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Book 2 Chapter 26

Those two were suspicious.

Bi Ryuyeon shows off an evasive move that no human body should be able to pull off.

The next wait was a trap.

Dodge the arrows and darts, then use the

Suddenly, without warning, the ground beneath her feet gave way.

If it had fallen through, a sharpened spear would have thrown the

It would have been a disaster.

I could have been a human meat bandit.

Before he could fall into the trap, however, Bi Ryuyeon leaped up and out of the way. He still had no desire to become a meat bandit and roast to a golden brown over a wood fire. But where he landed, thinking he was in the clear, there was another hazard waiting for him. This time, it was not a simple trap, but a double-header that was two or three times more dangerous. It was clear that the trap had been carefully calculated.

Beautifully carved logs with pointed ends came at him from all directions. These logs were tied to strong ropes, and their weight was enough to send them crashing down on Bi Ryuyeon. They charged at him from all directions with a fierce force that could shatter the hardest rocks. It was a series of indiscriminate attacks that could easily grind a human body to dust, a precise staggered timing that left no room for error, and no time to breathe. The logs that came from all directions tangled together at the exact spot where Bi Ryuyeon was standing.


There was a loud crash that shook the air. The tangled logs crashed into each other, unable to withstand the force, and parts of them shattered into pieces. The shards of wood were then scattered into the air. Only at this point did the complexions of Hyorong and Jang Hong, who had been watching Bi Ryuyeon, turn pale as they wondered if they had been caught. That's why this attack was so much more powerful than the previous ones. But their faces quickly brightened. It was because a young man had landed on top of the pile of logs, and it was Bi Ryuyeon.

Just as the horde of giant logs were about to crush him in a swarm, Bi Ryuyeon leapt up into the air. It was an invisibly fast and swift leap. It was so fast and swift that even Hyorong and Jang Hong had trouble catching it.

As she landed on the pile of logs, she waved at them, reassuring them not to worry. The trap, which must have taken countless hours of careful calculation and research by its designer, didn't even have the honor of catching a glimpse of Bi Ryuyeon's collar. What's more, he seemed to be enjoying the situation, as the smile never left his face. It was another confirmation of his insensitivity, which is tougher than whale tendons.

As if they couldn't be beaten anymore, Hyorong and Jang Hong glanced at each other, smirked, and quickly followed behind Bi Ryuyeon. There was no hesitation in their steps anymore, and their eyes were shining with confidence. Perhaps it was a sign of good fortune. After breaking through all the unappreciative roadblocks that were set up to send people to the other side, the group finally arrived safely at their destination, the Sword Marriage Hall.

Inwardly, they were mortified that they had gone to such trouble just to get to their quarters, even though they would be living in them for the next year. To have to fight their way through a field of mechanical devices so powerful and terrifying that they could easily annihilate a handful of enemy soldiers to get to their beds……. It was an unbelievable, stark reality.

From the first impression, the Tianmu Academy was intimidating. So when I arrived at the doorstep, I was hesitant and nervous to open it. The first thing that came to my mind was what kind of evil things might come out of this tightly wrapped gift box. But after a moment's hesitation, Hyo-ryong opened the door.



Hyorong was startled by the sudden attack and jerked his head back with a whoosh. The dark electricity barely grazed his face. Heero's heart sank as it turned into wind and slapped him across the face. If he had been any slower to react, she would have savaged his face without a second thought. The thought sent a chill down his spine.

Hyo-Ryong's head snapped back up, followed by Bi Liu-Yan, and Jang Hong's vision took in the scene inside the Sword Marriage Hall. For a moment, Jang Hong's brow furrowed slightly. The other two's complexions also showed a hint of astonishment.

'This is unbelievable. It's even worse this year than last!'

Jang Hong, he hadn't seen anything like this yet. Even though it's a traditional induction ceremony, it's never been as violent as this year. In the past, it's always ended on a good note, with everyone being able to handle it. But this year, the tone was off. For some reason, I could feel a sense of murderous intent. Who would dare to take things this far?

The interior was a masterpiece. In the hallways and corridors leading to the second floor, sharp iron skewers glowed white with a sharp, blood-curdling flash. The skewers were densely and haphazardly embedded, all of different lengths, giving the illusion that one was looking at the Sword Forest.

The sword forest was spreading out, emitting a pure white qi that seemed to tear the sky apart! I was almost tempted to give him a pat on the back for his efforts, wondering how he had managed to create such an obstacle in an otherwise clear corridor.

Their eyes widened in disbelief, and a single line of text appeared.

"Welcome, ring the bell and the way will be open.

It was a very childish and tacky phrase, and it was obvious that it was written by someone who hadn't even eaten yet.

"Zhong (鐘)?"

By bell, I assume you're referring to the small iron bell at the end of the dark hallway over there……. After taking a moment to admire the myriad sword forests, Bi Ryuyeon turned her head and looked towards Hyorong. He continued to lower his head, seemingly lost in thought. Seeing that he was deep in thought, Bi Ryuyeon gave him a small smile.

"It sounds like you're asking me to run through this, right?"

Hyo-Ryong nodded, his gaze fixed on the swordsman.

"I guess so. A challenge?"

"It's a taunt."

Bi Ryuyeon kindly corrected Hyo-ryong's words. Hyorong nodded his head in agreement. There was an easy way to blast through all of the sword forests, and she had the ability to do so, but she didn't want to mess with the building she would be living in for a long time to come, so she decided to just go for it.

The simplest (?) way is to walk on the sword tip. It was questionable whether stepping on the tip of a blade and walking on a ten-page sword forest could be described as simple, but she didn't seem to mind the 560-muscle Muklong rings on her wrists and ankles. Did that mean she was confident in her breakthrough? She was so confident and self-assured that she was worried about the onlookers.

