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Book 9 Chapter 24

Binggum Kwan Chul Cheol vs. Bi Ryu Yeon

Day after day, the challenges and battles were repeated over and over again.

The first thing that came out of my mouth was a sigh of boredom.

"Take it! What the hell!"


This is not the first time I've done this, and I'm not the only one.

It felt like it was becoming chronic.


One loud crash and the raider lies dead, swollen and bloody, and that's how it always ends.

In recent years, there have been too many groups targeting the Bi Ryuyeon, so there have been many times when their business hours overlap. In addition, there were many misunderstandings, and accidents almost happened.

One day, two Guan Daoists who were standing in front of the window of Bi Ryuyeon's dormitory at the same time with dreams of raiding her, did not realize that they were going to dive through the window, but thought they were thieves and clashed swords, causing a huge fight and a fall. Luckily, they escaped serious injury, but it was no laughing matter.

Day after day, she tore, burned, and buried them, but each time, her locker contained a stack of dueling cards, all of which she scoffed at and refused to care about.

"Are you insulting us, raise your sword now, it's a duel!"

at the top of his lungs, but it was only an unanswered, soundless shout. An echo that would not return. Nothing could be more miserable.

She had only one thing to say.

"I don't get involved in things that don't pay. Unprofitable labor, labor without pay, is a powerful evil."

It was an unyielding assertion.

"If you want to fight me, you're going to have to pay me a big price, and you're not going to get anywhere until you do."

After losing money, breaking rules, and losing points-not to mention my reputation, which was already in tatters-I had no intention of accepting the duel.

"Oh, and if you're going to fight me, you'd better be at least as good as a salty Nosa, because before that, you're just going to blow your money, though I'm all for it!"


It was the height of cosmic rabidness that would confuse the minds of any listener, but the Guandao who had been surprised and beaten by Bi Ryuyeon could not find the words to retort, and could only hold their bruised and swollen faces and walk away.

As a result, Bi Ryuyeon's words, "Pay to fight!" quickly spread throughout the academy, along with the rumor that she had told him not to dare to dare unless he was good enough to beat her.

The rumors were so absurd and cosmic that they were hardly credible, and so she remained a mystery. Everyone shook their heads in disbelief.

But that didn't stop the rumors. The more outrageous the rumors became, the more they snowballed, until they finally reached the ears of Yeomdo, the arch-enemy of Yeomdo and the Three Buddhas.

While others scoffed at the rumors, labeled Bi Ryuyeon as crazy and pointed fingers behind her back, Binggum couldn't help but dismiss them as mere rumors and put them to one side.

He didn't like the man himself, to be sure, but if his reputation was tarnished, the repercussions could extend to him as well. They were publicly recognized rivals, so if there were rumors that tarnished the other's reputation, he'd feel bad, but he'd have to deal with it. They didn't want to go down together wholesale.


He remembered the face of the heavenly master he had admired more than anyone else. He had been revered, even called a Martial God. He was so great that he dared not even tiptoe around him. To be chosen as his disciple was the greatest honor and the greatest fortune of his life. It was only a pity that he was only able to make half as much progress as he had hoped. But lately, a strange rumor had been circulating in the academy.

It was an outrageous rumor that Bi Ryuyeon had beaten Yeomdo.

Yeomdo Kwak Younghee!

It was a name that would never leave his mind until he died. They had once been classmates and friends, but now it was a deadly rivalry. He hadn't quite settled the score yet. The gap between their skills had not yet widened enough to allow for a full resolution.

Dry (乾) and Gon (坤)! Salt and ice! It was a study in extremes.

It was impossible for two people of such unequal skill to come out on top, so while they hadn't gone toe-to-toe yet, they would have to at some point. And with rumors circulating that Yidou had lost to a brat with no name or origin, Binggum wasn't going to be happy.


You've heard the name before, and it's always been at the center of all the commotion. There was never a time when his name wasn't at the center of the commotion, and if there was, it was a dishonorable way to be the winner of the Samsung Mujae.

"Well, I guess we should still check it out……."

Rumors that he had defeated his one-time nemesis and eternal rival were unpleasant, even for an ice sword, and he needed to put them to rest.

