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Book 8 Chapter 2

A Thousand in a Day

-Battles with the Iron Horsemen (鐵脚飛行隊)

A bad name (孤掌難鳴)!

There's an old saying that a hand clap needs to be seen to be heard.

Unfortunately, there is a law of duplicates in the world,

According to the law of exchange, conversations can't happen in isolation.

Anyone who can hold a conversation on their own is almost certainly a deranged lunatic, a schizophrenic, or a multiple personality, and it's probably a good idea to keep your distance from them.

For some time now, a strange confrontation had been going on between a boy who had fearlessly stood in the way of the black tornadoes of the Iron Scaffold. As the boy remained silent after being asked for his name, Wei Muxiang decided that he would have to speak first, otherwise he had an ominous premonition that this endless silence would continue. Finally, Wei Muxiang took the first step in talking to Bi Ryuyeon.

"What the hell is your purpose?"

Wei Mu Shang, the commander of the Iron Scimitar Corps, asked. When you kill, you have to kill with questions, otherwise you'll be left with a nagging feeling in the back of your head.

"He's just the ubiquitous disruptor."

When asked about her purpose, she answered with a question about who she is. In a nonchalant tone, she casually revealed her identity. But while it may not have been a big deal for the speaker, it was a big deal for the listener.


"No, you don't, you're talking about people in so-called professions whose job it is to professionally sabotage what others are doing, striking a decisive blow to the purpose of their actions."

"Do you want to die?"

Wei Mu Shang exhaled a thick flesh.

He hadn't seen anything like this overboard since he'd been captain of the Iron Scimitar Squadron. But to tell the truth, the boy's death was already preordained, so his threats were pointless. It doesn't change the fact that the boy is about to die anyway.

"Death is not scheduled until after three hundred years or so, though it is said to be a short life. Isn't true beauty, the beauty of sobriety, that which subdues even death?"

Hearing his chicken voice, Wei Musang's face contorted into a grimace. He had never seen such a freak before.

"You're talking about wanting to die! I'll kill you if you wish! You dare to block the path of our ironclads, and while your courage and mettle are imaginary, your recklessness is beyond human praise."

"I learned for the first time today that computed execution can be described as recklessness."

Bi Ryuyeon was not thinking about his own death at all; there was no smell of death emanating from anywhere on his body.

"So you thought you could stand in our way and get away with it?"

"We can go back, right?"

It's a simple statement, and the response is usually a shrug, like it's not a big deal to block a path, but it's the kind of response that makes you feel hot under the collar and steaming inside your head.

"Kkkkk, you cheap little bastard……."


It was the hitherto silent Grandmaster of the Iron Carving Scrolls, Gu Tianhua, who caught the frenzied Wei Mu as if he were about to pounce.

He did not dare to commit disloyalty to the authority of astronomy, no matter how dignified. His belief in astronomy bordered on fanaticism. The message was clear.

Wei Mu Shang looked at Bi Ryuyeon again and said.


"Where is the kid here?"

Bi Ryuyeon snapped. One of Wei Mu Shang's eyebrows twitched for a moment, but he couldn't waste any more time arguing with her, for that was one of the things the Great Lord Gu Tianhua hated.

"Hey, young man!"

Reluctantly, he chose to compromise. After the compromise, he was going to kill it.

"What's wrong?"

Finally, Bi Ryuyeon answered. Life sprang to life in Wei Mu Shang's heart. He was a lowly bastard with nothing to give.

"Do you have a star sign? I'll give you a star sign as a special commemoration of your honor as the reckless fool who single-handedly blocked the path of the Iron Scaffold, and I'll honor your foolishness, stupidity, and recklessness for generations to come."

"Asterisks? I don't have any!"

"What? Nothing?"

"Yes, I don't have it, and it doesn't make my life any less comfortable if I don't have it, so why should I have it?"

But it was an absurd and unwarranted counter-question, even for a generalist like Wei Mu-san. He seems to be pretending to be surprised when he shouldn't be, Bi Ryuyeon thought.

A brief silence fell between them.

"Are you sure you don't have one? Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure? Are you sure?"

Wei Muxiang replied, sneer and bewilderment written all over his face. Ordinarily, he would have thrown him under the horses' hooves and crushed him without asking a question.

"Yeah, seriously, I'm not kidding, I don't have it."

Actually, it wasn't. There was a pearl-like star symbol called the Transport Dynasty's "Fateful Strike" that had been circulating within the Heavenly Martial Academy, but it hadn't yet reached Bi Ryuyeon's ears.

