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Book 12 Chapter 11

The Yeomdo Mistake

"Do you know what a drywall is? "

Dongfang asked.

"That…, how do you do that?"

He was horrified that anyone but himself knew about it.

"I've been there, done that! "

A shadow of the pain they had endured in the past flickered across their faces.

"You mean you survived that blow?

Yeomdo and the Ice Sword could not help but be astonished. The Qianqian Combining Wall was one of the most powerful seals their master possessed. It was their common opinion that even a human made of iron would not be able to survive being hit by it, so how could they believe that he had survived being hit by it?

But in truth, these two old men hadn't been the only ones to survive the terrifyingly powerful herbivores. A hundred years ago, they had been on the side of the Heavenly Frightening Spirit during the Heavenly Frightening Blood Tax, sweeping through the Zheng City and spreading terror, but both of them had suffered terrible losses at the hands of the Taiping Divine Army. A hundred years ago, they had still been friends, but even when they had joined forces, they had been unable to stop the left-handed sword and the superior sword of the Martial God Xue Yue Lin. The wounds they had suffered at the hands of Usui's sword coldness and Zhu Shu's sword heat were still fresh in their bodies.

Honestly, when faced with the drywall, they gave up resistance, and at the same time gave up hope of life. Had it not been for the help of their master, "He," they would have had to bury their bones there that day, and work together to break it for a hundred years.

"Okay, show me the drywall."

But the two were left dumb with honey. They couldn't show off something they hadn't even cooked yet.

"Why but, are you afraid?"

"I don't. I don't know what fear is."

"So…, I haven't gotten the hang of it yet?"

An outrageous counter-question from the Orientalist. For a moment, the faces of Binggum and Yidao blanched with shame.

"Everyone has their own reasons. Don't dig too deep. The fact remains that we are dealing with you."

The old man's eyes narrowed at Bing's words. The old man's intuition was considered to be very good.

"What happened to the gods?"

His voice was tightly controlled, with no tremor of emotion. The old man didn't want his agitation to be read by the other man.

"You are hailed as a Martial God, and you are not to be called 'Lord Xin'."

Binggum replied coldly.

"Are you still alive?"

I glance at the ice sword and Yeomdo. For those in the shadows of the Netherworld, this was a matter of immense importance.

"Do you think there is a sword in the world that can wound Him?"

He never said that his master was alive, but he didn't say that he was dead either. As if to disguise the truth of his words, the two horses' blade-like gazes seemed to dissect Bing's cold eyes. But the silver-haired swordsman didn't flinch.


The stallion answered in silence. It was a being called the Godless, whose identity he was familiar with, and had learned the hard way. It was true that even the most hostile of relationships were difficult to talk about.

But he was no ordinary man. He was a tycoon of the Ecliptic who had seen it all. Though he was usually a man of few words, he was never silent when it was necessary to speak, and he instinctively sensed the loophole in this tug-of-war. The old man's piercing gaze landed on Yeomdo. The old man knew what he had to do.

Dongfang Hak said, clicking his tongue bitterly.

"Tsk, tsk, if you're trying to tell me you're still alive, I'm sorry, but I don't believe you, and I hope you're not dead in the field, falling prey to the wild beasts. Let me know where your grave is, and I'll burn some incense for you later, just to settle the score. Since you say you hate the sin, but not the person, I'll spare you the punishment of digging a grave and flaying or dismembering the corpse. You deserve it a thousand times over, and you should be deeply grateful for our kindness and generosity! On reflection, you were a very poor man in your later years, yes. To die without leaving a proper heir. Isn't that right, with only two half-disciples? Are you two a package deal?"

Each one was an extreme form of language that stirred people's emotions. Each of the old man's sarcastic words pierced Yeomdo's heart. The final blow was especially deadly. Finally, his uncontrollable rage exploded.

"Shut up, you damned old man, don't insult my late master anymore! I will tear you to pieces and kill you!"


A screaming cry erupted from the ice sword's mouth. Yeomdo's face instantly turned pale. He realized what a terrible mistake he had made.

"You idiot, you idiot!"

Yendo had nothing to say in response.

"Crackle…, crackle……."

It was a dire threat to tear him to shreds, but a smile of amusement crossed the ashen lips of the Orientalist, and he could hardly contain his glee.

"Kahahaha! Kahahaha! Kahahaha! Kahahaha!"

A loud, gleeful laugh echoed through the canyon that could not possibly have come from the old man's lanky body. The canyon thundered and vibrated. Some of the guards covered their ears, unable to stand it.

