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Book 7 Chapter 29

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Hyo Long: Have you ever heard of Kang Ho's necrosis?

Ryuyeon Bi : What do you mean?

Haven't you also heard the famous rumor that the secrets of each sect are being transcribed by mysterious individuals and spread to the great powers?

Ryuyeon Bi : I haven't heard anything about it.

Hyo Rong: Hehe, you're so out of touch with Kang Ho's biggest concerns these days, I doubt your ears are working properly!

Ryuyeon Bi : I'd say it's an exercise in futility.

Hyo Long: Is it okay to transcribe and scatter other people's martial arts?

"I don't care as long as I don't get caught! I'll make money, so what's stopping me from doing something?"

Useful: What if I get caught?

Jang Hong: Of course it's a problem then.

Hyo Long: Then shouldn't you do it, Mr. Hong?

Jang Hong: The temptation of crime is so sweet that it paralyzes one's reason, so even though you know you're doing wrong, you still fall for it. It's a ridiculous story.

Hyo Ryong : Of course it's a problem, isn't it? If you know it's a problem, you shouldn't start it at all, right?

Jang Hong: Criminals sometimes forget that illegal behavior has consequences! They think they won't be caught and punished.

Hyo Ryong: Is such a stupid way of thinking possible?

Jang Hong: I don't understand how they can't think with such simple common sense, but mysteriously there are often people like that in the world.

Hyo Long: That's interesting.

Jang Hong: And we're also surprised that there are so many crazy people around.

Hyo Rong: Haha, such a pathetic thing…….

Ryuyeon Bi : There are so many idiots around us!

Jang Hong: It takes a lot to commit a crime, even a life. Ryuyeon, what would you do if the Martial Art of the Thunderbolt Gate were to be transcribed and circulated in the Great Lake?

Bi Ryuyeon : Don't ask me the obvious question. We should chase him to the ends of the earth, plaster him, break his bones one by one, chop him to pieces, scoop out his skin layer by layer, pull out his intestines, salt him, and leave him neither dead nor alive! How dare we forgive such a man."

Jang Hong: Without killing it?

It's not revenge if you kill them easily, it's revenge if you leave them in a state where they can't die or live. Something as trivial as death, which is over in one go, doesn't even belong on the revenge scale. There's no such thing as a charitable act that gives death a peaceful rest.

Jang Hong: I'm not sure if I should tell you that you're great!

Hyo Long: If you can, just kill him! That's the way to be merciful!

Ryuyeon Bi : I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do. What excuse can they make? Even if they had a hundred mouths, they wouldn't say that.

Jang Hong: What if?

Bi Ryuyeon : Even if there are more than a hundred mouths, we can only crush them with severe punishment!

Hyo Rong: That's right!

Jang Hong: That's what it is…….

Hyo Ryong: That's right.

Jang Hong: You're the one who knows the world!

Ryuyeon Bi : Did you just realize that?

Jang Hong: Unfortunately, I see it now.

Ryuyeon Bi : So you didn't know this either?

Jang Hong: What do you mean?

Ryuyeon Bi : What can I say, we had a huge popularity contest for non-reliable characters and scenes.

Jang Hong: How could I not know that? Wasn't that an event at the unreliable cafe after the Internet (cafe.daum.net\/TGSNOSF)?

Hyo Long: Ah! I know that!

Jang Hong: Are the results in?

Ryuyeon Bi : Sure. Thank you very much, Emeria Kim.

Hyo Rong: Ah! Don't pause, announce the results quickly!

Ryu-yeon Bi : Hehe! You can know the result without opening the lid, so you don't have to despair.

Efficacy: An exception is an unspecified element that exists everywhere. The future is indeterminate, not fixed.

And now, the results are in: I, Bi Ryuyeon, lightly knocking others off their feet with the support and love of our readers, am proudly crowned the #1 Best Character. It's a result that was obviously expected, but it's nice to have it confirmed with a stamp of approval.