It was because Joo Jak Dan and Yeom Do were around to block the information on their own, and there was no one else with a big enough brain to play around with her star sign.

He knew all too well the devastation that bloody retribution could bring.


Wei Mu's lips twisted further and further, and the sneer on his face deepened.

"Yes! No!"

Now he couldn't even be bothered to answer. In his opinion, the martial arts people sometimes tended to focus too much attention on frivolous trappings that didn't really matter. To him, it was a waste, but that didn't make it any less valuable to others.

'Heh, heh, heh! I guess life is full of weird things. I can't believe I get to do this…. I guess the world is a place to live and let live?'

Wei Muxiang couldn't help but wonder what was making him so excited.

"I'm speechless at the thought that the kid who interrupted our iron horse is an insignificant brat."

In the Wulin, no matter how insignificant something is, if it has been given a star or a Wulin name, it means that it has gained a certain amount of recognition. Those who hadn't yet earned a star could only be judged to be third-rate, ineffectual. If you were a first-class player, you would at least have a star sign, even if it wasn't the Absolute Invincible Divine Sword, but something as trivial as the Three Bears of Hasak. In a world where even bandit bosses have a star sign or two, failure to obtain a star sign was tantamount to failure to establish an adopted name.

But this common sense didn't extend to Bi Ryuyeon. For every law of the world, there is always an insignificant and unfortunate exception.

"I guess you can get by with a fancy name these days, huh? I didn't realize that a good name proves a lack of accomplishment!"

Bi Ryuyeon said with a smirk. He looked down on her.

"You insolent little brat, do you want to die?"

The short-tempered troop leader was fuming once again. It was Wei Mu Shang himself who was stalling for time, caught in the middle of Bi Ryuyeon's words, even though he had been given the order to kill earlier, but he was completely unaware of it at the moment.

A low, authoritative voice interrupted the action of the deputy commander, who was trying to figure out how to cook this cocky bastard.


The Iron Carving Steeple Grandmaster, Jian Chen, had called him once again.

"Yes, lord!"

The vice-captain, who quickly corrected his posture, replied.

The teachings of the Great Master of the Iron Scrolls had always been apocryphal to him.

"We have a long way to go. We've waited too long."

The voice was quiet, but the command in it was clear. I was not swollen enough to refuse the command.


After the ceremony, Wei Mu Shang turned his head to look at Bi Ryuyeon.

"Kid, I wish I could tell you to go back to your mother's milk, but we've never spared anyone who stood in our way. You are no exception."

"Since you won't go back on my friendly warning, I guess this ends our negotiations."

Bi Ryuyeon put on the most pitiful expression she could muster.

"If it were you, would you go back?"

Bi Ryuyeon shook her head from side to side. Then she spoke in a low voice.

"In that case, I won't be keeping my things in my hand either."

Lightning Sword Ultimate Secret (窮極秘意)

Spirituality (靈絲心結)

Absolute Spiritual Defense Nihilism (虚無道)


Bi Ryuyeon's hidden eyes began to glow golden. There was no longer a trace of emotion in her golden eyes, not even the slightest remnant of it. It had become a weapon for destruction and killing.

Originally created as a mental discipline for its single-pointed focusing effect, it had another purpose: to act as a shield to protect the mind and spirit from trauma, confusion, and external mental interference.

Once triggered, it completely paralyzes compassion, or sympathetic emotions. There is no fear at the sight of blood. And there is no sense of guilt. The mind is surrounded by an iron wall.


Wei Mu Shang raised his hand in the air.


At the signal of his hands being raised to the sky, the two warriors escorting the troop leader, Wei Mu Shang, slowly stepped forward, pulling their iron horses. Now they would spur their horses on as soon as Wei Mu Shang's hand was lowered. In their hands, the inky black spears were already twisted together. It was a voracious weapon that had fed on the blood of hundreds.

It was then.

Poof! Poof!

The sound of something heavy hitting the ground, followed by a long, drawn-out voice.

"Yikes… cool!"

Wei Mu-san's eyes caught the image of Bi Liu-yan stretching out his limbs in a leisurely manner, his voice sounding like the exultation of someone who has been shedding twenty years of weight, or, if you listen closely, like a glorious victor after a six-month battle with constipation. At the sight of it, Wei Muxiang had to hold back from lowering his raised hand.


Ryu-yeon did a little trot in place.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The joints in his body played a joyful tune, and he felt so light that he could break free of his earthly bonds and soar into the sky at any moment.

"It's been a while!"

It had been a long time since I'd been able to untie the two Muklong Circles that were clinging to my legs like water demons. The suppressed energy in my body was activated and rampaged through my body like crazy. It was hard to control the surging impulse. My legs refused to stay still. I felt like a hawk that had broken its chain.

