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Book 5 Chapter 9

Discernment Council

A troublemaker at the Academy of Heaven and Earth,

A walking wrecking ball, a flaming powder keg, or a

The heavenly spirits Dangcheolgi and Cheonsohae, enemies of women.

My eyeballs were rolling around in my head.

At the foot of the dais he had built, a crowd of guandos were shouting and reaching out to them.

They were busy handing out wads of paper notes to people who were reaching for them in a desperate struggle reminiscent of the fiends of hell.

The white slips of paper that the two heavenly spirits were now handing out were dividend slips of sorts.

Yes, that's right, the payout sheet you get when you place a bet or gamble. So, does this mean that this is a betting board of sorts?", everyone would say.

"No, this is a discernment center.

Yes, it was. It was, they claimed, a special place to test one's eye and luck in determining the winner.

This is the place that always seems to pop up this time of year, the place where everyone in the know is in the know, the discernment forum.

What is an eye exam, then?

This lofty name is actually just another name for a betting table. But no one calls it a betting table, even though there's a lot of money at stake, and even though there are weepers and laughers.

This is because gambling is considered too vulgar, and the very name reeks of illegality.

So, as if by agreement, all the people at the Academy of Heavenly Arts agreed to call it the Eye Test. And then they said, "We never gambled on a bet! We just wanted to test our own eyes to see how good our opponents were." And then they said, "We never gambled on a bet! We were never gambling, we were just testing our own eyes, they said. For a small tuition fee, of course……, they said.

It's a white-knuckle determination that it has dignity and honor, that it can't be called a gambling table. Of course, if you take the lid off, you'll find that what you're doing is exactly the same as a betting board, and it's almost impossible to tell the difference. It's like being blindfolded and saying, "Ouch.

Of course, it's quite surprising that such a thing would happen in public, inside the prestigious Tianmu Academy. But it shouldn't be overlooked that these were still virile young men in their twenties. They had the inherent curiosity and ability to get away with anything.

Plus, it's the blood-curdling Samsung Mujae season. A bimu match is ten times more fun when there's a bet involved. There's a world of difference between watching someone you're rooting for and watching someone you're not.

Those of us who are unfortunate enough to not be able to participate in person try to cool off by gambling. It's a kind of vicarious satisfaction!

I think they probably looked the other way. It was thought that it would have less negative side effects to be positive than negative. Unless you're talking about a group of enlightened sages, you're going to have to make a bet on this type of thing, whether it's an individual or a group. If we continue to crack down on it, it will become more and more vocal, seep deeper and deeper, and eventually fester and rot from within.

The dean was right. The students were able to recognize degrees, lines, and restraint. Inevitably, as one becomes more positive, one cannot help but be conscious of one's surroundings, so one develops the ability to self-censor and self-regulate. The students harmonized and adjusted to each other's rules, and it became a tradition.

So it seems that there have been rebels who enjoy doing bizarre and unique things since the first competition. In fact, it would be an unrealistic dream to hope that everyone here is a model entry. It has been passed down from generation to generation since the attempts of a single innovative (?) rebel (or philanderer!), and now the Discernment Competition seems to have become something of a tradition at the Academy of Heavenly Arts. There are always those who do it without being asked. They've been organizing it for nearly 100 years. They have done a good job even if they were left alone.

There was no way he could miss this opportunity. For one reason or another, he would be in charge of organizing and running this discernment tournament.

In what had become an open secret, a slightly overweight young man in a purple silk robe entered the room. He was Geum Young-ho, the heir to the Kumho Sangha, the Kangho First Sangha, and a member of the Jujaks.

The reason why Geum was entrusted with the money of the entire cast was simple. He had a knack for it. Coming from a wealthy family, he was taught good financial sense from a young age, so his friends trusted his ability and judgment and entrusted him with everything. Of course, concentrating your investments in one place is a risky endeavor and an adventure. But risk is a necessary component of achieving something greater.

They decided to try their luck. They've decided to take the plunge, despite the fact that their big brother is a bit of a dick. Geum Young-ho is eager to discharge his responsibilities from the heavy leather pouch in his hand, but the crowd is so large that he has to wait a long time for his turn. After about 15 minutes of waiting, it was finally his turn.

"Whoa, who is this? Isn't it Young Ho!"