"Hmph, if the rumors are true, such a man may be the one who can unite the Taiyuan.

But he soon shook his head.

"Hoot! You can't be serious."

For 20 years, they hadn't found any clues. It seemed ridiculous to me that such a talented person would suddenly appear out of nowhere. But…….

"Maybe we should try……."

Finally, the ice sword started to move.

"I heard that you can fight for a fee, is that true?"

Bi Ryuyeon, who had been escorting Eun Seolan as usual, following behind her and trying to talk to Na Yerin, turned her head to look behind her at the sound of a voice behind her.

"Ah! Of course……."

Bi Ryuyeon couldn't finish her sentence. He must have been someone she had met before, and he was so clearly embedded in her memory. His distinctive blue-silver eyebrows, beard, and bluish hair reminded her of cold ice cubes.


It was definitely a familiar face. Bi Ryuyeon said without a hint of embarrassment.

"I think I recognize you from somewhere before, if I'm not mistaken."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled brightly. Na Yerin and Mo Yonghui, who had barely recovered from their shock, exclaimed.

"Chong Nosa!"

A prayer that naturally evoked the northern winds and snow, and a chillingly cold expression! It was none other than the head of the Heavenly Martial Academy, the Bing sword Kwan Chul, who summoned Bi Ryuyeon to deliver the great charge.

"Will you let me?"

"As you wish! But the stakes are too high to fight someone like the Great Master, and it's not worth the money."

"Is it a rejection?"

"No, as long as the conditions are right."


"Yes! Conditions!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled and nodded.

"Do you realize that if I command you to do so, you will cross swords with me without question?"

His voice was cold, as if he could cut through flesh.

"Probably… right?"

"I'm sorry, but you don't have veto power. And yet you're dictating terms to me?"

"Yes, of course!"

Without a moment's hesitation, she replied.


"Non Confucius!"


Eunseulan, Mo Yonghui, and Na Yerin called for Bi Ryuyeon at the same time. They wanted to stop his seemingly reckless behavior somehow. But Bi Ryuyeon only pretended to hear, having mastered the art of disconnecting his ears from his body for a moment.


Bing'er fell silent at Bi Ryuyeon's unhesitating answer.

His silence was the kind of silence that made the world freeze. A momentum radiated from his body that sent shivers down the spines of those around him.

And finally, his frozen mouth parted.

"Let's hear it."

The words were as cold as the North Sea ice, but they were definitely a nod of approval.

"Well, money probably won't do it… so how about this?"

Ryuyeon Bi had a suggestion.

"Say it!"

"If I win, I'll do you two favors later."

"Are you saying you think you can beat me?"

Making the fight contingent on winning, rather than the fight itself… it was a ridiculous ice sword.

"That's why it's a what if, you never know what's going to happen because the sky is the limit."

She looked so confident that it made everyone around her cringe. Everyone onlooker was stunned by her reckless behavior.

"…I don't make promises I can't keep. But if it's a favor I can do, I'll do it!"

It was a word of acceptance. Bing'er had accepted Bi Ryuyeon's terms.

"That's good enough for me."

Bi Ryuyeon nodded. With that, the negotiations were concluded.

"So when are you going to do it?"


"Right now!"

There was no hesitation in Binggum's answer.

After coming to an agreement on a bimu-or rather, a bimu for lack of a better word-Bi Ryuyeon and Bing'er moved to a place where they could be out of sight. It was at Bing'er's request.

"Is that the first time you've seen it? I think it's been over a year and a half."

It was Bi Ryuyeon who spoke first. She felt that it would be nearly impossible to wait for the words to come out of Bing'er's mouth if she remained silent.

"I see, I've never seen you in a hoagie before!"

From the very beginning, Bing'er was bothered by Bi Ryuyeon's presence when she showed up at the Hoa Jiang with Yidao. Imagine his disbelief when he heard that she had been hanging out with Yin Do ever since.

'Is this some kind of illegitimate child of an affair or something? The man of the hour is stuck with a child like glue…….'

It wasn't unreasonable to suspect that Yidou didn't like to travel with others, which made him even more curious about the existence of Bi Ryuyeonyan.

"Now we can check it out!

