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Book 1 Chapter 5

Brainstorming and Consular Decisions

A week into chopping firewood and doing laundry.

I had to suffer through a week of hellish muscle pain.

It was a terrible pain. Tens of thousands of worms named Pain

I felt like I was building a home in every inch of my body.

He who has not felt, he who has not experienced, will never know

It was a terrible pain. This is the first time in my life that I've ever been subjected to such a thing.

It would be more of a lie if this frail flesh were solid.

As I was pinned to the floor of the room in hellish muscle pain, Sifu smiled wickedly and sarcastically said, "It's hard, isn't it?" Then, as if in good faith, he taught me the "Thunder Spirit Heart Technique" and the "Reaper's Heart Technique" to ease the pain.

The Thunder Spirit Heart Method was a solitary inner attack heart method of the Tao Te Ching, which was said to be the best inner attack heart method in all of heaven, not only through the breathing of the human body, but also through the interaction between the heavens and the earth, taking in the energy of all things in the world and using that energy to generate thunder spirits, or thunder spirits, or chi. It was also kindly explained that this thunder spirit method included the four elements of the thunder spirit, pleasure, island, strength, and fleeting, as well as the elements of house, mountain, and soft.

The Spiritual Heart Technique, which was taught in conjunction with the Thunderbolt Technique, was not the Inner Gong Technique. It was more than enough to overflow into the Thunderbolt Technique. It was a kind of single-point concentration, a mental unification method that meant to twist the soul and make it as thin as a thread.

The essence of reverent mindfulness is to have a natural immobility that is not disturbed by any circumstances around you. The threads of the soul are unbroken under any circumstances, and the mind is always clear, tranquil, and peaceful, like a quiet, transparent lake. This was the main point of the spiritual path.

By learning these two things, I can finally say that I have mastered the art of martial arts. So for the average person,

"Thank you, Master, thank you. For you to teach such an exquisite divine art to such an immature disciple, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. In order to receive your grace and expectations, I will continue to practice martial arts day and night without ceasing. Please watch over me."

But that's only for someone who's not in the right frame of mind, and I'm not, because I've already figured out my master's secrets. These two things should have been taught to me a week ago. Then I could have been more comfortable chopping firewood and doing laundry.

He had watched me suffer through hellish muscle pain, as if the misfortune of others were his own happiness, and now he was going to teach me how to use the Thunder Spirit Mind and the Projection Mind as if it were his own.

But I needed them, and I had to learn them. I needed to learn it to live a better, more comfortable life, to make laundry easier and firewood more readily available, and most of all, to live.

I mastered the Thunder Spirit Heart Method at a rapid pace, and my progress was certainly unrivaled. Of course, all of this was made possible by my brilliant and intelligent brain. At the age of three, I had already mastered the Book of Heaven, and at the age of five, I had memorized the Four Books of the Three Sutras. I belonged to the class of people the world calls geniuses.

When I started my official activities at the age of six, I had to hear some culprits call me a "fool!" or "brainless!", but I didn't care because it was just the culprits' jealousy of a genius. When I was 10 years old, four years after I started my official activities in the village, people finally recognized the true value of genius and did not hesitate to call me a genius (天災: heavenly disaster).

Because of this, it was relatively easy for me to realize the secret of the main text, the Five Righteousnesses of the Thunderbolt Heart Method, and I was able to build up my cultivation at a fairly rapid pace.

Along with the two great secrets of the Thunder Gate, the Thunder Spirit Heart Method and the Spiritual Heart Method, it was the koto that I learned. Playing the koto, or zither, was a difficult task that required a high degree of finger skill and sensitivity, and playing music was a task that required something other than skill, and that something was an essential ingredient for wielding the thunder sword. Therefore, acquiring that something was the purpose of learning the koto.

Of course, the delicate movements of the fingers and the exquisite sensations gained from learning gold were also an indispensable reason to learn it. I was always a whiner when it came to learning other things, but Sensei,

"Wielding a flying sword is like playing a beautiful melody."

and offered to teach me gold, I couldn't help but say yes. To be honest, it's the same thing when it comes to picking up girls. They say women are susceptible to mood, and what better way to set the mood than with music!

Sitting in a moonlit lakeside gazebo with a beautiful young woman, playing a beautiful song on a golden koto and reciting a poem, any woman is bound to die. Moreover, if it is the most beautiful boy in the world who is a master of the instrument, the story is already over. He has exquisite beauty that seems to be carved from the moonlight, eyes that seem to hold the Milky Way, neatly tied hair, a white robe embroidered with a crimson dragon, and a divine sword sheathed at his waist. And on his back, a zither as black as the night sky!

If this were the case, the three-wife, four-chambered house that every man's dream of would not be a dream. All seven of them are made up of exquisite beauties, hahahah…….

The beauty of his body was already there from birth, so he didn't need to worry about it, and the martial arts, which were the best in the world, were already solved because he was learning them now. Now, if he learned to play the koto, he would have all the three beats, and he would be a "super-super beautiful young master". In addition to this, if you can master the sound technique of using the koto, it will be the icing on the cake. It's no wonder that the koto was one of the two major musical instruments, along with the jade sword, that made the protagonist stand out from generation to generation.

The illusionary use of the koto was a staple in the storybooks of the Wuxia. I dreamed of passing on my master's Yin Gong until I heard him scold me later, "Yin Gong? Do you have ten? We don't have any of that!" It ended up being a dream (Sifu called it a delusion).

