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Book 8 Chapter 5

邪中花 (邪中花) 銀雪蘭 (Silver Snow Orchid)

Mo Yonghui saw something he shouldn't have seen that day.

A woman's tears rolling down her white, milky cheeks.

Mo Yonghui was overcome with tears.

He couldn't stop doing what he was doing.

A magnificent pavilion in the depths of the Black Lagoon!

The Temple of Heaven (天邪閣)!

It is the current center of the Black Island and the residence of the Black Heavenly Lord Galjungtian, a symbol of power. It is a majestic and awe-inspiring place where the mere sight of it is enough to make any Sapa person feel reverent!

Inside the abyss, facing the black giant, sat a woman in a somewhat polite manner. She was perhaps twenty-five years old. Her beauty was as gorgeous as a bud in full bloom, but the jet-black robes she wore drowned out her scent.

Gal Zhongchuan, who always exuded a sense of authority in front of others, exerted his energy to create a gentle atmosphere in front of this woman. This alone shows how much he cared for her.

After a moment of panic at what she had just heard, which was so shocking and overwhelming, the woman spoke again. The woman's suspicions were still not fully resolved.

"…What do you mean by sending the girl there?"

Her face, too, bore the resonance of surprise. Her face was one of horror.

"Yes, please!"

He nodded and answered the girl's question. She could tell by his response that her understanding was correct. It was frankly unbelievable. Moreover, the wounds she had suffered not long ago had not yet healed.

The black giant spoke again.

"I think there may be something else at work here, something unseen. There's something off about that child's death……. And I can't help but feel that there's some unseen, powerful force at work in Baekdo. That's why I'm sending you, even though I know it's dangerous. You might be mistaken for a girl on the other side. Your radiant beauty will only mask your intelligence to a certain extent. And……."

Gal Zhongtian took a breath and spoke again.

"I believe in you. I send my infinite faith to your gun-toting head. I'm sorry I put a big burden on your slender shoulders……."

She bowed her head deeply in emotion.

"I'm honored."


The woman's shoulders shook.

"Yes, Father, I will certainly clear the blackness that surrounds His death, even at the cost of my life……. I swear by His soul in heaven."


In a fatherly, tender voice, he called to her. It was hard to believe that such gentle words could come from the mouth of a giant of the Black Sea.


"Don't die! I will be very sad if you die too."

She bowed her head ruefully. Her voice was tender enough to bring tears to my eyes.

"Yes, Father!"

"And how sorry I am that I couldn't marry you in the end and just let him go……."

There was a hint of regret in his voice.

"No, no, no, father!"

Tears finally formed in her eyes. The Blessed One could not contain all her grief within herself.

In fact, she had been betrothed to him since she was a child. But Gal Hyo-fong, who preferred practicing martial arts to eating, never treated her as a lady. He always treated her as if she were his sister, and their relationship was not that of betrothed lovers, but more like a brother and sister-in-law.

And when her beauty had blossomed and reached its zenith, and she was revered as one of the five great beauties of the Black Sea, Galhyo Feng was unfortunately unable to see it, for by then he had gone mad and was imprisoned in the Heavenly Demon Lake.

As far as she was concerned, he was the man of her dreams, and the best man, too. How she leapt for joy when she realized he was her fiancé, a man she had only vaguely admired! The thrill of that day would never be matched again.

But now he's gone.

"Forget about that heartless boy! He's a heartless, ugly boy who went before his father. If this is all over, I'll find you a good marriage. You deserve a good man, not one like him……."

There was a note of regret in Gal Zhongchuan's voice. He was not worried about the next generation because he had a strong firstborn son. His son was the best of the best, wiser than anyone else, better than anyone else. He pinned all his hopes on his firstborn son… but he died first, with a stake in his chest. Leaving behind nothing but indelible regret…….


A curtain of white smoke blocked her vision.

She silently swallowed her grief and loneliness. She could never show weakness.

She said to herself for the umpteenth time.

'You must laugh, you must laugh, you must always be cheerful and energetic, no matter what!'

Always smile and be cheerful, and never lose yourself! That was the last request that Galhyo-feng, now dead and no longer by his side, made before he descended into madness.

After the woman retreated, Gal Zhong Tian spoke in a quiet voice.

"Are you there?"


In the darkness of the void, a lone spirit appeared and bowed before him. That was the title he bore, the greatest hermit in the darkness, the one who was called Bai Yingmu, the first of the Black Heavenly Ten.

"Here's a colonel, sir, you're under orders."

"That child just left. I'm sure he's heartbroken over Hyo-feng's death, but maybe I'm being too harsh. This will draw attention to her, and she's always the center of attention, so there shouldn't be any problems."

"The lady is bait, is that what you're saying?"

Galjongchun's eyebrows twitched for a moment at the word 'bait'.

"He'll do his job in his own way. He's got more guns than anyone else, so he'll be able to handle himself! Good luck with this investigation. I'm counting on you, and……."

He paused for a moment, then continued.

"If anything were to happen to that child, I would never forgive you……. Not to mention you, of course……."

Gal was a doer. People don't know how much he thought about it before deciding to do this, so his determination was great.

"Leave it to me!"

He replied vigorously.

"Then I'll do you a favor."

Gal Zhongchuan firmly believed that the only person who could do the job was the man in front of him.


Before ducking back into the shadows, Bi Ying Ming replied in a strong voice.

