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Book 3 Chapter 8

Legend of the Heavenly Blood God Wei Tianmu

Today is the day of the long-awaited first class.

The weather could be stormy and unexpected,

Or an unexpected rain shower,

Or it was dry and sunny with no wind.

It was the first class I've had since entering the Tianmu Academy, and the more I think about it, the more I realize how many complicated procedures I had to overcome to get to this one class.

The first class was held in the sword hall. The class was called "General Theory of Martial Arts," and it was a basic course that was required for all first-year students. Bi Ryuyeon, Hyo-ryong, Jang Hong, and Yun Jun-ho were all in the first-year tianjiajiao together, so they were able to take the class at the same time. Of course, Mo Yonghui was also in the class, but he didn't seem to have a special constitution that made him reluctant to socialize with other people. Everyone seemed to know Mo Yonghui well and were constantly talking about him, putting him on the tip of their tongues. However, Mo Yong-hui showed the epitome of an unsociable human being by firmly no-commenting on people's topics that were centered on him.

Thunder is in good hands at BNR. By now, he's in the good graces of the falconry staff at Vigilance. Thunder, of course, seems to find flying the skies more interesting than being tethered to one place.

The lecture hall was large enough to seat about 50 people, with a large blackboard hanging in the front, two and a half pages wide and half pages long. Today's class was an introductory lecture on martial arts in general, but it was also a class to decide who would be in charge of Tianjiajiao. Everyone was excited and full of anticipation. There was still no word on who would be in charge, so everyone was looking at the unopened door in anticipation.

The slight murmur that existed in the classroom suddenly disappeared.

"Here we go!"

Hyorong said, his eyes shining. It was clear that the other students had noticed as well. There was no fool, at least not in this classroom, who wouldn't recognize a presence that had approached within three chapters, even if the opponent hadn't deliberately cleared the air.


Finally, the door opened and the master who would be in charge of them from now on walked in.


The first person to recognize him was Uncle Jang Hong, who was always noisy. Whenever she was bored, she called him Uncle. Whether he was naturally gifted in this area or a product of hard work, he had a great deal of knowledge about the game.


Bi Ryuyeon asked, poking Jang Hong in the side with her elbow.

"Ouch, that hurts. You don't even recognize that famous man?"

I gave her a sharp glare, thinking of giving her another scolding, but then decided against it. He knew it would be futile. The silent air was reactivated and the surroundings became noisy again. It seemed that Jang Hong wasn't the only one who recognized the old man's identity. Bi Ryuyeon poked Jang Hong in the side once more-this time with a little more force, as if in revenge for Pinzan-signaling for him to tell her quickly.

"That's Ok Hyun Jin, a kendo master from Mount Wudang. His sword can save even the dying, and he is the pinnacle of swordsmanship."

Jang Hong explained excitedly, unable to hide his admiration. His words contained the salt of genuine respect and admiration for the Jade Emperor.

"That's not good.

Although they had only known each other for a short time, Jang Hong had never seen him show such sincere respect for another person before today. He had always been a complainer, sometimes like an old man, and his speech had always been characterized by complaint and dissatisfaction. In short, he was a nag.

As Jang Hong had already said, the first impression of the shamanic elder Ok Hyun Jin, the master in charge of the first-grade Tianjia group to which Bi Ryuyeon belonged, was of a gentle, gentle man, especially with his chest-length white beard and curled gray hair. His eyes were as calm as a calm lake, reminiscent of a mythical adept.

But it was still too early to judge him by his appearance. Although his appearance was that of a gentle, kindly old man, he was a supreme master who could scatter sword energy like a child's play. Sword cultivation was probably not difficult either. He had the ability to break down mountains with a single sword.

The eyes of the nearly 50 students were all on him, and the class had finally begun. The excitement of the first class made their hearts pound. The class began with a greeting from Mr. Ok.

"Nice to meet you, everyone, I'm Okhyun from Mudangfa, and I'm in charge of 'Budo General Theory' this time."

Despite his status as a master, the Flying Sword Jade Hyeonjin was using semi-respectful language toward his students. Of course, not all martial artists were as respectful to their students as he was; there were individual differences.

Most of the classes at the Academy did not require writing instruments. The emphasis was on understanding and application of principles. Of course, the use of writing instruments, or quills, was not regulated or enforced. It was left entirely to individual judgment.

Since Tianmu Academy assumes that students are at a certain level, most lectures would skip over the basics of martial arts and get straight to the point. But that didn't stop me from following along, and I rarely left the class with a white flag. They were the best of the best, sifted and filtered. A lecture on basic fundamentals was an insult to them.

