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Book 4 Chapter 9

Reuniting with disciples

Yeomdo kept his promise, and now Bi Ryuyeon is working on the

As foreshadowed last night, the cast of characters will be presented with not a bast noodle, but a

They stood as they were, and sent their apprentice to the

I watched with tears in my eyes.

This is the first time we've been this close to each other since we parted ways at Amicus.

Today was the first time.

Finally, when the sixteen members of the main cast were gathered, Bi Ryuyeon walked out and stood in front of them.

"Who are you?"

Dang Chul-young asked as a stranger entered their private performance space. After glancing at Dang Chul-young as if he were offended, Bi Ryuyeon declared.

"We're new, right? Nice to meet you. I'm your big brother."

The members of the masterpiece troupe gaped at Bi Ryuyeon's outrageous declaration. Their eyes narrowed in disbelief. ''What is this, some kind of nighttime redneck, ghostly mongrel?

At Bi Ryuyeon's introduction, the entire cast doubted their ears, and they scanned their pasts once more, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't remember the last time they had seen such a deadly face. And they had no secret past to hide.

He wore a plain-looking black robe with long sleeves, and his bangs were slicked back, making it impossible to make out the outline of his face. Judging by the smooth line of his jaw peeking through his hair, he didn't have a metaphysical face. But again, I didn't recognize him. And, most ridiculously, the markings on his sleeve said he was a first grader. They were already in third grade. It was clear that something had gone terribly wrong. There was only one conclusion, then.


They exclaimed in unison. It was a natural reaction. A stranger, a first-year student who had just joined the Heavenly Martial Academy, had the audacity to speak of 'death' and 'capital punishment' in front of their heavenly third-year seniors. There was no way they wouldn't be outraged. It was a natural reaction for the cast members who didn't know Bi Ryuyeon's true identity.

"What do you want?"

Even Bi Ryuyeon, who had never shown them any respect and always used sarcastic, fake respect, was completely consistent from the beginning.

"You're out of your mind, you're out of your mind, where do you think you're going to get away with this, and I'm assuming you have the confidence to do it?"

It was the short-tempered Nohak who stepped forward and criticized Bi Ryuyeon. The others were red-faced and blushing, too.


Smiling broadly, Bi Ryuyeon replied. It's been a while since I've seen him, and he's grown a lot. I told her to take care of her health, and she said that her liver was swollen. ……. Anyway, it didn't matter because the result was the same.

"Ho-ho, you're so sure of yourself, you cocky bastard, show me the proof."

Lao Tzu had no idea that these words would sell his own grave.

"Proof? Is that what you want to know? Then I'll show you. You!"

Bi Ryuyeon's index finger pointed at the old man.

"And you!"

Again, the finger turned to where Dang Chul-young was.


Bi Ryuyeon's index finger twitched inward. He looked down on Noh and Tang Chul-young. The unpleasant feeling of being laughed at struck a nerve with both of them. Noh Hak and Dang Chul-young were outraged at the same time.


The short-tempered beggar had forgotten about the joint operation with Tang Chul-young and had just pounced on him, wanting to break the brat's habits in a matter of seconds, and thinking that he didn't need to borrow Tang Chul-young's hand to help this brat. This illusion of Noh's led him to take all the blame for the disaster on himself and inadvertently save Tang Chul-young.

Luo Hak prepared the Eighteen River Dragons he had been practicing and rushed into Mu Ying Xinbo. It was no exaggeration to say that no one had been safe under his watch in the past half a year. Bi Ryuyeon should be no exception, he thought.

But his expectations were quickly dashed. A simple flip of the palm of his hand distracted him from the center of his newest creation, and in the blink of an eye, a dull impact struck him in the chest. One of her cards had struck him in the chest. Even though Bi Ryuyeon had used a strength that wouldn't kill him, the pain was incredible.


A terminal scream erupted from the old man's mouth, and it was ridiculous.

"It's been almost half a year and you can't stop this……. What the hell have you been doing all this time?

In one fell swoop, she wiped out the troupe's half a year of hard work. She would only be convinced if she saw results.

"You've come a long way, but you've still got a long way to go. You're not going to be of any use to me if you're so easily provoked. This is your punishment."

In the blink of an eye, dozens of fist shadows slammed into Luo Hak's entire body. It was a brute force attack with no rules or laws.


