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Book 1 Chapter 19

The Tragedy of the Eighteen Swords Zhang Wuyang

There was a commotion outside the gates of the palace,

A couple of representatives walked in, along with the head honcho.

You're at a bar and you've been binge drinking.

His face was red.

"Are you the one who attacked her because you're a big guy?"

Just to be sure, she asked.

'attack? Who attacks whom, wouldn't I know if I were attacked, how dare you, attack! How dare you change the words of the old man's Hamza stone.'

The attacker, or rather, the strong man, grunted, ready to draw his sword and lunge. His face was flushed red, and he was clearly still drunk.

"What's that, old man? That's a hell of a lot of bullshit."

With a ridiculous expression on her face, she looked at Jiang Chen. Her tone had hardened to the point where she was about to shout.

"If he has a little too much to drink, he'll go away, and I hope the guests understand the rudeness. Guys, wake him up."

Zhang Wuyang, the lesser sovereign of the eighteen swords, ordered the marksmen beside him. There were many different methods of sobering up a drunkard, such as shock therapy, detoxification, detoxification soup, or elixirs, but a method that could be used by anyone, anywhere, at any time was still the most popular, especially now that it was the middle of summer.


Guo Zhu asked.


The strongman, holding two buckets of water, one from each side, looked like a drowning mouse as he answered. It was not a very polite response. It was not a passing grade for intelligent conversation.

"Woo-hoo, I'm awake."

He said as he straightened his clothes. Water was still dripping from his body.

"The party is here, let's talk."

Looking at Kang-jang, who had come to his senses a bit, Bi Ryuyeon said.



Little did he know that he had just been dragged in, drunk as he was, and that he was the cause of both the confrontation and the attack on his country. He couldn't understand why the gates of his country were shattered, why dozens of marks were lying face down on the wall, or why the two men in front of him were now fighting.

In response to Bi Ryuyeon's story of being sent back and forth, Kang-jang insisted that he had never been sent back and forth.

"I fought to defend my honor and the honor of my country because he first said something that tarnished my honor and the honor of our Zhongyang flag."

"Hey, is there such a thing as honor in a place where a bunch of people beat up on one person?"

Bi Ryuyeon sneered.

"The many attacking the one, that never happened."

"Hmph, the trail is telling us everything. All right, let's hear it for the other guy. Where's that group of marksmen who accompanied you? I'm sure they're up to something, because they owe you just as much as you do."

"They're over there now, over there."

Guo Zhu's finger pointed to a pile of dead markers lying face down on the wall, all of them unconscious and comatose, having been struck by Bi Ryuyeon's fists.

"Ew, you bastards! I'll never forgive you for destroying evidence. The trail says it all. You attacked in packs because you were weak, and now you're going to back down and come at me. Come at me and watch your smug little shitty honor. I doubt if you even have any, you cowardly, cheating bastard."

"Yikes, you're the one who knocked people down, and you're pointing fingers. No more sarcasm, unforgivable."

He drew his sword from his sturdy waistband and shouted, "Live and let live. To cover his weaknesses, he needed to keep his stories simple, his conversations short, and his actions quick. If he spoke any longer, his deeds might be discovered. The need for silence was urgent. And as quickly as possible. But Jiang Han's attempts to do so were fruitless.

"Yes? Then watch your honor, which I doubt even exists, once more. Against me, you insolent, crippled, cowardly wretch!"

"Yikes, I'm going to do that even if you don't tell me."

Jiang Jiang's patience had been tested beyond its limits countless times. Without a care in the world, he charged toward Bi Ryuyeon without fear.


"Hey, pick it up."

Namgungsang said.

"Yeah, I heard that."

Hyunwoon agreed.

"You're not afraid to come at your master, and you do it with a sword."

He said.

"What's going to happen, is he going to die?"

"He'll probably die a horrible death. I'll bet my dinner that he dies."

Nohak made a bet.

"I'll bet I'm going to die too."

Tang Wenhui, who was Tang Wen's direct descendant and Tang Chuling's sister-in-law, and who was also the youngest of the group, said coldly as she blew out a stream of cold air. The surroundings immediately became chilly. Even if she folded and unfolded her ten fingers three times, she couldn't count the number of marks that had already fallen to the ground in her hands. There seemed to be no words for forgiveness in her heart.

"If I lose, I'll give you three meals a day tomorrow, but he's going to die."

"I'll bet you dinner and tomorrow morning that I die."

Zhao Tianwu from the volcano said.

"I'll bet on living. I'm not going to kill you."

Hyunwoon said. And then he added one more thing.

"I'll bet on dessert tonight and tomorrow morning."

