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Book 12 Chapter 12

The battle between Bi Ryuyeon and Bi Liuyuan

- Eligibility to have a name

"Hey, what do you think you're doing? They're no match for you!

Come back here! Do you really want to be in a coffin like that before the sun has even set in the sky?"

Surprised by Bi Ryuyeon's sudden behavior, Xin Yu Sheng hastily interrupted her. In his eyes, Bi Ryuyeon's behavior was recklessness itself. How could he, as a sane human being, not doubt Bi Ryuyeon's mental state when she said she had to leave for a moment to discuss something with those two elders?

"Hey, Moyongyu, you're a friend, aren't you, stop it!"

Drunken Sword Xin Yu Sheng said urgently. But Mo Yonghui silently shook his head. He already knew. That no matter what kind of reckless behavior it was, it would not be able to turn him back once he had made his move.

"I'm not the one to tell you that."

His reply was full of conviction; he had never seen this man change his mind once he had made up his mind. Mo Yonghui's gaze shifted to Bi Ryuyeon, his pupils trembling slightly as if to express his confusion.

'Courage is good, even if it's called recklessness! I wonder if I could stand in front of them like he did, without hesitation? '

The handsome young man soon shook his head. It was too much work.

"Pfft, you don't even know the subject matter, what do you think you can do?"

Maha Ling, who had been engaged in a battle with the others nearby, shouted impatiently, confused even by herself as to why she was so enraged right now: "Dangling iron(螳螂拒轍)! Wouldn't it be easier if you just died like a wart blocking an iron chariot!

"Hey, you idiot, get back here, you're so great!"

Unperturbed by the Maharajah's shouts of ankal jin, Bi Ryuyeon walked to the center of the examination with a leisurely wave of his hand. It was obvious what he was going to do.

"That's reckless!"

Yong Tianming couldn't understand his behavior, and it was just as much of a mystery to him why the Maharishi was so furious. What kind of beliefs does he have? He had already guessed that it wasn't a normal skill, but that was his own fault. Those were the maddus who traveled around sowing unfathomable terror during the Ten Thousand Blood Tax a hundred years ago.

In Yong Tianming's eyes, she was a moth that bathed in oil and then jumped into a fiery furnace with a covering. Despite the skeptical stares, she didn't stop walking.

"No! Those people are too dangerous!

Na Yerin could tell at a glance how dangerous the old men were. The all-encompassing sense of power that the two old men exuded was no joke, and yet, whether she realized it or not, Bi Ryuyeon was approaching the dangerous men without fear.

'Ryuyeon, please…….'

In the back of her mind, the seeds of her current anxiety had sprouted. She hadn't expected to be so anxious about a man, and she still couldn't understand why her heart felt like it was being squeezed out of her chest. Maybe she didn't want to admit it, but…….

As she was experiencing anxiety and uneasiness, Bi Ryuyeon finally moved closer and closer to the center where the four were standing. The swirling life force at the center of the examination had been transmitted very well to this place, more than five zhang away.

"Don't worry about it too much."

Eventually, Snowflake approached and patted her on the back, encouraging her. She, too, seemed to be unharmed in the midst of the chaos. The wind caught her breath, and she turned her gaze to the calm lake of night.

"Do I look like I'm worried right now? "

Eunsulan grinned.

"Yes! She sounds very, very worried. Yerin usually has very few mood swings, so I can tell when she's having a bad day."

It was only then that Na Yerin realized that she was in the same state of mind as Ming Jingjie, for she was now restless with concern for his safety.

"He'll be fine, don't worry too much, he doesn't look like a man who's going to die easy to me, this place won't be his grave today, that's how it feels to me, a man who dies first and makes a woman cry is the worst thing ever, the lowest!"

It was a firm voice with strong conviction.

"I don't really cry or think about crying……."

But when Na Yerin's eyes met hers, she had to keep her mouth shut, for she saw the rivers of sorrow flowing in her pupils, and how deep the lakes of heartbreak they formed were. And soon the two of them could no longer pay attention to anything else. Na Yerin and Eunseulan were so surprised that they almost fainted when they saw Bi Ryuyeon leap into the midst of the stormy intangibles.

That was the story a little while ago.

"…, who are you?"