And the next day!

A carriage carrying a woman, escorted by several guards and flying the banner of the Grim Reaper, left the main gates of the Black Heavenly League. On the outer walls of the Black Heavenly League, a lone figure stood watching the departing party.

"You finally left!"

It's finally time to do your job.

He blew on his flute and one of them landed on his leather tote with a "puddle" sound. He tied a sign to the flute to signal an emergency and sent it flying again. His behavior didn't arouse anyone's suspicions; it was his job.

As the wind blew Jeon Seo-ng toward the place where he was headed, there was a place called Macheon Pavilion.

"You finally left. I wish you hadn't……."

These were the first words out of the Grand Duke's mouth as he listened to the report of the evil brain Qi Sahan. The Archduke did not like the fact that the leader of the Black Sword had said two words in one breath.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Well, isn't it the job of the military to think about that for you?"

The Grand Duke's quiet voice made Qi Sahan wince. He could sense an aura of rebuke in it, as if he were reprimanding himself.

No matter how many times he came face to face with him, he could never get used to the unknown, undiluted power of the Grand Duke. That undiluted power always struck terror into his heart.

"For now, the Heavenly and Earthly Twins are unaccounted for, but if anything goes wrong when the truth is uncovered, it's going to be out of control. It would be better to nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand. Above all……."

"What else?"

Chisahan took a breath and continued.

"For one thing, there are too many survivors of that event on the side of the White Dao. No, there is no sacrifice at all, except for the members of the Unspiritualized Marriage Squad of the Heavenly Academy. Perhaps some unseen force is at work behind the scenes."

"You mean there's a third force at work besides us?"

The Grand Duke's gaze was sharp. Qi Sahan's heart began to thump a little faster than before, and a chill ran down his spine.

"It's all hypothetical, but there's more than a little suspicious about this whole Ironclad affair. It's hard to imagine that nothing happened in between, that they went from being so brazen and unruly to being so easily turned around like a castrated stallion."

"Then we'll have to find out about that third force, too, by any means necessary, because there's nothing more unpleasant in the world than having some unknown force at work that we don't understand."

All risks must be eliminated in advance. We weren't going to allow any setbacks in our preparations. One of the biggest hurdles had already been crossed. This was just the beginning.

"All of the investigators we send out are going to make sure it's all the fault of the White House."

"Everything in the most stealthy way possible! You must never be able to tell we were involved. I authorize the use of 'darkness rooted in light'."

"You mean… the ones that haven't been used in thirty years?"

Qi Shihan's body trembled with a shudder. The Grand Duke's words were devastating.

"Do everything in its most perfect form!"


Right now, Chisahan's head was spinning with concrete action plans.

The sending of inspectors by the Black Heavenly Blind was a major headache for the Heavenly Martial Academy. There were a lot of things to worry about when they came.

Certainly, there is a section of the Joint Political Agreement signed after the Ten Thousand Blood Tax a hundred years ago that explicitly allows for the sending of mutual inspectors. It was adopted as a way to ensure closer cooperation and less bloodshed. It was also a good idea to try to resolve misunderstandings with words rather than force. The problem with this is that once an inspector is dispatched, you have more than one thing to worry about.

There are dozens of things that you have to worry about when an investigator comes, and one of the most important is privacy.

We can't just say, "We're going to sit here and relax, and you can go ahead and investigate," and then leave them alone. Once the investigators are sent, the responsibility for their safety is also transferred to the Baekdo. If something happened to the investigator, the Baekdo would take full responsibility. If anything happened to the inspector, it would be a waste of time and money.

The stakes were high. Moreover, an event of the magnitude of the Mudang Mountain massacre could not be taken lightly by either side. It was an event of enormous significance that, if handled incorrectly, could lead to the Great War. It was not something that could be neglected.

"Is it just me……."

The Iron Fist Mazinger, the man in charge of the Martial Arts Academy, thought long and hard, and he weighed his options carefully. When he finally came to a decision, he called a man to him.

"Do you know why I called you?"

Mazinger asked in a quiet voice.

"I'm not sure yet."

Mo Yonghui answered honestly. In fact, he had no clue.

"Heh, heh, heh, it's not like you've done anything bad, so don't be so nervous."

Seeing that Mo Yonghui's demeanor was still rigidly tense as they sat across from each other over their teacups, Mazinger said. He meant to tell him to relax and be comfortable, but Mo Yonghui didn't seem to understand his words at all.

"That's fine."

Still, his answer remained stiff. For Mo Yonghui, who was neat and orderly in everything he did, the mere fact that he was sitting across the table from the Heavenly Martial Master Ma Jing was a great burden. His demeanor was completely unbecoming of the grandson of one of the three Heavenly Martial Emperors.

"Oh, no, you're not understanding me at all. I'm telling you to take it easy and relax."

Despite Mazinger's tactics of relaxation, Mo Yonghui was not swayed; his posture was still as precise as a ruler. It had been quite a while since they met, but Mazinger hadn't seen Mo Yonghui relax his posture once. It had been about an hour (about 30 minutes) since they met, and the only movement Mo Yonghui had shown during that time was blinking his eyes and moving his lips when he spoke briefly.

"Please state your purpose!"

Still, Mo Yonghui didn't relax. At this point, he began to feel uncomfortable with himself.

"Truly, your bluntness is more than a rumor."