Bi Ryuyeon barely managed to control the rampaging energy within her body, and her arms drooped.

With her arms outstretched and her whole body relaxed, she was nature itself.

"You're welcome to come in anytime."

In a confident voice, Bi Ryuyeon said.

"You cheeky bastard!"

Wei Musang didn't want to wait any longer.

His hand slid downward with force.

It was a death sentence.

When viewed from the front, Cao Cao, who is to Bi Ryuyeon's right, holds the reins of his horse in his left hand and a spear in his right hand. On the other hand, Zhu Guang, a flying spearman standing to Bi Ryuyeon's left, holds the reins in his right hand and the spear in his left, so that he can attack from the left and right at the same time.

Wei Mu Shang's hand lowered, and at the same time, Bi Hengxiang Chang spurred his horse on, their words shooting off at the speed of arrows.

They would simultaneously charge in on both sides of Bi Ryuyeon, and once Zhao Gul slashed Bi Ryuyeon's waist, Zhu Guang would seize the moment to slit his throat.

They had always escorted Wei Mu-sang and acted in unison, so their eyes alone were enough to confirm each other's intentions. It was not a matter of guessing once or twice.

But their intentions were not fulfilled. The unthinkable had unfolded before their eyes.

Spurred on by their horses, they redoubled their speed, unaware that the ground was closing in on them at a terrifying rate.

And a booming sound echoed across the barren, desolate land.

Kudang, kudang, kudang!



For a moment, Wei Muxiang gulped in air. At the same time, his eyes widened to tears.

Suddenly, as if making a promise, the two horses folded their front knees in half. Unable to withstand the speed at which they were running, their bodies were thrown forward, and they spun in circles in the air, thanks to the force they hadn't lost.

As if on cue, both Phil's horses kicked up a cloud of dust in unison. It was a sight to behold, non-human horses spinning forward in the air on their axes, not something you see every day.

"How… how can this be?"

He was so shocked that he stuttered to speak. His body ached.

"Oops, oops, I must have tripped over a rock, I should have been more careful."

Bi Ryuyeon spoke with exaggerated gestures, as if she was genuinely worried, and the listener couldn't help but feel abhorred, not grateful, for her concern and concern.

"Shut up, you freezing bastard!"

There is no way that an ironclad steed could have been stumbled by a stone beak like that! It was clear that he had been tricked by something. The problem was that he couldn't recognize the trick.

Moreover, the mangy spears on the floor were no longer willing to move. Their necks were twisted in strange ways. They had already stopped breathing.

After performing such a spectacular trick, their master, Disgruntled Shuangchang, fell to the ground and broke his neck. It was a ridiculous and futile end for a master, as the armor they wore was so heavy that it hindered their movement.

"You fool, what have you done?"

Wei Musang shouted at the top of his lungs. It was as if he had been dreaming in broad daylight.

"Well? What do you mean, I don't know anything about this?"

Wei Mu Shang couldn't shake the feeling that he was being played. A sweet urge to crush Bi Ryuyeon's fresh face dominated his soul.

What Bi Ryuyeon had done was simple: she had unwound the thunderbolts without the people's knowledge and wrapped them loosely around the front legs of the two pillars' horses. If she had stayed still, nothing would have happened, but as the horses began to run, the thunder spirit threads tightened and sealed the front feet of the ironclad horses, causing them to crash into the ground unable to overcome the force of the run.

Gu Tianhua's complexion hardened even more as he watched. Even he didn't know what had just happened. Gradually, Gu Tianhua realized that his body was instinctively tensing up, and he was surprised.

"The Four Great Storms!"

Wei Mu Shang opened the gate and loudly called out to the four great masters of the Iron Sculpture Pavilion. His face was as red as iron in a brazier. At this point, even if he won, it would be difficult to avoid humiliation. He couldn't afford to suffer further humiliation here.

With a good blow, they could tear this cocky kid to shreds. No sooner had they called for it than they saw the boy's blood splattered in the air, colorful as a fallen flower.

The Four Great Winds, the four great winds of the Iron Sculpture Pavilion, the four great winds of hot wind, cool wind, mad wind, and autumn wind, came to the fore, exuding thick speculation.

I wanted to go out and hand out punishment, but I couldn't because of hierarchy and dignity. There was no need for him to be the second in command. They would be more than enough!

'Is it a trap…….'

Wei Muxiang concluded that the futile death of the Bihui Pengchang must have been caused by an invisible trap. It was also the most common sense and universal way of thinking.

