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Book 8 Chapter 7

Target of the Beast (標的)

-A crisis of two beauties and one raggedy man

Work harder, eat more, eat faster, eat better

Bi Ryuyeon, who was eating, said to the assassin

The thing that caught my eye was a very different

It was because of that move.

Even if she sat still, whether she wanted to or not, the information of everything she looked at was analyzed and judged at a glance. It wasn't something she was conscious of, but something that came naturally to her.

"What are they?"

Stop eating so hard, Bi Ryuyeon asked.

"Who is it?"

Yidao replied with a puzzled look on his face. It had been decided that he would pay for the night's drinks, and she was simply getting a free ride, so the more she teased him about his chopsticks, the lighter he got.

"Look, it's like a wild animal looking for its prey."

He said, "Over there," but he didn't have the kindness to point. His fingers were still focused on carrying the chopsticks to the entree, and his mouth was focused on chewing them to pieces.

"So where is that over there?"

Yaldo grumbled and began to look around. It was embarrassing that someone of his stature would ask such a question of a boy so young. Even if he was now his disciple, his pride wouldn't allow it. He had made a mistake earlier, unconsciously asking the question.

Straining his eyes, he looked everywhere, and soon realized that it was the same guy that Bi Ryuyeon was talking about. He also realized that there wasn't just one, but several.

At first, they were just interesting, just something to drink. I didn't pay much attention to them, thinking they were just like that. However, as they became more and more common, they began to bother her. He was intrigued to see who would dare to start their own business in the front yard of the Tianmu Academy.

They'd like to believe they're stealthy.

But it's hard not to notice when it's so obviously moving, even if you're told not to.

"What do you think they are, assassins? How dare you call them assassins in the front yard of the Heavenly Martial Academy. They're surrounding each other in a circle, moving toward the center, and what lies in that center must be delicious food, right?"

Ryu-yeon's interest began to grow.

"What kind of tasty food attracts so many predators?"

He was also curious about the Yeomdo.

"Oh no! Oh no!"


Bi Ryuyeon put down the glass she was drinking from and the chopsticks she was eating with.

"What's wrong?"

Yin asked, puzzled. He thought it unlikely that Bi Ryuyeon, who was rarely moved to do anything that didn't have the potential for financial gain, would rise up to help the assassin's cause. But Yeomdo was wrong. The assassin's objective was the reason for her waking up.

"I'm afraid that's a change of plans."


Yeomdo asked back.

"From bumping drinks to rescuing beauties."


'The beast's prey is a very, very, very, very beautiful woman. Naturally, I must rescue her for the good of the clan. Of course, she's not so fragile as to be easily taken.'

"Then so be it!

Suddenly, Biro was convinced. But another doubt reared its ugly head in his mind, a question he could not allow to linger.

"You mean you can see the target, aside from the five assassins?"

It took a great deal of practice to catch the assailants, whose movements were unrecognizable even to a practitioner of the Inner Gong.

Honestly, I thought Yeomdo was going to lose an eyeball trying to catch these five people.

"What do you mean, five people?"

What kind of nonsense are you talking about so politely?" asked Bi Ryuyeon.

"Huh? No?"

Yan Dao was astonished and pointed out each of the assassins he had discovered, and Bi Ryuyeon shook her head in disbelief.

"What are you talking about? There can't be five of them. There's at least five of them, probably closer to ten. First of all, there's that bot boss guy hanging out in front of the dumpling place, and then there's the five kids who are moving around suspiciously, and who knows where the rest of them will pop up."

The dumpling shop was located more than two hundred and fifty zhangs away from the liquor store by the window on the third floor of Oseong Lu where they were currently sitting. It was also the most crowded place in the city, with tons of people passing by at once.

"Huh? You think I'm lying?"

She could not ignore the suspicion in his eyes for a moment. This was a challenge to his authority.

"You'll see!"

She was already walking away. She hadn't even finished her food, something that wouldn't normally be possible without a natural disaster. She was in a hurry.

"Thank you every time. Three bottles of plum wine! Two bottles of mother liquor! One bottle of gum namchun! One bottle of bamboo shoot wine! For snacks, one five-spice pork, three Peking ducks, a plate of soaked vegetables, one tripe, and one chengtang noodles! The total amount is……."

The cashier greeted him sternly and called out the total, brutally, relentlessly. Yeomdo wanted to cover his ears.

"… is."

With a sorrowful heart, Yun Che quickly calculated and followed after Bi Ryuyeon.

While screaming that it shouldn't be him…….

His bladder felt lighter than a feather.

After Eunseulan strode into the shop with a bouncy, airy stride, Mo Yonghui took stock of the surroundings and terrain first. Although he hadn't received any professional bodyguard training, he had certainly learned the basics in his liberal arts classes.