Mazinger decided to wrap things up before the air got any more awkward.

"You must be aware that this time, the Black Heavenly League is sending a representative from the Mt. Wudang Inquest, right?"


Of course, Mo Yonghui knew. Rumors had already spread through the academy. There were many people who were angry about the unilateral dispatch of the investigators by the Black Island side. The reason was that it was unfair, and Mo Yonghui was frankly struck by the fact that it was a shaman who needed to get to the bottom of the matter.

It was he who shared his sword with Galhyo to the very end. Galhyo Feng, who could not be defeated even with all his might, was a great samurai worthy of respect. For all his rules, for all his swords, there was still something he hadn't said. It was beyond even his own understanding, but once he had sworn an oath to Yidao, he must honor it.

"I am aware that the young people have raised a number of complaints about this matter. That's understandable, as they're a passionate bunch, but since we've agreed to send an investigator according to protocol, it's our responsibility to protect their safety."

He was well aware of the vocabulary, even if he didn't have to explain it to her, but he didn't interrupt and put her on the spot.

Mazinger continued.

"Harm to an investigator is frankly very troublesome! It can lead to unnecessary misunderstandings, and as an investigator yourself, you know that it can quickly lead to disputes. To avoid being falsely accused, it is necessary to provide a thorough escort."

"But why are you telling me that?"

Mo Yonghui asked, full of questions.

"There's something fishy about this. Perhaps a great conspiracy is involved. Unseen, dark forces are most likely after her! Nobu has the worst in mind. A nightmare that will come true in the most horrific way."

"The worst thing you can do is……?"

"That's all I know for now. I'm not ready to tell you yet… Speaking of which, I'd like you to escort the investigator on this trip."


Mo Yonghui opened his mouth in astonishment. This was the first time he had shown emotion in front of Mazinger today. Mazinger continued to speak.

"We, too, are distressed to the point of tearing our hair out over the destruction of the Unholy Matrimony… but it must be done! We are distressed, but we cannot formally complain to them until we are cleared of suspicion here. But I can't turn a blind eye to someone who comes to me as a reaper in a fit of rage, so I'm asking you, my trusted friend, to do me a favor. Please!"

Mazinger used the word request, not command, but it made it even more impossible to refuse.

"How dare I do something like that… there are plenty of professionals who can do that."

He was still a student. The idea of a bodyguard wasn't worth it.

"No, you're the only one Nobu sees, and I think your student status will help him relax his guard. Professionals can make him feel like he's being watched. Good luck."

Mo Yonghui's job was to be both an escort and a watcher. The investigator's job was to always be on top of things, but the observer's job was to never be overtly visible. Mo Yonghui was the perfect person to do both at the same time. The only problem was that it was a bit inflexible.

"You're asking me to take on such an enormous task……!"

Mo Young-hwi's sense of responsibility began to burn hot, hot, hot. His sense of responsibility was the exact opposite of Bi Ryuyeon's, who was building a wall. How dare his sense of responsibility not flare up when the future of Tianmu Academy rested on his shoulders.


"Leave it to me!"

Mo Yonghui said in a determined voice.

"Now that you put it that way, Nobu feels a little better!"

Majinga smiled with satisfaction. His biggest problem had been solved.

"But what kind of inspector is coming this time?"

Yonghui Mo asked, thinking that it would be better to know the opponent first so that he could prepare himself mentally.

"Well… we haven't been informed who is coming yet. They'll probably send a worn and tattered old hag. They wouldn't send a young girl on such an important mission, would they? I have an idea……. This time, it might be a very troublesome old man with a very uptight and manipulative personality. Heh, heh, heh, then you're in for some trouble!"

He was told to relax and laugh. But that's really what he was thinking. There was nothing wrong with that statement.

"I see, I see."

It might be fun to wait without knowing who it is. With some excitement, Mo Yonghui waited for the inspector's scheduled visit.

And he should have regretted not preparing himself in advance.

"Gather your comrades at once!"

Bi Yantai shouted, burning with passion.

As soon as a carriage pulled into the hall, the exploits of the women of the Aesop Society, a club affiliated with the Heavenly Martial Academy, collectively known as the Women's Enemies, suddenly began to spin breathlessly. A great deal of information was exchanged, and again, authenticity was screened and organized in order of importance.

It had been a long time since we'd had a big win, and everyone was energized. There was so much energy and excitement that it was threatening to go too far and turn into madness.

Bustle, bustle, bustle! Yelling!

It's almost a wonder they don't bump into each other in such a hectic pace, but to those who know them, it makes sense. They are all utilizing kung fu in their movements, which makes it possible for them to do tricks that look like they're going to collide, but are actually deftly dodging and sidestepping each other. Only a fool would try to force physical contact with another person while using these techniques.

"Why is everyone so busy?"

That's what he said when he saw people moving so fast he couldn't see their hands and feet. He hadn't seen his friends in a long time. No one responded to his words, all of them making up excuses about how busy they were. His words became an echo without an echo. They were as empty as a stone falling into an abyss.

"Were there this many people here?"

Bi Ryuyeon looked around in wonder.

"I'm very surprised too, this is unusual!"

Hyo-Ryong was also surprised, and his surprise was evident on his face.

The storeroom of the Association was bustling with people. The usual bustling and laid-back atmosphere was nowhere to be seen. It was a far cry from the usual atmosphere of musty decadence, laziness, and idleness.

