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Book 4 Chapter 2

Yin Gong Classes and Qian Yin Zen

She's so kosher, so neat, so perfect, that the

She was in her neat and organized room, getting ready for today's class.

The room is so immaculately clean that there's not a speck of dust on it.

It's become an unholy place, a place that catches the rays of the midday sun.

I was dazzled by the shine.

However, it was definitely not her fault that the room was so impossibly clean and organized. Given her laid-back, lazy personality, such a miracle was unlikely to happen. Rather, it could be defined as a hostile presence that disrupted the perfection of organization in the room. However, the perfection of the room would be restored in an instant.

Mo Yonghui had the remarkable ability to restore the perfection of order and cleanliness in a room in any way that Bi Ryuyeon could, and to do so in half the time. His obsession with cleanliness, which stemmed from his severe dysgraphia, was so great that even Bi Ryuyeon, who was now synonymous with recklessness, did not easily find the courage to mess with the room. Mo Yonghui's obsession with cleaning and tidiness was frightening.

Bi Ryuyeon grumbled and complained about how inhuman and abnormal it was to be in such a spotless room, but her words didn't make it past Mo Yonghui's ears and into his head.

Sometimes, this neatness wasn't a bad thing. Especially when the early morning light streams through the windows, the whole room seems to be bathed in light.

In the midst of the waves of light that filled the room, she leisurely prepared for today's lesson, unaware of the countless arrows of vengeance and accusation that had been aimed at her. Today would finally be the day of Yin Gong, and for the first time in a long time, she was excitedly polishing the thunderbolt of her thunderstick.

Bribed silence!

The very same mukgum that hung from Bi Ryuyeon's back when he entered the Heavenly Hall earlier this year in a bizarre maneuver that shook a sect to its core. Something she usually had to have Yin Do carry because she couldn't be bothered to carry it.

Although he claimed to have taken over from his master in a perfectly legitimate manner, I had my doubts. The bribe, which bore the name of Meng Liu, was the secret treasure of his master, Bi Liu Wen, and was not something to be taken lightly or handled casually.

However, Bi Ryuyeon's argument was that he was a duly authorized successor to a dignified master and the next great master. Therefore, he argued, everything that belongs to a master is his. Of course, if his master had heard, he would have shaken his fist at him like a windmill and denied it outright.

Moreover, what made the silken gold even more important and valuable was that it contained a sealed lightning box. Said to contain the power of the Thunder God, the sealed thunderbox was the ultimate treasure of the Thunder Gate and was used to store the True Thunder Dao.

It was always kept there when it was not in use, as the sharpness of the blade never deteriorated, nor did the foresight of the spiritist, so when it was not in use, it was always kept there. In other words, by taking possession of the silent thunderbolt, the bribery, as well as the other two treasures of the Silent Thunderbolt Gate, were all in her possession. It was as if Bi Ryuyeon had stripped the entire foundation of the secret door down to its roots.

As she rushed to get ready, feverishly polishing her gold, hoping to catch Mo Yonghui's dedication to cleanliness, she suddenly glanced to the side. There, she saw Mo Yonghui, who was doing the same thing as her, but in a much more meticulous, careful, and thorough manner, polishing his own gold. It was very unexpected. Usually, the only things he touched besides his sword were cleaning supplies, hundreds of books with complicated names, and a quill.

"Uh, you take abstinence classes too?"

Mo Yonghui silently nodded in response to Bi Ryuyeon's question. A chill in the air…….

"I didn't realize you were going to take music lessons."


Mo Yonghui looked at Bi Ryuyeon's curious gaze and asked her if she didn't like it.

"Of course. I thought you knew nothing but the sword, but to have such an elegant hobby as music is unexpected for a blunt fellow like you."

Biryou's words seemed to emphasize her own gracefulness (?) in mastering yin gong.

"It's not a hobby."

"Then what is it?"

"I'm just interested in the difference in the flow of qi and its changes between the state of emission, utilization, operation, and application of true qi in yin kung and the state of emission, utilization, operation, and application of sword qi in sword kung. That's all I'm interested in."