'HyoRyong & ZhangHong : Ehhhhh! I'm going to have to suspect an aggregation error.'

Ryuyeon Bi: Here's the tally, and for those of you who are curious or suspicious, here's the full disclosure.

Unreliability: The tally for the next cafe 5,000 user celebration event. We're making this announcement when we're ridiculously close to 10,000 users, so maybe we should have a 10,000 milestone event soon.

Best Character

1st place〉 Bi Ryuyeon (125 votes): Because he's the main character. He's hot-tempered, thrifty, the luckiest boy in the universe, crazy, good at martial arts, an ultra-super bat boy (not yet confirmed), and a money man (the protagonist is the protagonist).

2nd place: Mr. Nosabu (46 votes): Because he supports the main character and has a similar personality to Biyou. Because he is the only one who can bully the protagonist (the last remaining hope for the many people who have been victimized by her! Suspicions about her true identity are pouring in, but I will not comment).

3rd place: Na Yerin (42 votes): because she's a beautiful girl and she has a good heart (after all, cut-throat beauties are always welcome everywhere! Will her cold heart accept Bi Ryuyeon?)

4th place〉 Mo Yong-hui (31 votes): He's neat, handsome, and comes from a family (good for you, Mo Yong-hui! If you have a flaw, it's excessive perfectionism).

5th place〉 Hyo-Ryong(30 votes): Spies are mysterious (call it espionage)!

6th place: Yeomdo Kwak Younghee (25 votes): I feel sorry for you (Black, black, black! Be strong, Yeomdo! There is still hope! When will the day of liberation come).

7th place〉 Nohak (10 votes): I feel sorry for him because he had the courage to get beaten by Bi Ryuyeon (Unexpected propaganda! Nohak, Long live Nohak, Hope of 100,000 beggars).

8th place〉 Jang Hong (9 votes): Poor guy (apparently less pitiful than Yeomdo! Claims he's never been pitiful! His mysterious identity still seems to be a popularity factor! Focus on his marital status).

9th place〉 Namgungsang (7 votes): Because he was wounded by a tiger on behalf of Jinryung (unexpectedly genuine mugwort mac nam! He's currently heartbroken because he lost to Nohak, and Jinryung is trying to comfort him).

10th place〉 Junho Yoon (6 votes): I'm allergic to plum because it has martial arts potential (hope for you, Junho).

11th place〉 Lee Jin-sul (5 votes): Cute (and rising in popularity among female characters!).

12th place〉 Baek Moo Young, Cheong Hyeon (5 votes): No reason (tied for 12th place, showing off their strong friendship).

13th place〉 Bingbong Movie Guardian, Thunder Hawk (4 votes): The name is unusual because it's supposed to protect women.

14th place〉 Kwan Cheol-soo, Bi-yeon-tae, Joo Jak-dan(3 votes) : No reason

15th place〉 Chu Il-tae, Baekho(2 votes): No reason (Why do I have to tell these people why…).

16th place〉 Jinryung, Dokgo-ryung, Dang Cheol-young, Gumryu-hon Mok Jung-gyun(1 vote): Because I write non-reliance (Ohhhhh! Great! Long live you! You did it, but the joy is short-lived).

Worst Character

1〉 Mo Yong-hwi (37 votes): Too neat, too tidy, too smart (an unfortunate character who has a lot of people who love him but even more people who hate him, but he's taking solace in the fact that he came in third in the favorite character poll).

2nd place〉 Non-consensual (32 votes): I don't like the act of perverting, sniffing the cloth, etc. (I think that's the limit of perverts! I'm currently advocating for better treatment of perverts).

3rd place〉 Wei Zichen (31 votes): Man-hater, stalker, and just plain hated (Does anyone like stalkers these days? Man-hater. I hate persistent men. I'm a nerd).