Iceblade's eyes grew cold and began to glow blue, a phenomenon that occurred when he activated the Cold Ice Qi.

It was the first time he'd seen her since that day, but he'd seen her many times before, but never close enough to have a conversation.

A blue divine sword that emits an icy chill!


Binggum gently drew his pet sword, Binglu, from its sheath.


With that simple gesture, the Extreme Yin Sword Qi began to rise like a storm, his silver-blue robes fluttering under the windless sky.

"Ice Spirit Guardian Spirit!"

Ice Sword swung his sword, and dozens of streaks of sword coldness shot out from the tip of the sword in all directions.

It was a technique that Guan Xianzhi had used in the Samsung Muze Sword Battle, but the difference between her and him was as vast as the sky and the earth. The cold energy extending from the tip of the sword threatened Bi Ryuyeon with a different kind of power.

The Bi Ryuyeon also had to prepare a corresponding martial art, which was a courtesy to the muji.

"Fight economically!

In keeping with that spirit, he had taught her to avoid ignorant behavior that would put her in direct conflict with powerful forces. Bi Ryuyeon was not yet a turbulent adolescent, and she had no desire to violate his teachings out of futile rebellion.

"The stronger the attack, the bigger the gap when it fails!

The greater the technology, the greater the threat, and artificially creating that gap was the true role of the phoenix dance of the Poisoned Gate.

The Secret Technique of the Thunderbolt Gate Poisoned Moon Divination Formula

Phoenix Dance (鳳凰舞)

The Chapter of Formlessness

Invisible (無隱)

Suddenly, Bi Ryuyeon's new model disappeared into the ground. No matter how powerful a technique is, it is useless without a match.

"Huh? This… this!"

This sudden turn of events left Bing'er in a panic. However, it was impossible to find Bi Ryuyeon's whereabouts right now.


An icy-cold Cryogenic Sword Qi blazed in the spot where Bi Ryuyeon had been a moment ago. It was a useless use of Qi.

"That's cool!"

This was Bi Ryuyeon's assessment of the Ice Sword once he had clashed with it. The ice sword was amazing.

"Has there ever been a person my age who has been so imposing in front of me?

Binggum was honestly surprised.

They were always overwhelmed and intimidated by their prayers, but Bi Ryuyeon remained nonchalant, as if nothing had happened.

"What is it that you believe in, that you deny?"

Binggum asked in a cold voice.

"Trust in my fists, my legs, and my martial arts!"

"You're crazy!"

His arrogance was through the roof. No wonder he was unpleasant.


Bi Ryuyeon said curiously.

"I wonder if you'll be able to afford my next attack?"

The ice sword fixed its grip. All of his previous sword formations had been defensive formations that had been converted into offensive formations, which naturally meant that they were inferior offensively. However, what he was about to unleash was the ultimate in defensive sword formations, the Spirit Stream Sword, which was designed solely for offense. Right now, the Ice Sword was sincerely trying to use them.

"White Ice God Needle!"

The icy cold turned into tens of thousands of needles, sharpening and shooting out.

Phoenix Dance Righteousness (奧義)

回天鳳翼飛上 (回天鳳翼飛上)

In an instant, Bi Ryuyeon's body spun furiously at an invisible speed, forming a dragon power wind around him. The cold needles from the ice sword were caught in this draconic wind and scattered into the surrounding area.

"No way!

Binggum couldn't believe it.

"White Ice Goddess!"

His sword's youthful bluish coldness turned into thousands of ice crystals, thicker and larger than the needles of a moment ago, and poured out toward Bi Ryuyeon.

It was clearly too fleshy for a creature with no intention of taking life. It had gotten a little too excited when its first attempt at conversion, the White Ice Needle, missed.

"Oh no! Oh no!"

She desperately felt the need to move faster. The moment she decided to move quickly, her body became a blur.


Once again, the cutting edge of the ice sword ravaged the earth. The earth shook with the impact, and a thick cloud of dust rose, obscuring your vision.

"Oops, was I too harsh?"

It wasn't until after he'd poured out his sword energy that he realized he'd forgotten to put his things in his hand. Failing to control the power entering his sword… this was the first time in recent memory.