It's said that if you hold back your curiosity for too long, you'll get sick. As a firm believer in self-care, she had no desire to get sick.

"What's going on?"

Finally finding a familiar face, she grabbed his shoulder, turned his head to meet her eyes, and asked him a question, feeling a sense of urgency that if she didn't do this, she would once again find herself screaming an unanswered echo.

"What? Ryuyeon, is that you? It's been a while."

The man who answered was a giant of a man, a man with limbs as thick as logs, a master of bungon, and a master of jinshenggon, Lim Sung-jin.

"It's good that it's been a while, it's proof that we haven't broken up forever, but what the heck is going on? I think it's good for my mental health to know."

It was best for my mental health to get my questions answered in the shortest amount of time possible.

"Don't you know, it's a big deal, a big deal, a big deal!"


She showed her ignorance in an avant-garde way. But she wasn't the only one to blame.

"No? You didn't realize that?"

It was as if they were asking, "How could you not know?

"Of course I don't. I'm smart and I know everything, but even geniuses have times when they don't want to know."

In order to stop listening to the white noise, he needed to tell her why.

"The investigator sent by the Black Heavenly League to investigate this time… do you know who he is?"

"I can't possibly know, and I know I've made a strong case for the fact that I don't know on several occasions, but aren't you wasting my time?"

Like a novelist who wants to write one more line of nonsense to lengthen the book, Lim talked a lot. Bi Ryuyeon urged him to answer.

'Real… Real… Reaaaall… Really beautiful.'

"Eh, beauty?"

Bi Ryuyeon was stunned for a moment. The front of her face was obscured by her hair, but the shape of her mouth, which was stretched to the limit, was predictive enough of her current state. It was a mixture of despair and ridiculousness.

"That was it?"

Barely recovering from her mental panic, Bi Ryuyeon said in a nonchalant tone.

Of course I didn't know about it. It was normal not to know. It had been less than an hour since the carriage had arrived. Who would have thought that the investigator sent by the Black Heavenly League would be a ghostly woman!

It's amazing how they managed to gather so many people in such a short time. They had a habit of going too fast when women, especially beauties, were involved.

"Barely? Barely! What a damnable thing to say! Don't you know that the Bylaws of the Society of the Assassins state that beauty takes precedence over life and death in all circumstances? That's why I'm just now finding and organizing the original materials."

To be honest, she hadn't memorized a single word of the Association's bylaws.

"But who is it that needs to organize such a large group of people?"

There were too many people involved for just one person to organize.

"Alas, it's one of the Five Great Caines of the Black Sea, an exquisite beauty with a following of more than three quarters of the men of the Ten Thousand Pavilions! That's a lot of data to take in. Besides, the information coming in from your side of the Black Sea is too distracting and messy. We need to communicate more, it's too much work… too much work… too much work……."

Lim grumbled. Apparently, there was a group of perverts with similar tastes on the Black Sea side. After all, the limitations of men are plain to see.

"This doesn't happen when you're organized!"

Jang Hong, who had been watching, spoke up. He had always believed that information should always be organized in the most accessible way. There was nothing worse than disorganized, messy information.

"Huh? Isn't organizing something you do all at once before some big event?"

Lim rolled her eyes.

"What nonsense! Organizing is a set of behaviors that you do on a daily basis to keep mess from invading your room."

Jang Hong raised his voice to rebuke the burns for their usual laziness. It was a great pity that he didn't have Mo Yonghui by his side, the embodiment of organization, the master of cleaning, and the dysfunctional personality, but Jang Hong was too sorry. It was absurd that he thought he could bully the members of the Society into submission like this. Lim waved his index finger from side to side in front of Jang Hong's eyes.

"Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. Do you understand?"

It was the first encyclical I'd ever heard of. It was a ridiculous, prayerless encyclical. It was also the perfect encyclical to screw up. Jang Hong raised the white flag of Zhusum Zhusum to signal a wave of surrender.

"So who's that beautiful woman with the big name, the one who told you all the dirty details but didn't tell you the most important one?"

Even if she wasn't interested, she thought it was polite to at least know his name.

"That is……."

Kudang, kudang, kudang!

There was a loud crash and the sound of a man rolling over on the stale side of the desk, his body rebelling against the laziness and sloth of working too hard.



At that moment, Hyorong's face turned pensive and he shuffled his feet. His complexion was as pale as a corpse in salt. His face was as pale as a corpse in salt.

"Are you okay?"

Jang Hong was worried by Hyorong's sudden reaction. The current Hyorong was like someone who had fallen into a coin-op.

"Oh… I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, it's just mild anemia."

Hyo-ryong waved his hands in the air and tried to insist that he was fine.

"Don't try to spin it so hard that it's not okay, you're not a girl who gets laid once a month, and you're anemic on a subject with no college degree."


Ryu-yeon Bi and Sung-jin Lim nodded in agreement, recognizing that Jang Hong was right.

"I'm really fine, sorry if I worried you!"

A cold sweat was now running down Hyo-Ryong's face.

"Why don't you go get some rest, you're not going anywhere for a while."

Jang Hong was genuinely worried.

"That would be great!"

Sungjin Lim agreed.

"I'll go get some rest then."

Against his better judgment, Hyo-ryong turned away, desperate for a break from his current state of mental turmoil and psychological panic. There was no time for fooling around.

