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Book 8 Chapter 9

Fresh start

-Organize special training groups

"Ma'am, are you sure you don't mind?"

Han-ro, the coachman and old man who followed Eunsulan, asked.

Despite his graying hair and a bent back under the weight of time, he's a man who's seen it all.

She was a grateful person who always thought of her.

He was the only remaining ally in a place that was as much an enemy as a friend.

He hadn't even frowned when he was suddenly forced to take care of her at Meng Zhu's behest. Eunseulan was very grateful to have Han Rou by her side, always taking care of her, and there was a strange sense of security in his presence.

"That's okay, don't worry, Hanro, if this is the same Heavenly Academy I know, I'm sure he'll accept this challenge, he doesn't seem to be that uptight and narrow-minded."

She said it was a challenge, not a favor. She made it clear that she wasn't taking this lightly.


Han Rou was genuinely impressed, her eyes filled with unhesitating determination.

So Hanro decided to wait and see.

Full Name: Nam Gung Sang

Murin Name: Thunderbolt Sword Dragon

Exodus Sect: Namgungsega Family

Weapon: Sword

Martial Arts: Namgungse Family Vision Thunder Dragon Sword Technique

Special Feature: Kowloon's One Man Show


A hand that looked like it was twice the size of the other's held a piece of paper that felt so small it was almost shabby.

A giant hand, more than twice the size of an average person's, pressed a stamp onto the document that looked dwarfed by its size. But he didn't press hard enough for fear of tearing the paper.

It was a crude hand, but its owner held the most exalted status in the Jianghu. Its role was to crush stone into powder and break iron in case of emergency. Usually, the worst that could happen to one of these fists was death.

This hand was the fierce iron fist of the famed martial arts master Mazinger.

Skimming the report carefully, Maginga took a stamp in hand and carefully stamped a red seal on a white background.

Pass (合格)

It was deemed unnecessary to reconsider(重考). What he was doing now was not the simple labor of stamping, but his actions were careful enough to suggest that it was.

The selection of candidates for the Volcano Society was of the utmost importance, and it seems that this carefulness was reflected in their behavior.

He still had a stack of review documents on his desk that said something similar to what he had just said.

"Next up is this kid."

What Yi Muqiang was doing now was simply menial labor that had nothing to do with his reputation as a master of thirty-six military manuals and ninety-nine disciplines, as well as a reader of the Heavenly Geography. Li Mujiang thrust another sheet of examination papers in front of Ma Jing.

Full Name: Na Yerin

Clan Name: Bingbai Peak

Originating Sect: Sword and Stone, Wen Ha

Weapon: Sword

Martial Art: Spiritual Master Nabaxian's White Soul Sword Lightning Heavenly Sword Style

Cold Jade Spirit Godsword, Post-Sword Arcana

Featured Image: Hundred Dao Alliance Martial Spirit Masters' Forbidden Jade Leaf of the Hundred Heavens

Of course, the iron-fisted marginer knew who was on the paperwork better than anyone else, down to the dozens of lines that were omitted that should have been in that special provision.

"She's one of the most anticipated girls of the year."

"Well, I guess so! I guess we won't have to worry about the sex ratio this year."

This year, there were an unusually high number of talented high school girls. Mazinger says this is because of one rule.

One rule for running a Volcanoes Covenant chapter!

There was a stipulation that a certain percentage of women had to be present on both sides of the volcano. Luckily, the gender ratio didn't seem to be a concern this time around.

Young Master Yi Mu Kang's strong hand held out another piece of paper. In order to hand the documents over to Chen Nao for administrative processing tomorrow, he had to finish compiling the list today.

Mazinger looked over the documents he had received.

Last Name: Seongjin Lim

Sect : Green Forest Gate

Grade: 4th grade

Clan Name: Jin Seong-gon (振星棍)

Wugong: Shengjin Twelve Gongs, which uses an unusual kung fu method called bungon, which emphasizes heaviness.

Ying Nei Yi looked at the name on the paper and asked cautiously.

"This guy is of uncertain identity. His history is uncertain… He's been in countless accidents, and he's not behaving well."

Why not make it fail? ". The iron-fisted marginalizer had only one thing to say.

"Dismissed (棄却)!"

Apparently, the majinga was anxious to put the passing stamp on his paperwork.

"If you have the skills, put them on the list. It's not too late to do a background check on their origins, ingredients, and character."

With that, the majinga quickly stamped the paper with the word "pass. Li Mugang shook his head and held out another piece of paper.

Name: Hyo-ryong

Clan Name: Eojin Mutual Sword (乙震無雙劍)

Source: Taeul Gumun

Weapon: Twin Swords

Martial Arts: Tae Eul Mu Pai Pai Sword Style, Tae Eul Heavenly River Pai Sword Method.

It was a document requesting an examination of Hyo-ryong.

"He's been quite prominent in the building lately, but our preliminary research indicates that his background and identity are quite uncertain."

Li Muqiang spoke up again. He had every intention of failing them to prevent them from being a nuisance.