Of course, there was no such thing as a trap; there was no spare time for that, and even if there had been, Bi Ryuyeon was not diligent enough to go through the trouble of digging a trap and setting up a tracheostomy. It was more economical to dispose of them with her bare hands if she had the strength to do so.

'It must be a trap, and I can't think of anything else.

Wei Mu-sang was wrong, but neither Wei Mu-sang nor Shi Dai-feng realized it.

"Beware of the traps!"


The four winds answered in unison.

Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack!

The four great winds raged against her, their flesh piercing through her at once. The spears in their hearts had already cut off her breathing.

"May you do business with the best of them!"

"Bokmyeong! Iriyat!"

At Wei Mu Shang's signal, the four horses stampeded the ground at the same time and leaped forward. Their breathing was synchronized as if they were one, and their eyes flashed with keenness.

Despite the fact that they were still a dozen zhangs away from Bi Ryuyeon, they thrust forward with the spears they were carrying, either in their hands or at their sides.

Did he think he could reach it when he still had over a dozen to go?

Iron Flying Squadron (鐵脚飛馬隊)

Concatenator (連環合擊技)

The Four Horsemen (四騎連環) The Iron Chain (铁鎖旋風)

Clack, clack, clack!

With a snapping sound, the spears they held out in front of them began to separate and stretch. They were connected by long, thin chains, compressing a distance of ten feet in an instant. Distance was no longer an issue.

The spiraling chain slashes of the four of them swirled together in the air. The dust around them swirled and was swept into the vortex they had artificially created.

A swirl of sharp blades, denser and more massive than ever, engulfed Bi Ryuyeon. Ferocious and hideous!

Faced with a terrifying whirlwind of iron chains that threatened to crush (粉碎) everything in front of him, he had no intention of backing down. Bi Ryuyeon seemed to be a person who had a serious sense of discomfort with the idea of taking a step backward.

Bi Ryuyeon had lost her fearlessness and didn't even try to dodge. It was as if she had been nailed to the spot. She didn't even move to see if she had glue on the soles of her feet or roots in the ground.

Only his eyes, sinking deep, deep into the abyss, silently faced reality.

"Here we go!"

Finally, she made her move.

Bi Ryuyeon swung her right hand horizontally once.

Lightning Sword Righteousness Sword Qi

Chapters in the Cutscene

Cut (切削)

Heaven and Earth (天地二分)

Soundless, silent fingers!

But its power was such that even the heavens recognized it.


In a flash of light, like a luminous mirage, a line was drawn that bisected the space between heaven and earth.

The vortex of spiked iron that had been swirling ferociously to devour Bi Ryuyeon's life had been split in half like a lie. It was like a lie, like a fabrication.

A special move that had yet to fail in a one-on-one fight had been destroyed by a single gesture from my opponent. I wasn't the only one shocked, and the urge to deny reality was understandable.

The golden blade of light didn't just target the swirl of the spear blade. The razor-sharp blade of light swept through the four pillar horses at once, slicing them in two. Their inscrutable, inscrutable aura was like a lie.

A chill ran down Wei Muxiang's spine. The goosebumps were still raging, and he had no intention of letting them go.

I've never heard of a sword so sharp, fast, and fearsome as the rumors.

Having lost half of its body, the horse's center of gravity rapidly lurched forward, causing it to somersault forward. Of course, it was impossible for the rider to be unharmed in this situation.

The top half of Nephil's horse crashed to the ground, spraying a red mist of blood in the cloudy dust. The Four Winds, who had been charging with such vigor just moments before, were blown through the air and slumped to the ground. Their heavy iron armor proved to be a deadly poison to them. It paralyzed their movements and drained their lives.

"Thud, thud, thud!"

With a loud crackling sound that reverses the rotation of the neck vertebrae…….

That day, the names of the four were erased from the roster of the Iron Horsemen. Instead, the four of them were named on the receipt for the Black Heavenly League's fallen soldiers, and the money was transferred to the Finance Department.

"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep on this, I might end up cleaning up the body."

Cheong Hyeon said, turning his serious face toward Yeomdo.

"Mmm, a corpse… might be good."

The desire that if he could get rid of that person's body, he too could be freed from this tiresome nightmare wheel, rose up from the recesses of his mind and stretched his patience.


A footnote followed.

"That can't be right, we can't let him go. No matter what anyone says, he's not a disciple of the Heavenly Martial Academy, and we can't let him walk to his death like this, can we?"

Yeomdo pretended to think about Qingheon's comment.