Paying at least three times as much attention in a crowded area as you normally would is a basic rule of thumb. This is because, of course, there are dozens of times more opportunities to be seen in a crowded area than in a deserted one. Moreover, the distraction of waves of people passing by increases the gap even more.

It is in these marketplaces that escorts are most likely to get their hands dirty, leaving their targets defenseless.

"You're drying my blood!"

Duribun! Duribun!

Mo Yonghui never relaxed, never let his guard down. A sense of duty and responsibility covered his entire body like armor. It was the same now. Why did he allow her to buy clothes? He hated himself for not being able to refuse her pleading, almost tearful request.


It was Na Yerin who first noticed the strange, subtle tingling in the air around her. It was definitely different from the pathetic lust and envious glances of the men who usually crowded around her. The difference was palpable to her.

Her dragon's eye was sending her a clear warning: it was the sound of a threat to her life. It was the power to know when you didn't want to know! It was why Mazinger had entrusted her with the protection of the quadrupeds.

Na Yerin began to notice her surroundings more carefully. As she focused her mind, she could sense more clearly.

"Looks like we have an unwelcome visitor."

Mo Yonghui, who was hanging on her every word, was convinced of the source of life. However, there were too many passers-by, bustling with activity. Finding the assassin in this wave of people was like finding a needle in a haystack.

A raid only makes sense if it's a surprise preemptive strike. These were big guys, planning a killing spree in broad daylight. It was almost impossible to do something like this without confidence in your abilities. Mo Yonghui and Na Yerin opened their senses and scanned their surroundings.


Her phenomenally developed sense of hearing picked up the sound of a sword being drawn in the din of the crowd. Based on the sound, her five senses detected the enemy's position, and her hand slashed with blinding speed.


Out of nowhere, a sword emerged from the crowd and flew toward her, but Na Yerin had already gained the advantage in speed.


Na Yerin's sword swung and the assailant fell to her blade. The assailant had the appearance of an ordinary old man. The only thing that was different was the fact that the old man's staff had a blade attached to it.

Disguised as an old man walking down the street, the assailant's weapon was his walking stick. If he had been a moment too late to recognize the ambush, he might have been fatally wounded.

"What's going on?"

Noticing the commotion outside, Eunseulan rushed out. Na Yerin and Mo Yonghui quickly guarded her left and right.

"It's an assassin. Be careful."

Na Yerin warned her, but there was no fear in her eyes.

The attack came soon after.

The assassins seemed to have an obsession with making sure their assaults always came from unexpected places that their opponents couldn't see coming.

Upon discovering the old man's death, an Anak became alarmed and threw the tray he was carrying on his head.


With a sound that cut through the air, the tray flew through the air at a terrifying speed. As it flew through the air, the cheeky tray was suddenly surrounded by sharp blades protruding in all directions. They were sharp and fast enough to slit a man's throat. To make matters worse, there were not one, but three iron trays.

It could have been avoided, but Na Yerin chose to cut down the three spinning, flying iron trays. A weapon that sweeps through the air like that could cause damage to innocent bystanders.

The assassins did not miss the moment when Na Yerin focused her attention on the iron tray that crossed in a saber-tooth pattern in the air.


Dozens of swords suddenly shot out of the sleeve of a passing martial artist. The moment was too exquisite for Na Yerin to block both attacks at the same time, but she didn't let her concentration wander from the iron tray slicing dizzily through the air. She decided to trust Mo Yonghui's skills. She had seen his skills during their training at Mount Wudang; he was someone she could trust.

Mo did not disappoint Na Yerin.


Mo Yonghui, now standing between Bido and Na Yerin, swung his sword fiercely. Along with the starlight sword qi, all of the biddos that had been flying at breakneck speed fell to the ground in two pieces, one of which flew back to the caster at twice the speed and pierced the master's throat without missing a beat.

Na Yerin swung her sword reassuringly.


Her will was instantly manifested through her sword, her white blade sending the iron tray crashing to the ground in two pieces. Still, the assault on the two men continued. She even suspected that everyone around them was an assassin.

A farmer was traveling down the road when he casually threw his scythe. It was obviously a jutsu (投鎌術: throwing and catching a scythe), which is a technique of moving a blade through the air according to the principle of nothingness.

Anak, carrying the ubiquitous child, hurled needles into the air at a terrifying speed. It was certainly the most terrifying of the memorized techniques.

It was a ploy aimed at Eunsulan. It seemed to think that a sting like that would easily penetrate the two's defenses.

