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discord ko-fi
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Book 1 Chapter 6

I know what my master has done in all these years.

The master is the villain of the piece. For labor violations and child abuse, the master is accused of violating the

He had nothing to say when he was accused(告發) by Guan'a.

I'm doing what he's been doing all these years. And when the master says

It gives you a good idea of the kinds of things you'll be doing.

Why did I become a student of such a person? I absolutely regret it now.

One day when she was 12 years old…….

I have been living with my master for six months. During those six months, I was forced to chop firewood and do laundry every day. During that time, I was continuously imprisoned in a prison called "Hell's Muscle Pain" and was subjected to tremendous torture, but I was able to barely escape from the prison of "Hell's Muscle Pain" through my consistent cultivation and practice of the two major secrets, the Thunder Spirit Heart Method and the Spiritual Heart Method. This was six months after practicing the Secret Art.

One day, when I was barely out of the muscle pain of hell, my master told me,

"You're finally learning the basics."

a simple but incredibly cruel statement. I should have asked, "Then what the hell have I been doing all this time?" but instead I swallowed my anger and asked a polite, respectful question.

"What have I been doing all this time, Master!"

Then Sabuwal,

"Huh? That's a simple household activity, of course. Why do you ask about something that's so obvious? What a funny guy."

The look on my teacher's face was like he was asking me a bunch of useless questions, and I was devastated……. was indescribable. As I stood there dumbfounded, the first thing he asked me to learn was how to throw a flying sword, one of the foundations of the art. The poor, frail, beautiful boy, the protagonist of the tragedy, had no power. If a vicious master is an actor, he must learn.

The first step in throwing a flying sword is, of course, to hit a stationary object. This is where the infinite power of the spirit mind comes into play, and the effectiveness of the spirit mind in channeling all of the spirit into the flying sword is manifested in a 100% hit rate.

It took him another three months and about ten days to hit a pine cone on a pine tree five feet (15 meters) away, but once he did, he wasn't done learning. Even if you have the accuracy of a bat out of hell, you can still dodge or deflect enough bits and pieces that are thrown at you by a master of the art of flight and length. If you were a master of cutting, you could catch them with your bare hands, and if you were strong enough to defend yourself, you could block them with your bare body. Therefore, accuracy alone was not enough.

What really mattered was the lightning-fast speed. After nine months of chopping firewood and washing clothes (six months of household activities plus three months of training), I had gained considerable strength in my hands, but I couldn't do it yet. She was only 10 years old, so her strength was limited. Moreover, the hit rate dropped significantly when the distance was more than 5 meters. After 10 sheets (30 meters), the hit rate was less than 3%. This meant that out of 10 throws, less than 3 of them would hit.

When my hit rate at 10 yards exceeded 5%, my training moved to the next level. The second step in throwing the bido was to hit a moving object. The second stage of my training involved hanging pine cones by a thread from a pine branch five yards away, shaking them, and then hitting the cones as they swayed from side to side. I honestly struggled with this one.


I throw it and it misses, I throw it and it misses. Damn, damn, damn, it shot out of my virtuous mouth. It took me four months to hit these wobbly pine cones. But just because I hit the first five moving pine cones didn't mean I was done. As the distance from the target increased, the size of the wobbling object decreased. It was fascinating.

Throwing things also changed. It wasn't just rain that was thrown. It was the practice of throwing bird feathers to hit targets. Throwing with bird feathers was an exercise in reading the flow of air, as well as in the proper use of chi for throwing. Because bird feathers are so light, they encounter a lot of air resistance and don't fly very fast. Naturally, the power was hopelessly lacking.

The main point was to load the feather with true qi and let it fly, which was easier said than done. Of course, you also had to have a good grasp of the airflow, so if you didn't have enough internal qi or couldn't handle it properly, you couldn't complete the feather throw. Only when you can throw a feather and hit the target, even in strong winds, will you be able to complete this basic training.

Along with throwing rainbows, he also learned a form of kung fu called phoenix dance. It was literally a way of moving the body, and it included both light and heavy movements. Many people confuse the two, or think they're the same thing, and that's perfectly fine.

However, unlike the latter, the former refers to body movements and footwork that are used when confronting an enemy or when practicing martial arts to quickly move into an enemy's blind spot or avoid an attack. Many people mistakenly assume that bojutsu is just a movement of the feet, but it is actually a movement of the entire body, as the feet move and the body follows.

I should practice hard because it's necessary for the next level of performance, that's what my sensei said when he taught me the phoenix dance. But every time he taught me something, instead of being grateful and thankful, I somehow worried about my future. What else are you going to order me to eat……. It seemed that the bad master was slowly converting me into a human being that would be easy to serve. And unfortunately, my premonition was correct.

Slowly, my anxiety began to take shape, becoming a ferocious beast with front legs, back legs, and sharp fangs that attacked me. My anxiety had become real.

When I had reached a certain level of proficiency in phoenix dance and rainbow throwing, Sensei asked me to go out for an outdoor lesson. I couldn't help but feel anxious. My master, who was always so good, would never do anything to benefit me.

The location of the outdoor class was in the mountains just behind the hut where my master and I live. The hut was located in a fairly high and deep mountain, but the back mountain was higher and more rugged. He took me there, and the outdoor class began. But, to my horror, it turned out to be foraging and hunting.

What was the most important purpose of the sudden outdoor classes? It was to save money on food costs. If the true and sole purpose of the outdoor class was to reduce the cost of food, especially the cost of side dishes, then the answer is yes. Since we can't grow rice, we can't reduce the cost of rice, so it was natural to set the goal of saving on side dishes. The idea that the outdoor class would increase their light ball skills and improve their rainbow throwing ability was just a pretense.

Meat is expensive, but he wants to eat it, so he sends his pupil hunting in the name of discipline. "Meat is the best food for drinking!" he exclaimed, and I knew in my heart that I would never taste meat again. In addition, the master's words that running around the mountains collecting herbs for food and medicinal herbs together would improve their kung fu skills and help them practice were like a dog barking after being doused with water to pee.

He explained to me which herbs were edible and which were expensive. As he showed me the real thing, he showed me……. And as an added bonus, he taught me how to salt herbs.

The act of hunting was a bloody endeavor to obtain meat. When I first started hunting, I was told to start with small animals. If you try to hunt a big game like a wild boar from the beginning, you're likely to get killed, so as a beginner, you're taught to target small game like hares and birds. As he gained more experience, he was taught to hunt bigger and fiercer animals.

He also cautioned that only the bido should be used for hunting. Never use traps, snares, or bows. They were not conducive to cultivation. I thought it was so funny……. He also said that hunting and foraging should be done at dawn and only until morning. For some reason…….

I had my doubts, and it didn't take long for them to be answered. And in the worst possible way.

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discord ko-fi