With the sound of hundreds of leather balls popping, the old man's body rose vertically.

"That…… that…… that!"

The jaws of the master craftsmen dropped as they watched. They knew in their bones what it was like to be the victim of a merciless martial art; it was an extension of the name horror, etched into their bones.

The Three Strikes Law (三伏狗打券法)!

The accursed ignoramus had appeared before them again. They prayed that this was just a dream. But the sensation of their cheeks, which they had deliberately pinched hard, betrayed their expectations and screamed pain. They were tempted to blame the gods.

'Why…… only me…….'

The old man's consciousness was fading. This was the second time.

This intensity, this ringing, and most of all, this familiar horrible feeling!

"Why did I forget my lesson from Amisan half a year ago and go out like a fool again? Is my ability to learn and understand lessons that bad?

In the midst of his frozen sensibilities and distant consciousness, he lamented and feared for his life, and though the abundance of food should have lessened his pain, it did not. The sensations he had felt half a year ago in terror and despair were being savored again here and now.

In his blurring vision, he could see the Silken Dragon Ring on Bi Ryuyeon's wrist, moving constantly. With that, the old man finally let go of the ritual tether.

The cast members watched in horror as the gnomes flew away, spewing blood. Half a year ago, in Amishan, they had witnessed this exact same scene in horror. The accursed martial artist had appeared before their eyes again. The same merciless Mu Gong who had beaten Luo Hak to a pulp as a demonstration last summer in Amishan.

As they watched the pitiful figure of the old man flying backwards in a red mist of blood, and the Mighty Dragon Ring glistening on Bi Ryuyeon's wrist as she threw it out for the last time, their master's words echoed in their minds.

"When you meet your master, treat him as you would treat an incarnation of this master. When you meet him, you will recognize at a glance that he is your master.

True to their master's prediction, they could recognize him at a glance: the muklong rings he wore were distinctly different from the dull muklong rings they wore. Moreover, it was the same one he had always worn during their Amishan training camps.

After stepping forward again, spraying blood mist, Bi Ryuyeon gave a sneaky glance at the out-of-place old crane, then looked back at Zhu Jiaxuan and said.

"I think I've presented enough evidence. Anyone else have a complaint?"

There could be no more complaints. At her question, everyone was stunned into silence and turned their heads from side to side. She was sincerely willing to present the evidence once again for the sake of her disciples (who were now priests) who still insisted that the evidence was insufficient, but the unanimous rejection of the evidence made her abandon the idea with regret.

"You want to bet, why are you still standing there?"

Bi Ryuyeon glared at Dang Chul-young, who was still standing beside him. Under his gaze, Dang Chul-young's heart sank.

"How dare I!"

Dang Chul-young, looking unexpectedly weak. It wasn't like him at all, but now wasn't the time to think about that, and he was grateful to Nohak for running first. The entire Zhujiajia clan surrounded him in unison and shouted.

"It's an honor to meet you, Big Brother!"

Cold sweat trickled down their foreheads and backs as they greeted each other. In fact, it would have been verbally abusive for Bi Ryuyeon to insist on using the Grandmaster's name unless they were directly related. But the master's shadow was too thick to ignore her presence. Moreover, he feared Hu Huan as much as he feared the Tiger Mama.

"When you meet your big brother, consider him your master and follow him.

Suddenly, the words of the master before he left popped into their heads.

"…… That would be good for your reputation.

And one last warning from the master. In the end, he was right. They suddenly felt like crying, and Bi Ryuyeon, now their godbrother, admonished his priests.

"A big brother is like a master. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Big Brother!"

The sixteen members of the cast answered in unison. Bi Ryuyeon, who had proved her identity with her behavioral dynamics, looked them over and smiled with satisfaction. It was a touching (?) reunion between master and disciple.

Only then did Yaldo, who had been watching from a distance, approach, glance around, and say something. The cast members were once again stunned by his words.

"Apparently we've already said hello."

Greetings? Apparently, these days, the process of beating a person into a pulp and then dumping them in a pile of sand is called greetings.

"Allow me to formally introduce you. Say hello. I am Bi Ryuyeon, your godbrother."

Ignoring the pile of old books lying around like a dog on a bad day, Yin Dao formally introduced Bi Ryuyeon. The cast members were puzzled. How could even Yaldo know of the existence of the Virgins, let alone their own?

"How do you know about the non-death penalty?"