"Ew! What the hell is that, I can't believe it, I can't believe it, I can't believe it, so I'm going to go through all the trouble of learning yin gong just to do a comparative analysis of the principles and differences between two different types of yin gong?"

Unlike Bi Ryuyeon, who was learning ping pong as a personal hobby and interest for all sorts of fancy things, Mo Yonghui was taking ping pong for incredibly complicated academic reasons. No wonder she got bored.

"Of course."

Mo Yonghui did not hesitate to say.

He's so boring, she cursed to herself. She was proud of herself for continuing to have a relationship with such a fun-loving, sociable lump (You're a nerd, too.). He was completely unaware of the fact that in the eyes of others, he was just as much of a weirdo.

"So which one of your classes is this?"

He asked the question, but she already knew the answer. Only one person had a lecture scheduled for today.

Bi Ryuyeon and Mo Yonghui weren't the only ones attending Yin Gong class today. As they left the room, Hyo Ryong stood outside with gold on his back.

"What? Hyo-ryong, what are you doing here?"

Hyo-ryong frowned slightly at Bi Ryuyeon's words.

"Have you forgotten already?"

"Oh, come to think of it, I signed up for the class with you, didn't I?"

After thinking about it for a while, Bi Ryuyeon clapped her hands and said, "If Hyorong hadn't come first and waited, I would have left him alone. If Hyorong hadn't come first and waited for her, she would have left him alone.

"Did you just remember?"


Bi Ryuyeon nodded nonchalantly. Without a hint of apology.

"I don't know about you, but your gold looks like something out of the ordinary."

The gaudy mukgum on Bi Ryuyeon's back caught his attention from the very first moment he saw it. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious about its history.

"Oh, this? It's a pretty silly thing, too."

She replied with an odd smile.

"If you're that good, can I expect you to be that good?"

I could tell he was skeptical. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't harmonize it with the cheeky, nonchalant tone.

"Of course. Look forward to it!"

She's always been confident.

The Heavenly Yin Master Hong Lan's Yin Gong class was held in a special room on the third floor of the Yin Yun Hall, which was completely soundproofed in three quarters to avoid disturbing other classes. Mo Yonghui, who preferred to socialize separately, sat in the back, while Bi Ryuyeon sat with Hyo-ryong.

Indeed, as the Heavenly Martial Academy was a place where the descendants of famous people and families gathered in large numbers, the gold that others possessed was of high quality, but they all seemed to pale in comparison to Bi Ryuyeon's golden lightning bolt. The golden lightning bolt that Bi Ryuyeon possessed had a divine energy that attracted the attention of others.

After a brief greeting from Ms. Hong Ran, the class began. The class started with a theoretical lecture on yin gong. After all, this is the time to teach about the basics of yin gong.

"Yin gong is the collective term for not only air power using musical instruments such as the golden horn, zither, pipa, jade horn, and flute, but also all airless power that uses sound to agitate and strike an enemy, such as the lion hoo."

Her flowing lecture began.

Despite being in her forties, Hong Lan still had the beauty of a twenty-something, but one thing she was fortunate to have as a Bi Ryuyeon was that she didn't have to learn abstinence from a squat old woman. After all, abstinence should be best learned from a beautiful woman (a thought that was not lost on Bi Ryuyeon, who was extremely lacking in path thinking).

Even the Celestial Master Hong Lan could not help but be impressed by Bi Ryuyeon's silence. As soon as he saw it, his instincts as a musician stirred within his senses. He could hardly contain his excitement at the thought of what the eight strings of thin, transparent silver, which he could pass by unnoticed unless he looked closely, would sound like under his ten fingers. It was the first time she had ever seen gold made with such transparent silver threads, even as a master of the art.

Just as a swordsman feels an overwhelming urge to wield a new sword, or an old sword, or a gourmet sees a delicious Japanese gourmet dish and wants to eat it at all costs, so too does a musician feel the urge to play a masterpiece that excites them. The more famous the instrument, the more intense the feeling. Qian Yin's Hong Lan was no exception.

