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Book 1 Chapter 18

The fate of Chinese lighthouses, like wind power lighting

Next to the fallen Dang Chul-young, we see a broken bucket of water and the

The broken fulcrum lay pitifully on the ground.

Now the sun has disappeared into the mountains and the

As a cloth of darkness begins to fall across the night sky,

A cold night was coming.

"@Sifu, we're in trouble."

"Come on, make a fuss."

Namgungsang came running up, breathless and urgent.

"@DangSamIga, @DangSamIga, @DangSamIga……."

"What's this, what's this, did your father die, I'm out of breath."

"Well, Dang Sam's dad is fine, but Dang Sam is in the middle of his own near-death experience, and he looks like he's going to die any minute."

"That's a joke, right?"

"Oh, no," she said with a smile on her face. But the tip of his right eyebrow was twitching.


Namgungsang replied with a serious expression. The expression on his face screamed, "This is no joke!


Like a breeze, Bi Ryuyeon flew in the direction of the dormitory, with Namgung Sang following closely behind.

"What happened?"

In an urgent voice, Bi Ryuyeon asked.

"Yes, when me and Young-ho went to look for him, we found him lying on the side of the mountain and picked him up."

Hyun-woon stood next to her and answered her questions. Right now, the girls were surrounding Dangsam and nursing him. He was covered in blood and lying there as still as a mouse, as if a corpse that had died a few days ago would have no qualms about asking to be friends.

"You were beaten and knocked out?"



"That means you lost, right?"

As if to confirm, she asked.


"My disciple fought another man and lost!"

Bi Ryuyeon slammed her fist into the floor. The stone floor caved in with a crunching sound. She was furious to the core.

"Judging by the tracks around them, it looks like a group of ten or more attacked in a swarm. None of them were of any great stature, except for one, but he was very tired from his afternoon training, and it's unlikely he was able to fend off multiple simultaneous attacks. Judging by his condition, he must have been beaten for quite some time. He's lucky not to be dead. He didn't land the final blow, so he lived."

Hyun-woon's most important task now was to defuse his master's anger. It was a tense situation, with no telling what might happen.



"Call the senator!"

Bi Ryuyeon shouted so loudly that the night sky rang out.

The disciple was hit and came in. He went to fetch water, and when he didn't hear from him, he sent his disciples to look for him, and they found him lying dead on the side of the mountain, and they brought him back, called the doctor, and are now treating him. Miu and Gou were the disciples under his name. One of the students entrusted to her care had gone out to work, been beaten up, returned, collapsed, and was now being treated by a doctor. He had bruises and cuts all over his body, and it was clear that several people had attacked him at once. Every single one of them had a distinct mark.

It was a miracle that nothing was broken. Even if there were cracks, nothing seemed to be broken. But even if he was restricted in his movements by the cloak, he was no match for the ragtag bandits. It looked like he had been defeated by a very skilled samurai. Of course, he was far less skilled than Dang Sami, but it was clear that someone had caught him off guard during the fight, knocked him to the ground with a blow to the back of the head, and then proceeded to beat him up. His clenched fists tightened.

Only a master can touch a pupil in this world. No, he shouldn't have. But the other guy didn't dare to touch him without asking permission. It was a matter of pride.

"How dare you touch my apprentice and make him look like this.

Ryu-yeon Bi's teeth were crowded.


As the door opened, Yong-ha walked out with Dr. Seo and her assistant, Hyun-woon, by her side. The room smelled of medicinal incense, and Dang Sam-yi was lying dead in bed with bandages all over his body.

"What do you think?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked cautiously, looking worried. Senator Seo was just as cautious, Jilsera Nazik replied.

"Well, that's going to be a big bill."

"What about discounts?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked cautiously.



"Again, no."


"Even worse."

"Can't you cut me a little slack? A bright smile and a variety of amenities for your customers guarantees a bright future and profits from continued transactions with potential customers!"

"No way. Never, not even for a single dollar!"