Jang Hong's eyes were as sharp as a saber as he looked at Hyo Long as he turned around.

"Good luck!"

Bi Ryuyeon patted Mo Yong-hui on the shoulder and cheered him on.


The unintelligible Mo Yonghui had only two eyes open. Whenever he was with them, he would fall into a delirious fantasy. It was hard to be stuck with beings you didn't understand.

"I envy you! I envy you!"

Jang Hong walked over and patted him on the back. To Jang Hong's chagrin, it seemed that he was being too open about the subject. He hadn't hidden his envy and was venting his true feelings.

"What do you mean?"

Mo Yonghui was frustrated that he still couldn't understand English, which was unbearable for him. From this point of view, it was very easy to make a fool of a person.

"Huh? Haven't you heard the rumors?"

Bi Ryuyeon and Jang Hong looked at each other in disbelief, but in truth, they had only learned about the rumor when they went to the Asociation just now. This was a kind of raw color.

"What rumor?"

Yonghui Mo asked.

"Your ears seem to have been so derelict in their duties that you haven't heard the famous rumors that are already causing a stir in the Academy of Heaven!"

At Bi Ryuyeon's words, Jang Hong did not hesitate to shake his head.

"My ears are there to hear the noble teachings of the Elders, not to hear the frivolous rumors and light-hearted gossip that float around the halls. I hope you are not mistaken!"

At the words of a man who was so thoroughly upright and a model young man, Jang Hong was momentarily annoyed, but quickly recovered his composure.

"You're harder than a thousand-year-old granite. And your front and back are tighter than a constipated colon, making it hard to breathe just looking at you. I admire you."

Jang Hong himself wondered what kind of educational environment he had grown up in, but he didn't recall hearing of anyone else in the Mo Yong family being so eccentric, so it was more a matter of nature than nurture.

"It's an honor I don't want. Don't feel free to honor me when I never asked for it. I'm not busy enough for such unnecessary honors. I still have thirty-six books to read. Now, if your business is done, will you not interrupt my studies?"

Jang Hong meekly raised his hands above his head in surrender. But he continued to speak. He was the kind of person who had to say what he wanted to say anyway. Even if Mo Yonghui didn't want to hear it.

"Words that become flesh and blood if you let them. It can never be said that studying through books is the only true study. Hui, didn't you say that you've been assigned to be the investigator's receptionist this time?"

"Okay, but what does that have to do with the rumor?"

Mo Yonghui asked, puzzled. Jang Hong smiled at his conversion.

"You didn't know, after all. Rumor has it that the investigator sent by the Black Heavenly League this time is a woman, a very, very young woman!"

Jang Hong was sure that Mo Yonghui's peripheral vision hadn't heard it. Jang Hong was right. He was even surprised. This was a big win. This kind of reaction is what makes spreading the word worthwhile. This was very unusual for Mo Yonghui, whose face was always a poker face and rarely showed any emotional changes.

"You've got to be kidding me, right?"

Mo Yonghui asked in disbelief. Jang Hong wore a smirking uncle-like expression, and let out a silent cheer of victory.

"No, it's true, it's honestly true, and she's rumored to be very, very beautiful, and there are already more than a few people talking about her beauty, which is why I'm offering you my congratulations. Do you realize the close friendship of your friends now?"

Hearing Jang Hong's words, Mo Yonghui's expression changed strangely.

"I sincerely hope that rumor is a false rumor. Women are not for me……."

Mo Yonghui sighed. Women had always been a mystery to him. Hundreds of women clung to him here and there, but he had never given them his heart. He had never even thought about them in a lighthearted way. Mo Yonghui certainly thought that women were individuals to be respected, and he acted as such. However, the overreaction of most women to him was a mysterious phenomenon that was beyond his comprehension.

So for him, women were hard to deal with.

"Who knows, maybe you, stone-faced, will fall in love with the beautiful inspector. Wouldn't you?"

Jang Hong smiled wryly and continued to tease Mo Yonghui.

"That can't possibly be true!"

Mo exclaimed.

"I'm worried about what's ahead."

Jang Hong shook his head.

Escorting the inspector had been an honorary request and order from the head of the Heavenly Martial Academy, Iron Fist Majin, himself. Mo Yonghui was certainly prepared to fulfill it wholeheartedly, but the fact that the investigator was a woman, someone around his age, and even more so, a beautiful woman, was an unexpected event. The most unrealistic and impossible scenario had suddenly become a reality. It was like a slap in the back of the head. It was like being stabbed in the back of the head.

Mo Yonghui's head was already throbbing with thoughts of how to treat the beautiful woman. It was certainly not a pleasant thought for him.

But it wasn't unavoidable.

And then the fateful moment struck.

First impressions!

It's said that first impressions matter a lot when it comes to socializing. It may be because it's the first thing that sticks in your mind. Some say it's the first impression that sets the tone for the rest of your life. Especially when it comes to relationships, first impressions can be life-altering. However, Mo Yonghui's first impression of her was quite complex.


Mo Yonghui was surprised at his own muttered words. It was there that Mazinger first introduced himself to the ghostly investigator.

It was a strange feeling, hard to describe, and he couldn't put into words what or where specifically he found beautiful about her. It was as if a soul had been drawn to her……. It was a mysterious experience that he had never experienced before.


Fortunately, however, Mo Yonghui's words did not reach her.

"Oh, it's nothing."