Everyone was surprised when Hyun-woon spoke out loudly. Meals had become the most precious, most important, and most valuable thing in their lives. After being forced to live like this for five months, they had become very humble and small-minded. They were now willing to risk their lives for a single meal. Everyone held their breath and began to observe, in a state of intense nervousness, which way they would walk in this life-or-death situation.

While they were laughing and enjoying themselves, Jiang Jianghan's saber had already been knocked off its perch, and he was now pinned to the ground, his feet an inch or so off the ground, floating in midair, and being beaten senseless by Bi Ryuyeon. There was only one martial art, as far as he knew, in which the force of the blow did not knock him backward, and the force acted perpendicularly, causing his body to float in the air for more than an inch. It was a martial art he had experienced to the bone, and it was…….

"The Three-Footed Beating Technique (三伏狗打拳法)!"

The old man shouted, hugging his arm as he tried to pull the words out of his nightmare. Hives sprouted on his arms, as if the places where he had been beaten before were stinging again. There were a few more thudding blows, then Bi Ryuyeon dusted herself off and turned around. It seemed to be over. There was no way to tell if Jiang Chen was dead or alive. The State Eighteen Sword Zhang Wuyang said to Bi Ryuyeon as she walked away, dusting off her hands, leaving behind what appeared to be a corpse that had been reduced to a supernatural state, and what must have once been a person.

"Is he dead?"

"Half dead."

Ryu-yeon Bi was kind enough to tell me about the current state of the river.


"Boom, shit!"

"My meal……."

"My dessert, yum.

A sigh of anguish here and there, a wail that beats against the ground…….

When I saw him lying on the ground in a pool of blood, I couldn't believe he was still alive. He looked like he could die at any moment. After half-killing the strongman, he dusted off his hands and turned to face Bi Ryuyeon, drawing the longsword that Zhang Wuyang of the State Eighteen Swords had strapped to his waist. The steadiness of his footsteps and his stance showed that he was a high-level, first-class expert.

"We have some dignity, so we can't just send him back like this."

It was a matter of saving face, and I was going to do something about it.


With a hint of sarcasm in her voice, Bi replied.

"We have a reputation to uphold, and you cannot just leave. If word gets out that a group of only sixteen people have run amok, no one will entrust us with their goods, and we will have to close our doors."

"Ah, so you're going to eat me for the sake of the Zhongyang Clan, by the sword!"

Bi Ryuyeon said sarcastically, but Zhang Wuyang was unwavering.

"I can't just send it back anyway."

The nationalist attitude was also resolute. For the sake of the country's future, they could not just send them back. This was not a matter of dignity, but of survival. The nation's reputation, which had been painstakingly built up for 20 years, was at stake.

"You're a hawk."

He sounded deeply offended.

"You go first."

Bi Ryuyeon's index finger twitched.

"I'll go first."

Zhang Wuyang, the head of state, didn't take no for an answer.

He placed his sword body in the center of the square, gave a nod of approval, and leaped. Zhang Wuyang's sword shot out at the same time as his leap. The movement of the sword was like a flower petal falling through the air. The moment the fluttering petal stopped in midair, it shuddered and spat out eighteen sword circles into the air. The dazzle of the falling petals was like a breeze, and the momentum and change were impossible to ignore.

"Nanhua Sword!"

But it wasn't Bi Ryuyeon who was surprised, as they locked swords; it was Qin Ling who let out a surprised cry from behind. The other party, Bi Ryuyeon, was standing leisurely, even relaxed. She even had a smile on her face…….

The Nanhua Sword, or more precisely, the Nanhua Rain Sword Sixty-Six, was considered a festival in the Amifa, and it was not a skill to be passed on to outsiders. Although he knew that the sovereign of the Zhongyang Clan was a disciple of the Ami family, he hadn't expected him to have mastered the Nalan Sword. He didn't know how far Zhang Wuyang had progressed in mastering the sixteen elements of the nanfire sword, but the fact that someone who was considered an outsider, a disciple in name only, had mastered the nanfire sword was quite a surprise to Qin Lie.

Furthermore, the eighteen changing sword movements indicated that he had mastered the sword to the point of ascension. The skill and true value of the sword was the dazzle and splendor of the intersection of false and true. It was the skillful use of the sword that confused the opponent by reversing the false and true elements of the swordplay.

It was a secret that also applied to the Nangwa Sword and its twin, the Nangwa Tree. If he hadn't mastered this secret, the transformation that Eighteen Swordsman was about to undergo would have been impossible. Even his Eighteen Swords star sign wasn't something he'd earned by bickering and cursing. The eighteen swords stabbed fiercely at Bi Ryuyeon.

