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Book 16 Chapter 8

Scorching! Sword of Death!

It was a joke, nothing more, nothing less.

I didn't mean it in the first place.

There were only two instances where he had to go all out.

One was the horrifyingly unthinkable scenario of the Heavenly Blood God being resurrected, and the other was when Swordsman and Dao Sheng took the food on his plate without permission. But now, Sword Hu was in a position where he had to think very seriously about whether or not he should add a third case.

Sword Hu silently lowered his sword into a downward stance, and for a moment there was silence.

The supreme state of "stillness" in which he immersed himself was imbued with a power reminiscent of the tranquil silence of the Great Sea of Doom.

"Hehe, beautiful! You've lived with the sea for over a hundred years, and now you've reached the point of manifesting the sea!"

"I agree, it's beautiful!"

In response to Swordsman's praise, Hahusik of the city spoke his mind with a simple, truthful comment.

Bi Ryuyeon didn't make any rash moves; he stared at the sword with careful eyes.

"What is it, are you afraid?"

It doesn't happen. He shook his head, for that was his creed.

"No! Not really, but……."

"Then why don't you get out, you don't mean to tell this old man to try his hand first?"

"A humble man like me wouldn't go that far!"

Her casually uttered words were a surprise to those around her who had to pick them up. While it was acceptable for others to use the words, it was a case of linguistic theft for her to use the words "modesty" and "humility".

But Gum Hu, who didn't have the full context, couldn't understand the circumstances behind it. So… Gum Hu praised it.

"Great, then why isn't it moving?"

She replied.

"My master said so."


"Beware of the 'great enemy'! Great silence is the mother of great birth, and great birth is the mother of great silence, and great silence is the mother of great silence! As an arrow on a tautly drawn bowstring goes far."

His voice was as light as a flowing stream.

"What the heck does that even mean?"


Jang Hong's answer paled in comparison to Yun Jun's bubbling questions. But they weren't alone. The same awkwardness and perplexity was evident on the faces of several other people.

But there was a dark glow of wonder on his face. The first person to speak was the party leader, Sword Hu.

"What is your age this year?"

"I don't know… maybe twenty-one?"

"It's amazing, at such a young age, you've already figured out the axioms of life!"

Gumhoo was honestly surprised.

"It's not easy to realize the yin and yang to that extent at that age, no, no!"

Even Gumshoe acknowledged that.

"Or maybe it was the teaching!"

Tosung chimed in. The two men were nodding lightly in agreement with the praise.


Mo Yonghui's ears perked up at those four syllables. He'd heard it before, too.


Gum Hu interrupted with a strong voice.

"I know it in my head, but I wonder how I can make it happen!"

The process of incarnation, which is the process of creating something out of nothing and converting the logic of the void into reality, is the process of existence formation and the source of creation that sets the world in motion. It was impossible for the cliché of the difference between heaven and earth to capture the depths of that difference.

"If that's the case, you'll have to try it for yourself and then you'll be able to tell me, because no matter how much you say it's possible, it's meaningless if you can't realize it, and if you can't experience it, you won't be able to experience the reality of the fiction that's being worn!"

I'm afraid someone's a twisted human being! Where can I add something intelligible? And yet, there were humans who could understand it.

"Excellent, excellent! I honestly didn't think you were that good. I owe you and myself an apology for ignoring you, and for not properly analyzing your opponent's skill!"

Failure to read an opponent correctly could be fatal, and that's why Swordsman Hu was saying that he owed an apology to himself. No matter how skilled you were, you couldn't let your guard down unattended.

"Are you willing to accept my new righteousness?"

Gumshoe had a suggestion.

"A new oath?"

"Yes, it's a herbivore with the very modest name of 'maritime flying bird sacrifice'."

Gum Hu replied in a soft voice with a bright and gentle smile.

"A new aura? When did she cultivate such a thing, and where is the need for her to create a new aura now, when her sword has long since transcended her aura and form?"

Xiao Sheng was dumbfounded for a moment; it was the first time he had heard of it. It was hard to understand why anyone would go to the trouble of making something that wasn't needed.

"Uh, didn't you know, it's all because of you!"

"Me? Why me?"

The hundred-year-old friend's avant-garde half-question gave the city a pint toward Gumseong.

"Are you backing out now?"

"I wish I knew English so I could be accused of it."

He said with a look of real frustration.

"Nautical Atrocity. You really don't know why she came up with that name?"

"I don't know."

His friend pressed his temples and sighed heavily.

"It's all because of your 'splitting of the river.' You said in front of both of us that you'd succeeded in doing it in thirty years, and you were so proud of yourself. What did you call it? 'The One Sword Dan River' or 'The Great River Manli'? It was a very pretentious name……."

"Twenty-five years!"

Gongsheng corrected him once more at his own expense. Tosung waved his hand in the air, as if he was tired of this, and spoke again.