Mr. Seo shook his head emphatically. No is no. You can't just give them a discount on their medical bills when you're trying to feed yourself. If you cut them off once, they'll get the taste and want to do it again. To prevent that from happening, he needed to be firm now. Senator Seo made up his mind.

"Well, I'll take it!"

'Mmm,' said Bi Ryuyeon, clenching her fist so hard that it made a crunching sound. Flesh tingled all over her body.


Senator Seo's cautious comments and firm demeanor determined her next move. For her, this was more than she could take.

"You're going to need to pay a lot of money."

It would have been difficult even for Senator Seo to imagine that these words, with their profound meaning, would determine the fate of an entire school of thought.

The next morning, after breakfast, I stood in the front yard of the Chunmugakkan dormitory, located on a peak named Amisan. I was coming back to consciousness, wondering if I could see the dangsam road. The old man sitting in the center of the table asked.

"It must be the Middle Kingdom."


The plump young man replied politely.


"Yes, it must have been them, as I heard them shouting the names of Zhongyang Beitou and Kang Jiang even in their dazed stupor. Judging by his skills, he's the leader of the raiders, so he's probably the chief, but he's not the only one. If it was some other small, ordinary marksman, I wouldn't know, but Zhongyang Marksman is a big name."

The bastard, the chubby young man, had just used the plural form of 'those bastards' instead of the singular form of 'the bastard'. The word 'raid' was also very annoying to Bi Ryuyeon, who was now sitting in the form of an old man.


"I was grinding."

"Then you're sure."

Again, the old man asked, this time not toward Geum Young-ho, but toward all fifteen people at the table, minus Tang Sam-yi. His eyes shone sharply.



In everyone's hand was a wooden machete.

"Shall we go?"

The old man asked again.


A not-so-small group of sixteen people began to descend the mountain. The village they were descending to was home to another not-so-small marker, the Zhongyang Marker.

"This is it, right?"


"It's written on the flag that you're a 'nationalist'!"

"The Middle Kingdom, read from right to left."

Hyun-woon was kind enough to correct her mistake. At that time, all Chinese pinyin was written in a right-to-left direction, so she was reading the pinyin from left to right.

"Whatever. As long as it works."

Bi Ryuyeon replied dryly.

"Yeah, you mean through, how does that work, it's never going to work?"

Impatiently, Hyun-woon asked, "Why do you have so many questions?

How do I interpret 'national symbols'?

"I interpret from right to left. Even though I read from left to right."

Fifteen mouths dropped open, and everyone was stunned into silence. Bi Ryuyeon scratched the back of her head to clear it.

"You're making me feel embarrassed when you stare at me with such respect, so let's go inside."

With a boom, a bang, and a whine, the front door of the Zhongyang Bureau of Marks flew open, and from the whitish haze of dust that followed the impact, a group of people entered. The first to enter was an elderly man who appeared to be in his fifties with a white beard under his chin, followed by a mixed group of men and women dressed in almost ragged clothing, each carrying a wooden sword in one hand, and all of them in their twenties.

Their hair was unkempt and their clothes were ragged, but the aura emanating from them was sharp as a knife, and it was that sharp aura that proved once and for all that this was no ordinary group of people. The old man at the head of the line was, of course, Bi Ryuyeon, who was wearing a bast cotton mask and was currently running a smooth scam, and the group of people following him were the Zhu Jiajia members, who had been honorably selected by the Heavenly Martial Academy to train in the Amishan Training Camp and were now in the Heavenly Nongan, where they had spent five months suffering and dying under a fake master. Originally, there were sixteen members of the Zhu Jiajia group, but the number of people here now was fifteen, leaving one empty seat, and this one empty seat was also the reason why they were now very respectfully opening the front door of the Zhongyang Marking Bureau and entering. Bi Ryuyeon, who was standing at the front, opened her mouth.

"Tell him to go get his countryman."

His hands on his hips, chest puffed out, and head held high, it was a clear sign of confidence that he didn't give a damn about them.

