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Book 4 Chapter 7

An unexpected visitor to the Asosphere

The night of the White House break-in was very tumultuous.

And the next day, a visitor clicks through to the

An unannounced visit. The door opened without a sound, and the

You have a guest. An unannounced and unexpected

The star of the surprise visit was none other than Na Yerin, the Bingbong.

The saintly Ice White Peak Na Yerin and the perverted wolf den Aesop Society were never meant to be together.

"Hey, Danga, is there something wrong with my eyes right now, I'm suddenly seeing things?"

"It's the sky, I'm sure of it. My eyes, like yours, see nothing. My eyes are just as misaligned as yours. I think I'll take some pills and rest for a while. Open your medicine cabinet."

"Hey, I don't even have any medicinal ingredients to make medicinal pills for myself, so where are the medicinal ingredients to return to you?"

"Cheating bastard."

The entirety of the Assemblies of the Assemblies were busy reattaching their missing jaws in horror. Right in front of them now was one of the best targets for their grim mustering appetites. The person who had been so difficult to approach at close range due to the strange idiots of the Bingfeng Movie Guard, causing so much disruption to their intelligence gathering, had now appeared on his own.

The vice-presidents of the Ascetic Society, Bi Yeon-tae, Jin Sung-gon, Lim Sung-jin, and the heavenly spirits Dang Chul-ki and Chun So-hae, gazed at her with their eyeballs falling out of their sockets and their eyes tearing up, as if to imprint every single one of her ecstatic, holy, and pious qualities on their eyes and brains.

A fair maiden who was once out of reach, even if you wanted to reach her, has appeared on her own feet (for reasons unknown). If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, you'll never be able to become a member of the Heavenly Ascendant Society.

"Me……, me Sojae, this……, what business is it of yours in such a dingy place?"

His voice was shaking violently as he asked the question. It was natural. It was no exaggeration to say that the beauty that overwhelmed the beholder, the divine beauty that made the beholder feel guilty and reverent like a lowly criminal who had transgressed the divine, the divine beauty that captivated the beholder for an instant, was the only way to describe her supreme beauty.

Those who first see Na Yerin the Icewhite up close duck their heads in surprise as they gaze upon her, and then lift them up again to gaze upon her. Those who are dazzled by her beauty may even double-check to see if there is a halo behind her head.

This was the general reaction, but in fairness, as with all things in the world, there were exceptions: not everyone's eyes lit up with reverence and holiness. There were a few whose adoration for her was so overwhelming that it bordered on insanity. A few men, driven to madness by a desire to personalize her beauty and sanctity, and a dark and depraved desire to defile her dazzling purity, have given themselves over to harming her body. Because the world is so vast, and the personalities within it so varied, there are indeed those who derive sexual pleasure from defiling and trampling on the sanctity and purity of Gada, who are called perverts, perverts, madmen, or madwomen. Her beauty was so great that it created a million admirers and a thousand detractors. It all happened because of her beauty, and it was even worse when she was a young girl.

From a young age, Na Yerin's stunning beauty has made her a target for many. She has been kidnapped, attacked, and strangled countless times. This is because there are perverts out there who have a vested interest in infantile girls under the age of twelve. They are collectively referred to as infantile-oriented perverts (lolita complex).

From a young age, she had been threatened by the teeth of countless male perverted wolves, and to make matters worse, as the years absorbed into her body in a way that the heavens themselves could not tell if they were indifferent or wary, her beauty grew more and more radiant, and with it, the hand of darkness that sought her out, for her beauty could not be lost, no matter what corner of the world she was in, for its light would always draw people to her.

If it weren't for her remarkable status and the rigorous protection that came with it, she would have been humiliated by the dangers she faced thousands of times over. Fortunately, her status as the biological granddaughter of the current Martial Saint of the Bai Clan, Qin Tian Thunder Sword God Nie Bai Tian, the most powerful man in the Hundred Islands Martial Clan, meant that she was fortunate enough to be protected from the kidnapping and attack desires of countless Wolf Clan men under the shadow of her invincible grandfather.

Even the current White Sword Martial King, Nie Bai Tian, couldn't help but adore his granddaughter, who was adorable from an early age and was both beautiful and bright. His love for his granddaughter was extreme, to say the least. He might even have been willing to fight against the Black Sword Martial Clan if his granddaughter had asked him for the Zhang Zhong Orb, a jewel that could be placed in the eye and would not hurt but rather enchant. To that extent (albeit with some exaggeration), the Qin Tian Lightning Sword God's love for his granddaughter was extreme.

The greater the love, the greater the worry, and the more the worry grows with it. Now that he's reached the age of ten thousand, even the unassailable Bai Dao Blind Lord is worried……. The sky is falling, the earth is burning, and the thing that worries him is none other than his favorite granddaughter, Na Yerin, the Snow White Peak, whom the wolves have been hunting down for years. A woman of indescribable beauty and charm, Na Yerin needed martial arts for protection and self-defense.

