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Book 28 Chapter 6


-Great Truth

The Black Heaven Alliance was based in Wuhan, a city in Hubei Province and a transportation and military center, and more specifically in Wuchang, one of the three main points of Wuhan. In terms of transportation, Wuhan is the crossroads of the east-west waterways and the north-south land routes, and has long been known as the "crossroads of the nine provinces." With its well-developed waterways, it was not unreasonable to travel from Kanghoran in Dongzheng Lake to Wuhan in a single day by fast boat.

"Wow, that's a nice, tall wall. I don't know if I'd call it extravagant or ignorant to have a wall in the center of a watery city."

Bi Ryuyeon whistled a little and let out a twisted exclamation.

"This is the only place like it. As far as I know, it's the only place in Wuchang that's walled in, let alone Wuhan. All of Wuchang's yolks are contained within, including the government offices."

"That's the problem, isn't it, that the real Black Blind is beyond those great walls?"

"Well, yeah, that makes sense, but bam."

Jang Hong had nothing more to say. Right now, the gates to the magnificent walls of Wuchang City were being strictly monitored by soldiers standing guard.

"Hey, don't you just love how hard they're all working like ants?"

A bright smile spread across Bi Ryuyeon's face.

"Well, I hope you're not thinking about running up and beating the crap out of him and walking through that gate."

Fearful that Bi Ryuyeon would push through with her crazy, outlandish, and ignorant plan, Jang Hong hurriedly said.

"Why? Why not?"

Jang Hong quickly shook his head at Bi Ryuyeon's retort.

"They're guards, and they're not worth a fist, let alone a finger, but here's the thing: If you do something like that on a whim, without a plan, you're going around telling people we're in their territory. Because……."

Jang Hong's words were interrupted by Bi Ryuyeon.

"Because to them, anything out of the ordinary is an emergency signal, alerting them to the presence of a cowardly enemy in their own backyard."

For a moment, Jang Hong stared at Bi Ryuyeon in disbelief.

"What? You, you know all about……!"

Jang Hong was furious when he realized that Bi Ryuyeon had used him as a mere commentator.

The current Emergency Warning rating for the Black Heavenly League is Red, Extraordinary.

In other words, it wasn't a wartime equivalent. It was an emergency warning of the highest order, issued at the very moment of war. Everyone involved in the Black Heavenly League was on edge, both physically and emotionally, and if they allowed themselves to be disturbed by such people, the chances of achieving their original goal would become increasingly slim. They would be neglecting their greatest task, which was to rescue the Nine Hundred Heavenly Lords.

"I'm afraid we're going to have to give up on the front door for now."

Bi Ryuyeon shrugged, squared her shoulders, and said.

Their rescuers were so suspicious that it was extremely dangerous to split up.

As long as the city was under the control of the government, it was of course impossible to completely block passersby. But to be so brazen as to stand guard at the main entrance to the city, with an official soldier in tow, meant that the forces of the Black Blind had already reached the very roots of the city.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that most of the people involved in the military gate were connected to the Black Heavenly Blind. Of course, they must have paid handsomely for the purchase.

This is where the Black Sword Forest Alliance, the Black Heavenly League, had taken root for the past hundred years. It would not be surprising if all who wielded a sword in this infinite realm were dyed in the colors of the Black Heavenly League. It was already another world beyond the control of the state. It was a martial realm where only the laws of the strongest ruled.

"What do you think I should do?"

Jang Hong, who currently serves as a guide within the rescue squad, asked.

"We'll have to try something else, something more covert. A disguise, for example, or……."

"A disguise……. Hmm, that's a good idea."

At that moment, Geum Young-ho, who had accompanied me, interrupted and said.

"I have an idea. Why don't we dress up as drifters?"

The argument was that if you're a traveling performer performing on the street, you're going to get there without a lot of baggage or crashing.

"That's why the men disguise themselves as jugglers, and the women as dancers from the west!"

What a brilliant idea," said Tou Lo. The cultured and learned Jang Hong was the first to recognize his words.

"If you're a dancer from the West, do you mean 'that…' from Persia?!"

"Yeah, you know, the dancers who wear 'those' midriff-baring outfits and sway their hips seductively."

Uncle Jang Hong's response to the proposal was enthusiastic and enthusiastic.

"Ohhh, that's a brilliant idea, brilliant, brilliant!"

Geum Young-ho's face grew serious and his eyes sparkled.

"The caveat with the dancer disguise is that it's a very thin piece of fabric that only covers the chest and waist, which is important to remember."

"That's right, you may be a little fat, but you know something: your belly button is the center of the universe, and your waist and thighs represent the circulation of the universe."

Jang Hong expressed his unique views. With Okuyukyung not present, he was able to voice his opinion without fear.

"Oh, such a high mind, then what is the chest?"

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," Ke Yinghao said, admiring Jang Hong's insight. His eyes were shining like those of a man listening to a sermon. Suddenly, Jang Hong joined in with a reverent gesture and said, "I'm sorry.

"It is the very will of the universe itself. It is the mystery of the universe itself, a symbol of profound reason."

"Oooooh, profound reason?! Come on, come on, teach me!"

He addressed Jang Hong with respectful deference and asked for instruction. Neither the failure of a grade nor the infiltration of a rescue squad meant anything in this place of cultivating the "virtues" of wisdom. There were only two kinds of people here: those who taught and those who sought instruction.

"Have you ever heard of the difference between a straight and a curved void?"

"Aha, I think I've heard that theory before, that curved swords are more powerful than straight swords, or something like that?"

"Hehe, that's it. Isn't it obvious that something that bends and flexes is more powerful than something that's flat and stiff?"

That was a big wake-up call for him.