Even as someone who knew more about Bi Ryuyeon's skills than anyone else here, he couldn't easily guarantee a victory. Normally, he would have written a letter of guarantee, guaranteeing her victory over a dozen times over, but this was a tricky opponent. He was familiar with the famous eight characters that described the might of the Iron Carving Scrolls, the Gale Flying Horse and the Invincible Iron Armor. There was no guarantee that even the best of the best would be able to defeat these celebrities.


Yidou's eyes sank into the depths. Would this be the end of her fate? The human vessel that was Bi Ryuyeon was not perfect. Even he, who had been by her side for more than a year and a half, had not yet seen the end.

Yes! No matter how hard I tried to wrap my head around it, I couldn't imagine that this man, Bi Ryuyeon, would be so recklessly sacrificing himself in an unwinnable fight, especially one that didn't seem to suit him the most.

'What kind of human is that…….'

It's also wrong to think too highly of people. No matter how much he tried to force himself to give her a good rating for her humanity, the chances of that happening were too slim. She wasn't called a monster for nothing.

Yeomdo said in a low voice.

"It's a very positive thing to consider just walking away from this! Don't you think?"

If this statement was made by anyone else, it would have been shrugged off, condemned, and moved on, but if it was made by Yeomdo, it was wrong. Because Yeomdo was one of the last people in the world who fit the definition of cowardice. The general consensus was that he didn't have the brains to be cowardly.

The low, salty voice rang in their eardrums with an ominous undertone.

So what does Mr. Yeomdo hope to answer here?

Qinghun had no clue as to the nature of the Yeomdo.

If I had two or three lives to spare, I'd feel free to answer, but alas, I only have one. No, I couldn't. It is not the act of the brave, but the act of the foolish, to throw away one's life so lightly.

"That's… me……."

Zhu Jiaodan and Wenmu Shuangxue could not answer, as if their mouths had been sewn shut with three hundred and sixty stitches of silk thread.

In fact, I was often unsure of what I should do next, so maybe I was taking it out on my kids for nothing.

It was hard to resist the temptation, knowing that if he died as he was, he would be free of his disgraceful apprenticeship without any effort on his part; but the great problem was that he could not afford to commit such a cowardice.

Eliminating the harms of the Murim with the principle of yidokujedok (以毒制毒: subduing poison with poison) is a simple matter of doing what is good for the Murim……. I hated myself for being so righteous today. If I had more wit, flexibility, and quickness, and less cunning and cowardice, things would be easier and cleaner.

It was one of those days where I really hated myself for letting my emotions get in the way of my logic.

"Ugh… what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?

His usual lack of hair was no exception today, and his thoughts were interrupted by the words of a woman.

"I'll have to go get it, though."

Yeomdo looked up and found the source of the beautiful voice.

When Zhu Jiaodan and Munmu Sibseng were talking and arguing about this and that, and Yidao was alone and lost in his own thoughts, there was a woman who quietly left her seat and got up. Walking silently toward the battlefield with her lips pressed tightly together, she was a slender woman with a beauty that was hardly of this world.


Surprised by Na Yerin's sudden behavior, Lee Jin-sul called out to her. Na Yerin turned and looked at her with impassive eyes.

"You don't have to follow me."

In a nonchalant voice, she said.


Yi Yun exclaimed in surprise, her will to stop Na Yerin's actions clear in her words, but she was not Na Yerin, whose actions would be determined by Yi Yun's words. She turned her attention back to the road ahead and walked in silence.

"I, Sojae, where are you headed?"

Baek asked quickly, stopping her in her tracks.

"Do I really have to say that?"

Na Yerin replied with a nonchalant face. It was a tone that told him not to ask the obvious. Baek Moo-young recovered from his momentary flush and continued.

"But you don't necessarily have to put yourself in harm's way alone, do you? You have to think of the people around you, too. If there's a hair-raising wound on Sojae's body, you're going to want to……."

The words that came next were so horrific that even I, a man of cool reason, could not bring myself to utter them. If there was even a scratch on Na Yerin's body, her fanatical followers, their hearts bursting with rage, would march into Sapa with flames in their eyes. Kang Ho would be swept up in the bloodshed of the Great War. It was horrifying to imagine.


Despite Baek Moo-young's words, she didn't dare to open her mouth to answer, just walked ahead in silence.

"Uh-uh-uh… Sojae, stop."

Once again, Baek Muyoung's attempts to stop Na Yerin proved futile. She escaped his grasp like an uncontrollable wind.

"Why am I walking down this path right now, why?