Alarmed by her beauty, which only grew more radiant as she grew older, he generously taught her the White Soul Sword Lightning Heavenly Sword Formation, which he called his supreme season, and used the elixir Young Dan to enhance her internal cultivation. For the safety and cultivation of his beautiful and adorable granddaughter, he would not spare anything. As if that weren't enough, he used all of his abilities and connections to invite Swordmaster Yi Yun, a member of the Three Heavenly Martial Saints, to form a priestly relationship with Na Yerin, with the sole intention of having her learn a sword method more suited to a woman's body than his own male-oriented sword method.

Sword Lord Yi Yun, who, despite being over a hundred years old, was still in his taut thirties without a single wrinkle, was immediately struck by Na Yerin's dazzling beauty, remarkable qualities, and outstanding aura. He instantly, without thinking or talking, entered into a priestly marriage with her. In this way, Na Yerin became one of Swordhu's medical advancers.

When Na Yerin requested that he take her to the Sword Pavilion and teach her in person, Mighty Lord Nai Bai Tian did not refuse. Although he was sad to be separated from his beloved granddaughter, even for a short time, it would be a relief for him to be under the protection of one of the three Heavenly Martial Emperors at the Sword Pavilion, the holy place of the Forbidden Men.

It was here, in Gumgak, that Na Yerin, who had largely closed herself off from the world, met the poisonous dog, Dokgoryeong. Of course, at that time, both of her eyes were still intact, so the term "poisoned eye" was not appropriate. He was a disciple of Sword Hu's in his later years, and his talents were extraordinary. Na Yerin, who rarely opened her heart to others, made an exception for Dokkaoling and Swordsman Yioksang. This was very fortunate for Bai Chen, who was disturbed by his granddaughter's autism.

He saw limitless possibilities in her brilliance, and Na Yerin did not disappoint his expectations. Indeed, she was gifted, making excellent progress in her martial arts training, and her speed was unparalleled. Her high achievements delighted Bai Xiaochun, who eagerly awaited news of his granddaughter from afar. But there was a problem. As her martial arts level rose, as dark dangers continued to lurk around her, her distrust of men grew deeper and deeper, until recently she had closed the door on them altogether.

Part of the blame lay with Na Baiqian, who was concerned about his granddaughter's recruitment and isolated her from the world, forcing her to focus solely on her martial arts training, but the ultimate culprit was her ability to read people's minds, even if they didn't want her to, an ability that blossomed as she grew older and her martial arts improved. Only a few people knew that she possessed this ability.

Exposed to countless dangers from the dark desires of perverted male lovers, her distrust of men has grown deeper and deeper, and to make matters worse, she can now read their twisted, twisted, dark black desires with the power of the Dragon Eye. What's more, she realizes that the twisted black desire for her has always been there, not only in the hearts of the behaviorist wolves who were lusting after her, but also in the hearts of the men who followed her. It was called man's instinct.

The difference between them and behavioral perverts was that they repressed their desires, or pretended they weren't there, or wanted to do it but gave up because they lacked the strength and ability. Recognizing that every man around her (regardless of age) was a potential werewolf, it was no wonder that she had developed an autistic distrust of men. The patience of a man with a half-grain of rice to stifle the lust that surged through her young veins never entered her consideration.

Noticing the strange changes in his granddaughter only later, Bai Chen sought to do something about it, but it was too late. From then on, the girl lost her liveliness, vivacity, and speech. She had almost closed herself off from the world, except for minimal communication.

Worried, Nai Bai Tian realized that he could no longer keep the girl under his shadow. Fortunately, Na Yerin, who seemed to have closed her heart to everyone, was still open to her mistress, Duke Dao Ling, so he decided to send her to her side. By this time, Duke Anfeng had already been admitted to the Heavenly Martial Academy. Of course, her grades were the best among the female high school students.

The Heavenly Martial Academy was a gateway for all children of prestigious martial families, and one day, Na Yerin would have to go there, too. So she took the entrance exam for the Heavenly Martial Academy. It was only a year before Bi Ryuyeon had entered. The entrance examination was nothing to her, as she was the first of the three Heavenly Martial Emperors, the former master of the Sword Hu, and the former master of the Martial Saint Nie Bai Tian. After effortlessly passing the entrance exams with flying colors, Na Yerin began living in the women's dormitory, Baekhyang Pavilion, alongside Dokgo Ling.

And here, too, her beauty remained unchanged, and as before, she attracted countless followers. Only this time, the followers were overwhelmingly more numerous than the lusters.

One of her most ardent followers was Wei Zichen, the Windblade Dragon, who had just been chosen as a member of the Nine Dragons and had gained everyone's attention, and it was under his leadership that the Ice Peak Film Guard was organized. But even they, who followed her like a goddess, were still a group of men. She had already closed her heart to men, and there was no way she would open it to them. However, they did not mind Na Yerin's coldness and followed her wherever she took them. The Watching Dog Elder was not pleased with their presence either, but he gave them a half-hearted glance, considering that they kept the other wolves away. This was because Wei Zichen's identity was the most reliable. He was the son of Wei Zhiqian, the vice-master of the Hundred Islands Alliance Martial Sect. But even so, he had left the other half with a sharp eye for those who might turn into beasts at any moment.