"There is.

Just as Zhang Wuyang thought he had made the right move, his sword pierced through Bi Ryuyeon's body, as if he had swung at an illusion. However, Zhang Wuyang's sword had pierced through Bi Ryuyeon's afterimage. Bi Ryuyeon dodged out of the way of the eighteen sword circles, as if turning time, space, and nothingness into nothingness, and kicked at Zhang Wuyang's stomach, who had a dazed expression on his face.


After the herbivore was eaten by the opponent, Bi Ryuyeon spoke the herbivore's name. The reason she didn't teach the name of the herbivore before attacking was because the time to activate the skill was faster than the time to say the name of the herbivore. For a pleasure-oriented technique or an approach technique that digs into the opponent's arms, shouting out the name of the herbivore was a poison pill.

Honestly, chanting the name of a food may look good, but it's not something you can do at any time. This kata, named "mindless kicking," is one of the pseudo-sanctioned kata of the Wing Chun school, and is one of the kata in the Wing Chun system, and it is a kata that is performed in the state of a natural body without any thought. It is like a ghost, inescapable if it is caught, and devastating if it is struck.

A fountain of blood spurted from his mouth and Zhang Wuyang fell to the ground, but the blow didn't inflict any life-threatening injuries because it took a lot of his concentrated power away from him. If he were to die, who would he claim damages from?" He relaxed his foot slightly as he realized that all his hard work would be wasted.

Seeing the king fall to the ground in a fountain of blood, the head spearman, Liu Yueyun, and the vice head spearman, Ryuyeonxiang, were impatient and charged. They had been with Guizhou from the beginning, and as their names suggest, they were brothers, both masters of the spear. They had kept quiet as long as the king himself had, but now that he had been knocked out by the first blow, they could no longer watch.

"This guy."

"This guy."

Because they were brothers, their attacks were identical. Their secret weapon, the five-step chain attack, had a reputation for being difficult to break because the five changes were all staggered. Furthermore, the combined attacks of the five-step chain, which were executed simultaneously on the left and right, were said to be unstoppable.

Individually, their skills in the Zhongyang Clan were inferior to those of the Eighteen Swords Zhang Wuyang, but collectively, their martial arts were stronger than those of the Eighteen Swords Zhang Wuyang. Their collective martial arts were so powerful that even the Eighteen Swords Zhang Wuyang could not stop them.

Deng Yueyun's silvery spear stabbed into Bi Ryuyeon's right flank with five changes, and Deng Yue, holding a spear of the same material and color, stabbed into Bi Ryuyeon's left flank with the same technique, a five-step chain.

Two first-rate masters attacking left and right simultaneously, and their weapons were both spears. Their attacks had a much longer effective range than the now bare-handed Bi Ryuyeon. But even when their attacks were right in front of her, she didn't even think to move. The distance between them was about ten centimeters.

It was then. Suddenly, Bi Ryuyeon crossed her hands over her head and shifted her left foot onto the heel of her right foot, spinning at a fierce speed with the force of the gust. For a moment, a powerful gust of wind blew around her, and the stances of the attacking Deng Xiaoyun and Deng Xiaohu began to be disrupted by the force of the gust. Like a tree being sucked into a whirlpool, their attacks were swept towards Bi Ryuyeon, and the spear of the elder brother, Deng Yueyun, which was thrusting to the right, narrowly missed the front of her chest, while the spear of the younger brother, Deng Yeho, which was thrusting to the left, narrowly missed Bi Ryuyeon's back. And…….


Bi Ryuyeon's hands, which were raised above his head, transformed into swords, and he slashed at the nape of Deng Xiaoyun and Deng Xiaohu's necks. Before they could use all five changes, the two brothers, who were born under the same father, lived in the same house, ate at the same table, served the same master, wielded the same weapon, and learned the same martial art, fell face down to the ground in one hour. As if that weren't enough, the two brothers, who were the strongest in the region, were able to block the combined attacks of the Chief and Vice Chief brothers.

"Initial name [招式名]. None [無]!"

There was no such thing as a herbivore's name, as they simply moved their bodies as needed. In this way, from the terminal marker of the Zhongyang marker, through the representative head, to the total marker, to the state head, they were all stretched out on the ground by Bi Ryuyeon and his group of disciples.

Walking over to the beaten and collapsed king, Bi Ryuyeon grabbed his ear and spoke loudly. The words sounded louder than thunder to Zhang Wuyang's ears.