The attitude was that it wasn't worth listening to anymore. He seemed to be saying that anyone with potential deserved to be nominated, as long as they were good enough.

When he saw the next reviewer, his face crumpled. His face had never contorted this badly before, and the name written on it was the one that was currently making his head spin.

Name: Ryuyeon Bi

Warlord Name: Unsurprisingly, it's a fighter(?)

Source: Unknown

Weapon: Unknown

Martial Arts: Unknown

Featured: Everything is up in the air

"Huh? You're even nominating this guy?"

Li Mugang glanced at the papers before handing them over to Mazinger, and for some reason the mere sight of the name made him feel uncomfortable.

It didn't make sense to his way of thinking that someone with such a questionable and completely uncertain identity would be considered for the honor of representing the Volcanic Covenant faction.

However, his voice did not seem to be heard by the Heavenly Martial Artist Iron Fist Mazinger.

"Complete dismissal!"

His demeanor never wavered. It was clear that he wanted to select candidates based on merit, not status and connections. Moreover, he was well aware that there was a lot of talk about this guy.

'Did you say he was the one who stole Ye Lin's lips…….'

That made it all the more intriguing. On top of that, there were a lot of rumors going around.

"Rumor has it that he single-handedly stopped the Ironclad. If they don't pick him, who else will they pick? Doesn't it make you wonder what he's really capable of?"


Lee didn't have an answer.


Finally, the stamp of approval was stamped on her application. I am now eligible to participate in the selection of the representative for the Bi Ryuyeon Year Volcano Conference. Of course, I have absolutely no interest in doing this.

Mazinger picked up the papers again and began to examine them thoroughly, two by two. The Volcano Covenant Society was important enough to be handled by the Iron Fist Mazinger himself.

This is especially true because it's in line with the raison d'être of the Museum of Heaven and Earth.

Other figures of renown and skill walked past him, iron fists spread wide. His gaze pierced through the paperwork.

Only those chosen here will truly be worthy of being called the mighty of the Heavenly Academy.

Red Desk.

In the office of Lord Tekken Mazinger, there is a red desk that he uses to conduct business.

The desk was made of the finest red rosewood and crafted by one of the finest craftsmen of his time, the master craftsman Guizhang, whose graceful flowing lines could inspire admiration just by looking at it. Right now, it was filled with hundreds of papers. Almost everything related to the operation of the Heavenly Martial Academy and Kang Ho's situation was translated into documents and letters here. It was a place that could be called a small powerhouse.


Elder Chen, the administrative officer in charge of the large-scale affairs of the Heavenly Martial Academy, tossed another document onto the stack, this time without blood or tears.

This was Mazin'ga's written resubmission of the agenda he had discussed with Ying'e Imugang. If it passes this desk today, this document will begin to take effect at that time.


Mazinger looked it over, slept on it, and stamped it with his seal of approval, the Tianmu seal.

"Stick to the plan."

"Yes, a wolfish laborer and a nasty laborer… two people who are as opposite as yin and yang."

The two seemed like polar opposites. But they didn't seem to be worried about the margins.

"I can't wait to see what enlightenment will come out of these opposing teachings."

Honestly, there could not have been a more opposite mood in the Academy of Heaven and Earth. The Heavenly Foreign School could only hope that Mazinger was right.

"Oh, and please pay for this too. It's about the silver snowflakes."

Then Mr. Chen submitted another document. This time, the majinga did not hesitate to stamp it.

Given the content, I needed a little time to think about it.


After thinking about it for a while, Mazinger finally decided to take a picture of the heavenly masters.

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

After accepting the document, Elder Chen asked in a cautious tone, "This was, in a sense, a great adventure.

"Zheng and I are different from each other to the bone anyway, so even if he was taught on the sidelines, I don't think it would pose much of a threat. Besides, I've decided to stay out of the secret transmission, so I don't think it's a big deal."

Mazinger was not unaware of Elder Chen's concerns, but he had already made a promise and could not put his seal of disapproval on it.

"Guan Zhu, let's move forward with this then."

No one yet realized the ramifications of these two documents.

"Hey, Junho, what's so great that you're bouncing around like a shitty puppy on a snowy day, did you eat something wrong?"

Unable to control her fidgeting, Bi Ryuyeon couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing?" Yoon Joon-ho's behavior was too peculiar to ignore.

"I… I… I……."

Junho Yoon was pointing to one side with his index finger.

"What are you talking about?"

There was no way I was going to be able to understand what he was saying with that much tongue in cheek.

"That… I mean, that… that… that… over there……."

The words still weren't coming together to form a coherent sentence, but from the look on his face as he remembered them, he was getting very excited. So much so that he couldn't control his excitement…….

Still, humans need words to carry on a conversation. This is not the case with animals, who can communicate with gestures alone.

There is no such thing as a conversation that ignores the other person's wishes. So, Bi Ryuyeon dared to ask again. She vowed to herself that if she was made to ask the same thing again, she would not let it happen. …….

"So what are you saying, clarify, or I'm done."

