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Book 10 Chapter 24

Off to the volcanoes

- Leaving the Academy of Heaven!

"Here we go."

For Junho Yoon, today was a big day, and he was filled with pride.

I was so excited last night that I didn't get any sleep. But it didn't matter.

He was excited because today was the day they would leave for the volcano. Surprisingly, Yun Jun-ho had passed the previous test in Hwanmadong and was allowed to join the volcano protocol group, albeit as a candidate. The sudden collapse of Hwanmadong left nearly 150 people injured, and he was lucky enough to be selected as a candidate. The accident left many talented players in the hospital.

In addition to Bi Ryuyeon, Mo Yong-hui, Hyo-ryong, and Jang Hong were all accepted. The main cast members were also all nominated. Among them, Namgungsang and Hyunwoon were selected as the main cast.

Yun was excited to be able to go to his favorite volcano with his friends.

"I wonder what the faces of my brothers and sisters and Master would look like if they knew I was elected to represent the Volcano Covenant Chapter?

It was as obvious as fire that they would all be angry that someone was making fun of them. It didn't matter, though; he was part of the select delegation to the Volcano Covenant Chapter, no matter what anyone said. He couldn't wait to get to the volcano and see the Master's face. Whenever he thought about how proud the Master would be of him, Junho's heart swelled.

"You're just getting started."

Yun Jun-ho picked up his sword with determination. He was no longer the inexperienced, bullied Yun, though he still hadn't gotten over his plum blossom intolerance.

"Kulkulkul… Mmmmmmm… Yerin… Mmmmmmmmm…."

Still, despite the loud ringing of the wake-up call, Bi Ryuyeon stayed in bed and drifted off to dreamland.

It seemed like it would take several people to wake her up again today.

The Heavenly Martial Arts Pavilion Lord, Iron Fist Mazhinga, stood on the dais, giving final instructions to the young representatives of the factions about to depart for the volcano. It was no exaggeration to say that the honor and power of the Hundred Islands rested on their shoulders.

"The next Volcanoes Convention will be unlike any other in the last hundred years. You can dismiss all the common sense you've heard about the Convention from your minds today. However, it is important to remember that the honor and fate of Baekdo is at stake in this centennial event, and I hope you will do your best. This is the event that will determine the power dynamics of the next decade. The eyes of countless people will be watching your courage, wisdom, and martial arts.

Now you have only your own strength, courage, and wisdom to rely on. There will be no help for you once you leave this place. You must do everything for yourself. There is only one thing I can say to you. You are the proud students of the glorious Celestial Academy. Act with confidence and dignity, and I wish you the best of luck!"

Mazinger concluded his speech by saying

"Goodbye, then, my lord."

Binggum, the head of the guides, looked at Mazinger and greeted him.

"Good luck with that."


"I'll see you at the volcano, and I hope you get there safely. Beware of the invisible hand."


Binggum hadn't forgotten his own caution.

"A well-grown plant is vulnerable to the elements. Let me not rely on you too much."

The majin hadn't forgotten his advice. Binggum nodded. Only those who can face the fierceness of reality in the face of rain, wind, and storms can truly be strong. Mazinger did not want to pamper and nurture his students like plants in a greenhouse. He could only show them the way, not walk it for them. This was not only true for him, but equally true for everyone in the world.

Now they will carry the honor of the White Sword and set out to test their abilities. Bing'er looked at the feverish youths and exclaimed, "This is a great day.


And so they left for the volcano, just as the dawn over the horizon was driving away the darkness.

"Hoo hoo hoo, here it comes."

A figure shrouded in thick darkness spoke in a husky voice. The dreary bass echoed uneasily through the room, which was as claustrophobic as it could be inside a skyscraper.

He was the Grand Duke, a man who seemed to be at one with the darkness.


In his grasp, the scroll disappeared in a blaze of flame and ash. It was the scroll that contained the report of the departure of the participants of the Volcano Covenant from the Academy.

"If I had sent you a casket as a congratulatory gift last time, it wouldn't have done you much good."

It was a casual voice, but Qi Sahan must have been terrified, because he dropped to the floor in a heap.

"Sin… I'm sorry."

Qi Sahan's plan didn't go over too well in Huanmadong. There were several wounded, but not a single fatality, meaning his plan had failed.

"What are you sorry about?"

The Grand Duke replied, his voice still emotionless, and that frightened Qi Shihan even more, his survival instincts clearly sensing some kind of death breath.

"I apologize. You deserve to die a hundred deaths for failing to live up to the Grand Duke's expectations."


Qi Sahan was stunned by the Grand Duke's cold, emotionless response. He knew that his lord was very angry now, and he was afraid. He was not sure he could handle his anger.

"But only give me one more chance. This time, I will… I will deal with the saboteurs."

After a moment of thought, the Grand Duke spoke up.

"…Then I'll have to ask them for directions."

"Uh… are you giving me directions?"

The Archduke nodded.

"Isn't it possible that the road ahead might be a little bumpy?"

Qi Sahan's slender head quickly grasped the meaning behind the Grand Duke's words, and a sly smile appeared on his lips.

"Hmph. You're right. The roads are a little rough these days, and without a guide, you might get lost."

"That's very unfortunate……."

The Archduke muttered.

"It's a shame, and it's a very sad shame. Hehehe."

But it didn't look sorry for itself at all, judging by the way it looked.

"I'll send you directions."

Chisahan replied.

"Make sure you give them good directions, of course, and don't let the foxes of the Black Sky know."

"Sure, sure. Let's send out the Twelve Blood Demons first."

"They're a trusted guide."

The Grand Duke seemed satisfied with Qi Sahan's answer. Qi Sahan breathed a sigh of relief and then let out a sinister laugh.

"Hmph, of course. The Twelve Blood Horsemen are the ones who will most kindly show you the way to the Netherworld, with sword, blood, and fire!"

This time, he promised himself, he wouldn't fail.

"The inauguration of the Volcano Covenant Branch will be witnessed by a great number of masters and dignitaries from the great martial schools, including the Heavenly Martial Guanju and the Martial Mighty Lord, as well as those damned Heavenly Martial Emperors!

A place where all the pillars of political power are gathered. It would be a great, great, great tragedy if a major accident happened here."

The Grand Duke's eyes exploded with murderous flesh. Crushed by its terrifying flesh, the henchmen and henchwomen must have felt horror and irreverence all at once.

A bloody nightmare of a life, he was like a congealed darkness. Qi Sahan thought to himself.

'Even if a delegation from any political party were to reach the volcano safely, they would be no match for him.

It was an almost religious faith, and his prayer and martial skill were outstanding. The Grand Duke jumped up from his seat and looked at his henchmen, who were protesting to his right and left.

"Now let us remind them of the bloody horrors that were lost a hundred years ago. Let us relive the most terrible nightmare that they have tried so hard to forget, that they have tried so hard to erase from their minds. This meeting of the Volcano Covenant will be the first event that marks the beginning of a tragedy that will stain the world with blood."

Then the henchmen who were protesting on the left and right shouted in unison.

"The dreaded blood tax (劫亂血洗)! The Second Coming of the Blood God! Heaven and Earth!"

The voices, filled with gloomy and ominous aura, thundered together in unison. It seemed that Bi Ryuyeon's journey would not be a smooth one. No one could confidently answer what fate lay ahead of them now that they had finally left the Heavenly Martial Academy.

<Continued from "Fault Tolerance," Vol. 11

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discord ko-fi