The first person to recognize him in spite of his busy schedule was Chen Xiaohai, one of the Three Heavenly Spirits. His original belief was that a rich man's son should be dated first, so he pretended to know him despite the fact that his feet became his hands and his eyes became his eyes. His appearance was always neat and tidy, contrary to his reputation as the best thinker in the palace, but now he was so busy that his outfit was slightly disheveled. However, his face was still neat and tidy, typical of a prestigious disciple who could hardly be considered a thinker.

"Well done. You're still going strong, I'm sure you'll have plenty of questions!"

As a merchant's son, Geum Young Ho focused on this question. The clutter of so many people in such a confined space was reminiscent of a marketplace. In his eyes, the movement of all these people was the flow of money.

"Hahaha, I feel like I could borrow a toddler's hand for this! So, who would you bet on, the Three-Sword Blueprint?"

"I see you're the one with the highest expectations after all."

This was already expected.

"Of course. Is there anyone who can stop his sharp sword?"

"But with the best odds, the payout is low!"

Naturally, the higher the odds and the more people vote, the lower the payout when you win. Conversely, the lower the odds, the higher the payout. However, the risk is higher.

"Oho! You're betting elsewhere, and I wonder where you smelled the money! Who would you bet on, then? Tell me where your keen senses want you to bet. Is it Mo Yonghui, the greatest variable of all, the Seven Sacred Swords? There have been many who have pinned their hopes on him. Perhaps they are hoping for a new wind."

True to his word, the board was now split between Qinghe and Mo Yonghui. The name of a sword saint had a great power to make people turn their heads away from Qing Shui. However, it was still Qing Shui who was still in first place. Even as a Heavenly Sage, I was interested in his judgment.

It's a secret from everyone else, but Chunmu and Geum Young-ho have been sneaking out of the academy to shake the dice in the castle's gambling hall, where they've developed an unusual friendship. Sometimes as enemies, sometimes as allies……. At the gambling table under the night sky, Geum Young-ho showed not only the financial acumen of the heir to the most powerful merchant family in the country, the Kumho Merchants' Association, but also a talent for gambling. His extraordinary sense of judgment was recognized by Cheon So Hae and Tang Chul, and it was also the reason why the masterminds entrusted him with all their judgments.

"Make your decision quickly. As you can see, I'm a busybody right now, so I'm going to have to……."

Even while talking to Geum Young Ho, Chen Xiaohae was constantly moving his body. It's amazing how, despite the distraction, he continues to work as if his behavior is unaffected.

"No! I'll bet on Bi Ryuyeon. I'll bet all the money in here on her."

He said firmly and held out the pouch he was carefully holding. Chen Xiaohai's eyes widened as he accepted the pouch. Tang Qianqi, who had also heard Bi Ryuyeon's name, turned his gaze in this direction and shouted in a loud voice.

"Bi Ryuyeon, are you talking about our junior?"

Geum Young Ho nodded. Bi Ryuyeon's joining the Aesop Society, as well as her attraction to Mo Yonghui, was something that had spread throughout the academy.

"Won't you regret it? So far, only three people have bet money on our junior. And it's only for small amounts of money. Besides, I know them, and there's a good chance they did it out of friendship. They're all friends of yours."

"Three! You mean there's someone out there. I thought there wouldn't be any. I'm even more surprised there are!"

As you might expect, they're the only ones who've ever called her. No wonder. Who would bet blood money on a first-year kid with unproven skills? Joo Jak-dan and Geum Young-ho were taking a gamble, hoping to sweep the betting board when they won.

Naturally, I was expecting a deserted field. But there they were, not one, not two, but three……. And as the overall winner. I don't know who they were, but I'm sure they were thought of as crazy by everyone around them when they put their money on the line. There must have been a lot of people telling them to stop being crazy.

Now he was putting his money on Bi Ryuyeon, or rather, his big brother, at the risk of being labeled a madman himself. It seemed like it was only a matter of days before rumors would start that Zhu Jiaxuan had gone mad while preparing for the showdown with the Blue Dragon Clan. He knew the rumors would spread like wildfire. I had already made up my mind.

Still, they were in a position to know confidential information that no one else knew, information that could be a major factor in the whereabouts of the bet. Things are different from everyone else. So, what did they trust to bet on this place, and on Bi Ryuyeon? If they could see through Daehyung's skill (which is not at all like a master), then they must be geniuses. Their eyes are unparalleled and their discernment is second to none. Or maybe they're just plain stupid…….

Geum Young-ho hoped they were fools, otherwise they might prove to be a formidable opponent.

"You won't regret it?"

Chen Xiaohai asked me one last time as he handed me a pouch with a month's worth of living and operating expenses. It's not too late to make the change, she said.