"By the way, let's pick up where we left off, that attacker was so rude, interrupting the adults in the middle of what they were saying. This is why you have to educate your children well, because education is important. It's all your fault that he didn't get a good education. By the way, my student, the victim of the attack, is a direct descendant of the Sichuan Tang Clan. I've heard that they are masters of poison and memorization, that their poison leaves only a handful of blood, and their memorization is inescapable. You've heard of the Sichuan Tang, the first generation of the Sichuan Tang, the Sichuan Tang Family. The name is quite famous, my ears ring."

The blood drained from Guo Zhu's face. There was no way he didn't know. There was no one in the Sichuan land who didn't know the Sichuan Tang Gate, a masterpiece of poison and memorization in the mighty Wulin, and here, in the Sichuan land, Zhang Wuyang knew and felt the power of the Tang Gate better than anyone else.

Moreover, if the alleged disciple is truly a direct descendant of the dangha, he or she will not even be able to ask the amida for help. There would be no cause to ask for help. Even if the Tang family came in and laid waste to the Zhongyang Pavilion, the Amifa would not be able to move. They had a cause, but Amipa and they didn't.

In fact, Zhang Wuyang was well aware of the situation, but Bi Ryuyeon was not. Bi Ryuyeon, who had been holed up in the mountains all these years, or living in a village with only a blacksmith shop, could not possibly know anything about the Sichuan Tang Dynasty. He was just recounting what he had picked up, with a little exaggeration and bluster thrown in for good measure. But to Zhang Wuyang, the head of the Zhongyang Seal House, which makes its living from sealing in Sichuan, it was no joke.

"Is that, is that, is that right?"

"Of course I do. I'm not about to lie to you. His sister is over there right now, too, if you want to check it out. But I can't be responsible for the aftermath. He's about to explode. If he explodes while you're asking him questions, no one will be able to stop him. She's gonna lose her temper again. She'll go home and come storming in with the whole family. Do you still want to try?"

Bi Ryuyeon looked at Zhang Wuyang with a bright, healthy smile. The seemingly endless and outrageous confidence was currently weighing down Zhang Wuyang's mind and body like karma. He didn't even have the heart to ask. In this land of Sichuan, it was absolutely unwise to turn the Sichuan Tang Clan into enemies, or to offend them.

If it was real, that was even worse, but if it was fake, then what? There was no way. It was already broken, and it was too late. Besides, with my confidence and skill, it had to be true.

"Uh, what do you want me to do?"

In a trembling voice, Guo Zhu asked. At first glance, Bi Ryuyeon looked older than her, so Zhang Wuyang used a respectful term, not realizing that Bi Ryuyeon was wearing a bast face mask. Zhang Wuyang's face, which was devoid of life force, seemed to be getting more and more sullen.

"You don't know what you're doing!"

Bi Ryuyeon held her right hand out in front of Zhang Wuyang's nose and said.


"A bio seeking compensation for the physical and psychological harm suffered by my aforementioned student and myself, as well as my student's friends, family, and relatives."

The compensation for emotional distress suffered by the disciple's friends, family, relatives, and next of kin was added as an additional item that was not present in the initial discussion. The compensation for the use of force and the resulting sweat generated in the course of the effort to reach a bilateral agreement was also increased. But Zhang Wuyang had no choice now. If things went any further, the day would be more than just nailing a sign to the gate and taking down a sign, it would be a pile of corpses in a pile of ashes.

"Okay, De, I'll do it, but in exchange, I'm going to have to tell you about something that happened today……."

Zhang Wuyang, the head of the state, spoke with a slurred voice. It was obvious that he was nervous about what would happen if Bi Ryuyeon refused. Zhang Wuyang needed to make this go away, no matter what the cost.




As if to seal the deal, he cheerfully stamped his hand on Zhang Wuyang's back in approval. In this way, she was able to extort a huge amount of compensation from the Zhongyang Mark Bureau in the name of compensation for the physical and psychological damage she, her student, and her student's friends and family suffered. Only Bi Ryuyeon knows how much she received, and she never disclosed it. She didn't want anyone to know.


In addition to the smiling face, the strange laugh, the lips that were afraid of being bitten off at any moment, the heavy sack in his hand, and the visible sack, there was also a piece of paper called a "slip" in his hand that he had twisted up in secret from his disciples, but not a single one of them knew about it. Nor did they know that the amount written on the paper was more than the amount in the sack. …….

After settling their differences, Bi Ryuyeon and his students began to climb the mountain toward the training center in high spirits. As they crossed the midpoint of autumn, the mountains changed colors to brilliant reds and beautiful yellows, dazzling their eyes. Soon, even the wind had cooled. Only the sun was casting its last warm rays on the earth. Now the time of parting was coming for them as well.

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discord ko-fi