4th place〉 Kwan Cheol-soo (19 votes): Took another man's woman, cold-blooded man, etc. (What more can you say about a man whose blood is ice cold? This result made Yong-do blush).

5th place〉 Na Yerin(17 votes) : I hate her because I'm jealous that she's so pretty. She ignores Bi Ryuyeon, etc. (It seems that pretty girls have many enemies! Will she ever open her heart to Bi Ryuyeon… remains to be seen).

6th place: Hyo-Ryong (9 votes): There's something about being a spy (spies aren't James Bond! Hyo-Ryong's surprisingly vulnerable heart is broken! Luckily, he took fifth place in the Best Character poll, which is a consolation prize).

7th place〉 Bi Ryuyeon, Mr. Nosa (9 votes): Unspeakable behavior, evil, pampering the main character, etc. (Tsk, tsk, tsk! Cause and effect… reap what you sow! Justice is still alive!).

8th place〉 Yeomdo Kwak Young-hee, People of the Asociation, Yoon Jun-ho (6 votes): Male embarrassment, pervert (Woah, woah, woah, woah! Yeomdo is outraged! There's going to be a firestorm in the jury).

9th place〉 Byunghyunam, Gonggongilchee, Janghong (5 votes): I don't like it (do I need a reason to not like it? If I don't like it, I don't like it, and they're claiming it's a scam and a manipulation).

10th place〉 Baek Moo-young, Jeon Ok-ki, Dang Munchun, Chu Il-tae, Gum Ryu-hon (4 votes): I wrote late, I took my heart away, I just did it (there were many voices around urging writers to reflect).

11th place〉 Namgung Sang, Koo Jung Ho, Yoon Joon Ho, Death Penalty Siblings, Noh Hak, Gon Lun Twin Sword Brothers, Bing Feng Movie Guardians, Chisahan (3 votes) : Stupid (no woman likes stupid, but that doesn't mean no man likes it either).

12th place〉 Qin Ling, Zhu Jiajia, Qinglong, Guan Zhu, Hao Tiankang, Geum Yinghao (2 votes): None (do I really need a reason? I must have done something wrong).

13th place〉 Dangsam, all the people at Kookjeonghoe, Dokgo-ryung, Ilbi, Mo Yongjeongcheon, Gam Eun-soo, Majinga, Cheonghun (1 vote): No reason.

♣ Best Scene

1〉 Kissing scene (54 votes): The first kiss scene in Book 3 was voted as the best scene, which was very different from the author's expectation. The author was very surprised by this unexpected result, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, because he knew that his directing did not end up with a chicken. Thank you for exceeding his expectations.

2nd place〉 Teaching Jujakdan(27 votes) : Bi Ryuyeon is in heaven, Jujakdan is in hell! This is the beginning of a nightmare and a bad relationship.

3rd place〉 Especially to Nohak (21 votes) : Nohak left us with a great scene with this one. Long live Nohak!

4th place〉 Mukgeum Gyokgeum (16 votes): Some people felt cool when they were slapped on the back of the head.

5th place〉 Attack on Baekhyanggwan (8 votes): Mmmmmmmmmm!

6th place〉 When I lived with Gyuto, Bimu, and my master (7 votes) : This is a tie for 6th place.

7th place〉 Bi Ryuyeon and Wei Zichen's Bimu (7 votes): Wei Zichen is the 3rd most hated Worst Character. It seems like he's hated a lot by readers! Please send a moment of silent mourning to……. Poor guy!

8th place〉 Jin-ryung and Gung-sang's Last Night, the cast knows what happened, Bi Ryuyeon's sideline(6 votes): Unexpectedly popular! The Namgung Sang, Jinryung couple! Although Jinryung surprisingly didn't do well in Best, she's one of the most popular female characters.

9th place〉 When Bi Ryuyeon beats her students without admitting it(5 votes): It seems that there are many people who like cruelty! It seems that the kids will be beaten more because of this result!