"Who are they?"

Without hesitation, one of the marksmen guarding the kingdom drew his sword and lunged, not at anyone else in the group of sixteen, but at Bi Ryuyeon, who was standing at the very front of the group, a rather pouty, judgmental girl……. In an instant, Bi Ryuyeon's fist was outstretched.



With a strange shriek, the charging marksman leaped to his feet, then flew away and collapsed.

"Oh, who's that……. Oh, yeah, and bring that big, strong, skinny guy with you. This old man has some business to attend to."

The emergency bell, which had never been rung before, rang out fiercely, signaling a Class 1 emergency, and all the markers in the marking station gathered in the performance hall. This is because the place where Bi Ryuyeon's group stood after breaking through the gate was the performance hall of the Zhongyang Bureau. All of them clutched their weapons tightly. Then, as if to prove that he was in on the action, a middle-aged man came running out, dressed in clothes that looked different from those worn by the other martial artists here.

The large character on the right breast of the chartreuse-colored scroll and the three lotus flowers beneath it suggest a figure of considerable importance to the state. This is because all of the common marks of the Zhongyang repertoire had a single lotus flower embroidered on the right breast with the words Zhongyang.

"This is the representative head of the Zhongyang Marking Bureau."

Geum Young-ho saw him and told Bi Ryuyeon. Geum Young-ho was the only son of the Kumho clan, whose family was said to be second in line to the Zhongyuan clan, so he had received a lot of information through indoctrination from a young age. He knew a lot about this side of the family thanks to such successor classes.

"Guys, hit it!"

What? A bastard named Representative Du pops out of nowhere and orders the little guys to beat him up. He was obviously an ignoramus who didn't understand the importance of consultation, discussion, dialog, and compromise. From the top of the dzogchen, the Chirani thugs rushed in, and Bi Ryuyeon and his students had no choice but to stop them. The invaders later excused themselves, saying that the violence was a form of self-defense and that it was unavoidable.

Bi Ryuyeon was unrelenting. With his bare fists, he stalked through enemy territory as if he didn't need to use any techniques, and those unfortunate enough to fall into his clutches were sent flying and slammed headlong into walls.

The same was true of the fifteen self-proclaimed disciples he had brought with him, who would not be beaten or pushed back, but would beat their opponents as they came. These were people who had proudly entered the Heavenly Martial Academy, a place that was said to be as difficult and challenging to enter as picking stars in the sky. Moreover, they had spent the past five months undergoing hellish training at the hands of the mysterious self-proclaimed master, Bi Ryuyeon. The mantle they now wore didn't seem to deter them much, which meant that they didn't have to take it off as much as they did, not to mention that they didn't have to take it off at all. Beneath the wooden swords held by the fifteen of them, countless Zhongyang Marksmen were fainting in a spray of blood.

Eventually, the number of people throwing themselves against the wall grew too large, and a group of masters called the First Class, who were said to be flying and long, emerged from Zhongyang Peking.

"Who are you!"

The three lotus girls who had appeared a moment ago had finally uttered the lines they had forgotten and failed to say. Normally, when uncles and aunts, young and old, men and women, virgins and bachelors, pregnant women and the elderly came into one's sect, it was customary to first maintain a standoff, and then ask, "Who are you!" in order to have a conversation with the other party. However, since the first representative of the Fei Clan had not said this, the fight had continued without a lull.

"I implore you to explain to these ignoramuses the sublime and noble cause of your entrance into our shabby and undeserving kingdom," he said politely, "but first introduce yourselves, for children these days have no manners."

She was even more annoyed that the other person hadn't asked her a polite question, but had just started talking in half sentences. However, when she spoke those long words without taking a breath in between, the entire room fell silent. Blue tendons sprouted on the forehead of the middle-aged man standing in the center.

"Where are you from?"

In the end, he refused to listen to her. At the very least, she was expecting something along the lines of "Where are you from?" but the answer fell short of her expectations.