One of the purposes of the Heavenly Martial Academy was to serve as a guide to help those outstanding late-stage exponents of the Martial Realm quickly reach their destination, the peak of the peak of the peak.

"Hey, if you're Ok Hyun-jin, isn't that a super power for a shamanic eight-armed sword?"

A Guan Dao pretended to know. The man who would be their master from now on was a peak master, one of the eight highest ranking members of the Shaman Sect, which, along with Shaolin, was said to be the two great mountain ranges of the Martial Realm. The Martial Eight Swords were revered by everyone in the Jianghu, and they were also the spiritual pillars of the Martial Eight Swords Sect.

"I'm famous for the story of how I defeated seven Hasaks with a single sword last time."

"You mean the incident five years ago when you brought seven Hasaks to their knees with a single sword without hurting anyone?"

"Yeah, that case. You know about it."


Five years ago, Ok Hyun-jin was recounting an incident in which he was caught in the middle of the action when he witnessed seven bullies called Hasak 7 Woong persecuting a merchant on the street.

At that time, Ok Hyun Jin was on his way to Amifa to run some errands when he got caught up in someone else's argument. It was an unexpected and unpleasant encounter for the gentle man. In any case, the fault lay with the seven Hasak, and as a prominent member of the martial arts community, Ok Hyun Jin could not let it pass. If he didn't know better, he wouldn't have been able to ignore what was happening right in front of him. To pretend not to see a persecuted person was to go against the teachings of the martial arts masters, and so he had drawn his sword against the insignificant Hassak 7 Woong for the umpteenth time. I would have preferred to end it with words, but I had no choice since the other party was not willing to listen. The peace negotiations through the window of dialog were unsuccessful, and Ok Hyun-jin decided to open a new window by swinging his unwilling sword.

The battle was won with a single sword. There was no need for two swords against their trashy cousins. The match was set from the start.

The bundle of blue sword qi that erupted from his Songmungo sword shattered the seven swords in an instant, and the seven Hasak who had lost their weapons begged for forgiveness as they prostrated themselves, their pride reduced to dust along with their weapons. One can only imagine the horror they must have felt, for they could not even flinch at a single sword, and all their means of subsistence were destroyed.

Ok Hyun Jin, who was known for his kindness to people, gave them a mild admonition and let them off with a simple charge of participation. No one has heard of their misbehavior since then. Whenever they thought of doing something bad, they would have been deterred by the bundle of blue sword qi that grew in front of their eyes. So, rumor has it, they decided to switch industries.

He was a supreme master of both skill and character, an outstanding martial artist who had earned the respect of the martial lords not only for his swordplay but also for his character. Even from behind his back, Bi Ryuyeon's ears caught the sound of murmurs about Ok Hyun Jin's skill and status.

"The reason you have come to the Celestial Martial Academy is, first, to personally reach a new level of martial arts mastery, second, to cultivate your strength against the Demon Heavenly Pavilion and the Black Heavenly League, which are the core antagonists of the abominable Black Dao Sect, and third, to ultimately become a shield for the White Dao against the mighty forces of bloodshed and murder that may come in the future. In the future, my Heavenly Martial Academy will spare no expense in providing you with our full support and tremendous efforts to create an optimal environment for you to understand your own martial arts and cultivate."

If the White Island had the Zhengtian Academy and the Heavenly Martial Arts Academy, the Black Island had the Macheon Pavilion, the granddaddy of the Black Island Sect's talent training centers, the equivalent of the White Island's Heavenly Martial Arts Academy. It was the largest and most prestigious training center for the elite martial artists of Black Island. It could be said that it was the Heavenly Martial Academy's biggest competitor. Whether it was pride or honor, they were rivals that neither could defeat. As a result, their relationship has never been good, and they've spent the last hundred years slandering and insulting each other whenever they get bored.

"I'm sure you're all aware of today's lesson, but just as a refresher, I'd like to briefly mention the dark past hundred years of Murim's history and politics, and how they have contributed to the current state of subtle tension."

Today's lesson assumes that everyone knows the history of the past hundred years as a matter of common sense, but it is also intended for those who may not know, which is a miracle. And today, Ok Hyun-jin experienced that miracle. Who would have thought that there would be a person named Bi Ryuyeon who was completely unaware of the content of today's lesson, which even a three-year-old child would know.

"I'm sure you've all heard the name Heavenly Frightening Spirit."