Bai Xiaochun was inwardly relieved to learn that the Bai Xiaochun Pavilion, which boasted of its ironclad guards and triple quadruple-organ defense against male wolf invaders, had allowed the first male to set foot in its holy grounds for the past hundred years. Fortunately, no one was harmed, no items were stolen, and no major problems occurred, but the fact that Baekhyang's defense system was breached in such a ridiculous way was a big deal. Naturally, the Heavenly Martial Academy was shaken to its core, and the search for the culprit was hampered by the culprit's ability to leave no trace.

But there was one person who knew the trail left by the culprits, one of them to be exact: Na Yerin.

Her sword was drawn as smoothly as an illusion. It was a smooth slash without any waste. The tip of the blade, which emitted an eerie aura, was pointed directly at Bi Ryuyeon's uvula. Bi Ryuyeon didn't even flinch in place until the cold blade touched her throat. Instead, he smiled and laughed.

"Well, I'm afraid this isn't going to be a friendly visit, is it?"

Of course not.

"Let me ask you a question."

"Yes, anything."

"Isn't that the guy who broke into the White House yesterday?"

It was a very straightforward question. No one is going to give a straight answer to a question like that. Even if they were the culprit. But for Na Yerin, that was enough to get her to reveal the truth.


Smiling, Bi Ryuyeon said. His answer was very ambiguous, depending on how you look at it.

"Can't read anything?

Again, I couldn't read his thoughts. It was the same phenomenon as last time. More and more, her suspicions deepened. But she had no confirmation. The matter was too big to be handled by hunches alone.

"Okay…… so how do I do this?

Bi Ryuyeon was now in a very difficult position. She had stopped Qin Lie's mouth with her skill, but she was worried about what she could do to stop Na Yerin's. She was now standing right in front of her, pointing her sword at her throat.

'What a waste. Using your mouth again?

Maybe it would be even more effective if she used her tongue. It would kill two birds with one stone, but she would soon have to put an end to her delusions. Perhaps today was not the day.

He didn't seem to be convinced, as he got angry and didn't ask any questions, and he didn't really have any evidence, except for a piece of fabric that he was embarrassed to tell anyone about.

It was true. Somehow, her prediction had been right on the money, but to be called "unsure" was a surprise to her. What was her ability? It was the rare absolute sensory solution of being able to instantly read a person's mind and predict their next move. Even if she wasn't a god and couldn't read every detail, she could still gauge the authenticity of the other party's words with a rough feeling. But Bi Ryuyeon's mind was as opaque as a thick fog.

"It's the same as it was then.

It was in the same vein as today that she had unexpectedly given Bi Ryuyeon the first touch of her lips in the Yun Xiang Pavilion. Her heart, which had always remained calm and composed, began to stir a little.

Her swordplay grew stronger as she pointed it at Bi Ryuyeon.

"Why are you doing this?"

Without losing her composure, Bi Ryuyeon asked.

"Are you sure?"

Once again, she asks if you were the one who broke into Baekhyang yesterday. Bi Ryuyeon, who had brought the evidence of the break-in to her secret compartment, could not have missed the implication of the question. But she deliberately pretended not to know.

"What, did something happen?"

Bi Ryuyeon replied cheerfully. Anyone else would have been caught red-handed, but not her.

"As I was saying, I asked if it was the same person who broke into the White House yesterday."

There was a moment of agitation, but she hadn't lost her composure yet.


As part of his preliminary research to infiltrate the Baekhyang Pavilion, he had seen and studied the floor plans of the interior of the Baekhyang Pavilion, so he knew where it was located, what it did, and what it was for, but Bi Ryuyeon hadn't been anywhere near it last evening. It wasn't as if he'd been drinking himself into a stupor and hadn't remembered something like that, so why would he make a mistake. It was the same with Muyoung Chuiltae, who had made a bet with him: his target was a chest covering that was twice as large as the others in the Dokanfeng Dokgoryeong.

The sword hall was the highest level in the palace, and it was said to be the best temple in the palace, where the heart of the most skilled swordswoman in the country was sealed. No matter how much you bet, if you touch it, things will get out of hand. Neither Bi Liuyue nor Chu Iltai were fools, so why would they aim for that place just because they were crazy?

If so, then…….

'Are you saying that a third party broke into the White House that day, baiting us to…… No way…….'

That was too much of a leap. This was done in secret. Of course, Bi Ryuyeon thought that there were no complete secrets in the world, but she had reduced the possibility to a minimum. Still, the fact that it happened meant that Chu Il-tae's side might have planned something. To set himself up……. It was very possible.

Either that, or there was a traitor on this side. Bi Ryuyeon turned and looked at her companions carefully, but none of them had the character to do such a thing.

"No way, does anyone go after martial artists weaker than themselves?"

Bi Ryuyeon's words were, depending on how you interpreted them, furious. Her brow lifted in anger. It was her fullest expression of anger.

Bi Ryuyeon's words, without interpretation, were loudly proclaiming that Sword Hu's martial arts were weaker than her own. It wasn't an insult or a slight to Yi Yun, who was also her master. However, Bi Ryuyeon's expression was too calm to be a bluff. Her eyes were unwavering, which was only possible when someone full of confidence was speaking the truth.

"That's crazy."

"What? Usually."

She shrugged it off like it was nothing. Her sword pole, silently aiming for his life in the center of the room, fell to the ground.