Dongfang Hak said, trying not to show the astonishment he felt. Everyone was stunned by the surprising appearance of this boy (by their standards, Bi Ryuyeon was just a little boy).

"Sorry to interrupt you in the middle of a fight……."

Although she started to rush off, she didn't look sorry at all. A person with a sorry heart wouldn't be so shameless and confident.

"Anyway, I'm in the position of having a master and a teacher for now."

"Who doesn't have one of those? "

Gong Fei shouted nervously, his greatsword slung over his shoulder. It was a matter of dignity to be interrupted by such a child.

"You're a very loud grandfather, just listen."

To Yeomdo, Bi Ryuyeon looked like someone who was desperate to anger Gong Fei.

"Shi, loud ha, grandpa?"

He was beyond angry, beyond devastated. Grandfather…, an unfamiliar title he hadn't heard in over a hundred and twenty years.

"Please understand that because of your situation, I must enforce the precepts of the monk."

"What precepts?"

But instead of answering, Bi Ryuyeon asked a question.

"You're the Thunderbolt?"

"Yes! "

"They say they come in pairs, don't they?"

The tone of her question was quite off-putting.

"That…, yes."

Due to the restraint of Dongfang, the plaque did not explode in a frenzy.

"If you're going to name the fastest and strongest force in all of heaven and earth, you'd better be pretty good at it, which means that if you want to name a brain, you'd better have my permission, and if it's a thunderbolt, you'd better be pretty good at it, because we don't give permission to both."

"How maddening!"

"Well, usually."

Still, she remained nonchalant.

"But do you really deserve it?"

He was intrigued by this unexpected visitor, too, judging by the fact that he kept talking to him instead of decapitating him with his sword. He was curious as to why this youngster would risk his life in the middle of their confrontation for such a ridiculous reason (though he didn't seem to think so himself). Gong Fei, on the other hand, seemed to be interested only in stirring his flapping tongue as fast as possible.

"Don't worry. My sect is very flexible, so we don't say no to anything."

"So now you dare to test me, me Thunderbolt Touhou?"

"No, I'm saying we'll review it."

But the latter had a stronger sense of looking from the top down. Bi Ryuyeon continued.

"Oh, and any reputation you've built up in the past, unfortunately, won't help you much on this test - no extra credit, of course, and certainly not any connections or delays or anything like that, and bribes… hmm… that's a tough one, we'll have to see how much it costs."

I didn't say you can't get it if you die soon.


I was now beyond baffled as to where this outrageous rabidness was coming from.

"Are you really going to do this?

"I guess so.

Binggum nodded slightly at Yidou's rant. Apparently, the young master was sincere, but they both agreed that sincerity would do no good to be seen by many.

Yeomdo shouted out loud.

"All guards of the Heavenly Martial Academy, except for the Zhu Jia Clan, turn around and prepare for an attack that will come from outside the Khanate, turn around!"

Most of the guards, except for Zhu Jiaodan, obeyed Yidao's order, but not everyone did.

The Thunderbolt Sword Touhou had to stare in silence for a while, speechless at the absurdity of the one-sided clown show that was unfolding before his eyes.

'Is my name now swept away in the river of time?'

I hadn't realized how futile the passage of time could be. But this kid really seemed intent on fighting for himself. And he didn't seem nervous at all. He was so confident that he didn't even think about losing.

"You have so much spirit! I admire you. Few people your age have that kind of determination and that kind of skill. Your skill is unbelievable, even with my own eyes."

"Like I said, usually."

"But you are too proud," he said, "and how can you navigate the rough waters of the river and the hardships of life? Don't you know that humility is the sword of all things? Humility is a good navigator, a strong ally, and a good recruiter. I think you need to learn more about this virtue of humility, and I would like to introduce you to a good lifelong friend."

"No thanks, I appreciate the gesture, but I don't need it."

"Hehe, don't you know that humility is a powerful ally, but pride is the most terrible enemy?"

"I don't know. And I don't want to know."

"Hahaha, good for you. That's what a young man should do. Hehe…, but what am I going to do about it?"

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no, no, no, it's not a big deal, it's just a little thing, and there's someone out there who wants to teach you a lesson in humility."

The old man of the South spoke, his face solemn. His eyes flashed like lightning.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You've got a lot on your plate, and you've got time for everyone else's."

"So who is that person?"

She didn't really want to know, but she thought it would be polite to ask the old man.