After all, who am I to deny myself something so good? My rosy life was now assured, and I couldn't help but smile with pride as I completed my ecstatic rosy life plan. This is how I learned to play the koto. But this too was not a pleasant memory. After all, my teacher was not a trustworthy human being.

In my master's room, which I swept, polished, and organized every day, there were two different koto. One was an ordinary gold that could be found everywhere, but the other was a jet-black lustrous ink gold that had already appeared in my imagination. This was the so-called thunder koto, a secret treasure that had been handed down from generation to generation in our Flying Thunder Gate. Unusually, it had transparent silver threads as strings, so that at first glance one would think it had no strings.

I naturally chose mukgum because it's a hundred times cooler than the plain gold next to it, and it would be a lot cooler to carry around. When I held the gold in front of me and examined it closely, I was struck by something curious. The unusual material that made up the body, which resembled a deep, dark night sky, and the invisible strings that were connected to it like an illusion that didn't exist! I was so intrigued by the invisible string that I bent my index finger to give it a try. At that moment, I heard my master's urgent cry of "No!". Against my will, my fingers flicked lightly, as if my teacher's words were the sky.


The results were disastrous. The result of doing the opposite of his master's orders was, in a word, "Blood! Instead of the tinkling sound that should have been produced by striking a golden string, I felt a searing pain, and my index finger was covered with a sharp knife wound, from which a large amount of holy blood was oozing.


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, what did I tell you? I told you not to touch it. Didn't I make sense? You didn't listen to me at all, and now you're rotten to the core! This string is made of the same material as the thunderbolt sword, which is connected to the thunderbolt sword, and it's a rare miracle that cuts everything it touches. It can't be touched by normal means, let alone played."

Sensei looked at me with his index finger in his mouth, sucking on the side, and clicked his tongue in a pathetic way.

"Master, how am I supposed to play with this thing? You didn't tell me it was so dangerous! If I play with this thing, I'll be an amputee! You're going to end the career of my only pupil, Mr. Wu!"

A golden koto that slices through the fingers of anyone who tries to play it……. It was the stuff of legends. I had never heard of such a thing before, and I shouted at my teacher in disgust, for it is said that the loudest voice wins, and I was offended, but he smiled at me as if I were nothing, and then he sat down in his paternal chair and placed the zither on his lap. And he said,

"Stoner. This great master will perform a hand-to-hand demonstration for you, foolish boy. Try to appreciate this master's great workmanship with a reverent heart."

I'm clueless……. That couldn't be further from the truth, but I persevered.

"Yeah, if you're going to give it a shot, do it!

I couldn't and didn't want to honor him.

"We'll see when I'm older.

Sensei grabbed the poop pom and began to pluck the brass. I envisioned his fingers being sliced off one after another, leaving a pool of blood in their wake, but in reality, a beautiful melody was echoing through the room. I could only sit there stunned, my mouth agape. In a word, it was amazing. That damned zither that had nearly amputated my finger, which thankfully didn't come to that, but had caused me to see the holy blood on my finger, was being strummed in the master's hand. Besides, your playing skills are quite impressive," said the master with a triumphant smile, his tone filled with pride.

"Woohoo, look at you, surprised. What do you think, this great master's skill with the sword? This is the power of the Bunyue Sword. Hahahaha, I'm surprised, you bastard!"

"I'm playing the tangqin, why not the martial arts?

I had a question in my mind. But the master's damned explanation was that in order to play the zither, I had to master something called bunyue hand. The martial art of bun-rae-su doesn't mean "a hand that moves quickly, as if lightning is dispersing," but rather "a hand that makes a bun-bu, saying, 'Please do this to the thunder. To command means to give orders to a subordinate. In other words, it was the hand that directed and controlled the energy of the brain.

There is no such thing as a "punch," "slap," or "strike" in this form. It is not a martial art, but rather a form of qigong, and when practiced, the hands become like steel, unable to be injured by the thunder spirit's blade, nor by any other sword. Furthermore, it had the effect of hardening not only the hands but also the entire arm, which was why, according to the master, one could never play the kung fu until one had mastered it to at least the sixth level. Of course, it was also impossible to wield a thunder sword.

This is because it was the thunder spirit sword that was connected to the rainbow sword, and the martial art of using the rainbow sword and the thunder spirit sword was the rainbow sword. The master's explanation was that, because of its strong Qigong aspect, the achievement of Bun Liu Shu is proportional to the achievement of the internal Qigong, which means that it is impossible to master Bun Liu Shu without progress in the Thunder Spirit Heart Method.

However, the master explained that it would take more than a decade for him to accumulate enough skill to reach the six-star level. This meant that he was still a long way from being able to play the zither, so until then, he would have to be content to play an ordinary zither. It also meant that he would have to cultivate his zither until he died.

"You're a hundred years too fast to play it. You should practise the spirit method day and night until you die, and then maybe you'll be a decade faster."

I resented my inability to open and close my ears, which I was forced to do due to the fact that my ears were always open. But what could I do? I had to train myself to the point of death from that day forward. Only then would I be able to try anything else.

However, there is a limit to the rate at which one can improve, and I was repeatedly frustrated by my incredibly slow progress. Occasionally, Sifu would express surprise at how fast I was progressing, but I wasn't one to be fooled. What on earth is a once-in-a-hundred-years speed?

If it hadn't been for that day a year ago, I would still be working on mastering the Bun Liu Shu, and I wouldn't have been able to touch the Bi Liu Dao I'm practicing now, let alone play it. We'll talk about that day a year ago later.

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discord ko-fi