"I don't regret it. My choice stands."

Her gaze was determined. The piercing intensity in her eyes was a testament to the fact that she was no joke. She no longer had any intention of throwing up or stopping him.

"I see. It's an all-or-nothing gamble, and I wish you the best of luck with your judgment. If you win, I wouldn't dream of frying it 200x. If you win………."

After saying a meaningful word, Chen Xiaohai checked the money in the sack and handed out the dividend slips. After receiving the dividend slips, Geum Young-ho carefully checked the amounts and people on the slips, then carefully tucked them into his pocket. That was all he had to do. Now he could only leave the rest to the heavens. When he was done, he made his way out of the bustling crowd.

It was then.

"Hello, who are you, Geum Young-ho, the only son of Kumho Sangho, who has nothing but money?"

An unpleasant voice! Geum Young-ho's head slowly turned back.

'Spotted! Fucking asshole…….'

The man who called out to him in a sarcastic tone of voice was Dao Guangxue, the Qi Huan Sword Pleasure of the Blue Dragon Clan, a man few people like to talk to. When people hear the words "Phantom" and "Pleasure" and his star sign, they think of a thin, long-armed, and agile man. But when they saw him in person, they realized how wrong they were. He was a heavily built man who could hardly be imagined as a wielder of the sword.

It is a mystery how such illusions and pleasures can come from a belly that protrudes as high as a mountain and flesh that screams for help. Although they are of the same grade, they are both priests of Bai Muyoung of the Earth Dragon Sect, and are in absolute submission to him.

He also has a slight inferiority complex, but he hides it deeply. He is one of the typical humans who thinks that the old school is the best, and because he believes in Baek Mu-young's power, he is hated by others and accused of being a favored escort.

One of his most recognizable features is a large mole in the middle of his right cheek, which is why people call him 'Mole'. I was surprised to see him in this place, even as Geum Young Ho. The members of the Blue Dragon Clan were the ones he didn't want to deal with, but the one in front of him now was the least favorite of them all. How could he be in a good mood?

"Are you an idiot?"

From the first word out of his mouth, it was a vulgar language that could not be traced. Immediately, doublets sprouted on Geum Young-ho's face.

Do Kwang-seo watches from the sidelines as Geum Young-ho bets all of his money on Bi Ryuyeon.

"On what basis are you spouting that crap?"

Lately, the relationship between the Blue Dragon Clan and the Zhu Jia Clan had been deteriorating, almost as much as the relationship between the masters in charge, which was why there were so many fights. Apparently, their feelings were contagious.

"Finally, the main crew seems to have lost their minds, have they gone collectively insane, or is it a black eye?"

"Rude language, lowly tip of the tongue, very unpleasant to listen to!"

"What in the world are you betting money on that kid?"

"I don't know about you, but I picked him because he looks ten times stronger than you. Why? Do you have a problem with that?"

Kumho Sanjang's deficit was not lost, and he retorted, his complexion gaunt.

Moreover, the person they were sneering at was their (genealogical) godbrother. They could curse themselves, but they couldn't let others curse them. It was a matter of mood. For some reason, when someone else curses at them, it makes them feel dirty, like they're all being cursed at in a chain reaction.

"Don't you think you should walk, no matter how rotten the snow is, lest others around you think you're a fool for your wisdom?"

Dao Guangxi used the phrase "you guys" instead of "you". He's not only putting his personal judgment on the line, but also the wisdom of the entire cast.

"Indeed, a viper of the Blue Dragon Corps, a water demon plan to leave no room for error!

Geum Young-ho took the spotted man's words to mean that if the current situation did not spread within the Heavenly Martial Academy, he would personally become the epicenter of the rumors, even if it was tiring and troublesome. And as it turned out, that was indeed the case.

"We're not poor enough to need your worries. We won't know who's got the better sense until the tournament is over, and if you make such a big deal about it, how are you going to save face when things go south?"

Geum Young-ho's words stung.

"Hahahaha, wise man, I see you've got it right, go hit the ground later and regret it!"

Anger(忿怒) reigned supreme(頂上登登) at the top of his head, but Geum managed to calm himself down.

"I can't help but sigh at how pathetic it is that you haven't figured out that you don't know what you're talking about."

With a sneer, Geum Young Ho shot back. If they play like that, we can't lose either.


With his arms crossed and an arrogant expression, Dao Guangxue said.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you're just doing what everyone else is doing, copying them. Look around, that's where most people are betting. Probably most of the people here are betting on him. What's the difference between them and you, you pompous, puffed-up fool? This is ridiculous, you can't even make a bet of your own judgment?"