"If anyone has time on their hands, it's Nobu himself!"

The old man smiled grimly.

"I'm not surprised."

"Tsk, tsk, humility is a lifelong friend!"

"That can wait until after you beat me."

"So, let's hear about the test, shall we?"

"Hey, Hak, are you sure you want to do this?"

Gong Fei asked, surprised. Of course. He didn't have time to play around with that crazy kid right now. Nevertheless, the uneducated brat seemed to be having fun. I don't know what it was about him that intrigued me, but I don't think it was a good hobby.

"I've been a hermit for a hundred years, and the stars are all tangled up."

Gong Fei's voice was filled with irritation.

"Don't worry. It's just entertainment."

"Which face of Lö is your grandfather pursuing?"

"I seek the pleasure of chasing after the light! "

At the old man's answer, Bi Ryuyeon nodded in satisfaction.

"So did you accomplish anything?"

A wry smile crossed the Taoist's lips.

"Hehe, I never thought I'd hear that question from someone again. You live long enough to experience all sorts of strange things. I've never felt slow in a duel with anyone before."

"Then why don't you show me that your speed, which the old man assures me, is indeed comparable to Luo's? I'll match the old man's pleasure with my own."

"You're so cheeky!"


The word normal seems too often to be distorted by the mouths of boys, the Magi thought. It was a distracting thought.

"Just out of an old man's curiosity, do you even know what you're talking about? "


He answered without hesitation. What on earth does he believe in, to be so arrogant and furious? To announce that he will attack his opponent based on his opponent's strengths? What kind of confidence does he have?

Except for the Grand Duke, I've never seen anyone with that kind of guts at that age. A dragon? Or an earth dragon? The answer would come soon enough.

"If you truly wish for death, I will show you."

"We'll see about that."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled.


Two heavy dragon rings were released from his right arm and right leg and fell to the ground.


"I'll take this coin falling as my cue! "

Bi Ryuyeon pulled a coin from her pocket and handed it to Yin Do. It was the simplest and most precise way to compete for pleasure. Dongfang Hak was dumbfounded. Her behavior was a direct challenge to his speed. He was too stupid to forgive her for the sake of interest and fun.

"Are you sure you want to die that badly?"

"We won't know which side is going to die until the coin hits the ground, and the coin hasn't been tossed yet, so let's not jump to conclusions, shall we?"

He was so stunned that he had no strength to reply. He even thought to himself, "It seems that my stature has already been swept away by the river of time!

"Wouldn't it be better and save time to just kill yourself?"

Ryu-yeon Bi could only laugh heartily.

"Then let's throw it! "

Yeomdo nodded.

The coin soared into the air with a loud pop. The eyes of everyone in the room turned toward that single coin.


Finally, the coin hit the floor. The two men moved simultaneously, and in that moment, light and life and death intersected in the same place at the same time.

There was a murmur around them. No one had gotten a good look at the exchange. Everyone was busy checking each other's vision.


"I didn't see that! "

At the question of Yeomdo, Bingum shook his head.

"Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh! Kahahaha!"

Suddenly, laughter erupted from the silent mouth of the Magi. He laughed maniacally until his voice broke. The old man's laughter stopped for a moment like a lie.

"…, how did the test go?"

The old man asked with an expressionless face. The two of them were now standing opposite each other.

"If it's that fast, it's good."

Toodoo doodoo!

The front of her robe was cut in the shape of a cross. Looking at her chest in silence, she said.

"It would have been nice to have just one change, not two."

"Well, I guess I've been thinking wrong all this time."

Touhou Hakkaku is suing.


Bi Ryuyeon nodded.

"I'll recognize the name of the brain in your signature."

"Thank you, I can now go before the Great King and wear my asterisk with pride, yes."


A trickle of blood leaked from his brow in a single red line, slowly creeping up the bridge of his nose, past his dry cheeks, and into his chin, where it began to stain his beard red.

"What was the name of that herb you just saw?"

"Lightning! "

"Heh, heh, heh, you mean you broke me in my name? I couldn't have asked for a more perfect defeat, and I'll die with the utmost speed…, honor…, honor."