Mo Yonghui quickly excused himself. This was the first time he had ever found a woman beautiful. It was the first time in his life that a woman was perceived not as a human being, but as the opposite sex. Mo Yonghui couldn't help but feel that he was very strange today.

Before he met her, Mo Yonghui had been a student of women. He had quite a history of suffering. In particular, Mo Yonghui hated women with a passion.

"Is he sick?

It was the most valid and reasonable idea he could come up with. For Mo Yonghui, this was normal thinking.

The fourfold flower, the silver snowflake!

As the flower of the sect, there are only three people who can match her beauty in the Heavenly Academy.

But my first impression of her was shattered by what she said next.

"Oh, I'm honored to be escorted by such a beautiful woman, ho ho ho!"

Eunseulan said with a smile like a million flowers blooming.


Mo Yonghui glanced around once more, confirming that there was not a single woman around him, and asked, his expression hardening.

"Who's saying she's beautiful?"

"Are you mad at me?"

She gave me a look that said, "Oh, it's hot!" but didn't seem to reflect.

"Ho-ho-ho, but that angry face is cute too."

Mo Yonghui suddenly felt that the world was dizzy. The world wasn't spinning in chaos, but it was somehow confusing. Mo Yonghui wasn't sure how to react to Eunseulan's sudden and unpredictable behavior.

And I started to get very anxious.

"Formal greetings. The girl is the Silver Snowflake of the Black Heavenly Blind, and people usually call me the Four Horsemen. I hope you will escort me in the future."

Her greeting was so full of grace that the frivolity of a moment ago felt like a lie. Mo Yonghui was at a loss as to her true nature. Mo Yonghui returned the favor with a sweeping gesture.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Moyong Sega, Moyong Hwi."

It's the simplest, most straightforward greeting, if you ask me.

"Oh my, you must be Confucius, the Seven Divine Swords, whose fame has reached the ladies of the Black Sea, and I am honored to meet you."

Eunuch Lan was also stunned when she realized Mo Yonghui's identity. The Heavenly Martial Academy had prepared a very strong hand.

It wasn't until they stood there that they realized who the other was.

He had been holding off on introducing them until they were face to face. As expected, Eunseulan was surprised. The reputation of Mo Yonghui, the Sword of the Seven Deadly Sins, was well known in the Black Sea, especially among women.

"Hehehe, it seems that Mo Yonghui's fame has reached the other side of the Black Heavenly Blind."

Majinga burst out laughing.

"Of course. He's so popular among the women, most of the late masters of the Black Dao don't even dare to name him. Then I can say that I'm very lucky to be escorted by the famous saber master, Mo Yong, the Seven Saber Divine Sword. Thank you. Lord Ma!"

Eunseulan greeted him affectionately. No one would be able to resist such an affectionate greeting.

"Heh, heh, heh, heh, you're welcome, he should feel honored to be escorting such a fine lady as Sojae."

"Gosh, you're being very generous."

Mazinger's laughter grew louder as he listened to her sweet and cute voice. For Mazinger, she was a woman he liked the more he looked at her. She felt as comfortable as a granddaughter.

Mo Yonghui was not happy at all.

'Phew… women are…….'

The more he looked at her, the more he became curious about women. Mo Yonghui finally had to admit that the woman in front of him was someone he couldn't handle alone. It was also embarrassing for him to keep her by his side all the time. Finally, he came to the conclusion that he was not the right person for the job, given all the circumstances.

Tianguanzhu Mazinga must have been very surprised to see that the inspector was a young girl. He must have felt like he'd been slapped in the back of the head on the side of the road. Of course, he's all smiles now.

"There must be someone more qualified than me!

Finally, Mo Yonghui came to the conclusion that he should resign his position, which he thought was the highest and best option, but life is a fickle creature, and a pretty mean one at that.

Initially, Mo Yonghui was chosen as a reception escort because he was not only sincere and skilled, but also because he could make a good impression on the inspectors with his outstanding abilities and exemplary appearance. Of course, as an escort, she would be sharing the room next door, but who would have thought that the Black Heavenly Blind would send a young woman, barely twenty-five years old, who looked like someone who couldn't wait to stab someone in the back of the head!

Neither the flying brains of the Academy of the Heavens nor Mazinger himself had expected a maiden as young as Eunseulan to be sent. Moreover, Eunseulan's cheerful, bubbly, and cheerful personality, coupled with her overabundance of affection, had brushed off some of the suspicions, so her psychological defenses had been slow to kick in. As it was, she was almost defenseless. To Mazinger, this was dangerous.

I wondered if I should change it, since I couldn't keep all the grown men and women together. But Eunsulan told me that I didn't have to. In fact, she said she was very happy with it. But that didn't mean I couldn't keep them together in the presence of other people's eyes. There was too much noise around them.

Some of Mo Yonghui's fanatical followers were already screaming at the top of their lungs, drowning out Mazinger's ears. It was very, very, very, very human.

So Mazinger decided to have another person as an escort to balance the gender. This time, of course, the escort was a woman. On second thought, two people would be much better than one in a crisis. "So, who among the Guandao is best suited for this job?" thought Mazinger, but it was strange. No matter how much he thought about it, and thought about it, and thought about it, and thought about it again, there was only one person in his mind. He tried to think of someone else, but it was impossible.

I'm Yerin!

He knew better than anyone that no one could be trusted with a blade, especially one flying in the dark.

