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Book 16 Chapter 7

Sword after sword, finally drawn

'I never thought I'd draw a sword…….'

At first, I was going to keep it light.

Your opponent is a younger junior.

The very idea that he, the best of the Murim, could be serious with a child like this was laughable, but now his instincts rejected it.

"Good! I'll test you to see what kind of vessel you are!"


The thumb of his left hand gently pushed the sword out of its scabbard, and in an instant, a cold chill emanated like a mist from the pearly white hilt of his bare sword, and like the icy blade of General Dong, it mingled with life, rapidly consuming the air around him. The autumn afternoon sun was stifling, and the vegetation shivered in the cold.

"Oh, my God!"

Mo Yonghui couldn't believe what he was seeing with his own eyes. It was still a warm autumn day, just warm enough to break out into a light sweat, and the sun was hanging overhead, blindingly bright.

It would be two or three more festivals before the Winter General would arrive with his winter army, but somehow, breath was coming out of Bi Ryuyeon's mouth. It was evidence of his sword qi's control over his surroundings. It was already a cold winter, with snow blowing in from the north.

"Qi… Qi… Qi……."

Mo Yonghui's voice was shaking with trepidation. Dryness made his throat curl.

"A massive chi is warping the atmosphere!"

It was a powerful vortex of chi that warped the atmosphere, creating a vortex of air, and it separated his sphere of power from the rest of the world.

It is said that a fight with cilantro is won or lost before it is even fought. This is because most assailants would lose the fight if they were crushed by the dense flesh and immense speculation that cilantro emits. If you lose the momentum from the start, the next fight is no longer winnable.

"A winter blizzard… releasing enough qi to sensitize nature………. Are you kidding me, she's the kind of person who would go to such lengths!"

Swordsman muttered with a serious expression. Tosung nodded in agreement.

"Hmm, this is more dangerous than I thought, and I might not even be able to intervene at this point."

The massive chi emanating from the top coriander and its enormous presence paints its surroundings with its own colors.

"This, this unbelievable and powerful divine power… this is the true nature of the Three Realms of Heaven and Earth!

Mo Yonghui felt goosebumps break out all over his body. He wouldn't be the only one to feel such an intense shiver. He could be sure of it.

A mind-numbing terror, a fear that made you want to turn and run, a mental pressure that knocked on the closed door of your mind's eye. It was both joyful and terribly sad to see someone so far above you. Being able to recognize one's predicament can be the basis for a leap forward or a setback. Still, it was up to the individual to decide which path to take.

"Going against the seasons… how is that even possible?"

He glanced at his grandson, who stood there in a confusion of awe, praise, and apocryphal confusion.

"Hui-ya, do you know what is meant by the word 'santai tongqi'?"

Unintelligible words flowed from Swordsman's mouth. Mo Yonghui quickly realized that the teaching was directed at him, and he positioned himself to listen.

"Teach me, Grandpa!"

Swordsman nodded. He hoped that his grandson would gain something from this mission, and it would be up to Mo Yonghui to gain something from his teachings from now on.

"It means that the heavens and the earth are interconnected in an organic web of relationships, even though they appear to be separate.

Imagine a mountain on top of a lake. At first glance, they appear to be different, unrelated entities. Water is water, and mountains are mountains. But are they?

The water in the lake evaporates and goes up to the sky, where it becomes clouds, then rain, then falls on the mountains and nourishes the trees on the mountains. Some of the water is absorbed by the trees, and the rest flows back into the lake along the veins of the sky. This is just a phenomenal example, but the same law applies to nature. All of this is possible because heaven, earth, and nature are in tune with each other. The word "resonance" means that they exchange energy and influence each other. The sword is also an attempt to more actively connect the microcosm within oneself with the macrocosm."

Everything in the world is woven together by a single thread, and it's possible to influence your surroundings through a web of patterns more intricate than a mandala painting.

A powerful presence was directly proportional to the density of qi concentrated within it, and in that sense, the presence of the Sword Hu Yi Jing was immense.

If she says summer, it is summer even if it is winter, and if she says winter, it is winter even if it is summer or fall. This absolute power of existence is the essence of super number.


As smoothly as a carp swimming through the water, the Sword of Swords slipped out of its sheath. Finally, after decades, the Sword Qi of Sword Hu was revealed to the world.

"Have you seen?"

Dokgo Ling asked, her voice trembling as she turned to Na Yerin.

"No, I didn't see it. No, I couldn't see, I couldn't see anything, like I was surrounded by a black veil."

"You mean you can't read it with your dragon eyes?"

Na Yerin nodded.

"It's not a jack-of-all-trades, because it's not the ability to make something out of nothing."

The movement of the heavens and the earth, the sympathy of yin and yang, the five elements of mutual benefit and harmony, and the eight misguided paths. Longan, the ability to unconsciously read these flows, receive information with the body, and synthesize it. Some say that all things are made possible by the simultaneity of nature, which is beyond the past, present, and future and occurs only in the present moment. But even that is not universal. As the number of variables approaches infinity, it becomes difficult to read.

In the case of ultra-high numbers, such as gum fu, I couldn't read it at all, or if I did, my body couldn't keep up with it or…….