After he finished speaking, his body slumped forward. A master of the sword who had made a name for himself a hundred years ago (even if it was an infamous one) had ended his life here and now. As a fellow swordsman, Bing'er felt the same way. He couldn't stop his mind from replaying Bi Ryuyeon's words and movements over and over again. If he had been in Bi Ryuyeon's position, would he have been able to stop her? The chances were slim.

"Not this way!

He shouted to himself. I must become stronger and stronger. As it was, he would never be able to escape the bondage of his apprentice, and that was something he would avoid at all costs.

"Crane! Ha~ak! Yi, yi noom!"

Gong Fei, his eyeballs already turned upside down by the death of his only friend, swung his serrated blade with tremendous momentum and swept into Bi Ryuyeon's waist. He still couldn't believe the death of the Taoist.

But with his face buried in the cold ground and no sign of rising, Magi was already dead. He could tell. His heart had already stopped beating, his blood had stopped flowing, and he would never wake up again.

But Bi Ryuyeon managed to dodge. Ildo sliced through her waist, Yidao split her head, and Samdo slit her throat, but her body remained limber and healthy. It was a phoenix dance, a three-headed man whose three afterimages dazzled his opponents.

"You're an old man who doesn't know what a political party is. You shouldn't be acting like an old man, how would the younger people around you see it?"

"I don't need it. Die!"

Gong Fei wielded the sword again.

"Which face of Léo is it that you seek?"

Unperturbed by the furious sweep of the sword, Bi Ryuyeon asked a question, but no answer came. Instead, he simply swung his sword with explosive force, each blow causing the ground to shake like an earthquake.

But even the strongest herbivores were useless if they didn't get hit. Bi Ryuyeon was still evading the Dao of Gongfu by the slimmest of margins.

"I ask you again, which aspect of lé is it that you are after?"

He seemed to have the presence of mind to talk, even as he dodged a storm of blows.

Then Gong Fei cried out like a madman.

"The power to grind you to dust in a single blow. Extremely powerful."

Then Bi Ryuyeon nodded and said.

"Then let's put those qualifications to the test."

With that, Bi Ryuyeon continued to dodge and weave in and out of Gong Fei's dao with monstrous movements, sometimes aimed at his face, sometimes at his shoulders, sometimes at his left and right waist. But Bi Ryuyeon didn't fight back. His right hand continued to hang limply downward.

"This needs some time to set up, can you please be patient?"

She protested as she dodged a sideways slash aimed at her throat. There was no way Gong Fei's ears could hear her plea.

After that, Bi Ryuyeon had to evade seven more. By now, the bottom of his powers were beginning to show. Gong Fei's "Thirty-six Thunderbolts" were too powerful to keep up with Bi Ryuyeon's nimble legs and mollusk-like evasive abilities.

It is a powerful martial art that creates an ever-widening circle of encirclement in its wake, but it is useless unless it is hit. Finally, Gong Fei stood ready to cast his final move of the season, Thunderbolt Heavenly, which was the most devastating and powerful move of his arsenal.

At that moment, Bi Ryuyeon's right hand, which had been limp, slowly moved.

Lightning Sword Righteousness Sword Qi

The Thunderous Thunder Chapter

Thunderbolt (宏雷)

Bi Ryuyeon's sleeve fluttered, and a tiny silver droplet of water leapt from its shadow. It was as small as the dew on the blades of grass at dawn, and tediously slow. The result was ludicrously small for such an immensely powerful name, but it was just as small and beautiful.

Gong Fei's eyes widened. His entire body's veins tightened and he nearly lost his grip on the Dao. Soon, a snort burst from his cavernous nostrils. I didn't even think to duck. I just didn't like the idea of Bi Ryuyeon playing around at such a crucial moment.


The tiny silver droplets, shining like tears of starlight, moved toward the board with frustrating slowness. The tiny silver droplets were far too weak to match the might of the river. Gong Fei, who was already in a ready stance, raised his sword and struck down with the intention of cutting both the silver droplet and the flame into two pieces at the same time.

It was a blow of such immense power that it seemed as if a mountain had collapsed. Finally, the last of the Thunderbolt Thirty-Six was cast.

Quack, quack, quack, quack!

The silver bead-like droplets collided with the shark's fierce teeth, and a tremendous sound rang out that seemed to shake the heavens and earth. Who would have dared to expect such a thing!