No. 10: The victory over Tang Wentian, the death of the tiger, the scene where Wei Zichen and the Bingfeng Movie Guardians chant the overthrow of Bi Ryuyeon, and when Bi Ryuyeon writes the Rainbow Sword (3 votes): There were a surprising number of readers who agreed with the overthrow of Bi Ryuyeon.

11th place〉 The Samsung Muje victory, the time when Zhongyang Pyo Guk is pampered, the Sikpan incident, the Geum Bu Yeon axe rampage, the death of Jin Zhaoyun, who was hit by a stone thrown by Bi Ryu Yeon while she was practicing underwater, the time when Bi Ryu Yeon and Yerin are alone in the cave, and all the Bi Mu scenes (2 votes): There are a lot of different opinions.

No. 12: Scaring Zhang Wuyang, Hyo-Ryong using the Taeul Heavenly River Wall to stop the sword storm with the sword membrane, your naming sense, Master and Ryuyeon being cheeky with the money, Jun-Ho's moment when he unleashed the Seven Swords, Mo in the leather sack, and the golden net (1 vote): This was a passing comment.

Waste Scene

1〉 Explanation of Yin Gong (30 votes) : I'm bored (sorry, I have nothing to say as a writer, blackblackblack).

2nd place〉 interpretation (12 votes): boring (tens of thousands of pleas to cut it down a bit are ringing in this writer's ears, lol).

3rd place〉 Keith Shin (9 votes): I'm jealous, I'm jealous, I'm jealous (let me tell you what).

4th place〉 Samsung Muje's victory (6 votes): I won in vain (life is vain… pfft).

No. 5: Men sniffing the fabric of virgins (6 votes): perverted, perverted, perverted (perhaps it's wise not to trust men too much, an opinion that will draw a collective protest from my male comrades).

6th place〉 The scene of beating people with silk, mocking Baek Moo-young and Koo Jung-hoe(5 votes)

7th place〉 Secrets of Ice and Yeomdo, first part (2 votes)

8th place〉 Yim Doo and Bi Ryu Yeon's argument, the fight with the political party, the infiltration of the Baekhyang Hall, Hyo Ryong's contact, and the simulation of the Gujeong meeting (1 vote): There were other comments like this.

Bi Ryuyeon : Have you seen the results, everyone? As you can see, your predictions were not off the mark. I took the top spot for Best Character as a clear and unequivocal result of the tiebreaker… @PamParabarabam!

Hyo Rong: I'm still suspicious, but I'm fifth! I'm in the top five! Phew! I guess I've defended my honor.

Jang Hong: What? I'm only the 9th most popular character? This is a scam!

Hyo Ryong : You've barely been on the show.

Jang Hong: No matter what! Such a disastrous result…….

Bi Ryuyeon : Come on, don't be discouraged and look for the next opportunity. You can also blackmail the writer to get more appearances.

Jang Hong: Is that so?

Hyo Long: I think that's probably the best way to do it.

Jang Hong: Great, I'll cheer up too!

Bi Ryuyeon: Of course, of course, so let's wrap things up! Before I do, I'd like to thank the following people: Drosian Ji Yunsun for sending me the drawings of Sasanqua and Mo Yonghui, Kwang Ryuja for remembering Hyo Ryong's characteristic X-shaped green gun, Mo Yonghui for sending me a drawing of his face, and Felicie for sending me the wonderful drawings of Bi Ryuyeon's SD. These are all people who sent me scans of their drawings for my next cafe archive. I'm thrilled that so many people have been sending me drawings lately, and it's a shame that I can't include all of them, but there's always next time, so it's never too early to give up. For these people, I'm sending them a signed copy of the book.

Ryu-yeon Bi & Hyo-ryong & Jang Hong: Well, dear readers, we hope to see you in the next eight volumes. Until then, stay safe. That's it for now, from the skyscrapers of Bucheon, brought to you by Bi Ryuyeon and her crew.

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