She didn't know why, but she decided to follow where her heart led her. A man like that wasn't worth the trouble, no matter what happened to him……. Na Yerin did not yet understand her actions.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, I can't just sit there and be a creep!"

Scratching his head, Luo Hak woke up. So did Nan Gongsang and Shen Yun. Jang Hong and Hyorong could not stand idly by. It was disgraceful for a man to allow a woman to lead the way on a harsh battlefield. Such a man was not worthy to be called a warlord.

The entire cast stood up.

"She's dangerous, so why don't you wait here?"

Tang San said. At that moment, Tang Wenhye immediately retorted.


For once, her rebuttal was accompanied by a punch.

"When did you become sexist, when did you start looking down on women?"

Tang Wentian's murderous gaze, like that of a venomous snake, probed Tang San's entire body.

Tang Xiu shuddered, cursing his mouth for teasing without properly exploring his surroundings. Still, he was the poor sap who had never won a battle of wills with this sister. He cursed his mouth for forcing him to dig a grave against his will. But the water was already spilled.

"Why can't you tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, when did you start belittling women?"

Dangsam was breaking out in a cold sweat because of one slip of the tongue.

"No… I… that's… not……."

Tang San was now a broken man. There was no way to escape from the heavenly realm.

The men all pitied his plight but dared not extend a helping hand. All the men around him could do was silently recite mournful chants in their minds.

"Why can't you tell me yet?"

Tang Wenhye's fingernails glistened in the sunlight, showing off her fearsome flesh. Tang San had no intention of accepting the prize next year.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I won't do it again, sis!"

He had no choice but to admit his fault and defeat, wringing his hands together and begging for his fingerprints to be worn off. No one dared to make eye contact with Tang Wenhui. Only women surrounded her, celebrating her victory and the advancement of women's rights.

"Do you think you can win?"

Yin Dao, who had already gotten up from his seat, spoke to everyone who was standing. As everyone else rose to their feet, Qinghui and Baekmu-young could no longer remain seated.

"There are times when you have to do something even if you don't feel like it, and when a woman is leading the way, a man shouldn't have to follow behind in disgrace, or worse, run away with his tail between his legs. I'd rather fight to the death than live with the stigma for the rest of my life."

Namgungsang said, his eyes shining with conviction. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Everyone's hearts had suddenly merged into one.

Na Yerin was still walking ahead of me.


"Heeeeeeeee! Kaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"What is that… what is that?"

Yeomdo asked.

"Is that… well?"

There was no way he could answer something he didn't know.

"Hey, this can't be a dream, can it?"

Suddenly a question arises!

"That… I don't know."

Namgungsang didn't have a straight answer.

When they arrived at the scene, what they witnessed was the unbelievable power of Bi Ryuyeon, who could split the Great Tornado in two with a single blow, and they were nailed to the spot. It was the same for Na Yerin.

Now the Black Blades no longer have to worry about the upkeep of the four Phil's horses they just rode. They can stop caring about all the public money that goes into feeding them or maintaining their even more expensive armor. They had the surest basis for erasing it from their books. And they would never have to worry about the salaries and life-risk allowances of the men on the four Phil's horses. Of course, there is still the matter of making sure that the four men are paid their due. But there will be no other expenditures.

Because just a moment ago, Bi Ryuyeon's blow had cut all of the warriors called the Four Great Winds who were charging on the four pillars' iron steeds horizontally in two.

At the end, the four bullies had to roll their eyes. It was a sign of defiance against the reality that someone had slashed four of them in a single day, and it was the last look on their faces.

The bodies of those who had once been whole, sliced cleanly apart in a blinding flash that seemed to split the heavens and earth! The blade-like flash of the gods split the heavens and earth, and your horse did a backflip in the air.

They stared blankly at the battlefield, forgetting what they had come here for.

Even in the middle of that desolate field, facing off against fifty iron horsemen who boasted vast numbers of men and armaments, Bi Ryuyeon's aura was imposing.

"Let's hold off on helping!"

The salt finally gave in.

It took me a while to figure out if this was a dream or real life.

"That… will do."

Everyone, frozen, nodded.

"Gee… is what I'm seeing an illusion? Or is this some kind of nightmare that's consuming my reality?"

A trembling voice from the depths of his lungs. Wei Mu Shang was truly afraid now.

"I could pinch your cheeks for you, but that's just the way it is. It couldn't be more true and right, and escapism is a bad habit."

Ryu-yeon Bi said sternly.

"I don't believe it."

How frustrating it must have been for a grown man to be so insistent in the face of a clearly visible reality! We have to understand the psychological state that Wimusang is currently in.

"Then you can't!"