"What is the name of the society?"

"It's called a Bi Ryuyeon."

"What? She's already falling for me before we've even gotten to work?

"If you'll excuse me, may I play your gold once?"

As a musician for a man before she was a martial artist, she had politely asked Bi Ryuyeon to play for her; she had shown her the utmost courtesy. In return for her over-the-top courtesy, she had no doubt that Bi Ryuyeon, as a mere student, would refuse. But…….


Her faith had been shattered like a fine glass dish dropped from this floor. Having shattered her expectations in a single blow, Bi Ryuyeon's expression was resolute, leaving no room for negotiation.

Though she's been in her forties for five years now, Tian Yin, who still uses her powerful inner qigong and jiujitsu to maintain the appearance of someone in her late twenties, has unknowingly drawn the deadly wrinkles that are beauty's greatest enemy on her smooth face.

"Can we hear why?"

Because of his dignity, Tian Yin barely kept his temper in check, and then asked.

"Because I don't want to learn taboo from a fingerless teacher."


She didn't understand what he meant at first. It wasn't unreasonable. In fact, although the golden thunderbolt in Bi Ryuyeon's possession was undoubtedly a divine instrument, it was also extremely poisonous, and if she touched it, her fingers were likely to shatter like a rotten radish. The eight golden strings of the thunderbolt were made of a rare artifact called the thunder spirit thread, and its sharpness was incomparable to that of the famous sword Bodo. Bi Liuyue had once been in danger of cutting off his fingers when he picked up one of them because it looked cool. I became a sloppy cutter and almost ruined my life. Nowadays, of course, you can just touch it casually and it won't hurt you.

"You don't believe me."

Bi Ryuyeon met Hong Lan's eyes full of doubt and suspicion head on and said.

Why didn't people want to believe him in the first place? It was the same with Yin Do. Even after he turned her into a disciple through a brilliant trick, he didn't trust her when she entrusted him with the silencer instead of the porter. Even though he was told to be careful when entrusting it to him, as it was obviously a limbless demon, he didn't listen to him and put his finger on it, almost holding it with all four fingers.

Perhaps the mukgeum possesses strange powers, exuding the scent of blood to seduce people. Having studied music and never played it before, the gold already called out for the blood of many, and Bi Ryuyeon was delighted (is that a word?) to imagine what would happen if it were played properly.

"Phew, if you don't believe that, I can't do it."

Bi Ryuyeon, well aware of Meng Ge's past, has given up trying to persuade Hong Lan. It seemed that those who saw the bribe had to see blood to come to their senses. The Heavenly Yin Adept Hong Lan was no exception.

Still, unwilling to learn from a teacher with fewer than ten fingers, Bi Ryuyeon took one piece of advice to heart. It was an invaluable piece of advice that saved her fingers, which were as precious as her life.

"Be gentle. Very lightly!"

He flicked a finger toward the strings of a transparent silencer that could barely be seen to hear him.


The results were as expected. Unless you're an expert in some sort of foreign writing technique, the results are all over the place.


The Heavenly Yin Sage hastily snatched up the jade staff. Her fingertips, white as snow, held a drop of blood like a crimson fruit.

"How is this harmony?"

"Look at that. I told you clearly, I'm not responsible."

Bi Ryuyeon grumbled.

Tian Yin could only silently blame herself for her carelessness and imprudence. From the moment she saw the drop of red fruit on the tip of her index finger, her gaze toward Bi Ryuyeon had changed by a hundred and eighty degrees. There was no way that someone who could play a zither that had scarred his own hand could be considered ordinary.

"Then let's start the class."

Hastily hiding her blush with a blindfold, she began her lesson. This was the beginning of Bi Ryuyeon's first yin gong class, complete with a drop of red blood. It was also a colorful start to her first class.

Throughout the class, Hong Lan's strange and, in a word, burdensome gaze toward Bi Ryuyeon was unrelenting.

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