Bi Ryuyeon pointed her finger at a mountain, whose name was Ami (峨嵋). The head of state scratched his head.

"I don't think they're from Ami. There's no way there are bandits in Ami Mountain, and what bandit would be so fearless as to bandit in Amifa's territory?

The questions of nationalism piled up and piled up.

"So, what can I do for you?"

"That's a very good question, what brought you here, and it's a very useful and key question that can help us resolve this nuanced and complex situation that you and I are in, and you should have asked that in the first place!"

"Isn't it hard to say that without a comma?"

"Of course it's hard."

With a worried look in his eyes, Guo Zhu asked, and Bi Ryuyeon replied with a look that said, "Why do you ask the obvious?" Bi Ryuyeon's words were long, fast, paced, and esoteric, to the point where she was worried that her listener would get tired of listening to them. But now she was about to get down to business.

"Is it true that there is a man in your coat of arms who is said to be strong or stout?"

It was a polite way of asking. The half-speech was also less mixed than usual and…….

"Yes, sir. A man by the name of Jiang Jiang holds the title of chief of our nation."

"Has the person been to Amishan in the last three days?"

"Yes, sir. I once went up to 'Amifa' to make an offering."

The head of state pronounced the word "Amifa" with particular emphasis. It was an unspoken reminder that with Amifa behind us, we shouldn't make a fuss. Who in this land of Sichuan would not be wary of or afraid of the 'amifa' stone, especially right under the nose of Amishan? With that calculation, Guo Zhu emphasized the 'amifa' stone. But there are exceptions to everything. The king's expectations did not work. To Bi Ryuyeon's ears, Amifa and this master were completely uninteresting.

"That's right, that strongman and his gang were your marks, and they were on their way down from Amishan, and on the way down, over some trivial reason, they led a mob of over ten people against one of my disciples, and they beat my beloved(?), cherished(?), precious(? I'm here because of an incident where a group of people attacked my beloved(?), cherished(?), precious(?) apprentice to the point of beating him half to death, and now he's lying in his room, covered in blood, being treated for his injuries, which will cost my apprentice two months of absolute stabilization, three months of intensive care, six months of routine care, six months of risk of sequelae, and an enormous, enormous amount of medical expenses. Furthermore, when he was unable to take on my student on his own, he pushed forward and surrounded my student in a group assault, even though he should have backed down when he was outmatched. I hereby demand that he be punished and disciplined, and that he be compensated for the mental and physical damage that my student and I have suffered. "

Again, there were no commas and no periods, but the last one was the most important one, the one that brought us here. Money and revenge.

"Dude, wasn't that a month of absolute stability?"

Youngho Geum asked a question.

"Intensive care was a month, maybe……."

Hyunwoon said.

"Yes, and the regular treatment was three months."

Namgungsansan said.

"The risk of sequelae is minimal, which is an absolute relief."

"I overheard the congressman puffing out his chest and saying confidently……."

Namgungsang gave an honest account of what he had witnessed.

"Hmm, that's what I heard too… did I hear it wrong?"

"When did Dangsam's condition worsen? I didn't hear anything about that……."

Behind her, her disciples chattered, but she ignored them, pretending not to hear.

"That is not possible. Mr. Kang is known for his brilliance in our country, and he would never do such a thing."

Despite his words, Guo Zhu's mind was filled with the image of Kang Feydu, who had returned from Amifa two days earlier with wounds all over his body. The wounds were light, but the wounds all over his body were out of the ordinary, which made him suspicious. The wounds did not look like those of a soldier, but rather those of a defenseless man being beaten by a city thug. If what they said was true, it would be a disgrace to the name of the Zhongyang Bureau. This was not normal.

"Where's Mr. Kang?"

The king asked the governor next to him.

"I'm out of town right now."

"Make him come to me right now!"

Then he turned to Bi Ryuyeon and his children.

"He's out of town, so why don't we wait for Mr. Kang to come back?"

"Let's do that."

Ryu-yeon Bi leisurely replied.

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