Suddenly, Wimusang had to feel an excruciating pain in his right cheek. Screaming was the byproduct.

"What… what?"

As promised, she didn't pinch him. It was a searing, burning pain, and before he knew it, he had a bright red cut across his cheek.

"Uh…since when?"

"You said you were wondering if it was a nightmare or an illusion? Alas, what a good, kind, gentle young man you are… I am……."

Obviously, it was a very painful thing for a sane man to hear, but it helped me to recognize the reality of the situation.

"What am I going to do with this… thing?

I'm stuck. I need to see a solution so I can do something about it!

But this time, no matter how he tried, he couldn't figure it out. After thinking hard and smokily, Wei Muxiang had to realize once again that he was not a military man by any means. He was an action man, not a brain man. So he decided to settle the case by force of arms once again.

"Iron Twelve!"

In his confused state of mind, where he couldn't tell if he was sane or insane, Wei Mushang sang the Iron Rain Song.

They were born to be fearless warriors. The Enveloping Annihilation Technique performed by all twelve of them simultaneously was reputed to be even more powerful than the famous Four Great Winds Combat Technique. Originally, their siege techniques were meant to be used against multiple enemies, but today they would be used to eliminate a single enemy.

Their eyes were deadly serious, as they had already seen two false visions. As long as they were capable of learning, there was no room for condescension. The Iron Rain Twelve summoned all of their internal energy and focused it on the tip of the spear. There was no wind, but their cloaks fluttered with the momentum from their bodies.


A dozen ironclads lined up in a row.


Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!

The entire crew raised their spears in unison.

They lifted one of the many spears that hung from their harnesses. They had several spears hanging from their harnesses, as they favored attacking primarily with long-range javelins. They drew one of them. Their movements matched like cogs, as they had practiced hundreds of times.

"Javelin tax!"

With an iron clang, their spears were lifted over their shoulders. The chi was infused into the spear and materialized, like sword chi into a sword.

"Is it qi?"

Bi Ryuyeon looked intrigued.

I'd seen a glimpse of him in a demonstration by spear instructor Yu-kyu Un, but it was the first time I'd seen him in person.

Originally, the spear was often categorized as a military weapon rather than a martial arts weapon, so it was a fairly marginalized weapon in Baekdo.


At Wei Mu's signal, the horses stampeded the ground in unison and galloped forward.

"一點集中(一點集中)! Crossbow (十字投槍)! Fire!"

They threw their spears with all their might, adding the speed of their galloping horses to their trained strength. The target, of course, was Bi Ryuyeon. It was the invincible formation that the Iron Scaffolders boasted of, the one that had yet to miss.


A white flash of dazzling speed and devastating power pierced through He Guang, drawing a white trajectory toward Bi Ryuyeon.

The spears and javelins of the Iron Rain Twelve were blows of such brute force that they could pierce through plates of iron and shatter boulders. The character "b" in their epithet, Iron Rain, is a reference to their iron-like forearms. But Bi Ryuyeon didn't move from her position. Of course, she wasn't planning to kill herself.

飛雷刀 (飛雷刀) 独門 (独門) 秘傳身法 (秘傳身法)

Phoenix Dance Righteousness (奧義)

Midnight (振夜)


Like a swaying phantom night, Bi Ryuyeon's body swayed in layers of afterimages.

Shush, shush, shush!

All of the Heavenly Guards, not to mention the Iron Bisect, Wei Mu and Yan Dao, wiped their eyes with their sleeves.

The spears that had pierced her body fruitlessly embedded themselves in the earth, kicking up dust with a huge explosion. Her back was already a field of wormwood, but there was not a single wound on her body. All of their attacks had come to nothing.

When Bi Ryuyeon, who thought he had deflected all the javelin attacks, came to a halt, a spear in his hand.

She had parried a javelin with her bare hands, an attack that was said to be impossible to parry head-on. This was a woman who did not hesitate to do what she should have avoided. She had no fear in the first place. The fact that she managed to catch the spear despite being able to dodge it all seemed to be for show.

It was like saying, "I can do this… I'm not just avoiding it because I'm powerless!

"Oh… no!"

Wei Muxiang's mouth gaped open once more. His jaw joint was going to be out of whack today.

The Iron Bisons seemed to be confused, too, because for a moment their movements showed them acting out of control. But like masters, they soon regrouped.

"Wake up!"

Wei Muxiang shouted and scolded them. There was to be no more failure.

When his trusted offense, the Ten Deadly Javelins, failed, the leader of the Iron Rain Twelve immediately issued a new order.