"That… I mean… that… look at that."

After summoning all his willpower and finally being able to say the right words, Yun Junho's finger pointed at the wall once more. There it was. Bi Ryuyeon's eyes widened.

"Paper, yeah!"

That was the end of his appreciation. It was a ubiquitous piece of paper, no doubt, but his appreciation shouldn't end there. He hadn't yet read what was inside,

"It's not that, it's the content. If you see a job posting, you should look at the content, not the paper."

Junho Yoon was incredulous.

"I get it. Tricky!"

Ryu-yeon Bi once again drew attention to the announcement. This time definitely focusing on the black text rather than the white background.


The following nominees have been selected as candidates for representation at next year's Volcano Covenant Regional Conference and will begin training in new groups and under new masters the following day. They will be divided into two groups, the White Swords and the Black Swords, and will receive special training.


Tianmu Hakkuanju Iron Fist Margin Price

Next to Mazinger's name was a large stamp of the Red Heavenly Martyr, as if to show off his authority. In a way, it was like a certificate of quality accompanying the announcement.

And underneath it was a list of people who were going to be put into special management groups.

Whether by luck or misfortune, the names of Hyorong, Jang Hong, Na Yerin, Dokgo Ling, and Zhu Zhaodan and Bi Ryuyeon were written side by side, in honor of Mo Yonghui, the Seven Festivals Divine Sword. They had been placed in the same group. Moreover, this year in particular, the number of sophomores was higher than last year.

They were the Black Sword Order.

And it said that the special master of the Black Swords was a very nasty person.

The ripple effect of this single announcement was enormous. The biggest event of the year was finally upon us. The entire Tianmu Hall began to buzz with excitement, tension, and enthusiasm.

And the reason why Yoon Joon-ho continues to point his finger with an unhealthy amount of excitement is because the end of that finger has one person's name on it.

The name of the stone inscribed "Yoon Junho!".

"Look, look, look, look, see for sure, see for sure, see for sure, see for sure, my name! You can see my name, Yoon Joon-ho, surely? My eyes aren't wrong, are they?"

Bi Ryuyeon nodded in agreement. He wasn't feeling particularly excited about it, so he hadn't thought about doubling his friend's joy, happiness, and excitement by sharing it.

But just because it was no big deal to Ryuyeon Bi, it didn't mean it was no big deal to Junho Yoon.

For Junho Yoon, who had always been told that the Volcanoes were retarded, immature, or defective, it was like a breakthrough. The impossible was now possible, and it had become a reality.

You've read the announcement, and you know why Yoon Joon-ho was so excited, so Bi Ryuyeon announced a new appreciation. It went like this.

"Well, what?"

The response was a shock to Yoon, who called it annoying, uninteresting, and even irritating.

I mean, this guy doesn't feel any excitement at all about something like this, something that would make any unattended person's blood boil and their fighting spirit rise!

So even the timid Yun Junho couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement around him and say something, because somehow he felt like he and everyone else who was excited to read this would be made fools of. For today only, he decided, he would be their spokesperson.

"Then why not get excited, it's like we've finally started the delegate elections for the Volcano Covenant Council!"

Finally, the entire planetarium was in motion for the volcano meeting.

"Is that why you have to get so worked up and make dozens of snide remarks, tongue in cheek?"

Still, his excuses were reluctance, justification, and a dismissive dismissal of his failures in plausibility and organization. But for Yoon, that was all he had.

"Of course! Of course! It's not just a tournament, it's the pride and honor of the Zheng Clan for the next five years. To be chosen as a delegate to such a tournament is to be the actual representative of the Zheng Clan, to fight with the honor of the entire Zheng Clan on your shoulders. We've been nominated to be that delegate, and to be chosen by such an incredible group of people………."

If left to his own devices, Yun would drown in the crucible of emotion.


She was still unimpressed by his reaction. To Yoon Jun-ho, a sturdy, wholesome young man in his own right, she seemed to be even more incomprehensible.

"What kind of bizarre thought structure does this guy have?

The tournament, called the Hua Shan Covenant Branch Meeting, or Hua Shan Meeting for short, was one of those events where the younger members of the party, the junior members, would light up in their eyes and work with a determined determination.

It was a war within a war, a once-every-five-years contest between the true black and white. It was the biggest event in all of Warring States, and therefore the most worthy of all.

I can't believe that after going through all the trouble of being nominated to be a delegate, which is a family honor in itself, you say it's boring in a bored voice…….

Moreover, this year's Volcano Festival is the 100th anniversary of the event, so there were rumors of something special.

"That's like saying that representation has already started! We're one step closer to that great honor, and there's… there……."

Yun Jun finally couldn't resist the intense emotion and dropped tears like chicken shit. Even if a man showed tears, he wasn't embarrassed at all now.

"Ego, I get it, I get it, so don't get too excited."

She had no choice but to appease him. She chastised herself for being too nice to him these days.

But there were still surprises in store, and what happened the next day in a specially organized classroom was one that would have surprised even her.

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