Bing'er stared at the spot where Bi Ryuyeon had been, anxiously, and then swept his hand across his chest. The thick dust cleared, revealing that Bi Ryuyeon was still standing. Bing'er had ambiguous feelings.

"Now that's cold!"

It was a lighthearted comment from a man who had been on the receiving end of a blade that was said to freeze bones and souls alike. Of course, no one would consider this a true assessment.

'It was a perfect herbivore deployment…….'

Surprisingly, Bi Ryuyeon had managed to evade Bing's siege and annihilation attack with the Ice Pond. This forced Bing'er to make a full-scale assault on his preconceived notion that Bi Ryuyeon was a child. A second of the White Ice Divine Essence, which could be called a secret weapon, was not the kind of trivial herbage that only dogs and cows could avoid.

"You are a marvelous creature, to have survived my sword and still be here……."

In recent years, it's been an ice sword that I can't remember opening for more than five seconds, and now a kid who can't even name it has managed to get his hands on it for more than five seconds.

"This should be standard!"

The uncooked sword herbs of the first rank of the Heavenly Five Swordsman, Bing Sword, still seemed to have plenty of time to spare. He looked at Bi Ryuyeon with a newfound interest.

How many people would be this confident in front of him, and how many of those people would be able to take his sword this far?

It was bad enough that he was falsely claiming to have beaten Yeomdo, but he wasn't a big deal. Contrary to rumors, he deserved to be loud.

'This level of accomplishment at such a young age? Is that even possible? If not, does he have an unusual constitution? No… no way…….'

Suddenly, his master's face flashed before his eyes, an ice sword.

"Are you the one who deserves to be the master of it?

Binggum couldn't deny it.


The momentum and chill radiating from the center of the ice sword has grown even stronger. It was nowhere near as powerful as it had been a moment ago.

"You were going to look the other way, weren't you?"

Bi Ryuyeon saw it and said something.

"I'm not foolish enough to use my full strength against a child!"

Bing'er replied in a cold voice. At the word 'child', Bi Ryuyeon's sword twitched slightly.

"One last question!"

"Yes, any amount!"

Ryu-yeon Bi replied.

"Under whose authority did you study?"

Even as an ice sword with a wide range of applications, Bi Ryuyeon had never seen one in her life.

"Once upon a time, deep in a remote mountain valley, there lived a very grumpy, lowly master, and I learned from him, and it was a very hard life… I had to support him all the time, and I had to feed the sect… it was hardship and penance."

Bi Ryuyeon said with a suddenly wistful gaze. For him, the past was never a good memory.

"It is the duty of a disciple to honor his master!"

Binggum said in a cold voice.

"You're saying the same thing as my master. My master used to say that all the time when he was spoiling me."

It was an ordeal that I don't like to recall.

"That's all well and good; so what is the name of the four?"

Binggum asked again. It was hard for him to resist wondering, too, just what kind of monstrous creature had created such a thing.

"Well… it's a small sect with only a master and two disciples, so it wouldn't do much good to know."

"Are you saying you don't want to talk about it anymore?"

"I thought that it was not the duty of Kang Ho to pry into private matters that he wished to hide?"

It was certainly true, and it was not the way of the river. There were a surprising number of people in Jianghu who had left Jianghu's conflicts behind, hiding themselves away and keeping to themselves, leaving only a single vein of connection, so there was no way to question or inquire about them, even if it might disturb the deceased.

"There's always an exception, and you can't let someone in who you're not sure of their identity."

It was a bit of a stretch, but it was true.

Suddenly, Bing'er's mind flashed back to the words of Swordzon's politeness.

"Do you know that child, Bi Ryuyeon?"

At Gumzon's question, Binggum had to rack his brain for a moment.

"Oh, yeah! Isn't this the same kid who was lucky enough to win the Samsung Muze?"

"Don't take your eyes off him!"

It was clearly a caution and a warning.

"What's that?"

Bing'er was puzzled, who on earth would dare to speak so cautiously to Gong Gong Yiqiu? What was certain was that this Bi Ryuyeon fellow was not the root cause.

"Hehe… just keep your eyes peeled. It suddenly occurred to me that he might be carrying something absurd on his back. It's just a hunch, but it can't hurt for the entire labor force to be cautious, can it? Hehehe, just chalk it up to the whims of a worried old man."