He spat out the cursed name as if it were a foreign object stuck in his throat.

"A thousand scares!"

At the mention of the name, all the students in the classroom froze in their tracks. With the exception of Bi Ryuyeon, the entire classroom seemed to freeze in awe. The reaction to the name would be the same in any stronghold. Not only white, but also black. It was a cursed name that everyone, black or white, was most reluctant to hear and shunned. The reaction was exactly what Ok Hyun-jin had expected.

"And there's probably not a person in the world who doesn't know about the Blood Gods."


This time, the intestines rapidly sank into the depths of silence. All sound was swallowed up by the abyss of nothingness, and even the air was frozen cold, giving the illusion of sinking.

Bi Ryuyeon didn't know why a name could chill her mood so much, but she kept her lips firmly pressed together.

"Mr. Nosa, why do you utter such a disastrous name?"

A stern-faced Guan Dao stood up and protested. The others all looked as if they were jinxed to be cursed or do something terrible just by hearing the name. The horrors of the Thousand Fears were a mere shadow compared to the horrors of the name. His presence made the horrors of the Thousand Fears come true. He was a conglomeration of blood, slaughter, and terror.

"Of course, you don't want the name to be brought up, because it's an implicit taboo that has existed in the Martial Arts for over a hundred years, but I'm bringing it up here today in order to encourage you to approach your training with a new mindset, and that's what we do here at Tianmu Academy. The first thing we do, as we always do with new students, is to lay out before you that deep, dark mass of despair and fear that you want to turn away from, that you don't want to think about, that you want to keep hidden forever, but don't let that stop you. You are proud students of the Academy of Heaven and Earth, and you will be the light of the world."

There was a murmur around the room. I could tell everyone was on edge.

"The time has come for you to face the reality that lies before you. You must stare straight into the source of the anxiety and fear that has been buried in the mighty Martial Kingdom for a hundred years. It is your mission as inductees into the Academy of Heavenly Martial Arts to develop the strength to confront the dark shadows that have always existed in the dreary, shadowy corners of the Martial Kingdom."

Ok's voice was young, with a hint of emotion. The students were clearly nervous at her calm and powerful speech. The sound of dry swallowing could be heard here and there, adding to the tension in the classroom.

"If you keep crying, they'll take you away.

It was a phrase that every child of a powerful Muriman had heard at some point in their childhood. Used as a last resort by Muriman parents to soothe a crying child, there were lying tales that this one phrase would mysteriously make the crying stop. There are even polls and statistics on its success rate. It worked, especially for younger children who understood the words.

A hundred years ago, and ever since that day, the words of their parents had instilled in them the fear of the Heavenly Fear from an early age. Fear was as contagious as the Black Death. Moreover, because it had no form, it could be fleshed out, molded, and inflated at any moment, until it eventually became a completely unrecognizable creature. In the case of the Tenebrous Spirits, the horrors of the event, despite being over a hundred years old, have been passed down through countless oral histories and even by those who have experienced it - and how old can you be?

Thus, they became the most terrible and dreaded of taboos, and there was a reluctance to even mention their names. It was even considered the most ignorant and impolite thing to talk about them at a drinking party, feast, or gathering.

If one borrowed the name of a demigod and used it to criticize the other, the two would be declared dead from that day forward. From that day on, either party would have their names removed from the list of this world's inhabitants, or sometimes both would be amicably added to the list of the other world. It was the most vicious and terrifying insult, one that was rarely used, even by Ch'ien-t'ai.

For a time unknown, the right and wrong factions have been engaged in a blood feud. Blood begets blood, and revenge begets revenge, and in exchange for its production, countless human lives have been sacrificed on the altars of heaven. As the blood flowed from the sacrificed victims into a sea of blood, all those who served in the warring factions prayed for one thing. A single Absolute would appear from nowhere, breaking the endless cycle of chaos and uniting the chaotic and tormented powerhouses.

The absolute unifier of the martial arts!

Of course, the Absolute had to come from his own camp, so the fight was never going to end, as they both wanted the same thing, but for different reasons.

Then, in the midst of these constant battles of nerves and strength, a man appeared who could not see the way to victory. He was, in a word, an absolute. He had risen to the position of an absolute by his own strength alone, and he looked down arrogantly on Kang Hao and subjugated each of the sects under his feet.

At first, everyone-especially the Black Islanders-was enthusiastic, believing that "he" was the one and only man since the Great Wall of Heaven and Earth who would end the strife among the Firmament Clans and unite them. They believed they could finally thumb their noses at the unsightly White Dao and gain the upper hand. But it didn't take long for them to realize that this was a grave mistake, and how complacent they had been about it. The cost was devastating.