In the hands of an ordinary Anak, the needle, which should have been used to stitch a quilt or a garment and fulfill a mission, was coated with a venomous poison that could easily kill ten bulls. It was clear that he would do whatever it took.

Galactic Meteor Sword Technique (銀河流星劍法) Righteousness (奧義)

Galactic Secret (銀河密密)

With a dazzling milky white light, a dense wall of sword Qi surpassing that of an iron wall unfolded in space, blocking the path of the poisonous darts that were flying at terrifying speeds.


The ten bulls, even with their venomous stingers, were unable to fight back in front of Mo Yonghui's sword shield. It was a perfect defensive herbivore.

If Mo Yonghui had always insisted on a fair fight within the confines of the academy, he would have fallen victim to their sudden, unexpected, and stealthy ambush. However, thanks to the many anomalies and irregularities he had encountered during his short but intense association with the mighty Bi Mu Fei and Bi Ryuyeon, he was able to deal with the assassin group's attack and defend the snowflakes from their assault. If it weren't for the years of experience he had accumulated, he might not have been able to defend himself so perfectly.

"Never say thank you."

Mo Yonghui made a silent decision.

"I'm Sojae, watch out!"

The assassins aren't done yet.

Na Yerin, Mo Yonghui, and their target, Eun Seolan, are on high alert.

They were obviously professionally trained. Their skill level was definitely not that of a dime store killer.

Earlier, it was an old man on the street, and now it was an old couple who looked like they were in good shape. The passing offense by the diminutive couple with graying hair was unexpected. Their disguises were truly unrivaled.

Razor-sharp blades protruded from the sleeves of the fake elderly couple's hands. They were sharp enough to draw blood, but the pair of blades served no purpose. The weapons of the assailants disguised as an elderly couple, along with their wrists, were mercilessly cut off by Mo Yonghui before they could reach the body of the quartet. It was a decisive blow, as if the wrists of the assassins, used for killing, had no value.


A shriek rang out.

Na Yerin's sword was busy fending off invisible blades that stabbed in unexpectedly and relentlessly from all sides. She was reacting to the assassins' assault with senses, not experience.

Na Yerin was currently using her dragon eye to react to malice coming at her from all sides, which is why she was able to defend herself so easily against the surprise.

The hardest for Na Yerin to deal with were the double-dealers, the ones with a man inside a man. At first, Na Yerin thought he was just one person; he had the appearance of a very ordinary warlord. A true assassin shouldn't have any personality on his face. It would be easy for them to be remembered.

That's what Na Yerin had thought when the man drew his twin swords. The man was about the same size as a normal man, but his twin swords were meant for only one purpose: to block the opponent's weapons.

The assassin's double-edged sword clenched on Na Yerin's blade.

Suddenly, a thin, twig-like hand protruded from his stomach, and it held a secret weapon, a blow that even Na Yerin could not have predicted.

Just as a sharp, twig-like hand was about to pierce her body!


A flash like a lightning bolt from nowhere knocked Bisu into the distance. A harsh clang rang out.

His eyes widened in horror. Not missing a beat, Na Yerin summoned the Han Shangjing Spirit Qi on her sword, and in one swift motion, she slashed his body along with the dagger she was holding.

He could not escape her blade, and he was bound to her sword and soul. From within his tattered clothes on the floor, a gaunt, skeletal figure, barely human, spilled out. He, too, was dead. The moment their spleen failed, their wretched words were sealed.

They were a pair of twin brothers who were famous in the Bai Yin Kai, a murder-for-hire organization, and they were masters of assassination, with more than a hundred victims to their credit. But today, after completing a hundred murders, they met the wrong person and ended their lives in vain. However, it would have been an honor for them to have been able to die with one of the famous Five Great Swords of Heaven and Earth, the Cold Jade Spirit God Sword.


The red ice at the tip of her blade shattered with a small crackle. There is no blood in Na Yerin's sword, for it is instantly frozen into ice by the chill that envelops the entire blade. Some call this the Red Ice Rift of the Blade. Na Yerin was faithfully recreating it.

In the midst of all this chaos, Eunseulan did not scream. Rather, she calmly watched Na Yerin and Mo Yonghui's movements and reactions with a cold gaze, confident that her body was capable of protecting itself.

However, Eunseulan hadn't raised her hand yet, keeping her skills hidden. Moreover, her actions were clearly meant to test Mo Yonghui and Na Yerin's skills. Silver Snow Lan's eyes were cold. The flesh that still filled the air hadn't dissipated.

And when the botman in front of the dumpling shop in question pulled out a poisoned sword coated with extreme poison from his bot bag instead of the goods he was selling. Apparently, the poisoned sword was a limited-edition, off-limits item made for a specific purpose: murder for hire.

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discord ko-fi