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Book 5 Chapter 2

Bi Ryuyeon's first official fight

Bi Ryuyeon was shaking her head from side to side, searching intently for something.

"Are you looking for something?"

Namgungsang, who was standing next to me, asked politely.

The reins of power were now firmly in the hands of the Namgung Sang.

"I'm waiting."

Bi Ryuyeon said excitedly. She looked like a child.

"Who do you mean?"

"Na Yerin Sojae!"


The gazes of the entire cast, not just those of the Southern Palace, were drawn to Bi Ryuyeon.

If Hyorong and Jang Hong were also here, it would have been no exception, but they were now sitting on the other side of the room. This was because he hadn't been able to reveal his relationship with the Zhu Clan to others yet.

"Hahahaha, you're kidding, right?"

Why did he say that when he knew he was going to get hit? Namgungsang was not pleased. The punishment was swift.


A jubilant sound echoed off the back of Namgung Sang's head like a musical instrument.

"Do you think I'm the kind of guy who's going to lie to you, and I'm going to go through the whole process of making sure that your eyes are in the right place and that your eyesight is good?"

The tone was menacing, and the look in his eyes told me to rebel or I'd get my ass kicked. …….

Namgung Sang felt a chill run down his spine. He knew all too well that this was the kind of person who would certainly do it.

Namgungsang waved his hand and said.

"Ah…, no, no, no, of course not! I believe and follow my big brother more than anyone else. Hahaha! How dare you question the words of the Big Brother! Who would dare to question the words of the Big Brother!"

Namgung Sang looked around furiously, as if to say that he could never be such a person, and that if he was, he would find him. It was a lie, of course. He was no longer the flattering and eloquent man he once was.

"Really? You better not forget that!"

Bi Ryuyeon smiled in satisfaction. Then she patted him on the back. Only then could he breathe a sigh of relief.

"But how can you be sure he'll come, that Sojae is famous for his immobility?"

"I sent a letter!"

"It's not a big deal," she said. It was a tone of voice that said why ask for the obvious?

He sounded so confident and sure of himself that for a moment, I thought the image of the Southern Pavilion he was listening to was indeed the same. But then he shook his head vigorously.

"Letters? You're really that sure about that? I mean, I know there are dozens of letters addressed to Na Yerin Sojae every day. Do you think she'll come?"

The conclusion, of course, was very skeptical: it couldn't happen, and he had already come to his own conclusions.

"I even got a reply!"

"What? Stand… No way……."

The Southern Palace Lord exclaimed in disbelief. He had never heard of a man in his life who had received a letter from the ice-white peak Na Yerin, and he wondered if that was why she was calling it an impregnable ice castle, or if it was a forgery.

Then there was a loud, raucous commotion behind him. He could feel the excitement in the air. Why were there so many exclamations and gasps? The back of his head tingled.

That's when Bi Ryuyeon pointed her finger at her back and said, "I'm sorry.

"Look, you're here, I'm right!"

"Oh, no way……. Huh!"

Namgung Sang turned his head, expecting it to be a joke, but thinking that since he was a big brother, he could at least pretend to be fooled. Indeed, his eyes caught a glimpse of Bingbai Peak Na Yerin.

An otherworldly beauty that takes your breath away. The sharp, cold reasoning behind it. A mysterious fragrance (香氣) that makes people feel excited!

The men sitting on the edge of the crowd jumped to their feet and jostled forward to make way for her. The crowd, which had been clumped together, split in half. Go to the front and make yourself comfortable, they said. Na Yerin bowed slightly and wandered down the path they had made for her.

The men wore impassive expressions, but they didn't forget to steal glances at her. When else would they get to see her up close and personal, if not at a time like this. The men gathered here today were in for a windfall. The members of the Bingfeng Movie Guard were leading the way, making way for her. They were the kind of people who would take care of things without her having to say anything, without her having to ask.

These burdens have caused her to avoid more crowded places, which is why her observation is so exceptional and shocking.

The stares of so many men, which she tried not to pay attention to but couldn't help but notice, made her feel uncomfortable.

"Don't stare at me so intently. It wears off."

She warned him as he stood there, his gaze fixed, unmoving. She was kind enough to add another warning.

"Besides, shouldn't you be worried about the threat to your life if you do that? You're a martial artist, and you're not paying attention!"

Dazed and realizing his situation, Namgungsang turned his head to look for Jinryeong. He had hoped she wouldn't be around, but alas, she was. And she was staring at him!

"Yuck! Yuck!

Something was wrong with her eyes. Her face looked like it was pouting in a bad way. Under her fierce gaze, he couldn't help but cower like a mouse before a viper. His heart sank, and a cold sweat trickled down his spine.


Namgungsang reflected on his mistake with a heart of gold. He vowed to be more careful in the future, and could only chuckle bitterly as he blamed his eldest brother for bringing things to this point.

It felt like the only breakthrough and refuge he had left at the moment.

"Hehe…, ah, that gin…gin soother. So… this is, uh, stir……."


Qin Lie whipped her head around, completely enraged, and delivered a powerful blow to his chest by turning away from her foolishness. He sighed heavily and lived up to his name.

"Oh my God, it's my nephew."

The sky was clear and high above, oblivious to the stinging resentment of the Southern Palace.

"Mr. Nosa, don't you think the big brother is being too reckless?"

Hyun-woon asked, glancing at Yan Dao, who was watching alongside them. Perhaps it was because it seemed so reckless to carry a silent sword. Of all the things they had seen and learned from their master during their training at Amishan, there was not one thing, not one line, not one word, about Yin Gong. If they did, it was only to say, "If you want to be fashionable, you shouldn't wear gold.