"You mean to tell me you've already forgotten what she was ranting about when her competitive nature kicked in when you pulled off that ridiculous, and quite reckless, technique?"

"Come to think of it, it must be……."

Suddenly, the memory I had slowly lost-or rather, forgotten-returned.

"Yes! I said I'd cut down a thousand seabirds flying over the sea, and apparently I didn't like the way you cut the river like a lie, and maybe I looked like an eyesore. Cancer, do you remember now?"

Dao Sheng nodded vigorously, chastising the swordsman for finally remembering the incident. He could still vividly recall how he had felt at the time, a very strange and unpleasant feeling that he was determined to make her admire him as much as possible. Perhaps Sword Hu's feelings were not so different.

"You can't be serious… did you really do that?"

The swordsman replied with a tone of disbelief, but to the city's ears, it was an incredulous response. He had no right to say those words, though no one else did.

"'He did it'? Look at him, I can't use that word. Have you already forgotten who it was that did 'that' in thirty years, and who is still hanging around the sea vendas without a body? Didn't you agree earlier that he is the most stubborn of us all?"

Of course it did.

"So if he really did it, why hasn't he called us to brag about it yet?"

She was not the kind of person to wait for such things; her great need for immediacy would not allow her little patience.

"He must have finished it recently. Oops, it looks like you started it!"

Finally, with a short chant, a white mist-like aura began to swirl around his sword.

"Everyone step back to a radius of thirty sheets!"

Tosheng shouted like a thunderclap, his voice filled with emotion.

"Hurry up!"

His voice was urgent.

"Never take a single step within a radius of thirty sheets, and if you do, even if it's just one more step……."

He warned, a sharp gleam in his eye.

"You could get caught in a sword circle and die!"

A sword sphere is a type of force field controlled by a sword, and normally, a sphere of only two or three cards would be enough to make you marvel. But a radius of thirty cards, how terrifying does that sound?

"Will thirty be enough?"

But as if that wasn't enough, Gumshoe was asking for more bites.

"No, there's a lot of people out there, and they're not going to go all in on a kid, they're going to have that kind of discernment."

I'm not giving it my all… I'm not even giving it my all, and I have to back off thirty sheets?

"After that, you're on your own."

The words were spoken with sternness.

They swallowed dryly and stared at the taut intestines like a bowstring pulled taut. The flesh was spewing out, ready to explode.

The pressure from the center was getting stronger and stronger. It was getting to the point where some people were struggling just to look at it. It was overwhelming.

"What a terrifying sword technique. Ten men could fight me and I wouldn't win."

At Jang Hong's unadulterated praise, Hyorong nodded. But he didn't forget to correct the error.

"You're off by one digit, so it's a hundred, not ten. By the way, that's a really scary ghostly chirography. Does living over a hundred years make a sane person a ghost?"

It could not be considered human. It was a tremendous sword qi that only a ghostly demon could possess. The sight of it seemed to stir up the blood that had been quietly dormant.

"Ryuyeon, do you really think you can stand up to this Qi? In the face of this immense power, which can break your resolve just by looking at it…….

Hyo-ryong looked at his friend with sweaty hands. He had done many unimaginable things in his life, but this one was going to be hard. But whether or not he realized his friend's concern, Bi Ryuyeon was scratching the back of his head, too nonchalantly.

"I guess you can't be serious after all……."

Bi Ryuyeon muttered to herself. Perhaps play should be put aside for now, for life is something that should always be cherished.

"Ugh… this is it, I don't like hard work……."

It looked like I was going to have to work up a sweat. This was a monster that had lived for over a hundred years. It deserved to be a legend. If a little more time passed, the legend would become a myth. If she didn't do it right, she could be in for a big surprise. Bi Ryuyeon's eyes sank into silence.

"The mood has changed, hasn't it?"

I couldn't put my finger on it, but something had changed in her aura. Her aura, which had previously been faint, like a cloud, or like an absent-minded breeze, as if she were embracing the void, had changed from a moment ago. It was a very alien and unexplainable feeling of unease.

"Ho-ho, you really wanted to do this?"

Bi Ryuyeon chuckled.

"I guess so."

Gum Hu nodded lightly.

"I've been waiting for this moment!

Jang Hong's whole body tensed, his eyes sharp. Sweat drenched his hands.

"Ryuyeon, this time, even you will have to show your true colors!

Jang Hong knew from experience that Bi Ryuyeon's body was filled with four iron circles, and whenever they were released, Bi Ryuyeon displayed incredible abilities and near-miraculous status. Those who didn't know him well blatantly dismissed him, calling him simply "The Fateful One," but only he, Hyorong, and a few others knew his true form. However, even they had never seen him release the four dark dragon rings from his body.

"You pest!

He had so much to hide. How could he have more to hide than he did? That's why it was so hard to figure out who he was. He had never revealed his true self. Jang Hong could feel it in his gut. When he did something, it was before he even realized it. But if it was her… if it was that same Sword Hu… if it was her, she would peel away the layers of his skin like an onion, one by one. He was looking forward to it.