Yeomdo and Iceblade could see clearly through their wide-open eyes. A swirling vortex threatened to swallow everything in its path around the silver droplet that had collided with the giant. It was almost pitiful to see the scowl on the blood-red swordsman's face as he struggled to hold it back.

He looked down at his hand and his sword in disbelief at the enormous weight of the blow against his sword. After more than a thousand slashes and no injuries, it began to crack like a spider's web.

But this was just the beginning.

Boom, boom, boom!

Dozens of strands of white lightning shot out from the silver bubble like beasts, lashing out at Gong Fei's entire body. Viscera flipped and bones shattered under the violent impact of a sledgehammer. The giant staggered back five or six steps.


Caught in a baptism of silver swirls and white lightning, the cracked lamentation of the blank plaque finally could bear it no longer and broke. Scales glistening in the sunlight, the shards scattered like shards of a shattered mirror.


He threw down the hilt, clutched his eyes shut, and took five or six steps backward. Red blood dripped from both eyes. Some of the fragments of the sword flew out at an odd angle and stabbed him in the eye.

"You've only seen dirt, so you don't need it anymore, do you?"

Bi Ryuyeon's eyes were as cold as winter's frost as she looked at him.

Hundreds of broken shards clawed ferociously at his skeletal remains. His hair had come undone, falling in disarray like a prisoner on death row, and his face was scarred with red wounds left by the shards. His clothes were tattered and torn from tearing and slashing, and blood oozed from every inch of exposed flesh.

He fell to his knees, unable to stand up, as if several shards had pierced his thighs, and there was blood in his eyes instead of tears.

No one could believe that a hundred years ago, the two thunder horses that had sown so much terror and committed so many evil deeds were now kneeling on the ground, one dead at the hands of a boy and the other in such a humiliating state. Bi Ryuyeon looked at Gong Fei with the eyes of a judge in the afterlife. Now it was up to her to decide whether Gong Fei would live or die.

"I must kill him!"

Binggum shouted.

"For the sake of the entire army, he must not be allowed to live. The secret must be kept!"

Bing'er's voice was desperate. Bi Ryuyeon hesitated for a moment. She hadn't originally planned to do this. She had already lost her two eyes, so she was willing to forgive him for his right arm. If she had known how Gong Fei felt about Na Yerin, she wouldn't have had this problem in the first place. She was not a merciful person to spare someone who did not deserve to live.

Furthermore, the ritual was originally meant to be tied to death, which diminishes its meaning.

If a party dies suddenly, who will know that they have renounced their name, unless it is known to the power, and their name will continue as it is now.

"What to do……."

This was a problem we were struggling with.

While she was contemplating the life and death of a man, a black object fell with a loud clatter at her feet. It looked like a black, round ball, and she had seen one just like it before in the Fangma Building.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

I could hear the wick burning and smell the smoke, but there was no wick, so it must have been a specially made thunderbolt. And it could go off at any moment.

"Grenade, take cover!"

In no time at all, people were moving away from the bomb. If that thing had the power of a thunderbolt, it could have buried them here.

Quack, quack, quack!

Then a loud bang rang out. But it was only a deafening blast, not any visible destructive force. Instead, there was only a puff of white smoke.

"Oh my God, this is a trick!"

Binggum shouted. In retrospect, it was a simple story. Even if you thought about it again, the bullet was too close to Gong Fei. No matter how deep and vast the Heavenly Spirit's organization was, it would never discard someone of Gong Fei's stature as a pawn in a game of chess, but the bomb was close enough that Gong Fei could have been swept up in its explosive force and turned to dust.


Yin Dao cursed and ran after him. We must not let him live. He couldn't let the Heavenly Spirit know of Mu Xin's death, that would be too risky. Diving unhesitatingly into the thick smoke, Yeomdo roughly assessed the location of the void. He could feel a human presence. It was definitely a blank slate.

With a smile of conversion, Yan Dao swung his saber precisely at that spot; it was clear that he would not be able to dodge with his legs.


But Yin's attempt was doomed to failure. A blood-robed man, his entire body wrapped in red-hot enmity, stood in his way and restrained his path.


At a glance, he could see his opponent's skill. He was about to lunge again when the bloodsucker raised his left hand to stop him.

"You'd better stop! "

His voice was weak, but strong.

"Crazy, I'm not going to listen to you……."

Yeomdo, who had taken a step forward as he spoke, jumped back in surprise at the sharp 'ssshhhhh' sound.

Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck! Puck!

Six black spears, side by side, were embedded deeply in the spot where Yeomdo had just stood. Their speed was faster than any arrow, and their power was incomparable.

"So what did I tell you, I didn't warn you that you'd better stop."

The mysterious man spoke again.

"Pfft, plastic! Did you think you could get in my way with this stupid toy? If so, let me educate you on how wrong you are."

Red sword energy flared from his Dao of Yeomdo. Now, he looked like a lion of flame, majestic and full of energy.

Then the bloodsucker said.

"I warn you again. No more flirting. What you just saw was a fake to save her life, but what my men want to throw up there on fire is real."

It wasn't just the Yeomdo, it was the way Bing'er's body stiffened, ready to pounce. If that happened, the most troublesome thing would happen.

"Who would believe such a trick!"

Yeomdo screamed at me.

"A trick? The firecrackers that went off in the Hwanma Hall of the Heavenly Martial Academy must have been toy firecrackers, then."

"That…, how can I get that……."

"I would have thought something as simple as that would have given away the answer without being asked. Now, have you changed your mind? We still have seven percent of our power left, and if you want to go toe-to-toe with us, we'll do it. But if you don't play any more hands here, we'll back off, and we won't lift a finger against you anymore……."

"These creeps……."

An expletive burst out of Yeomdo rough mouth.


Binggum grunted. He had been forced to make a choice. But he could choose neither now. It was then.

"Well, let's do it then, people should make a living doing what they want to do, don't you think?"

The astonished gazes of salt and ice and blood turned to a man. The man, who looked like a young man, or maybe a little boy, chuckled.

"Who are you, kid, this is no place for you to be so arrogant."

Not only was Red Blood far away, but he was also busy preparing to retreat, and the fog and dust were getting in the way, so he still didn't know exactly why Dongfang and Gongfu had fallen. If they did, they would never have made such a rash decision.

Bi Ryuyeon answered, jerking a finger to one side.

"Let's just say he's the one who owes that big old man over there."

It was an introduction that a red-blooded person wouldn't have understood in a million years.

"I still owe the old man money, so I can't let him go. If all of you want to attack, attack."

"Well, if you make that up as you go along……."

Bing'er was about to protest, but Bi Ryuyeon cut her off mid-sentence. He seemed to be sincere.

"It is a matter of dignity that even if the blood flows in rivers and the corpses pile up to form mountains, I cannot recover the debt left behind, even if I sacrifice all of you."

"…, you've got some nerve!"

The bloodsucker said with a grimace.

"I take it as a compliment."

A dark smile tugged at her lips.

[No, it's too risky, let's leave it as it is today, there'll be another time].

Binggum said pleadingly. For once, Yeomdo touched Iceblade's hand. This was as rare as a flood in a drought for the two of them. Even the fact that Bi Ryuyeon's behavior was so outrageous that she should never have let Gong Fei live had been thrown out the window. The situation was grave.

Bi Ryuyeon was not pleased. She didn't like the idea of sending the plaque.

But the two disciples were begging him, and he could not refuse them. This was why there was a story about the hump on his leg. After looking at the plaque for a moment, Bi Ryuyeon turned around without saying a word.

As if they'd been waiting for it, Binggum and Yeomdo stepped forward. I breathed a sigh of relief that Bi Ryuyeon hadn't forced her hand and used the raw swarm.

He couldn't risk the lives of the entire delegation, and even if he was exaggerating a bit, it was clear that at least eighty percent of what he said was true. It would have been painful to send Gong Fei back like that, knowing such an important secret, but it was time to prioritize the safety of the Guan Dao.

"Very well, I will not touch you anymore, you may go now."

Bingum said through gritted teeth.

"Thank you."

"Your name?"

After a moment's hesitation, Red Blood replied.

"My name is Red Blood, and we will meet again."

"You better not see me again, because that will be the last time I see you!"

Iceblade shouted through the rising smoke. Raising his halberd, the red blood vanished like smoke before the delegates' eyes. Staring into the void, Iceblade murmured softly.

"Red blooded…, by no means inferior in skill to a thunderbolt."

Who they really were and where they were based was still a mystery.

And I don't think any of us here could have anticipated how much of a backlash the grave mistake we made today would cause.

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