Mr. Namgung Sang represented them and asked their questions. Non-death penalty……. Bi Ryuyeon was very pleased that the effect of showing dignity was already showing.

"What? Didn't I tell you?"

Yeomdo's performance was so good that even Bi Ryuyeonyeon, who knew what was going on, had to laugh. But she swallowed back the laughter that was trying to escape to do her job.

"I've been deliberately avoiding talking about it, but I'm actually acquainted with your Amish master."

"What? No way!"

For Zhu Zhaodan, Yin's statement was a bombshell. How could he possibly know their master from their Amish training camp?

"Though the river is wide, no words can describe the tangled web of fate within it, and your master was so devoted to me."

As he emphasized the word, "Shinshindangbu," his salty gaze flew toward the members of the main crew. A chill ran down everyone's spine. Something didn't feel right.

"If I make you weak, I will not leave you alone."


It was like a celestial force. They had been relieved to find that their master's beast, which they had thought had broken free, was still holding onto them and refusing to let go.

"So I made a pact. I'm going to make sure you guys beat the Blue Dragon Brats, no matter what."

Yeomdo, with special emphasis on "what number." As if that wasn't key enough…….


Everyone was now frozen, too exhausted to speak. It was as if their minds were bleaching white. Yin's testimony had put the stamp of reality on the certificate of authenticity that had been so anxiously sought after for Bi Ryuyeon. Moreover, the guarantor was one of the five great thieves of the heavens, a person whom no one could ignore. How could anyone fail to notice that he was making a false statement?

Kang-ho's ties to Eun-won are so intertwined that it's not out of the realm of possibility. But for Zhu Jiaodan, he's never resented Kang-ho's relationship more.

In this way, the Zhu Jiajia Clan has one great brother who is not in the eight directions. When will they ever break free from the shackles of Bi Ryuyeon Yan?

Regardless of how favorably or unfavorably the elders viewed her, as long as she was a student, she had to go to class. And today's class was on poisons, which were indispensable to the life of a powerhouse.

It was also the subject that had topped the list of least favorite classes in the previous year's cadet poll. But poison deciphering was a mandatory part of the course, so there was no avoiding it, much to everyone's misfortune. The reason for everyone's reluctance was the smell.

When he pushed open the grim door, he found himself in a laboratory beyond his wildest dreams. Dozens of pots were bubbling away, belching out colorful smoke with a foul odor, and to one side of the room were dozens and dozens of foragers, each filled with hundreds of unheard-of and horrific poisons that would make you feel sick. Among them was a red, two-headed snake, whose name was kindly inscribed on a sign above it as Honglin Snake.

Upon entering the poison lab, a unique and powerful scent assaulted their sense of smell, causing them to become dazed.

"Oh, this is definitely my least favorite class. This stench alone is enough to kill me, it's murderous enough."

"Kolokolok. I agree, I'm suffocating right now."

Hyo-ryong clutched his nose tightly, his face contorted by the irritation of hundreds of blades piercing the mucous membranes in his nose. Other students below Bi Ryuyeon were also holding their noses, but curiously, Jang Hongman seemed unmoved. His nonchalance surprised those around him, making them suspect that he might be the one who was missing the sense of smell among the five human senses.

"Does that guy have a paralyzed nose, and why is he the only one who's okay?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked with suspicion. No matter how many times she looked around, she couldn't find anyone but Jang Hong standing without holding his nose with his hand.

"Maybe my nose fell off the first time I smelled this scent, otherwise, is that a person?"

Heero agreed. He could tolerate everything else, but this smell was unbearable and horrible. It was a terrible feeling, like all the hard endurance lessons they had been taking were going to waste. I felt miserable and pathetic at the thought of breaking down the wall of patience that I had worked so hard to build, just because of a stench, when I was confident that I could withstand any torture, intimidation, or pain.

"This is such inhumane torture, and for some reason I can't help but think this could be a murder plot against someone."

Hyo-ryong grumbled to himself.

"Come on, you'll get used to it. It happens to everyone at first."

Jang Hong, still nonchalant, said with a smile.

"I'm not a fan of advice from humans who don't have a sense of smell in the first place."

At Jang Hong's advice, Bi Ryuyeon was still nonchalant. Looking at the students, the elder in charge of the class, the thousand poisonous hands of Sichuan Tangmen, said.