"Finally, finally, finally, that godless fellow is dead? I've been living without breathing all this time because of him……. I can finally walk in the light of the world and be happy. I was worried that there was no one to stop Mushin unless he took action… Thank you for letting me know. Thank you so much!"

Binggum's face hardened into a grave expression. It was the face of a man determined to die. Yeomdo was shocked at his own mistake.

That damn mouth is a cube, Bingum thought. It was a secret that should never have gotten out. The reason why the Heavenly Demon Spirit had been able to continue its secretive activities without making a full-blown appearance was because the shadows of the Demon God Xue Yue Lin and the Demon Horse Gal Zhonghua had been casting a heavy shadow over the Great Lake. If one of the two weights had died, the shadows would undoubtedly be thinner in color.

In a state of mental panic, I exclaimed, looking at the salty Namgung statue I had just returned from.

"You, Shang, and Zhu Jiaxuan, form a cordon! Don't let anyone else in, and don't let those two out at any cost."

"What? Old!"

Namgungsang didn't seem to recognize the words, but he obeyed the order. The troops scattered in unison and quickly formed a circle around the two old men, the weapons in their hands glowing brightly, but the majority of the audience still had no idea what was going on.

Then Yeomdo shouted again.

"What the hell are you guys doing? Where are you crippled? If you don't want to die, get your asses in gear! Anyone who dawdles will be sentenced to fifty repetitions of the special training course."

The guandao, who had been holding their hands, stirred. Strangely, they still didn't seem to know exactly what was going on, and they didn't know what all the fuss was about. Despite being surrounded by nearly fifty men, the two old men's complexions were as calm as if they had just gone for a walk.

"We must never let the authors live! "

Bing'er's distorted face was grim.

"You see, you fool, what you did, you tie yourself in knots. There's no way we're going to let them live, not even if we do the damned thing called a pincer attack!"

The fact that he'd rather do a pincer attack than die spoke volumes about the importance of this task. He couldn't do it on his own accord. The Martial Gods and Martial Horses had been the weights and shackles that had restricted the Heavenly Spirit's movements for the past hundred years. It would be dishonoring to his dead master.

His composure had flown out the window. He had never seen the ice-blade, whose very heart must have been frozen in ice, look so urgent and panicked. The matter was urgent.

"You think killing two of us is going to solve the problem? The people up there in ambush aren't deaf. Nobu's voice isn't quite as loud as he boasts, but I don't think it's so loud that they couldn't hear us, but it's too late, don't you think?"

Calvo blanched at the sneering words of the Orientalist that Tu had spoken. It might be too late to stop the cart, but the ice sword beside him didn't change color. His face was never one of defeat.

"That's not going to happen, because when this unthinking, impetuous human who fell for your provocation just a moment ago spouted off his foolish words, I sensed his uneasiness and created a sound barrier with my qi within the three walls of the room around us. It's a wonder I couldn't stop him by crushing his mouth." ……. So no one knows what happened, not even the children on that cliff, not even the ones who are playing their final match now."

"What! "

"Uh…, before you know it!"

The two old men let out different exclamations of horror. They hadn't expected Bing'er to pull such a trick in the midst of all the commotion.

"Good job, Chulsu!"

He stopped dead in his tracks as the name that had once been called him in the good old days of friendship came out of his mouth unconsciously. He was almost deliriously happy to be called something he hadn't been called in the last twenty years.

"I apologize for my disregard for you. But do you think you can handle us on your own, and you're not counting on this bunch of kids?"

Bing's counterattack exceeded the expectations of the Eastern Academy.

"You don't know that until you try it! "

Ice Sword bluntly replied. At this moment, a terrifying aura emanated from both Ice Sword and Yeomdo's entire bodies like waves. Their pupils were etched with determination.

At this point, even a pair of lightning horses could not be ignored. As if in response, the black flesh of the two old men's bodies began to rise. As is often the case in fights between masters, it began with a battle of momentum. An intangible vortex formed between them as flesh and killing intent pushed and pulled. This is what sometimes happens when the formless qi that only super masters can exude collides. This was more of a battle of the minds than a battle of the pores.

Ordinary people could not escape death if they were swept away by this intangible current. Even the mysterious skill of the aura wounder, who can injure people with just a glance, is made possible by the power of this intangible energy. To plunge into the center of such a powerful intangible intersection was one of the surest ways to commit suicide as a martial artist.

And then there was the man who casually walked into the center of this vortex of intangible energy as if it were a morning stroll. Of course, common sense dictated that this was ridiculous, but the man seemed unperturbed by the explosive pressure of the chi, as if emergency had swallowed up his common sense.

"Wait, let's stop right here."

It was Bi Ryuyeon who broke up the confrontation in the most outrageous way possible.

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