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Book 9 Chapter 13

Kid fights turn into adult fights

Mach had nowhere to turn.

Now there's only one way to go!

However, if you've gotten this far, and you're still looking at the

Sadly, Bi Ryuyeon was never able to hear Maha-ryung's apology.

It was a missed opportunity.

All of our investments had been wiped out in an instant.

"Hahaha, there's life flowing through the sacred halls… The atmosphere is too frightening! Why don't you tell the story more gently?"

It was none other than the White Sword Sect's laborer in charge, Tian Yixing, who appeared in the sunshine with a loud laugh. He had just been informed of the commotion and had rushed over.


Things are going to be tricky, Yong Tianming thought. He couldn't dare mix swords in front of the samurai. He had no choice but to call off his speculation. It was a heavy burden on his shoulders, but he had no choice.

Just as he was about to strike, a harsh voice came from the other side.

"Phew, if a man has drawn a sword, he's got to chop radishes, and with that kind of willpower, what kind of work can he do?"

It was Nasty who appeared, his words harsh with cold sarcasm. Immediately, the displeasure on his face was evident.

"You're encouraging a fight, and that's not a good thing to hear."

He quickly wiped away any hint of displeasure and said with a smile on his face. But the response was cold.

"Pfft, I feel even more uncomfortable and nauseous looking at your fake rotten smile!"

Nasty sneered.

"Huh, that's a bit much, don't you think?"

Wolfgang's smile instantly faded at the prickly words. She was a damned inspiration, always pissing him off. She was the kind of inspiration you couldn't help but like, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it out loud.

"I'm just telling the truth. I'm physiologically repulsed by people who are different on the inside than they are on the outside, and it makes me sick to my stomach, so I'm just trying to sell."

You'd just thrown around the word "disgusting" in a circle. The air between them began to grow chilly.

"Those two are really old."

Watching the two of them snarl at each other like dogs, Eunseulan felt her heart sink.

"For one thing, they're competitors, and they're famous for it."

As far as Na Yerin was concerned, the two were incompatible. They were like water and oil. The exact reason for this was unknown to her. Apparently, you don't need a reason or an excuse to dislike someone.

"Wolf Nosa, you're playing with your sword, what are you doing here?"

Don't dance with a sword because it's not a pacifier. As if that weren't bad enough, they didn't stop there.

"Or did you come here to try out your organ, the womanizer?"

His face grew more and more distorted as he continued his tirade. Even his tongue turned sour as it was stirred by the vicious attacks.

"Wasn't the late Lord Nosa so busy slaughtering people like a white knight that he didn't have time to perfect the art?"

The sword was not meant to be a killing tool, and growing life alone would not complete the sword.

Not to be outdone by the sarcasm, Wolfgang fought back.

"You stinkin' loser!

"You fucking Simbo Goyan inspiration!

Sparks flew between them as their gazes clashed violently. It was too late to turn back now.

"Can I take that as a challenge?"

Nasty said with a bitter sneer.

"Of course. Now that the kids have seen it, I can't back down."

It meant that I would not run and hide. It was the Anhamuin attitude of "if you're going to do it, do it.

"Since we can't go head-to-head, why don't we settle the score at the upcoming midterm?"

"Ho-ho, you mean the one that was decided at the meeting we just had?"

"Yes, that's it!"

The midterm assessment was one of the rites of passage for candidates for the Volcano Covenant Chapter. It was an intermediate step in their training to see how they were doing, and it was also a test they couldn't afford to fail, as it would affect their later selection. The impact was almost absolute, so much so that it was said that the interim evaluation was the final evaluation.

Some called it not a midterm, but a midterm ordeal, or an elimination test. It was just as grueling and difficult. And judging by the knee-jerk reaction, this midterm was going to be different.

"That's a very interesting suggestion."

Wolfgang was intrigued by Goblin's proposal.

"Okay, I'll do that."

"Don't regret it, if you want to beat Nobu, you'll have to give up your hobby of picking up girls for a while."

Gnarly lurked in the shadows.

"You'll never regret it, hahahaha!"

Wolverine smiled his trademark grim smile. Every time I saw that smile, it made my stomach churn.

"You all hear me? You're going to deal with your personal feelings then! Do you understand?"

His words were directed at Bi Ryuyeon, Maha Ling, and Yong Tianming. There was no way he was going to veto them. It was his nature to be unwilling to compromise.


Maha Ling and Yong Tian Ming didn't know what to say.

"What's the matter, is there a complaint?"

"Uh… no, I'll take your word for it."

"Okay, everyone dismissed!"

Looking around, he shouted fiercely. The people began to scatter, one by one.

But no one leaving the room harbored the false sense of security that the matter would be tied up neatly. There was still a lot of emotional residue to be cleared up.

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discord ko-fi