Said to be a native of the Black Isles-there is no evidence of this- he rallied his followers with a powerful leadership and military might granted by the heavens, and quickly plunged them into a bloodbath. Until then, he had not even been able to identify his origins, and he quickly plunged the mighty Murim into a state of panic as they were weakened by constant feuding and fighting, and the mighty Murim, drained of their reserves in the ensuing war of attrition, were forced to fall to their deaths under his sword.

That was the fatal miscalculation on the part of the Black Islander: he had not the slightest inkling of compassion for the Sapa, or of favoritism toward the Sapa just because he was a Sapa himself. The hordes of people on both sides of the divide, always at odds with each other and always slandering each other, were nothing more than troublesome and annoying stones in his path. He meted out unrelenting retribution to those who stood in his way, and his army was once again bathed in blood.

His name was Wei Tianmu, a heavenly blood god who terrorized the heavens.

It was never made clear whether he had always dreamed of becoming a Martial Saint or not, but he had absolute confidence in his martial arts, and, tired of the tedious black-and-white confrontation, he had finally decided to break the tedium. He had become a Martial Saint, a heavenly master, which was not impossible with his abilities at the time. He had a powerful martial art that was at the peak of the Divine Realm.

As is always the case in the martial arts, a large number of people flock to the feet of the strongest, forming a web of power, and that power grows in proportion to the master's level of martial prowess. Those who build mountains of corpses and oceans of blood in the realm of the mighty are called by the mighty to express their horror and despair, and they tremble in fear.

In the entire Black and White Yang Clan, there was no one who could match the astonishing martial prowess of the Heavenly Blood God Yue Tianmu. From the beginning of its history, the Martial Kingdom had dreamed of a single absolute, but the one that was born was as cruel as the devil and as unstable as the ice crystals of the North Sea. He had reduced the entirety of the Murin to a pool of horror and blood in the shortest amount of time, without acknowledgment, and with such simplicity.

The Chung, the Four, and the Yang clans were too powerless against the Absolute. It wasn't enough that the River Lake was bisected by the transfer of power, the White Dao clan was shattered by ideologies and interests, and the same was true for the Black Dao clan, so they were no match for him.

Believing that divisive forces cannot be powerful, the blood god Wei Tianmu first began to push for the unification of the Black Sea as part of a unified project. He was not satisfied with his situation and wanted to become even more powerful.

The invasion of Baekdo was postponed until after the unification of Black Island. Baekdo was given a moment to breathe, but it was a moment of relief. This respite was only a foreshadowing of what was to come. They were already a formidable opponent, but to unite the forces of the Black Sea and bring them under their control would be to pay lip service to victory.

It is as plain as day that if he were to unite the Black Sword, the White Sword, which is not yet united, would be trampled underfoot. They all knew that this was impossible, and so they began to devise their own means of preserving their own lives, and at last they resolved to put aside their dissensions and disorders, and to unite their forces under one banner, and they united as one. Thus was born the Murim Alliance, the general federation of the mighty Murim.

This faction, called the Zhengtian League, was plausible on the surface but lacked substance. It had been formed in such a hurry that it hadn't yet been properly organized. He was so intent on uniting the Black Sea that he only occasionally touched the White Sea when he could get away with it, but the White Sea could barely muster up the strength to form the Martial League, much less to take on the mischievous antics of the blood god Wei Tianmu, whose power and terror were boundless. The lack of organization was the decisive factor. An unorganized organization would quickly collapse.

However, the sky didn't completely abandon the sun. The heavens had sent down a savior. The only two Martial Gods who had ever stood up to him, who were synonymous with absolute terror and despair, had appeared like a comet: the Martial God Wu Xin of the Taiyuan God Army and the Martial Demon Gal Zhonghyeok of the Black Sword.

Their existence could only be considered a gift from the gods. The existence of a god who valued order and harmony could not have happened without them. Without them, the Martial Kingdom would have fallen into a deeper and deeper abyss of despair and terror under the control of the Heavenly Blood God, Yue Tianmu.

He was the first person to live to fight another day against Blood God Yue Tianmu's formidable martial prowess, which had reduced all other martial artists to his level. If it weren't for him, Bai Xiaochun would never have made it onto the list of Blood God's affiliated factions in the first place.

