Ho Tiankang cringed again. To a young and virile man, such words were a terrible insult. But for now, he still had a small amount of patience left in him, so he didn't howl like an animal as he swung his sword. But his reason, it seemed, was running out.

"Kkkkk… How dare I compare my paltry skills to yours, Master. Don't be ridiculous!"

Hao Tiankang replied, barely suppressing his lava-like rage.

"That's weird, isn't it?"

Hearing Ho Tiankang's answer, Bi Ryuyeon tilted her head in confusion and asked.

"What do you mean?"

Ho Tiankang's tone became increasingly nervous and sharp.

"Isn't that so? How could you, knowing and convincing yourself that you're not as good as your master, come out and say you're going to help me when you couldn't even do it in that Hoa Giang with all the adults below your master? You can't be hoping for good luck, can you? That's a ridiculous way to look at the world."

Bi Ryuyeon's gaze turned to Hochen River with all sorts of questions in his eyes. His tone was very kind and gentle compared to the content. It was as if he was saying that your ability to analyze power and think through situations was a mystery to me. Whether or not she was aware of Ho Tiankang's tenuous hold on reason, Bi Ryuyeon continued to turn Ho Tiankang's clothes inside out. Ho Tiankang's shoulders were trembling violently.

His sword was gripped so tightly in his hand that it seemed as if it would never leave his grasp.

"Why am I still not crazy?

Ho Tiankang couldn't believe his eyes. His mind seemed to be turning whiter and whiter.

'I need to make it official. I need to make it official… official…….'

As Ho Tiankang tries to pull himself together by telling himself over and over again, Bi Ryuyeon delivers the decisive blow that ends his desperate efforts.

"Trying to do the impossible is one of those things a boy should do at least once in his life, but this seems so outrageous that I think you should just go home, wash your feet, and get a good night's sleep, which would be very beneficial to your mental health as well as your physical health."

Bi Ryuyeon's words, which were at least outwardly polite, had already gone beyond sarcasm to mockery in Ho Tiankang's eyes. Although it was said with a bit of sarcasm, it could easily be interpreted as, "Kid, you're no match for this, go home, wash your feet, and get some sleep!

"Yes, you!"

Eventually, Ho Tiankang's anger exploded. There was no more patience. It was nothing short of a miracle that he had managed to hold out this long, and a terrifying river of sword Qi emanated from the Great Tiger Sword in his hand. The words he had said earlier about being weaker than a master were merely condescending, but this was a terrifying aura that even a master could not ignore.

But what shouldn't be overlooked here is that Bi Ryuyeon is no ordinary cilantro, and that was the greatest of all misfortunes for Ho Tiankang.

To Hao Tiankang's pathetic attempts to rush into a subject he didn't have the slightest idea about and see if he could come up with something surprising, Bi Ryuyeon responded with polite disdain and elegant mockery. His inability to grasp the subject was nothing more than a mockery to her. Contrary to Ho Tiankang's words, his Thirty-Six Swords were indeed powerful enough to be compared to his master, Ho Tianxiang. In the year or so that he had been training at the Heavenly Martial Academy, Ho Tiankang had unknowingly made great progress. This self-development was extraordinary and fictitious, but it certainly didn't mean that he was able to defeat Bi Ryuyeon.

Unperturbed by the terrifying momentum of the slashing sword, Bi Ryuyeon charged forward. The howling sword qi from all directions futilely deflected off his body, allowing Bi Ryuyeon to leisurely drive her right foot into Hao Tiankang's lower abdomen. It was a casual strike. The match was decided with a single blow. The direction of victory or defeat was so obvious that there was no room for second thoughts. Ho Tiankang's face turned pale. He was so stunned that his tongue was stiff and he could barely speak.

"Me… me… me… me……."

Hao Tiankang's eyes widened as if he had witnessed something unbelievable. His hands trembled violently, like the trembling of an aspen tree. Ho Tiankang couldn't believe what was happening, and it wasn't because of Bi Ryuyeon's foot in his abdomen. It was bad enough that he had been beaten by a thoughtless kick, but what was worse was the lightning bolt that Bi Ryuyeon had thrown at him at the same time that she had thrown her thoughtlessness into his abdomen. It was beyond horrifying to him. There was no longer a trace of the place where Bi Ryuyeon's lightning bolt had struck in the middle of his sword line. There was nothing left. The rest of the halved blade lay on the floor outside the hall like a broken piece of wood.

The sacred object of a monk had been broken. For Hao Tiankang, this was the same event that shattered Shaolin's Jadeite Buddha statue and broke Open's Jade Rod.

Ho Tiankang was stunned to death, and his mind turned white, unable to think, or to think at all. I was amused by his dumbfounded state, with his eyeballs unclenched and his legs untied, so I folded my fists for a moment and began to observe him. But Ho Tiankang was like a hardened wraithstone, unwilling to move. His mind had already gone blank.

It was Bi Ryuyeon, who, although she was thin and looked like she had a screw loose, was actually raising hundreds of slugs. It was no wonder that she was beaten to a pulp by such an opponent without any preparation. It was unfortunate for the party left behind, but it was a natural outcome.

She was polite in her words, but as we all know, she was not as polite as her eyes, so there was no way she would be able to make amends. So, despite the effort, she struck again with her hand like a thunderbolt, touching Hochenkang's entire body evenly. It was the burning heat of the Three-Fold Beating Technique. Just as he was calmly contemplating his next move after beating the heir of a sect to a pulp, a figure appeared and saved him the trouble. But it was not a very welcome figure, to say the least.

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discord ko-fi