This time, however, he was carrying a golden koto that was not in his genealogical lineage, nor did he have the dubious distinction of having inherited the koto from his master. I couldn't help but be a little worried when he said he was going to show off his yin gong…….

"My brother-in-law has other festivals……. Wouldn't a koto interfere with that?"

As terrifying as the three-fisted punch was, Hyun-woon still firmly believed that the true spirit of Bi Ryuyeon was the punch. No, it wasn't just Hyun-woon who thought so, but the entire cast.

However, Yeomdo's reaction was a bit of a surprise to Hyunwoon.

"Heh! What kind of a freakin' freak is that, to lose in a place like this? Don't get your hopes up, just watch and do your best!"

Even if you can't hear it, he was calling his master, Bi Ryuyeon, a bastard. It was a kind of venting for him. Childish.

If Bi Ryuyeon were to be beaten, it would certainly be an exhilarating sight to behold, but for that unknown monster shell to finally lose here was even more unimaginable. In Yeomdo's opinion, no matter how much heavenly fortune he had, no one would dare to defeat him.

I wonder if anyone can wipe that smug smile off my face!

"Round and round!"

The drums were beating to signal the start, and the first official bimu of the year was about to begin.

"That's reckless!"

It was Na Yerin's first review of the show, and she was still trying to ignore the stinging arrows of stares as she watched Bi Ryuyeon take the stage offstage.


Dokgo-ryong quickly agreed. No matter how he thought about it, the junior first-year's behavior could only be described as reckless. He had brought the most inappropriate thing for a martial arts competition.

"A koto that's not your own……, what a surprise!"

"So she knows what he's really into?"

How is she supposed to know the martial arts system of a first grader when she's not even interested in men? Besides, she's never had the chance to make contact with him…….

"I don't know what it is, but I know it's not Yin Gong."

The Han Shuo who had defeated the Windblade Dragon Wei Zichen was definitely not Yin Gong; she had witnessed it right in front of her eyes.

"That's so disrespectful of this contest, you're going to lose, aren't you?"

It's a no-brainer, and I'm sure she and most of the people here feel the same way.

"We'll just have to wait and see. It's hard to win, but it's even harder to lose."

"Samae, that's not like you, don't you think too highly of yourself, that guy!"

She shook her head silently. Dokgo Ling couldn't help but wonder. It wasn't like her to be so confident in the skills of such an insignificant fellow.

"Is he so confident that he can win by hiding his off-season? If so, he's a reckless man.

Na Yerin's thoughts were more or less the same as everyone else's. If she was going to lose in the first round, it would be nothing to see. However, she was one of the few people in the Heavenly Martial Academy who had at least seen a glimpse of Bi Ryuyeon's skill.

In her opinion, the Sun Wind Sword Dragon Wei Zichen was definitely not someone who could be defeated in the first round.

Except for the shouts of surprise and the stinging, and therefore frown-inducing, stares from the men, Dokgo-Ryung's expectations were largely correct: she'd been going to school with her sister-in-law for a year and a half now, and while she should be used to it, she still wasn't.

The audience's reaction to Bi Ryuyeon was predictable. Na Yerin, the Heavenly Martial Immortal, who rarely showed her face at any event, martial or otherwise, had made a move. She had shown her face in a match of an unknown and unknown child.

The men were horrified. They began to burn with the fierce flames of jealousy. And there was not a man left in the city who did not wish to see Bi Ryuyeon triumph. Except for a very few…….

However, there was one thing that Dokgo-ryung was wrong about: the attitude of the party's leader, Bi Ryuyeon.

Despite the stares of the spectators and the envious and jealous gazes, Bi Ryuyeon, standing in the center of the crowd, remained unperturbed. She was so nonchalant and cheerful that it was hard to believe that an elderly man was watching.

Moreover, Bi Ryuyeon had done something else that was astonishing, right in front of her eyes. He had made an acquaintance with Na Yerin, unarmed, in the presence of nearly all the members of the Heavenly Martial Academy, and he had done so knowing that it would turn more than half the men in the Academy against him.

"Me Sojae! I knew you'd come!"

She smiled and waved her hand, but did she realize the cost? For a first-year brat to make a passing acquaintance with their idol was enough to offend everyone, and result in the formation of dozens of jealous cliques.

They would never forgive her. Furthermore, Na Yerin's men, who had a vague idea of what Bi Ryuyeon had done in the past, were even more enraged.

"Oooooooh, die!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hit him in the throat with your sword!"

The atmosphere in the stands became increasingly hostile, and the boos grew louder. It was all booing, jeering, and killing energy directed at Bi Ryuyeon.

"There are a lot of idiots here!"

After scanning the frenzied audience like a bull in a china shop, she said. Even among the Samsung MUJE contestants, Na Yerin must have her own admirers.

Her first opponent, Dan Ping of the Hainan Sect's Pleasing Illusion Sword, was just one of them. He was blowing sparks out of his eyes. What Bi Ryuyeon didn't know, and didn't care to know, was that he was also a member of the Ice Peak Film Guard, one of Na Yerin's followers.

Judging by the state of affairs, there's not much left of your rationality, about as much as a pig's tail.

"Round and round!"


The blue flag was lowered, the drums signaled the start of the bout, and my opponent charged at me, wielding a sword full of life. From the get-go, he unleashed a killing blow. Haenan's sword was fast, and he was using the bizarre phantom sword maneuver as his long arm. It was clear from Dan Fei's appearance now that he was intent on displaying the true essence of the Haenan Sect, the South Sea Thirty-Six Swords, with all his might.

It looked like it was determined to kill him. Indeed, as far as they were concerned, his speed was unparalleled.


Only then did she realize that she had made a mistake, but it was too late to regret it now.

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