The Taijiquan Divine Army Wushin - Later revered as the Wushin in the Baekdao - Hyuk Yue Lin's solitary martial art was the "Dry Kun Taijiquan Yin Yang One Elemental Divine Technique". It was the ultimate martial art that utilized both yin and yang at the same time to create absolute power and destructive force. According to legend, it was an outrageous martial art that could harness the power of ghost spirits and ice white at the same time. Another name for it is the "Taiqing Blue Crimson Divine Spirit Ice Salt Kung Fu," and it was a rare divine kung fu that could only rival the Blood God's kung fu at the time.

However, despite being the only divine master who was able to compete with Blood God's martial arts, no one has ever been able to pass down his divine arts. It remains one of the mysteries of the martial arts that he did not die young, and that he left no heirs, even though he was far beyond the average person.

In fact, his whereabouts were unclear as recently as 20 years ago. Rumors were circulating in Murim with some credibility that he had died because there was no one worthy of passing on his skills. If the rumors were true, Muriel could only despair once more. His martial art was the only one in the stronghold that could match the Blood God's martial art. There was no word yet that the martial artist had been extinguished, but there was also no word of any other martial artist appearing in Jianghu.

Therefore, the speculation that he had some kind of secret rank or arrangement was very strongly believed, and he was responsible for the vain delusions of the whole army, and for the dreams of the Ichiban (the vain belief that one day one could suddenly acquire the power to do great things out of nowhere).

And then there's Gal Joong-hyeok, the Demon Lord of the Heavenly Sword, who possesses a sword so powerful it can cause the heavens to collapse. He was the savior of the Black Swords, who had just been beaten to a pulp by the Heavenly Spirit and was about to faint, when he rallied the Black Swords to form an opposing force. Gal Joong-hyeok was later revered as a mushin by the Black Islanders, who added the "demon" to his name because he overlapped with the Taegeuk God Army's mushin Hyeok-wol-lin.

He brought together the shattered, porcelain-like powers of the Black Island and united them into one, and the Black Island Martial Alliance, the Great Heavenly Spirit Organization, was born.

All the Black Islanders clung to the island's one and only lifeline, which was about to collapse. Curiously, the lifeline had the strange property of becoming stronger, not weaker, the more people clung to it. Finally, another miracle occurred. It was literally a miracle.

Despite his immense mythical prowess and absolute charisma, the Absolute Heavenly Demon God Wei Tianmu was simultaneously shunned by the Black and White Yuan due to his insane strength, violence, and terror. Thus, he became the public enemy of the Martial King.

However, it is only with strength and skill that one can designate as an official part of the martial arts and turn a blind eye to it. No matter how much you try to bully them, if you're not strong enough, you won't get anywhere.

Thus, the Black Dao, which was in the midst of falling into disarray under the sword of the Blood God, began to form the Black Heavenly League, an alliance of Black Dao factions under the leadership of Galjoong-hyuk, who, though somewhat unsuccessfully, imitated the White Dao, and attempted to organize an organized opposition to the existence of the Blood God.

The fact that the Black Isles were originally home to factions whose interests were centered on profit made their union all the more difficult and time-consuming. But the blood gods would not look kindly on this long-overdue alliance.

Naturally, he was furious. When Black Island, his home and source, turned against him, even though all he had given them was a baptism of blood and terror, he felt a deep sense of betrayal. Of course, he was treated rather harshly, but he still felt betrayed. His unification measures were so draconian and draconian that he was rejected even by the Black Islanders.

And then a miracle happened. It was the unification of the White Heavenly League and the Black Heavenly League. After so many years of tension and antagonism, the two warring factions had formed a common front under one common enemy. Zheng and Shi, no one could have predicted it. It was a dream come true, a united front of the warring factions that could only be considered a dream. What no one had imagined until then had been realized by a common enemy. It was truly a historic event.

A united front is formed between the White Sword Martial League (aka Zheng Tian League) and the Black Sword Martial League (aka Black Heaven League). Blood God Wei Tianmu was isolated in a difficult situation. He and his shadowy Heavenly Frightening Spirit were temporarily stymied. However, even in the midst of these difficulties, he never lost his confidence and arrogance.

The Jung Heavenly Clan and the Black Heavenly Clan had organized and executed a plan to surround and annihilate the Heavenly Demon's lair, which no one had dared to approach until then. It was a desperate, desperate battle, with both sides exhausted. At this point, one would think that fear would have set in, but Ling Xin was not the least bit afraid and attempted a frontal assault against both sides' forces. The three forces clashed head-on, and the results were stunning.