He was also the elder brother of Tang Ping, the thousand-handed spirit who was teaching Bi Ryuyeon the art. However, the two did not get along, for even brothers who share the same blood cannot get along with each other if they have different goals and different paths.

"Your lesson will be complete when you can smell the poisonous herbs that fill this classroom, when you can see the dozens of venomous snakes, poisonous insects, and other rare poisons crawling around in their cages, and when you can see the elegant colors of the herb and poison mixture boiling in the pot."

After listening to the explanation given by Heavenly Poison Master Tang Hak Ling, the elder in charge of the Mystic Time of Poisonous Poisons, Bi Ryuyeon had only one reaction.

"You mean the class is never over."

I resented the school for making this a required course; couldn't we have expected something more elegant and in-depth?

"Maybe there's only one way to end my studies."

Hyo-ryong said, still triple wrinkling his brow.

"What is that?"

She was eager to finish her studies as soon as possible and get away from her normal environment.

"Yeah, you're going crazy."


At first, she couldn't understand Hyo-ryong's words. However, she soon understood the truth behind his words, and she was able to nod her head.

"I see. I don't see how anyone can smell the stench that seems to have risen from the depths of that netherworld without going insane and having their nerves tangled up."

"That's what I'm saying."

Bi Ryuyeon and Hyo-ryong, who were still exercising extreme patience with the long-winded explanation, muttered inwardly.

Whether he was aware of their feelings or not, Tang Hak Ling continued to lecture happily with several rare poisons in front of him.

I couldn't imagine how long I'd have to listen to this. There's no way the party bosses would take kindly to a bunch of bullies in the corner of the room. Soon enough, I heard nervous shouting mixed with threats.

"You're making too much noise. If you stick your snout in front of this sacred pot of poison one more time, I'm going to stuff your mouth with hydrochloric acid and five-flavored acid."

It was an eerie and terrifying threat. Hydrochloric acid was a terrifying potion that could melt your stomach with just half a spoonful. However, this was nothing compared to Wujiang Buntangshan. True to its name, Wu Zhang Buntang Mountain was a terrifying poison that if you drank just one drop, you would lie around for seven days and nights in burning pain before finally dying. It was hard not to be frightened of a man who was willing to put such a thing into the mouths of his disciples, and there was no one who would be sympathetic to him.

The instructor of the basic poisoning class, "A Thousand Understandings and Uses of Poisons," was a man as grim-looking as the subject he taught. His misshapen, elongated lower jaw and slit eyes, with their tiny irises, were enough to disgust anyone who saw them. His personality was as eccentric as his appearance, which freed both Bi and his classmates from the guilt of judging an otherwise healthy person with a narrow mindset that judged people based on their appearance alone. Tang Hak-ryung's personality was strange and eccentric beyond common sense.

With one threatening word, the hall was very effectively plunged into silence. Who would dare to open their mouths wide enough to tease their tongues!

Suddenly, the students seemed to like the class a little better.

"Now that's quiet. Drink a bowl of the Five Elements Bunshan and keep it this way at all times unless you want to suffer from the Five Poisonous Needles lodged in your entire body. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

The voice that answered was also booming. It was a very effective intimidation, but it was hard to tell if it was from the party or the government. In fact, there are few who are as eccentric and frightening as Tang Hak Ling. He had already carried out his threats many times before. Of course, he would quickly give them an antidote, but the pain they suffered in that brief moment was enough to make them feel like they were in hell.

"Once again, I emphasize that your lessons will not be complete until you have learned the harmony of the Five Elements and their mutually beneficial trade-offs inherent in this baked pot, until you can smell the fragrance of the medicinal ingredients that fill this room, until you can eat your own poison cold without hesitation, and until you can eat any food that is served to you by the Jianghu Daoists with confidence. If you learn this way and then go out into the wilderness and fall victim to someone else's dragon poison, don't even mention that you learned it from me. No old man can carry his face in shame, and such a man will melt in my hands before he dies from the poison of others. Do you understand?"


The class behavior of the Tianjia group, of which Bi Ryuyeon is a member, has never been better. With extreme patience, they tolerated the terrible smell of the poison, and everyone was engrossed in the class. Even after washing their eyes, they couldn't find a single distraction. The icy, venomous glare of the Tang Dean's eyes intimidated everyone, and no one could answer the question.

Everyone was anxious for the class to end, even if it was just for a minute or two.

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