"This is too much!"

With a stern shake of her head, she leaped. She landed on the sword pole with an unbelievable lightness, as natural as a butterfly landing on a flower to gather nectar. As she complained, this was too much, even for her. But what could she do now? The damage was done……. Bi Ryuyeon stood on the sword pole she had just leapt from and stretched out one foot in front of the other with an accusatory look.

This was just the beginning. From above, below, to the left, right, and center, the organs of war began to work in unison, aiming at him from every angle. But neither the horde of arrows whizzing past his ears nor the hail of mathematical formulas raining down on him from all directions posed any threat to the lightness and grace with which he danced on his sword pole. As his dangerous yet graceful dance on the sword pole grew faster and faster, so did his body's rotation. Soon, Bi Ryuyeon Yan's new weapon was spinning at a speed that was almost invisible to the eye. The moment,


An arrow flew out of nowhere, aimed at his face, followed by a rain of arrows, countless in number, flying at him like a swarm of bees. The situation was so extreme that at any moment he would have turned into a human hedgehog and fallen down in a spray of blood. But…….


Hyorong and Jang Hong simultaneously erupted into a roar of praise. Their shouts were a mixture of praise and alarm.

Flying Thunderbolt - a secret technique for the Poisoned Moon Divination Formula

phoenix dance - 回天鳳翼飛上

The countless arrows and countless memorizations that had been shot at Bi Ryuyeon could not even penetrate his body, and were swept away by the air currents generated by the dance, blowing them into thin air. It was as if his body was protected by an invisible layer of wind. How could one not be astonished at such a marvelous sight?

After rendering most of the mechanical devices and non-lethal tactics useless, Bi Ryuyeon leisurely glanced back at Hyorong and Jang Hong and waved her hand in a reassuring manner. Hyorong and Jang Hong also waved back with a confused look on their faces. It was now less than half a chapter to the bell, and suddenly Bi Ryuyeon felt a chill run down her spine. She turned her head.

'Sword energy? Without warning?

Unreserved sword energy with a stabbing edge.

"The sky is full of mischief!

Without warning or reservation, six sharp strands of crescent-shaped sword Qi filled the passageway from behind Bi Ryuyeon. The staggered, space-occupying sword qi was a carefully calculated, continuous cascade of attacks that left no room for the opponent to evade. In such a narrow passageway, and on a sword pole with only a limited range of movement, it would be impossible to dodge the staggered sword qi from top to bottom, left to right, and right to left, which is of course why the opponent had targeted this moment. It was an excellent move that deserves more than 90 out of 100 points.

"It's dangerous!"

Hyorong and Jang Hongyi's eyes widened, and at the same time, with a flash of white, a terrifying sword Qi struck at Bi Ryuyeon. There was a white flash, followed by a loud roar, and a shockwave swept through the surroundings. The reverberation was much louder than expected. The shockwave ripped through the air, tearing through the corridor walls and turning the square into a mop. The countless sword forests that had sprung up were also reduced to ruins in an instant. It only took a moment for the fierce gusts of wind accompanied by shockwaves to turn the corridor into ruins. It was a terrifying momentum that guaranteed death at the very least. Hyorong and Jang Hong were also within the range of this murderous gust, and even they were not spared by this killing storm.

A ferocious shockwave and a murderous sword rain struck them both. In an instant, Hyorong stood in front of Jang Hong, almost blocking him. It was a risky move, especially when such a powerful and ferocious cultivation swept mercilessly through such a small space. Unless you had a lot of lives to spare, it was a risky move, and in Jang Hong's eyes, it seemed reckless.

"It's dangerous!"

Jang Hong shouted, but Hyorong didn't even listen, his eyes fixed on the murderous storm that was about to engulf them.


With a crystal-clear crackle, the twin swords were released into Hyo-Ryong's hands, and he quickly wielded them.

"Taeul Heavenly River Wall!"

With a thunderous cry, dazzling sword Qi burst forth from the twin swords in his hands like a rainbow, forming a huge wall of sword Qi in front of him. Even the sharp sword fragments that were swept away by the shockwave were unable to penetrate the wall of pure white sword Qi that had been erected in front of him. Jang Hong's eyes widened in disbelief.

"There, the sword shield!"

He had cast the Sword Shield, a sword technique that could only be formed by drawing a minimum of one hundred and eighty swords in a single second. Jang Hong's eyes narrowed as he looked at Huo Long. He was frightened enough now. A sword cultivation that could not even be duplicated by an ordinary cultivator was now unfolding before his eyes. This was because this sword membrane was something that could not be unleashed even after death and rebirth with a flimsy internal cultivation and a flimsy skill that did not reach the peak of extreme intent.

Sword Shield!

Because of its power and depth, it was an invincible and imperishable sword technique that was on par with the Sword River and the Augi Sword. Only those who were qualified to see the tip of the sword could attain it! Even in the entire Heavenly Martial Academy, there were only a handful of people who were presumed to be able to cast it. Now, the newest member of the Academy was about to perform it.

There was no such thing as chance when it came to casting the Shroud, for it required a combination of ability and skill that could only be imitated at best. Only a person with a high level of Qin Xin could manifest it. If it was possible, then anything else along the same lines was possible. In other words, it was proof that he was not an ordinary person, or worse, that he was suspicious. This was because there were only a handful of people or schools that could cultivate to the point where they could manifest a sword shield at that age, and as far as he knew, none of them were Hyorong.

Jang Hong, because his ignorance is synonymous with suspicion. He was capable and qualified. Of course, when it comes to suspiciousness, Bi Ryuyeon, who was making a big deal out of it up ahead, was no slouch either. Or rather, ten times worse. In any case, it was clear that both of them needed to be watched.

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discord ko-fi