This was because he was one of the few people who had known about Na Yerin's innate ability for a long time due to his longtime friendship with Martial Saint Nie Bai Tian. A spiritual power that was not acquired, but innate!

Dragon eyes!

There was no one better suited to pick up on suspicious vibes than her. There was also the slightest hope that, being the same woman, they might be able to communicate. But given Na Yerin's personality, I didn't expect to be granted permission.

So now Mazinger is putting aside his dignity and appealing to Na Yerin.

"Yerin, I'm sorry, but I'm going to ask you a favor. You're not going to coldly refuse the request of this uncle who's been taking care of you since you were a little girl, are you?"

Mazinga was so desperate for Na Yerin's help that he used his uncle's authority to appeal to his emotions, even resorting to the art of withdrawal.

Where in the world can you find the majesty of the Tendai Kwanju Iron Fist Mazinger?

Na Yerin was stumped.

Na Yerin meets the quadrupedal silver snowflake!

Na Yerin had to ponder for a moment why she was suddenly here. The only thing she knew for sure was that she couldn't refuse Mazin's request.

Why didn't I say no back then, and how did I end up here? A sudden wave of regret washed over me.

"Oh my God, what a beautiful woman!"

It was a pure exclamation from Na Yerin when she first saw her. No matter how you look at it, Na Yerin's beauty is undeniable, but Eunseulan is also a woman who is very honest with her feelings.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't you think?"

Eunseulan asked Mo Yonghui, who had been assigned as her escort, as she rubbed her side. Mo Yonghui had just received the news that he would still be escorting Eunseolan, along with the famous Na Yerin, and was in despair.

So there was no way I was going to get a good answer.

"I see."

Mo Yonghui's answer remained unchanged and blunt; his demeanor was like a sheer cliff, steadfastly rejecting all change around him. But there is a difference between steadfastness and stubbornness, as big as the difference between life and death, and Mo Yonghui could not be accused of being the latter.

"Wow, you're really out of touch, and it's so rude to have two such stunning beauties in front of you and not change your complexion."

Eunseulan said, her face pale.

"Then I'm off!"

Mo Yonghui was trying to pull away, his demeanor unyielding. Eunuch Lan could tell that her words hadn't made any difference to him. She had the feeling that this man was quite formidable.

"Where are you going?"

Mo Yonghui was about to retreat, but Eunseulan grabbed him and held him up.

"Now that I, Sojae, am here, I'm going to retire."

That was the last thing Mo Yonghui wanted. Even with the two exquisite beauties by his side, Mo Yonghui didn't feel the joy of a man. On the contrary, he found the presence of women of the opposite sex to be very intimidating and burdensome, and his body naturally stiffened. This is not to say that he had any homosexual tendencies.

Eunuch Snow Lan did not approve of Mo Yonghui's determination. She made a pouting face and said with a slightly exaggerated gesture. From the sound of it, it was almost a semi-coercive threat.

"Oh, you're too much of a master! You're going to leave two beautiful women in the danger zone, and you're going to drain yourself alone? You're so confident that you can leave two women on the edge of death and not have a guilty conscience? Is that all you're capable of?"

Mo Yonghui was at a loss for words in response to Eunseulan's fluent speech and its outrageous power. It was impossible for his honest, simple mind to conjure up an argument against her words. In truth, she wasn't wrong. It would be very difficult for just the two of them to handle the situation if something went wrong. Even if they were safe now, the role of a receptionist was to prepare for the unexpected.

Mo Yonghui was dumbfounded, and then Na Yerin bluntly handed him an official letter stating that Mo Yonghui was still required to accompany her to act as Eunseulan's bodyguard. Upon seeing it, Mo Yonghui fell into even deeper despair. It was a death notice that his opinions had been dismissed.

"Phew, I can't do that."

Finally, Mo Yonghui raised the white flag. He had no choice. But the unpleasantness remained the same. It was impossible for a relationship that had been so uncomfortable to turn into a comfortable one so quickly.



Mo Yonghui sighed deeply at the ground, and Eunseulan called him back. Apparently, she was burning with a sense of mission to not let this man get away with this.

"Sighing in the presence of two beautiful women is a great disrespect, and will you be responsible if someone interprets your sigh in a different way and hurts your feelings and causes you to get weepy? Always remember that women are always sensitive to such little things!"

Once again, Eunseulan didn't forget her kindness in paying attention to Mo Yonghui, who was like a vein, with her rapid-fire speech. Mo Yonghui bowed his head and listened to her in silence.

Eunseulan greeted Na Yerin with a fresh, elegant smile.

"So you must be Na Yerin, the famous Jeong-Do First Flower Heavenly Flower Bing-Baek-Bong, it's so nice to meet you."


Na Yerin nodded her head without much emotion. For a moment, Eunseulan wondered if they were brother and sister.

Thus, the quadrupedal silver snowflake's receptionist went from one man to two men and two women.

Now new ties were intertwined in one place, and a new story was about to begin. The threads of fate were bringing different destinies together, binding them into a single bond, and weaving the fabric of a new story.

The incident happened surprisingly sooner than expected.

Five days is a short period of time, but it's enough time to eliminate the awkwardness in a relationship. However, the relationship between Eun Seolan, Na Yerin, and Mo Yonghui was still awkward, even though the sun had risen and set five times.