"Can you take responsibility for your words?"

"Sure. How can I prove it?"

Bi Ryuyeon, who doesn't think Chu Ho is fanatical either, replies. "What's wrong with telling the truth? It's called being honest.

A puzzled look crossed her face. The man in front of her was of an incomprehensible race, a completely different type from the countless men she had known. No one had ever acted like him before. Suddenly, a strange emotion arose in her heart, the first she had ever felt in her life, and it moved her lips.

"Then go win the Samsung Mujee when it returns this year, and I'll take your word for it."


It wasn't just Bi Ryuyeon who was shocked, it was the entire Aesop Society, who had been staring at her in awe. Jin Sung-gon and Im Seong-jin quickly stepped forward.

"Me, Sojae, he's just a first grader this year, and to expect him to win the Samsung Muze, a martial arts festival for the best of the best in the heavenly realm, is asking a lot."

In fact, Im Sung-jin, who had a bone to pick (everyone in the Association was an accomplice to Bi Ryuyeon), quickly tried to mediate between the two. Even though Bi Ryuyeon miraculously managed to infiltrate that dingy white house last night and come out alive and unharmed, so he got to see her again, that was that, and this was this. It was a different matter than winning the Samsung Muje. He honestly felt that it was too much to ask of her.

"I've heard a rumor that the Mo Yong Sect, called the Seven Seasons Divine Sword, is also participating, isn't he in the same grade?"

Of course, it was obvious that Mo was a first-year student. Mo Yong-hui's participation in Samsung was already a given in the hakwan. It was one of Chomi's concerns. Lim Sung-jin quickly answered.

"But isn't the situation different between him and this one? He's been receiving special training since he was a child from the Sword Saint Mo Yongzheng Tian, who is one of the three Heavenly Martial Kings. Such a person……."

"That's enough."

It was Bi Ryuyeon who cut off Lim's seemingly endless excuses. Even the most radical person in the world, Im Seong-jin, couldn't help himself in front of her beauty. No matter how much he tried to calm down, he couldn't hide his embarrassment and agitation.

"Okay, I promise."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled and spoke confidently. There was no hint of agitation or anxiety in his words.

"If I win there, I hope Sojae will look at me differently."

Na Yerin said with an expressionless face at Bi Ryuyeon's smiling words.

"If we really want to win a Samsung, we'll do it."

Na Yerin thought that Bi Ryuyeon's words meant that if she won the Samsung Festival, she would be able to remove the suspicion that had been cast on her. She wasn't necessarily wrong, but there was a little bit of something else in them.

"Okay, then let's win the Samsung and prove me wrong."

"I look forward to it."

Still, no other expression could be seen on her beautiful face. Her expression was as impassive as it had been on that day in Yunxiang. The thought suddenly crossed my mind that if I could see a smile on her face, I could do anything.

As she sheathed her aegis and turned to leave, a sigh escaped her lips. It was a sigh of disappointment at the loss of her supreme beauty, but also a sigh of relief at the release of tension.

As her beautiful parish vanished before their eyes, the hearts of the Assemblies were broken. Her entire body seemed to be drained of energy, and the effect of her beauty on those around her was profound. Some of them even cupped their noses, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of the fine reverberations she left in the air.

However, as expected from a club that specializes in women's information, they didn't sit idly by, and the rejuvenated head of the department, Bie Yeon-tae, and the rest of the group immediately got to work. From a bookcase lined with information pamphlets containing the biographical details of all the women in the Heavenly Pavilion classified as beautiful, as well as other suspicious information, they took out the information folder pertaining to Bingbai Peak Na Yerin. On the remaining blank pages of the folder, they began to write down the myriad of information that had been imprinted in their minds and eyes.

The type and color of the clothes Na Yerin wore today, her taste in clothing that could be deduced from that, her height, her estimated weight, her trigonometric figures that boasted the perfect golden ratio, the words she spoke when she came here today, the jade tones they heard, and even the stones of the floorboards she walked on were cut to the exact size of her footprints. Some formed a circle around the spot where she had passed, peering into it, searching for any stray hairs she might have shed. Soon they would have a target.

The length of her legs and arms, the way she holds her sword, the type of sword, the type of jewelry, the shape of her hair, the type, color, and number of jewelry in her hair, the fabric, color, and manner of her movements, the size of her retaliation, and the tone of her voice.

Today, they had heard up close the jade music of the Bingbai Peak Na Yerin, which no one would dare to listen to for a thousand gold coins. The impression was indescribably great. Thus, they frantically and methodically recorded, and by evening, they had accomplished their goal to Sogi's satisfaction. For them, this was a rewarding day that they would never forget.

"Bingbai Peak Na Yerin, you are indeed as beautiful as it is rumored to be. It's almost divine……. All I can say is, "Lao Tzu, you are truly astonishing."

Im Sung-jin muttered to himself as he watched the sunset. Bi Ryuyeon was singing beside him like a child, wondering if it was so good to see Na Yerin again today.

"Excuse me?"


I stared at Bi Ryuyeon, wondering what was wrong with her. She had been like that ever since she made a huge promise to win the Samsung Festival earlier. She looked like she was pondering something.

