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Book 7 Chapter 5

No help is coming

- Don't expect it in the first place

"How am I supposed to do this?"

"Is the sky really asking for our lives as collateral?"

Qingfeng muttered in a low voice. Qing Shui was worried: who would be able to break through this thicket and deliver the message to the Shaman Sect's headquarters? Ambushes and death traps lurked everywhere. …….

You'll post your obituary on the other side before you even get to the shaman.

As far as they knew, there was only one person who could easily break through the siege on his own and deliver the message. The question was, how many of them could survive without dying while he went to deliver the news and bring back the troops? That was Cheong Hyeon's problem.

But Cheong Hyeon's worries were only his own, for Yidou had no inclination or desire to do so.

"Why isn't it coming?"

"Who's coming?"

Yeomdo exclaimed nervously.

"Earlier, Master must have said……."

"That's a lie, of course!"


Everyone was dumbfounded and stiffened like statues.

"I went myself and told no one to come, and they did not come!"

What does that even mean?

Yeomdo's last words were indecipherable. No, I didn't want to decipher it.

"But apparently……."

Surely, he thought, he had been told that there would be cheerleaders from the shamanic faction, and his ears had certainly been pierced in both directions. It was absurd to say that he had misheard.

"I told you not to come!"

Yeomdo once again drove a nervous wedge.

The question flashed through their minds, "Is this person taking pleasure in pushing us down into the depths of despair? Otherwise, how could he say such things so casually?

"Why did you do that?"

"You're going to get an eye out, stop floating!"

Looking into the wide-open eyes of Namgungsang, Yeomdo spoke forcibly. It was as if he was being stared at, and he didn't feel very good about it.

"I thought you said not to come?"

Namgungsang was also a bit persistent.

"Okay, what do you say?"

"No, why?"

Namgungsang wanted to know the reason for the absurdity of the situation, which, for a man synonymous with weakness and small-mindedness, was an act of defiance.

"I like it."

In a matter of hours, the entire Zhu Clan and the Heavenly Sword Sect united in their stunned expressions. They all began to wonder if their hearing was wrong.

"Support will soon come from the nonpartisans. Hang in there!"

It had only been a few sessions ago that Yeomdo had shouted out loudly in a deep voice, inspiring those around him. It hadn't been hundreds of years, so there was no way his memory was failing him.

And then they tell you it's a lie with a straight face and no guilt. It's crazy to be on the receiving end of a one-sided "lie".

The heavenly beings listened to him and retreated (of course, Galhyo Feng's rampage was the main reason), but they probably quickly realized it was a lie. There was no way that people who hadn't been called would come for no reason! The roads in all directions must have already been blocked. Qingfeng suddenly had a headache.

"So what do we do now?"

"Yes, it's dangerous as it is."

"Please do something about it!"

The murmur around them grew louder. Anxiety stole their breath, and the sense of crisis grew.

"We need to reach out to the nonpartisans as soon as possible, that's the best we can do."

"Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!"


A star sparkled brilliantly in front of the ranting king. It was the work of Yidao.


After a moment of silence, Bi Ryuyeon spoke up. All eyes were on her for a moment.


The corners of Qing Shui's eyes lifted slightly.

"Don't get your panties in a bunch over something as trivial as this, what kind of an astrologer are you if you can't solve something as trivial as this?"


"That's right, that's right!"

Yin Dao, who had been thinking about how to make the Southern Palace more glamorous, agreed with Bi Ryuyeon. As a result, Qingfeng couldn't find the words to refute her. He couldn't interrupt her when she was giving her opinion. Besides, he knew from experience that she was the kind of person who wouldn't let anyone disagree with her.

"It is not good to open your hands to others whenever you are in trouble. If you open your hands to adults every time something goes wrong, you'll never be a child. You have to take care of what happens in front of you. There's no guarantee that you'll be helped every time you open your hand!"

"So what do we need to do?"

Cheonghun asked on behalf of everyone.

"First you have to be strong!"

It was simple.


The raiders had sealed the line of communication, but both sides knew that the standoff would not last long.

Time was running out. Unfortunately, time was not on their side right now.

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discord ko-fi