These were definitely words that could not be ignored. At this time, Swordzone still hadn't forgotten Bi Ryuyeon's final act in the final match of the Samsung Muze Samsung War, which had already been imprinted in his mind. That imprint was still haunting his painful past, which was why the old woman had warned him to be careful.

"For example, ……."

I was puzzled at the time. I was puzzled that a tycoon of Gumzon's stature would pay attention to a young man who had suddenly risen to prominence at Samsung Muze.

"Isn't it just a matter of being sure of your identity?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked, looking at Bing'er.

"You mean you have somebody who can vouch for your identity?"

"Sure. This, this, this, you're being too dismissive of people, even if they're unidentified powerhouses, I have at least one identity voucher."

Bi Ryuyeon protested.

"If so, put him in front of me right now!"

"That must be very unpleasant."

"There is no justification whatsoever for me to be offended by meeting with your identity guarantor!"

Binggum replied sharply.

"The report might make you mad, is that okay?"

"I don't care!"

"We might get into a fight?"

"That can't be happening. Don't worry!"

Binggum replied, once again, firmly.


Ryu-yeon was about to say something.

"Wait! Stop!"

The two men stopped in their tracks at the sound of a voice they had heard many times before. The Bing Sword's pet, Bing Bai, let out a resonant 'zi ying' sound and began to cry.

"Oh, I'm just in time."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled and turned around.

It was the appearance of the salt flats. Even Yong Ke knew about this place and came to visit. Bi Ryuyeon smiled broadly.

"Allow me to introduce myself, this is my identity guarantor, Mr. Saltdo."

Bing'er couldn't help but be stunned by Bi Ryuyeon's confident words.

"Now… are you sure that you are the guarantor of this child's identity?"

Bing's perfect coolness was cracking.

"Is something wrong, it's true!"

He replied in a blunt tone. Feeling as if he had been struck unexpectedly, he felt the back of his head tingle.

"Are you satisfied now?"

I couldn't think of anything to say in response to her single-mindedness.

"Okay, I'm happy, but there's still something to clean up, right?"

Bing still hadn't sheathed his sword, and his point was clear. He was talking about finishing the fight.

"Sure. I've still got some cleaning up to do, don't forget what we said earlier!"

"If I could!"

Binggum replied tersely. If you want to make him keep his word, you'll have to wait until you win.

"You son of a bitch, what are you up to?"

Yeomdo's temper flared as soon as he saw her. Bing'er's response was cold.

"I don't care, I'm just doing what I have to do!"

"Excuse me?"

The Yeomdo was unbearable. He was always unpleasant to look at, to think about, and to meet.

"Excuse me……?"

Bi Ryuyeon cautiously spoke to Bing Gong, who was in a foul mood.

"Come on, don't fight, why do grown men fight with words when they have good fists? Let's do it on the same scale, last time you took on a fireball it was your right leg, so maybe your right arm this time?"

With a characteristic smile that somehow made the viewer feel uneasy, Bi Ryuyeon took off the Muklong ring on her right arm.


The sound of Muklong's sword striking the earth echoed heavily. The bluish-white tip of the ice sword twitched.

"This guy? What is he doing? Who is this guy?

It seemed like it wasn't going to be settled until we were face to face.


A dazzling white light and ice crystals began to scatter from the ice sword's aegis. Yeomdo knew the stance well. However, he had rarely faced it head-on.

"He's… he's going to use that, too? With what kind of impetus?

It was one of those spleen herbs that he wouldn't use unless he had to, and it was also the plant that made his name as a Heavenly Swordsman.

"Good! I will personally test you with this sword herb to see if you are indeed the one to unite the Taiyuan!"

Yeomdo's eyes widened at Bing's words. His tearing gaze turned back to Bi Ryuyeon.

"Tae… the talent of Taegeuk!"

Yeomdo eyes bulged as if they were going to pop out of his head.

"I'm not that kind of person!"


Bi Ryuyeon didn't lose, and went head-on into the Ice Sword Aura.


There was an all-consuming burst of white light.

<Continued from Volume 10 of "Fault Tolerance"

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