But Bi Ryuyeon had dodged the blink of an eye. Did she read all those variations? Or was it simple luck……?

"Maybe this game… will have an unexpected outcome."

What happened a moment ago?

The only two people who weren't dumbfounded were Swordsman and Dao Sheng. Everyone else was wide-eyed.

Without a hint of color, without the slightest twitch of muscle, without form, the blackness cut through space and passed over her shoulder blades. She was frozen in place, unable to move. But no blood oozed through the cracks in the fabric, as if cut by a sharp razor. Only her clothes had been cut, not her flesh.

"Oh, no need to be nervous, this was just a taste."

'It's not that you're good at dodging. "I didn't dodge because you're good, but because I deliberately missed.


A few loose strands of hair scattered in the wind.

"What do you say, I'm willing to accept it if you just give up right now?"

It was a surrender advisory.

"Yes, Ryuyeon, that's too reckless, no matter how strong you are, you can't beat Master, give up!"

As Na Yerin watched, she knew it was time and called out in an urgent voice. Her normally cold voice was shaking with agitation.

"Huh? You care about me now, this is nice!"

I don't know if she realizes the urgency of the situation or not, Bi Ryuyeon said in a slightly excited voice. She then turned back to face Sword Hu and spoke in a clear voice.

"I'm not giving up."

"You'd rather drink punishment wine than wine!"

Sword Hu coldly replied. The energy in her sword began to coalesce again.

"I'm going for real this time!"

Bi Ryuyeon concentrated. She must not blink. If she did, the very next moment, the sword would pierce her throat.

"The young man is too reckless."

This was a consistent comment from the swordsmen and daoists watching.


Is it? Mo Yonghui felt differently. Three years ago, he, like everyone else, would have concluded that Bi Ryuyeon's challenge was indeed the height of stupidity and reckless ignorance. But now his perspective was a little different: he was expecting some kind of miracle. He was hoping for a miracle that would once again show him more than he could have ever imagined, that would break the mold of common sense, that would soar beyond the limits set by the everyday and the commonplace.

"I'm a bit of a hothead, and I have to keep my word once I've spoken it, and I'd hate to be part of the crowd of people who talk the talk and then give up because they don't have the power to follow through, and I think that regardless of your status and age, you have to keep your word, and I think the older you are and the higher your social status, the more you have to keep your word, so I'm counting on you to fulfill your promise if I win this bet."

This was his true intention, and it was also an unspoken pressure for you to do the same.

"Of course! You shouldn't say anything you can't keep, for what good is a tongue that speaks words it can't keep, and is nothing but a blight on society?"

"That's a huge relief for me to hear that."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled in satisfaction at Gum Hu's enthusiastic reply.

'My word is my bond, no matter what. Even if it takes my life today, my words will be honored to the end by my allies. And the many spectators who are now watching will be my notaries as to whether I fulfill my promise or not. Now can you believe me?"'

"No! That's not believable at all."

Bi Ryuyeon replied firmly.


"Even if I did win the bet, less than a fifth of the people would be happy about it. They'd probably be much happier denying what they saw."

"You're a bit of a grudge-holder, aren't you?"

"It's hard being popular!"

"Great, then we'll both be witnesses!"

Two men walked out toward them.

Who is it? Don't you know? Do you know? The shouting came from all directions.

The two men were wearing cloaks, so it was hard to tell who they were based on their appearance.

"What are you two up to all of a sudden that you're so out of touch with this?"

Gum Hu said in a tone of surprise.

"Huh, you just said yourself that if you die, you're leaving it all on us… and you're backpedaling?"

The dainty city gave the swordsman a pinzan.

"Oh, did I?"

"If the two of us notarize it, will you have no complaints?"

"I can't help it, you two are acting like children… There can't be any complaints. How can anyone in the sword and the city, in heaven and earth, dispute the notarization of these two?"

It was a casual sigh, but the impact of her words was devastating.

Sword and sorcery!

When they realized who they were, they shuddered like people struck by lightning.

The myths of the martial arts that had been passed down through the ages had been revealed to them again. To see the Three Realms of Heaven and Earth in one place… it wasn't something that just anyone was fortunate enough to encounter.

The god of the sword and the way, the idol of all idols, the one that all warriors aspire to. How could anyone not be overwhelmed? Some were so overwhelmed that they burst into tears. They were lucky if they didn't faint.

"Do you feel better now?"

"Sure. Who would dare throw up on your credit!"

Bi Ryuyeon didn't seem all that surprised by the arrival of the Tianmu Triad, but his response was unusually polite.

A promise sanctioned by the entire company, this was the most trustworthy promise in the world. Except for those who didn't value their lives and those who didn't recognize their shame, no one would vomit on their promise.

People were stepping up to get a closer look at the three, the circle closing in on them.

It wasn't until Swordsman and Dowsheng returned to their seats next to Mo Yonghui that the chaos was somewhat cleared up and a lull set in.

"Are you ready then?"

Gum Hu asked, pointing his sword.

"I'm always ready!"

"Good answer. Let's go play with the young spirit world, shall we?"

A lascivious smile tugged at the corners of Swordhu's mouth.

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discord ko-fi