'That was too much to ask, how dare a first grader win a Samsung…….'

That's just ridiculous. Even if she had succeeded in infiltrating the Baekhyang Pavilion, a difficult and dangerous place, and had earned her reward, it would be impossible for her to win the Samsung Festival with such skills. Bi Yantai, who had spent four years at the Heavenly Martial Academy, knew this better than anyone.

"I see you're overwhelmed. Why don't you go ask for an appointment now? It might not be too late."

It was thoughtful advice, but she shook her head. It didn't seem to bother her.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

"Then what?"

Doesn't he seem a bit cocky?" Bi-yeon-tae rushed to answer the question.

"But how do I participate in the Samsung Festival?"


Everyone gasped in astonishment. They stared at her as if she were a strange creature.

"So you're saying you made a promise without knowing anything about it?"


The sight of Bi Ryuyeon nodding her head naturally, unaware of the speed of the onlookers, was abominable.

"With what guts?"

"Does it take guts to win something like that?"

"Are you sure……."

I can't see the end of it. What does he believe in and is so full of confidence?

"What's all the fuss about Samsung?"


That was the final straw. Everyone was at a loss for words and could only stare at her in disbelief.

The day after Na Yerin's visit, Ilmu-young Chuil-tae and Bi Ryuyeon gathered inside the Assocation building, along with the Assocation's vice president, Bi Yeon-tae, and Gulgae Byeong-tae-nam.

"Well, let's check the promised goods first."

It seemed that Bi Yantai had taken on the role of presiding over the proceedings, a role that suited him very well. The box opened to reveal a piece of cloth embroidered with peonies, with a fragrant aroma, and lightning flashed in Bi Yantai's eyes when he saw it. This reaction was echoed by the perverted man standing next to him, whose eyes resembled those of a hunter who had discovered a legendary treasure. What Bi Ryuyeon was holding, if it was genuine, was enough to stir them both up.

The simple, unassuming peony pattern on the thin silk, the sweet, subtle scent that lingers in the air, and the word Lin (璘) embroidered at the end.

It was an object whose use was known to all, to gather and wrap a woman's soft and tender things. It was also known by some as a chi chi shield…….

"Ohhhh, the scent! How genuine!"

Thousands of women, if they were beautiful, and if he had ever met or passed by them, were judged to be authentic by Vidyutae, the possessor of a deceptive sense of smell, who could smell and distinguish them by their different body scents from the objects they owned.

"I never thought I'd be able to get my hands on this!"

Bi Yantai's eyes snapped back with a surge of excitement. The rare artifact that he had so longed to possess, but had been unable to, that even a thousand gold coins could not purchase, was now displaying its subtle and bewitching beauty before his eyes.

Unconsciously, an unattached hand reached out to it.


"Don't touch it, it's mine."

It was Bi Ryuyeon who slapped the back of Bi Yeon-tae's hand.

"Hey, come on, we should share our joys amongst ourselves, don't you know the old saintly saying that joy is doubled when shared and sorrow is halved when shared?"

Bi Yantai's eyes glowed with the desire to bury his face in the most beautiful woman in the world and inhale her fragrance to his heart's content. The redness in his eyes was almost frightening. But Bi Ryuyeon didn't blink an eye. She didn't want to give her favorite girl's insides to someone other than herself. Especially not if that person was a certified pervert recognized by the Heavenly Pavilion.

"I don't know, and I don't want to know."

"You're so mean. Are you even in the same family?"

"Yeah, but it's the same thing, and I can't use it."

From the side, a crooked, mulleted owner of a hanging pervert interrupted.

"If not, then no, I can't give you this."

But she was determined.

"Chet, that's tacky, tacky, tacky. I'd love to have one of those……. If I could have one, I'd make it a family heirloom, and then I wouldn't pass it on to the next generation because it would be a waste……."

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Bi Yantai was completely pissed off, and she was trying to get on Bi Ryuyeon's nerves, but Bi Ryuyeon, who had some pretty thick nerves, just shrugged it off.

"Where's yours?"

Just as Bi Ryuyeon had brought Na Yerin's underwear as a betting item, he had to bring Dokgo Ling's underwear. The corners of his mouth curled up in accusation.

"I'm empty-handed."

"So, do you admit your defeat?"

"I admit it. I lost."

Surprisingly, Chu Il-tae conceded defeat. It's foolish to lament when you can't expect any further results. Unless he could lure his opponent into the trap he had devised, he had lost. But his heart was in good spirits. What happened upstairs was none of his business.

The two hundred silver coins from the wager were handed to Bi Ryuyeon. His mouth dropped open. It had been a long time since he had received any income, and he was even more pleased.

And with that, the ridiculous wager between Ilmu-young Chuil-tae and Bi Ryuyeon came to an abrupt end. As for Chu Il-tae, who returned fruitlessly and pumped his fist in the air, exclaiming, "If only there had been an alarm back then, I could have gotten my hands on it," he meekly conceded defeat to Bi Ryuyeon, who safely walked away with the item he most wanted, but couldn't have, within the Heavenly Martial Academy. The bet was thus settled in Bi Ryuyeon's favor, and she was able to add a number to the income column of her own cash register. He didn't have to ask to know how happy he was.