There was no need for logic. It was enough to be able to shoot the other guy down even if it didn't make sense.

"Hmph! Who else can win the Three Swords of Heaven and Earth but you? Your eyes and ears seem to be wasted, and you've been wearing something that's useless to you all this time. I applaud you for your perseverance."

The argument was quickly becoming an emotional battle.

"Doesn't he also have the Seven Sacred Swords idiom? He's not to be trifled with!"

The blueprint of this tournament was Mo Yonghui's advancement, especially after the first bimu where he revealed his rumored splendor, the number of people betting on him increased. In any case, there were too many people on the side of the Blue Cloud. The shadows of the Adventurous Spirit and Sword Saint were pushing votes towards Mo Yonghui's side.

"Then why did you bet on Mo Yonghui and not some nameless little brat?"

"Not again!

Geum Young Ho's face crumpled. One day, I will cut him down and dry him out. Geum Young-ho made a firm resolve.

"Well, we're three steps above everyone else, especially you, thanks to our superior eyesight and superior knowledge, although your lack of eyesight and lack of knowledge has helped us a great deal."

Geum Myung-ho sneered with all his might. Dokwangseo did not lose.

"I see your ridiculous confidence. I wonder how long that smile will last. I'm worried about my sleep. If you're so confident, why don't you make a bet with me? You could run away with a thousand tails and I wouldn't catch you."

There was no one who could run away from these words. This was what he had hoped for.

"Don't run away, you've dug your own grave, so I'll recognize your brilliance and cover the dirt with my own hands."

Sparks flew between Ge Yinghao and Dao Guangxue. They stared at each other with searing eyes, never relinquishing the momentum.


Geum asked.

"The one who loses shall admit to the one who wins that his discernment is poor, and then he shall buy the most magnificent dinner in the first building of Nanchang!"

The three-legged stance was the highest form of respect for a teacher, bowing nine times with the forehead dipped to the ground three times. But it was also the ultimate disgrace when it came to one's own age. Honor was at stake in the bet. As long as honor, which is more precious than life, is on the line, it can never be conceded.

By the time the bet was settled, the two had barely finished selling each other. But Geum's hardships weren't over yet.

"Why are you two fat cats making so much noise, don't you think this is Animal Farm?"

Hearing the gruff, rumbling voice behind him, Geum nearly died of a heart attack.

My vision went black. I didn't want to die without getting a bow from the spotted one.

'Seriously, no…….'

Geum Young-ho's head jerked back as he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Oh, yeah!

My vision went black. I hadn't expected it, but as luck would have it, Salt Lake Nossa was still standing. With a fiery glow emanating from his eyes……. No matter how big the wall was, it could not help but squeeze.

"You don't ask me what's going on, do you, Goldet Donhoe?"

When he realized that it was Yeomdo who had shouted, Gwangseo looked quite puzzled, but was he as puzzled as Geum Youngho?

The voice belonged to Master Yeomdo, a terrifying creature that had been plaguing Zhu Jiaxuan's nightmares for nearly half a decade.

Someone who, according to the math, shouldn't be here at all, is here now.


'…I am dead. My friends, inscribe on my tombstone that Geum Young Ho, a member of the Joojak Corps, fell to his death in a scream! It's a shame I'll never see you all again! Alas…….'

Ke Yinghao's complexion, which had been full of vitality just a moment ago, instantly turned as pale as a corpse. His mind was currently in a frenzy, with all sorts of disparate thoughts rushing through his mind at once.

I felt like I had stopped by hell and met the Great King of Pyrrha. I was afraid to even glance at his already distorted face. I hadn't even opened my mouth yet, and I could already hear the rant that was about to erupt from his mouth.

"You fool, you idiot! You have so much training to do, and you're just sitting around here gambling on a bet! You're still not awake, do you want me to teach you to be awake? Do you want to die?" He shouted and threw a huge fist at me, looking like he was about to punch me. I could feel his flesh piercing my skin. I regretted not having a written will.

Geum Young-ho was well aware. He was familiar with the kind of person who could never understand logic and reason. This kind of person could never have a normal conversation. (Half a year of studying under Yidou had taught him that for sure.) They never back down from an argument, even if it's wrong. Even if they're wrong. (They are the most troublesome people to deal with, both as a merchant and as a human being.