It wasn't in her nature to sit back and watch the very cold Na Yerin and the blunt Mo Yonghui. In the five days that she had been escorted by them, she had learned that both Mo Yonghui and Na Yerin were extremely unsociable people. She could recite the entirety of their conversations if someone asked her to, and she hadn't spoken to them in over five days. She couldn't stand this frustrating reality, so she decided to do something about it.

But the road is long, and it's a rocky one. Improving relationships starts with conversation. The basis of socializing is conversation. But with these two, it's not easy to start the conversation.

If the urge to talk arose, Eunsulan would have to speak up and lead the conversation. This was the case again.

"Hey, Yerin!"

Na Yerin quietly called out to her.

"Can I help you?"

The very businesslike tone didn't discourage Eunsulan; she'd already made up her mind.

"So… do you have a boyfriend?"

Silverflame asked, unassumingly. Her cheeks didn't turn crimson.


Na Yerin replied firmly.

"You are beautiful, even to me, a woman of the same sex, and I can't help but sigh……."

He tries to steer the conversation toward one of the woman's main interests, beauty, but Na Yerin's response is cold.

"The last thing you want to do is draw attention to yourself just because you're beautiful."

Was it the wrong topic? The conversation was stuck in a rut.

"It's said that if a beautiful woman like you were to move, it wouldn't be unheard of for a country to tip over. In ancient times, a beauty like you was referred to as a 'beauty that could topple a country'?"

"I have no desire to go through life cowering to men."

Eunseulan nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, well, they're still kids, they're immature, they're basically wolves, and the mission of beauties like us is to keep them in their skirts and play with them in the palm of our hands."

Eunseulan laughed heartily. To Mo Yonghui's ears, her words did not sound like a joke at all.

"That's a radical idea."

That was the end of Na Yerin's answer. Eunseulan was embarrassed by the way her palms kept flailing in the air. But she didn't give up.

"You are indeed as cold as an ice cube, and I wonder who will win your heart……. I see the desperate struggle of men to claim you, the endless duels, the jealousies and envy, and the bloody paths that will be forged in this maelstrom of chaos. Too much beauty is a sin."

"You're beautiful too!"

Na Yerin's words were true. She wasn't lying, and the beauty of the silver snowflake was indeed worthy of being called a masterpiece. They didn't call it the Black Island Five Dynasties for nothing.

"Oh my God, really? Rejoice!"

Eunsulan jumped for joy. She was almost overly cheerful. Apparently, she was making progress with this new Na Yerin she didn't know.

She wished she was more like this Sojae named Na Yerin, whose indomitable spirit was a model for all men who challenge women.

"We're going out to buy clothes, okay?"

It was a spur-of-the-moment suggestion, and the originator was none other than Eunsulan.


For Na Yerin, clothes were enough if they were comfortable to move in, protected from the wind and rain, and covered her body. She didn't need to buy, of course, because there were plenty of fancy clothes to go around. But the colorful silks with all sorts of trinkets were not enough to satisfy her. She usually returned them, but some she kept. It wasn't because she liked them. Usually, it was because It's usually one of two things: "I'd be honored to receive it, so please don't refuse!" or "If you give it back, I'll bite my tongue and die on the spot!". The latter, of course, is the most annoying, and even more annoying are the radicals who will put a knife in your mouth if you don't try it on, and the weirdos who just want you to try it on for once, with a smirk on their face, and then return it.

'"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!'

It was the first favor she'd asked for since she'd entered the Heavenly Martial Academy. Na Yerin couldn't refuse Ning's request, which bordered on coercion.

And so began the first outing of the quadruple flowering silversides.

"It's a peaceful place."

"Sure. We haven't had any fights break out here yet."

Until yesterday, of course.

Located in the downtown area of Nanchang, it's a very famous and lucrative liquor store, the Five Star Hotel!

On the third floor of the five-story, super-sized ballpark, two men were currently drinking heavily. One was a young man in his early twenties who was furiously devouring the liquor and lavishly laid out appetizers as if he were trying to exterminate them, while the other was a middle-aged man in his forties who was watching the young man's voracious appetite. The middle-aged man was a thief who looked like he was covered in red. The two were Yi Yun and Bi Ryuyeon.

Clink, clink, clink, clink, clink!

The culprit's appetite is unbelievable, and he eats so much that he doesn't gain a single pound, but where does all that food go?

Also, is this author's stomach the universe? The more I looked, the more I wondered about the Yeomdo. Already, there were a lot of dishes of appetizers piled up in the middle of the room, all cleaned and emptied.

How much can you eat when it doesn't cost you anything? Yeomdo never… never… wanted to see it end, even if he died and woke up.

Yeomdo stared at Bi Ryuyeon with a fearsome gaze. The cup in his hand was unwilling to empty, as if he had forgotten his place.

"Why, are you worried about something?"

Bi Ryuyeon, who had stopped eating for a moment, asked.

"Uh… no."

Although she said no, she couldn't stand the sight of the ever-increasing bill. Apparently, she was desperate to drive him into financial ruin.

My stomach, which had been aching, was now bubbling like lava. It's a wonder I didn't burn a hole in my stomach.

'Damn, I lost again…….'

If we hadn't lost, we wouldn't be here, blowing our own money and feeding Bi Ryuyeon.

Now I'm going to be stuck with this tedious apprenticeship for six months, and it's going to make me angry, resentful, and resentful.

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