And the next day, a single report landed on Hyungsan Diary Baek Moo-young's desk!

'Turns out he's pretty good.

It was short and to the point. The useless report, which didn't give Baek any of the information he wanted, nearly destroyed his longtime mental discipline. To make matters worse, the report was accompanied by an invoice.

PS: Invoices

Amount: Two hundred yuan

I have expended two hundred silver coins in the execution of this work, and do hereby claim the above.

It was a good thing Baek Moo-young didn't have a seizure. It suddenly occurred to him that Chu Il-tae and Bi Ryuyeon might have had something to do with the break-in at Baekhyang House two days earlier, but it was useless to talk about it when you have nothing but a psychosis and no physical evidence. So Baek Moo-young had to come up with another plan to deal with Bi Ryuyeon. If Chu Il-tae was really involved, it would be a disaster for the Gujung Council.

Baek Moo-young decided that he would never entrust Chu Il-tae with his work again.

"Hey, Whew."

Mo Yonghui, a model young man who is still tireless and organized in his studies, was working hard on his studies today. As usual, Mo Yonghui maintained an exemplary attitude as a student.

Mo Yonghui, who had been diligently poring over the Forty-Eight Species Sword Breaking Methods, occasionally drawing shapes and diagrams on the paper, tore his gaze away from the book and turned toward Bi Ryuyeon. However, even that brief glance towards her was a waste of time, as his gaze remained glued to the book, unable to break away. In her hand, she held several finely folded sheets of red paper. There was an occasional white sheet among them, but they were overwhelmingly colored.

I pulled my gaze away from the pamphlet and took a closer look, and realized that they were all searches. I couldn't help but notice that they were all red.

"What, those?"

"What's this, three thousand miles away, or above the clouds? These are hot love letters filled with burning affection for you. While others are busy sending love letters to win the hearts of women, you're doing the opposite, taking the initiative and flying over from the other side. How I envy you."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled darkly. Although she said it, she didn't seem to be too envious. She was well aware of how much trouble Mo Yonghui was causing her. Mo Yonghui's response to Yanxi, which was colorfully infused with the girls' pale pink pity, was fierce.

"I don't need it."


"I don't need that stuff. Take it and throw it away."

Mo Yonghui's words were as resolute as a sword. It wasn't for just anyone to throw away a letter that contained someone else's heart without reading it.

All she received on a daily basis were duel requests from names she'd never heard of, and cursing letters filled with profanity and hatred, so it was hard for her to keep her cool about the subject of receiving so many letters from female students.

"Still, it's a letter from someone else, and it's only polite to read it once, so why not?"

Bi Ryuyeon had a point. Nothing would be more insulting than to burn a scout sent by another without even looking at it.

"Give it to me."

Reluctantly, Mo Yonghui accepted the lotus papers, which were still burning hot (fortunately for the girls who had sent them out in large numbers). Mo Yonghui was at least polite. The problem was, he only knew the bare minimum. He tore off the cover at once, scratched his eyes once, left and right, and set them aside, each one too scary to hold. It took him less than three seconds. Perhaps he was speed-reading to save time, for at that rate he read the letters (though I doubt it), and it took him less than three minutes to finish the thirty-two letters. As Mo Yonghui put down the last of the thirty-two letters, Bi Ryuyeon asked, "How did you do it?" He too was curious.

"Are you sure you finished?"

From the sidelines, it was a natural question.


"That's a scary rate, I can't believe it."

"It's called speed reading. It's no big deal."

That's right. As expected, Mo Yonghui used a text-reading augmentation called speed reading to read the chronicles.

"It may not be a big deal, but it's convenient, and apparently you don't like women clinging to you, do you?"

What was Bi Ryuyeon thinking, asking Mo Yong-hui such a question?


The answer is that Mo Yonghui's behavior was enough.

"Would you like me to keep them all away from you, that is, keep women away from you who would interfere with your practice?"

"Are you sure about that?"

Mo Yonghui's ears perked up at Bi Ryuyeon's suggestion.

It was a sound that drove a stake into the heart of an unpopular man, a sound that could not be other than the sound of a full stomach in a lean year.

"Of course, I don't say things that can't be done."


Ryu-yeon held out a piece of paper.

"All you have to do is sign here."

"What, this?"

"The secret weapon that will keep you away from women."

Bi Ryuyeon said with an amused expression.

"What is the paper about?"

I was deeply suspicious of the content.

"You don't need to know that, just sign here, and I promise you, no harm will come to you, and if you think it's unreasonable, you can pretend it never happened."

On purpose, she didn't show the contents of the document.

"Come on, if it's against morality, reason, and the rules, you don't have to do it. Go ahead and sign it."

Once again, Bi Ryuyeon encouraged Mo Yonghui. After being told that he didn't have to abide by the rules if they went against morality, reason, justice, and rules, Mo Yonghui finally signed the papers without even checking their contents. Unfortunately, while his brilliance may have been unrivaled in his martial arts training and academic endeavors, it was inadequate in dealing with Kang Ho's dark schemes. Without thoroughly checking the contents, Mo Yonghui scribbled his signature on the blank space of the document, which might be a stroke of fate.