Logic and reason would be the only way to proceed or abandon the story. It was impossible to predict where he would go, as he was so temperamental and never backed down from his point of view. In other words, Geum Young-ho's life was now dependent on the mood of Yeomdo. He vowed that if he survived, he would never raise his children like that. If he survived……. But the odds of survival were too slim.

An oppressive moment passed. With his eyes tightly closed, he awaited his fate.

But something was wrong. It was only after what seemed like an eternity that he realized what was wrong. He squeezed his eyes shut, clenched his teeth, and nothing flew. There was a stifling silence, and then, unable to stand it any longer, Geum Ho opened his eyes and sneaked a peek. He hadn't drawn his sword yet. If he did, he might have to resort to fisticuffs.

Ughhhh……, I'll get it done in one clean room. I didn't want multiple rooms.

"Mr. Nosa, are you out!"

Geum Young-ho quickly took a bow and bowed low to the ground. Upon receiving the disciple's greeting, Yeomdo's face became even more tainted, and he burst out in a shout.

"Who sees you now and says hello, and does not ask you what is the matter with you? Are you deaf now, and do you need me to pierce your ears?"

It was a yell, indicating that the flames on the carriage had not yet been extinguished.

"To…… me, that is……."

No matter how good a sailor he was, he couldn't help but be cautious. There was hope in the fact that he hadn't flown off to the other side for some reason, even if it was only a small one. …….

"Hey, my friend over here and I disagreed on who was going to win this match, so we had a little disagreement."

Geum Young-ho excused himself, sweating like rain. He was out of breath. He felt like he was going to be called out for what he was doing now that he wasn't practicing. He had to fight the Blue Dragon Clan with all his might and win, and he couldn't let this happen, not even if it was the same Yeom who had prevented him from participating in the Samsung Mujae.

"So, who are you betting on?"


Geum Young-ho's complexion turned gray. He knew the Yeomdo. Now all that remained was for the fire spirits to fall. Nine times out of ten, they would be accompanied by a fist. Yeomdo's bad spirits and his fists were inseparable, always together. Now Geum Young-ho had to decide. Should he take the blame all by himself, or should he share the blame and lose? The choice was not easy.

"Jersey…, Bi Ryuyeon Sa…, to……."

I couldn't bring myself to say the word "death penalty" in front of the blue dragon guy (so he'd think it was a death penalty or a priest), so I stuttered.

"What about that Blue Dragon guy over there?"

Yin Do also recognizes Dao Guangxi as a member of the Blue Dragon Order. He probably recognized him from the blue dragon embroidered on his sleeve. Faced directly with Yeomdo's unflattering and frightening gaze, Dao Guangxue couldn't help but cringe.

"That Blue Dragon Clan bastard is betting on Trident Sword Qingxuan."

The intimidating eyes of the Blazing Inferno turned to Geum Young Ho, and he could only pray hard. If he failed……. It was horrifying to imagine.


Yeomdo's gaze was so intense and hot that it burned through her body. It was a terrible feeling, as if his entire body was being dissected and burned under his gaze. The decision of life or death was all in his hands, and Geum Young-ho was just waiting for the verdict.


As he was contemplating where he would go when he died, a pouch was dropped in front of him as he thought of an excuse to use in front of Yeomrada Jeon. By the sound of it, it was Eunja. His ears could not distinguish the sound of money.

"Bet all of mine on Bi Ryuyeon, and whether you bet, fight, or brawl, you must do better than those icy disciples, and you must win! Do you understand?"

"Yes…, yes, Master!"

Then he turned and disappeared. Geum Young Ho stood dumbfounded, eyes wide open, until the figure of Yeomdo disappeared from view.

"Phew, looks like I'm in for a 10, maybe even 30 year wait……."

As soon as the figure of Yidou disappeared from his sight, he let out a barely contained sigh. The veins in his entire body relaxed. I really thought I was going to see the world today. He had almost ended his life. I felt a sense of pride, like I had gained another life. An overwhelming sense of joy boiled up from the depths of my chest.

When I turned my head, I saw that Dokwangseo was also staring at the back of Yeomdo, who had disappeared into thin air. He must have been surprised. If he was as surprised as he was, how could Ji not be as well, especially with the last glance he'd given Dao Guangxue, which had been so intimidating. Besides, who would have thought that the famous old man would bet money on Bi Ryuyeon. It was inwardly hilarious to see him so foolish.

Yeomdo also voted for Bi Ryuyeon. Kumho was even more relieved, and he was confident that he wouldn't regret it. Until now.

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