Jang Hong's gaze alternated between Bi Ryuyeon's wrists and ankles. There it was. Like an iron lid covering the contents of a pot, like a cotton cloth covering a bride's face, it was cumbersome and grotesque.

"This time, you'll have no choice but to unravel all four of those ignorant Mighty Dragon Circles!"

In the past, Jang Hong had asked Bi Ryuyeon about the strange devices on his wrists and ankles. He had only smirked and avoided giving a clear answer. But it was clear that there was a secret there.

Jang Hong focused all his senses on his eyes.

"This time, this time, I will reveal your true identity!

It was a matter of pride that I had spent two years on something that I couldn't figure out.

"I'll show you that I can pay the bills!

Click, click, click!

Finally, Muklongwan was released from both of Bi Ryuyeon's ankles with a dull thud.


With a heavy clatter, two iron bars fell to the floor.


However……. Jang Hong's face lit up with excitement, only to be replaced by disappointment. And on top of the disappointment was a sense of absurdity.

"Why? Why, Bi Ryuyeon?!"

This sentiment was echoed by Hyo-ryong next to him.

"Don't you realize that you can't even read your opponent's strength, that someone of your caliber would make a mistake like that?

Jang Hong was furious.

"Holy shit, why doesn't he untie all four, why is he so full of himself?"

'Is it arrogance? Or is it confidence?

It was about to be a game-changer.

"Oh, you're wearing something interesting!"

Sword Hu's keen gaze swept over Muklongwan. He could only guess at its purpose. The fact that he could make such a move while wearing such a thing was praiseworthy in itself. But to wear such a cumbersome thing while fighting against himself……. It was a matter that could be considered an insult to himself.

"It's not much fun, it's just annoying."

Bi Ryuyeon replied calmly.

"Is that all the preparation you need?"

"Yes, we're all done, you're welcome to come anytime."

"Your confidence is truly exceptional. Good, avoid this and I'll give you the title of Swordsman!"

People's eyes opened as wide as saucers in astonishment. It was an unbelievable offer. But this rare offer was not worth a penny to Bi Ryuyeon.

"I don't need it."

Bi Ryuyeon says no, as if it's boring.

"Why? It's a title everyone wants."

The puzzling counter-question of the sword.

"I'm a man! I'm not a woman, sadly, so I don't need that. If you really want to take it out on someone, give it to Yerin. Or that bug-eyed sister over there?"

"Kid, that's a good start, but those kids aren't ready. They still need to be honed. It's a shame, because if you were a girl, I might have made you my disciple……."

She seemed genuinely disappointed and even sorry about it. But Bi Ryuyeon shook her head.

"I've decided that I'm done being a disciple, and I'm going to be a teacher of others if I have to."

"Teacher… I have some experience in the profession, and I'm telling you, you know that not just anyone can do it. You have to be good at it."

"Absolutely, I'm aware of those basic principles, even though many of us break them from time to time."

"Then we can try it out!"

"Take your time! Take your time!"

Raising the Qi of her entire body, Bi Ryuyeon smiled quietly.

Despite all of this, Sword Hu was overjoyed to be able to use his new technique, and to have found a human worthy of it. He had never used it in combat before, fearing that his opponent would be too weak or that he would die.

Kids are so weak these days. Even the plants in the greenhouse seem to be stronger than them. Even the slightest force would kill them.

He can't be killed off too easily; he owes it to himself to be a worthy opponent.

The emphasis was on splendor rather than practicality, and it was designed to overwhelm those who saw it. It was made for the sake of showing off, so it was inevitable that the sword candle would reflect that. In fact, a martial artist of the caliber of Sword Hu would be able to defeat an opponent in a matter of seconds without the need for such a complicated, colorful, and utterly wasteful sword candle. Nevertheless, it was a matter of taste that made it so spectacular in the imagination. However, this did not diminish the deadly danger of the blade; it was still dangerous, and the slightest lapse in defense could send an opponent to the goal.

Cold Jade Spirit Godsword Newcomer Righteousness

Sea Birds of Prey (海上飛鳥千斬切)

A sword technique that came from a man's misunderstanding was about to be manifested in this world. A sword technique that meant to slice a thousand birds flying over the sea. The righteousness and swiftness of the sword is the moral of all living things!

Sword Hu leaped up, closing the space between him and Bi Ryuyeon in an instant.

People's eyes widened. Sword Hu's body seemed to instantly split into six pieces. Moreover, each of them had a different sword stance. This was the only way to subdue the birds that were flying chaotically in the four directions, up, down, east, west, and north.

A thousand pieces of sword energy from the six swordsmen instantly engulfed Bi Ryuyeon's body. The terrifying sword qi enveloped his entire body, and there seemed to be no place for him to escape in all directions.

Everyone squinted to get a better look at the marvel. Only Na Yerin kept her eyes tightly shut.

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