It was an application to join the Association.

"Can you teach me what this is now?"

After signing, Mo Yonghui asked again, and only then did Bi Ryuyeon answer with a meaningful smile.

"Alas, it's an application for membership in a club called the Asgardian Society, which me, Hyo-ryong, Jang Hong, and Jun-ho have joined."


Mo Yonghui's reaction was more exciting than I expected. It was the first time he had heard the name, as he had only been studying and practicing.

"What is that place doing?"

Mo Yonghui, who could count to a billion, but knew little about the affinity group, had no idea what it was doing or how debauched the group was.

"Alas, we'll see about that."

She brushed off his question. There was nothing good about Mo Yonghui's personality. There was no way that Mo Yonghui, a severe dyslexic, would like the Aesop Society, which was being treated like a perverted group.

The Tianmu Academy paid each club a quarterly operating fee based on the number of members, meaning that the more registered members they had, the more operating fees they would receive. Therefore, even though Mo Yonghui did not participate in the activities, he was still registered as a member on paper. This is what we call a ghost member. These are people who contribute a lot to the club's operating budget.

As a result of these circumstances, Mo Yonghui joined the association on a whim after being invited to an event aimed at improving the association's budget and securing funding.

I couldn't help but wonder what would happen to the expressions on the faces of the girls who had crushes on him if word got out that Mo Yong-hui, one of the most handsome men of the year, had become a member of a group that chased girls around behind their backs.

Probably not, but it's pretty cool to watch…….

It had been dozens of days since the bet with Chu Il-tae, and Bi Ryuyeon had been forced to spend her days sitting in class with Jang Hong and Hyo-ryong. It had been an uneventful, boring, and uneventful day.

Poor Yun Jun-ho was sent to Yin Do every day after school for a special lesson, only to come back late at night, a doughy mess. Hyorong and Jang Hong felt sorry for him, but they couldn't think of anything else to do to help him, so they could only encourage him verbally. As the days went by, they felt sorry for him as he seemed to become more and more disheveled. Bi Ryuyeon, the one who started the whole thing, turned a blind eye.

Today was a day of overlapping classes. As she was preparing for class, she suddenly saw Mo Yonghui. After waking up at the crack of dawn as usual and cleaning his living space to perfection, Mo Yonghui quietly sat down at his desk to prepare for today's lecture. Mo Yonghui's enthusiasm for studying and practicing incense was so great that Bi Ryuyeon was tired of watching from the sidelines. Among the many subjects he took, there was not a single one that he neglected. His achievements were as outstanding as the effort he put into them. As a result, Mo Yonghui received nothing but praise from everyone.

There is nothing more terrifying than genius combined with hard work. The exact opposite of Mo Yonghui, the perfect model student, was Bi Ryuyeon. He hasn't been showing much interest in anything else lately, except for yin gong, which has been rotting the hearts of the various laborers. The gazes of the laborers were uneven as they watched him sleep uninterruptedly.

It happened one day in class, when it was time for a swordsmanship lecture on the importance of eye contact in mastering swordsmanship. The master in charge was Master Huashan Bichennian Wen, a renowned swordsman of the Murim, who Yun Jun was honored to be taught by.

"In the art of swordsmanship, the mind is four parts, and the rest of the techniques and sword herbs are three parts. This emphasizes the importance of eye contact in swordsmanship, and it applies equally to all other martial arts. If you are unable to read your opponent's movements, all that remains is defeat."

Like any good swordsman, his teachings were full of the right words, but they didn't seem to pique Bi Ryuyeon's interest.

Mr. Moon's lecture continued.

"The most important thing in fighting an enemy is to have good vision. If I miss an enemy's movements, it will directly lead to my defeat. You!"

"What? Me?"

The person he was referring to was none other than Bi Ryuyeon. From the beginning of his sword lessons, he had been bothered by Bi Ryuyeon's bouncy bangs that reached below her eyes. As a swordsman, this was unacceptable.

"Yes, you. Look at that, everybody. That's one of the worst examples of not having your own vision and making it worse."

As he felt all eyes on him, he felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, her bangs were hanging down below her eyes, severely interfering with his watch. But she'd never been bothered by it before.

"Have you no intention of correcting what is wrong with you, for if you continue as you are, there is no guarantee when you will find yourself under the blade of someone's sword."

But despite Moon's advice, Bi Ryuyeon remained calm.

"That's okay, I'm not in the mood for that yet, in fact…… I haven't met anyone yet where my hair has gotten in the way."

The Volcanic Unexpectedness Moon Diary's jaw dropped, for it was an outrageous thing to hear. There was no way the prestigious Moon Diary could be silent in the face of such arrogance. It was one of his duties as a teacher to rebuke the arrogance of his students.

"You are indeed rabid and arrogant, do you think you can learn to wield a sword with that mentality?"

An abstract call fell on Bi Ryuyeon.

"Hey……. I'm not a sword learner, and I don't plan on learning anything in particular in the future. It's better to be perfect at one thing than to be a jack-of-all-trades, don't you think?"

As a listener, it was mind-boggling. It's a good thing I didn't fall into the trap of coinage because I was stunned by the escalating degradation.