Both the Blacks, who had thought that they were united, and the Whites, who had thought that it would be easier for them since they were united, were devastated and drank the bitter cup of defeat by the bucketful. It was the result of moving forces too quickly even though they hadn't formed an alliance yet. It was a sign of organizational immaturity. Both the black and white yang dynasties suffered a heavy blow, and the damage was so severe that it would take more than thirty years and thousands of carriages of gold to recover from it, even with the combined efforts of all the great powers.

And we couldn't get rid of him after all that damage. That was the most unfortunate news of all. Even the simultaneous lethal cowardice attacks of both Black and White Yang had failed to expunge his existence from this clan. …….

Even the last man standing, the Taegeuk Divine Army's God of War, Yue Yue Lin, was defeated by a last-ditch effort by a blood god, forcing him to spend three years in convalescence. The situation was even worse for the Pachyderm God Horse Gal Zhonghyeok, who had faced him earlier. He was mortally wounded, requiring four years of recuperation.

Of course, the mighty Wei Tianmu was not spared. And his end came like a stone falling into the Ten Thousand Islands, like a grain of sand swallowed up by the Great Sea.

Now that the man who had become the terror and nightmare of all the great martial artists had disappeared into a thick fog-with no confirmation of life or death, though he was injured at the time of his disappearance-it was impossible for him to sleep well. How could he go to bed at night in peace, having failed to accomplish the final goal of his full-powered strike, the annihilation of the Blood God's existence?

It was the judgment of Murim Kang-ho that, if he were to regain his original level of ming after his escape, he would be guaranteed a life of at least two hundred years, albeit a terrible assumption. The reason for this was that when the martial fluid passes a certain level, the fluid is transformed and reformed, regaining its youth and strength.

Even now, the eldest Shaolin master was 140 years old, and the eldest of the Shaman Eight Swords of the Shaman Sword Sect was nearly 150 years old. Moreover, even though he was over 120 years old, he was not old and wiry, but still had the smooth skin and toned muscles of a young man in his twenties, and an immeasurable depth of martial prowess. It was only the peak masters who had the power to subdue the ferocity of time.

Therefore, it would be selfish to hope that the body of a blood god who had reached the Mythical Sutra would shrink and weaken with the passage of time. Even if the current generation of great masters and martial artists were to admit that their strength could not guarantee a victory over a blood god of that level, who would dare to be so conceited? Ok Hyun Jin Yin himself is now 120 years old. But still, he never had the feeling of being defeated or pushed back by a younger man, and indeed he was. No young talent had yet emerged from the Shaman Sect that could break his sword.

Therefore, since he was 50 years old at the time, he would never be safe for at least another 150 years. Moreover, there was a high probability that there would be an heir who could succeed him, so the warlords were in a position where they could never be at peace.

From that day forward, nearly every martial man began to suffer from severe episodic premature ejaculation, even on gynecological nights. Parliaments everywhere boomed. This unexplained and alarming condition swept across the land like a plague. A surge of men, rejected by both their wives and their wives' wives, came to their doctors complaining of insomnia with severe loss of appetite. Doctors everywhere were swamped with patients with similar or identical symptoms.

Unsurprisingly, mass premature ejaculation and depression became so widespread that the red-light districts were forced to close their doors. The saloons did well, thanks to foolhardy challengers who tried to drown their anxiety in the liquor, but the prostitutes' daily bed-hire businesses were in deep recession. A cobbled floor to lie on, a cushion of thorns to sit on, no one could rest easy.

As soon as possible, they began to devise measures to combat premature ejaculation and ensure a comfortable night's sleep, and they finally came to one conclusion. The conclusion they reached in the fight against the Heavenly Demon was that there were simply not enough absolute masters to match his presence in the end. They needed someone exceptional.

What would have happened to Kang-ho if he hadn't had Hyeok-wol-lin of the Taegeuk God Army and Gal-jung-hyeok of the Pachon-do? It's an eerie thought that gives me goosebumps all over my body just thinking about it.

This concern was not limited to the average martial artist; it was even more acute for the only two people who had survived the warrior's death, the martial god Xue Yulin and the pacifist Gal Zhonghua. Something had to be done. They both felt the need to cultivate the strength to face the reappearance of the Heavenly Demon God Wei Tianmu and his shadow, the Heavenly Demon Spirit, and not fall apart. Therefore, with the help of the three most powerful martial artists of the time, who had assisted him in his fight against the Heavenly Frightening Spirit, Liu Yue Lin decided to establish a single comprehensive martial arts training institution. That was the beginning of the Heavenly Martial Academy.

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