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Book 10 Chapter 23

Elect (選出)

In a few days, the delegates would depart for the Volcanoes Convention.

Now all that was left was to announce the nominations.

Mazinger announced the candidates for this year's Volcano Council at a gathering of elders in the Heavenly Pavilion.

As soon as the announcement was made, everyone started to stir. This was due to the fact that the candidates differed in many ways from the previous round.

"May I ask you a question?"

It was the old man who asked the question.

"What? Say it with a straight face."

Mazinger nodded coolly.

"Why are there so many candidates?"

No matter how you slice it, 50 candidates was too many. In the end, less than a dozen people were needed. Even if the rules were changed, this was too much. This was the first time in the history of the Volcano Covenant Chapter that we had this many candidates. We couldn't count the number of hands and toes on each foot.

"Because we need it."

There was no doubt, concern, or hesitation in Chuho's voice, and it was clear how much he was taking the situation for granted. It was a frustrating answer.

"Why? Please be more specific."

"It's a contingency plan, and we're also celebrating the centennial of the Volcanic Convention Branch, so we're going to do things differently than we've ever done before."

"That… that's not possible!"

None of the labor and management representatives here were informed of that fact.

"Therefore, there will be no retraction."

Mazinga replied firmly.

Mazinger's beaky gaze swept across the room, and everyone was stunned into silence.

"This edition of the Volcano Convention is more important than any other we've ever held. I can't explain why yet, so I ask for your patience. Besides, even though everyone is resting, I'm sure you all know how many incidents have happened on the way to the volcano. We don't know why, but there have always been incidents on the way to the Volcano Covenant Conference. There have always been dead bodies with unknown causes of death, and we've never arrived at the volcano as promised with the full number of people. But we can't blame the Black Heavenly Blind, because they've been victimized as well, so we can't protest."

Volcano Covenant delegates traveling to the volcanoes were always at risk of death. They never knew when they would be attacked. If they let their guard down, they might not even make it to their destination before they died. Naturally, it was highly likely that there was some sort of conspiracy involved, whether it was the Black Heavenly League or the Heavenly Pavilion, but without proof, they could not properly complain to the Black Heavenly League. Furthermore, there were also the existence of ethereal beasts that didn't belong to any of the legitimate organizations, so it was difficult to point fingers at the Black Heavenly League alone.

That's what politics is all about when you're a power and you're dealing with other powers. Sympathy without evidence will never solve anything.

"And the escort?"

If that was the case, he should have been escorted - he was safe. But the problem was that it wasn't.

"As is customary, none."

Mazinga said.

"As you know, it is only the participants who travel to the volcano, the location of the Covenant Meeting, and no one else is allowed to accompany them. Although there are sect members on the volcano, they are a considerable distance away from the Tianmu Peak where the Volcano Covenant Meeting is held, and the area around it is forbidden and guarded by selected people. Of course, the reason this is customary is because of the rules set forth by the founders of the Volcano Covenant Meeting, the Martial God Taijiquan Army Heng Yulin and the Martial Horse Pathfinder Gal Zhonghyeok."

Somehow, however, the participants were required to arrive at the volcano a month before the Covenant meeting. That was the rule, and failure to arrive in time was considered a defeat.

"Don't worry too much. I may not have an escort, but I do have a guide!"

Mazinger looked at Wolverine and said, "You're right. In such a situation, a guide is very important and must be more capable than anyone else.

"Let me go!"

Wolverine said without hesitation. Mazinga nodded.

"Otherwise, I'm going to choose you, Nasty Elder, and Yeomdo Elder and Iceblade Elder as the leaders of the Volcano Covenant Chapter."

Wolf Qin frowned at the fact that Gao Yan was in the same escort, but since they had been chosen together, he decided not to argue further. Yeomdo and Ice Sword glanced at each other, then quickly looked away as their gazes met.

They were two people who kept trying to distance themselves from each other to avoid getting entangled if they could, but kept getting entangled.

That night!

"You called for me, my lord?"

The reason Jegal Nossa is standing inside the Mazinger's private quarters now, late at night, is because he has received a secret summons from the Mazinger. For him, the past month has been the most breathtaking.

"Welcome, Jegal Nosa, sorry to bother you all the time!"

"No, you're not!"

Mr. Zegal replied politely.

"We're finally leaving tomorrow!"


"But I can't get over the fact that we have to send them to the volcano when we haven't even found the culprit behind the collapse of Hwanma-dong yet!"

"I can only apologize for that. The fact that we've fired up all of our organs, including the non-spiritual ones, and we still can't even catch a tail… it's just embarrassing. I can only beg for forgiveness."

"No! You've done a great job as always! They're just too willing, don't be too hard on them!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

Jegal was sincerely grateful for Mazinger's generosity.

"Jegal Nosa, do you think the children will reach the volcano safely this time?"

Mazinger's face suddenly turned serious. Here was the kicker.

"It's not going to be easy, and I'm sure there's a black sheep or a white sheep among the candidates."

Majinga's eyes widened.

"Really? They're all descendants of prestigious families. No way……."

It was hard to believe.

"Haven't we learned the hard way that not all disciples of a prestigious school can be trusted? Their master must be more insane than we realize."

"What can I do, because from the way you're talking about it, it's obvious that you've done something about it?"

Zegal laughed softly.

"You're sharp as ever. You've already planted some credible kids among the candidates."

"Oooh, it's you, indeed, one of the brains of the Heavenly Martial Academy!"

Majinga's face immediately lit up.

"You're too kind, but rest assured I've made a few more arrangements. On my honor, I will see to it that the children reach the volcano safely, not to mention the capture of Ganse."

"Good luck with that!"

"Don't plant it."

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discord ko-fi