"You're so full of yourself, don't you know that there are as many contributing directors in the world as there are grains of sand on the beach?"

"That's another time. If I ever encounter one, I'll make sure my hair is groomed."

Ryuyeon Bi said nonchalantly.

"Before that happens, your head will be cut off by my sword. And yet you will not change your mind?"

"Yes. Besides, my master told me to cover my eyes with my hair in case of an accident."

At Bi Ryuyeon's absurdity, Moon Il-ki made a face.

"Covering your eyes with hair? Reducing your vision to a fraction of what it should be by covering your eyes, the most important organ in your body when it comes to learning martial arts and dealing with your enemies?"

He's one of the oldest people in the world, but this was the first time he'd ever heard of a clan deliberately covering their eyes with hair to reduce their vision.

"Pupils, to be precise. He says to keep them covered most of the time. My master doesn't like to look at them either. He says they give him a strange feeling……."

'Come to think of it, I told you never to be seen, especially in front of women, or they'll run away!'

It's a very strange and disrespectful way of doing things, but it's also a very strange and disrespectful way of doing things, and it's a very strange and disrespectful way of doing things……. I could only curse to myself that it was a very peculiar and reprehensible spirit.

"Are you sure you don't want that hair down to your eyes?"

"Yes, of course."

"Can I try it?"


Bi Ryuyeon replied confidently.

"Then I can figure this one out."

No sooner had Wen Yili's words fallen from his lips than a dazzling red sword flame erupted from his scabbard, blurring Bi Ryuyeon's vision. A portion of the Whirlwind Dance Sword, one of the Hua Shan Sect's authentic two great sword techniques, had been cast. It was an unexpected move.

Bi Ryuyeon tilted her head back slightly. She had secretly read his intention to remove her bangs. It was clear that Mr. Moon had faked an accident to get his bangs cut off.

Elder Moon's complexion changed slightly as Bi Ryuyeon's sword qi failed to produce any results as she slightly pulled her head back. He hadn't expected to be able to read such a subtle difference.

The sword energy in front of Bi Ryuyeon's eyes quickly dissipated, and the room fell silent like a lie.

"Can you tell how many changes it is?"

Elder Moon asked, hiding his hardened complexion. "If you're so confident, I dare you to match the changes emanating from my sword.


It's no big deal, she said.

"Twelve of them are real, and the other thirty-six are false, and this time I reduced the real ones to increase the change."

"Ma…… is right."

Unable to believe that his swordsmanship had been discovered by a first-grader, Moon was devastated. Now that things had come to this, she was at a loss for words.

"Uh-huh, have it your way. Folks, in cases like this, most people end up pounding the pavement, wailing, and regretting their mistakes later. Just be aware of that."

There was a bone in the words of the volcanologist. Not wanting to publicize his agitation any further, he hurriedly canceled the class.

"Uhhhh," he continued, "the eyes are closely related to speed and time because they are very closely related to relative speed, which means that as you develop your eyesight, you gain more speed and more time than your opponent. If you can read and understand your opponent's speed with your eyes, that gives you more speed to subdue them. Speed in combat is relative, not absolute, and can always change depending on the opponent and the environment, which is why all martial arts disciplines consistently emphasize the importance of eye technique."

The dull class went on like this, with Ms. Moon's frustration rising every time she glanced at Bi Ryuyeon.

This had happened many times, not just once, so it was no wonder that the laborers' gazes at her were uneven. But Bi Ryuyeon was still unfazed by the stares, and all he cared about these days was fulfilling his promise to Na Yerin.

To fulfill your promise to Bingbaekbong Na Yerin, you must first learn about the conditions and qualifications. You can't win the Samsung Festival without knowing anything.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people in the organization who are familiar with the field, so it was easy to ask them questions, especially Jin Sung-gon and Im Sung-jin.

First of all, neither dogs nor cows were allowed to participate in the Samseong Festival. This was because there was a strict requirement that you had to be at least a Five Sword Dragon or higher to participate. Below that, it would be more complicated, more injured, and more work, so the qualification was strictly limited to the Five Sword Dragons and above. It was a way of saying, "Don't dare to get hurt.

Therefore, it was impossible to participate in the Samseong Festival without first attaining the status of a sword dragon. It is safe to say that there are very few people in the first grade who can attain the Five Sword Dragon or higher at once, so in effect, the first grade was being denied participation. They were still considered immature by the academy. However, there are always exceptions.

Regardless of these rules, there was a person who dreamed of participating in the Samsung Festival as a first-year entrant this year. His name was Bi Ryuyeon, a person who thought he could attain the level of Five Sword Dragons once and for all. He had the skills, abilities, and potential to do so. In order to fulfill his promise, he had to obtain the Sword Dragon Rank first. It was the first step in fulfilling his promise.

So how does a promotion test work? The process is surprisingly simple. The person who is currently applying for a promotion simply has to compete against someone with a higher rank. Of course, there are always evaluators present at the promotion examination center, so it's safe to say that there's no chance of illegal testing. This system is a great way to kill two birds with one stone, as it also provides an opportunity for higher ranking employees to practice their skills.

It turns out that Bi Ryuyeon isn't the only one who needs the Sword Dragon Weapon.

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