With an iron clang, the spears were secured around their waists. Their spears began to glow with a pure white milky light as they thrust their polearms forward from their waistbands.

The twelve Iron Bastards instinctively knew that if this attack failed, it would mean their deaths, so they summoned all the energy in their bodies and charged head-on.

"Qigong Shock (氣槍衝擊)!"

At last, the strongest offensive formation of the Iron Horsemen stood before everyone.


Divided into two hands, Chulbisipyit drove their horses in and pressured both sides of Bi Ryuyeon.

Ten horses pounded the ground in unison, galloping forward. This was not a war, and more than ten men were only a hindrance to the siege of a single man. There was a danger that they might impede the movement of their comrades.

They were already planning to take her down with all their might, disregarding their own lives, but she showed no signs of fear.

On the contrary, Bi Ryuyeon laughed maniacally at them. His eyes glowed with golden light, and his heart froze cold. And his spirit, which had been unleashed, twisted into a single, sharp needle, emitting a frosty aura.

The iron twelve encircled him in a circle, surrounding him like a wall of iron, but the real attack did not come from the ten men who surrounded him in a circle, for they were ten men.


With their backs to the heavenly sun, the two horses leaped over the circular wall and thrust their spears into Bi Ryuyeon from the left and right at the same time. It was a tremendous feat of leaping and horsemanship, covering an enormous height of nearly three meters. In order to form this formation, their armaments were much lighter than the others.

Up, down, left, and right, there was no escape, but in the end, the Grim Reaper was unable to grab her by the hindquarters.

Lightning Blade Sword Qi Righteousness

Chapters in the Book of Heaven and Earth

Thunderbolt (雷擊打) Thunderbolt (千斤雷)

It looked like an invisible giant fist had sent the two horses flying backwards.

Two flashes of light pierced the two horses.


No, not pierced, but struck. A crashing sound echoed through the air, the sound of immense force colliding in one fell swoop.

Despite being hit by a sharp raindrop, the horse was surprisingly sent flying backwards by two sheets in midair. It was an unbelievable sight to behold.

"Wudang wudang wudang!"

It was only a matter of moments before the two of them were flying backwards. With the initial attack they had counted on thwarted, Iron Bisiphanyi immediately tried to launch a second all-out assault, but Bi Ryuyeon would have none of it.

Lightning Sword Righteousness Sword Qi

Chapters of the Four Gods Dance

Phoenix (鳳凰)

Soaring (鳳翼飛上)

The ten iron-clad soldiers who tried to encircle Bi Ryuyeon from the left and right were caught in a flurry of colorful sword qi from both sides, like phoenix wings. Once unleashed, the sword qi was as heartless as ice, showing no mercy.

The beating of the phoenix's wings turned into dozens of cold blades that slaughtered the iron-clad armies. Even the iron-armored horses were helpless before the glowing wings of the phoenix. They were shattered and cut into neat sections. A single phoenix soared into the sky, armed with the light of sword qi.

He was never given a chance to dodge, until a dazzling sword qi shot up into the sky in dozens of ripples to the left and right like the flapping of wings… until the rain of blood once again drenched the earth, and Bi Ryuyeon stood alone, unmoving, where he had first stood.

Fear of the unknown began to creep up from the depths of his mind.

"I can't believe it!"

Gu Tianhua, who had only been watching, was overwhelmed with admiration. His admiration for his opponent's martial prowess overcame his anger at what was happening to his men. It was one of the bad habits of Murimans. It was impossible to think of Bi Ryuyeon's astonishing divine power as human. It was already beyond human comprehension.

Who could believe that the Iron Curtain, that famous and renowned object of terror and symbol of power, had suffered a near-annihilating loss at the flick of a boy's fingers? The story was absurd to begin with.

Anyone who hasn't had their head screwed on straight or a poorly thought out mind has had that thought.

But as if to prove that there are still mysterious and inexplicable things that happen in this world, Bi Ryuyeon performed a trick.


Without hesitation, he walked forward and draped the mourning red over his shoulders. His fighting spirit was boiling, and he couldn't help but feel his body trembling. He had been a martial artist since birth, unable to help himself.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!"

Even as he muttered damn, damn, and tsububu, he rose to his feet and strode forward, sulking. Unknowingly, his steps led him to Bi Ryuyeon, who was facing off against the iron scaffold.

He barely resisted the urge to chop off his own legs as he walked silently toward it.

"I'm telling you, you're not walking because you want to, you're not doing it because you want to, you're not doing it because you want to, you're just walking because you have to, you really have to. Do you understand?"


Who could resist the power of Yeomdo?


Then he walked briskly toward the battlefield.

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