"Aha, that's definitely more cerebral, I can't believe I just realized that!"

For a moment, Geum bemoaned his lateness in coming up with the idea. In fact, he might have been happier if he had never opened his eyes.

"That's not the end of it."

"Oooh, there's more to this than that!"

His eyes were shining like those of a martial artist who had attained the highest level of martial skill, so he didn't notice that the women were slowly moving away from the two of them, step by step.

"No great good, no small evil!"

The words flowed out of Jang Hong's mouth like a phrase.

"Big is not always good, and small is not always bad. It is the manifestation of the truth that a thing is truly beautiful when it embraces the principles of harmony and moderation!"


"Moreover, how deep and wide are its mysteries and uses; sometimes it nourishes life, and sometimes it is a divine lamp to guide one who would never see the light of day into the world of light!"

It was even said that the woman's breasts had the mysterious power to open the eyes of the blind. Now he could go and start a cult. An order whose first adherent would be a golden spirit, though it would probably have no goddesses.

"Ooooooh, such a mystery, is it true?"

"Here's the proof, right here in front of you, and you won't believe it when you see it?"

Jang Hong pointed a thumb at himself and sternly rebuked Ke Yinghao in a tone of praise. At the very least, the gleam in Jang Hong's eye held a powerful conviction, the kind of conviction that no one who hadn't experienced something firsthand could ever attain.

"You mean there is an 'it' in this world with such mysterious powers!"

Geum Young-ho's eyes flashed with a look that said, "If there is, please do me the honor of knowing.

The women, who had taken a step or two away, had already disappeared from their midst; some of the men, on the contrary, were coming towards them, step by step, like iron drawn to a magnet; and those who were drawn inwardly, while outwardly they pretended not to be, were pricking up their ears, pretending to see the distant mountains from their awkward position.

With all these different people in front of him, Jang Hong pointed his finger at Ke Yinghao and said in a firm voice.

"You've already seen 'it'!"

A sigh escaped Geum's lips.

"Oh, I can't believe it, but I didn't see 'it'."

"No, no. It is not that you have not seen, but that you have not tried to see, the supreme thing, the mystery of the universe with its perfect golden rule!"

The mystery of the universe was right next to him, and he couldn't see it.

"Alas, I only wish to gouge out these two ugly eyes of mine; please, please, please shine a light on my insensitive eyes!"

He didn't know if it would be a ray of sunshine or the dark clouds that would hang over his life for the rest of his days, but regardless, Jang Hong opened his eyes as if he were looking at a clear sky with light piercing through snow-white clouds. His gaze was directed into the distance, filled with peace and longing. Most likely, it was toward the direction of Kang Horando, where they had left not long ago.

With a sense of calling to reveal the ignorance of foolish sentient beings, Jang Hong was about to shout a name at those who looked up to him as a master.

"It was the jade…… that saved me!"

Right then.

Just when you think you're about to burst forth with a dragon's voice that will shatter everyone's ignorance,

"Shut up!"


At that moment, Jang Hong's neck snapped back.

He was struck on the head by someone who came out of nowhere. It was so swift that Jang Hong was forced to allow the attack to continue.



Salt and Iceblade were the first to draw their weapons, followed by the rest of the rescuers, who drew their armor and prepared to defend and counterattack in case of surprise.

"How dare you send Brother Zhang to…… Hello!"

Mo Yonghui's tone suddenly changed to a polite one. He was not one to be intimidated, no matter how great his opponent's status, but the reason he became so polite was because the person who appeared was none other than Jade Yujing.

For some reason, her face was as red as a ripe saffron. And she was breathing heavily, as if something had happened to upset her.

"Instructor Jade, how do I get here……."

Their mission is to rescue Meng Zhu. Because she was a Black Islander, they couldn't bring her with them, no matter where they were, so they separated her from the nameless man who was following them. But how could she suddenly appear here?

"Ooh, I just happened to be passing by."

Ok Yoo-kyung said, turning to hide her ripe red face.

"That can't be right!

It was a thought that ran through the minds of everyone on the rescue team.

"You're not here alone, are you?"

It was Bi Ryuyeon who asked the question. His gaze was directed toward the bush from which Jade Yujing had jumped. The gazes of the other rescuers were also directed there, but no one below the rank of samurai could sense any movement.


Okuyukyung stuttered slightly. She didn't seem to be good at lying. It seemed that there were not only people who took it for granted to be deceived and cheated just because they were black.

After a brief sigh, Okuyukyung pointed to the grass.

"Come out."

Then the grass rustled and a woman walked out. She was dressed in black and her bangs covered her left eye. When Na Yerin saw her, she exclaimed in delight.

"Sister Ryeong!"

The person who appeared was none other than the spirit. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, confused and unsure of how to react to Na Yerin's favor and title.

Na Yerin asked, glancing toward Okuyukyung.

"What the hell is going on here, Instructor Jade?"

Why is the spirit here when it should be in Kanghorando by now?

"I had no choice. He begged me to let him come with us somehow, so what could I do but bring him along?"

She couldn't refuse the request, as the only eyes looking at her were too eager. Besides, wasn't he someone she'd had her eye on from the very first time she'd met him? After all, he seemed to be very psychologically unstable lately, so it was very dangerous to leave him alone. If she made a mistake, she could be destroyed in an instant, so it was better to keep an eye on her.

After looking into Okuyukyung's eyes for a moment, Na Yerin inclined her head toward her and said.

"Thank you, Instructor Jade. For caring so much about sister Ling."

Even the Blood Jade Zen Master couldn't help but shake his head a bit at the blunt greeting.

"Uh-huh," you say, as if you know my mind, "it's okay. She's the one I was going to keep under my wing, and I just didn't want to see that precious quality ruined. Besides, she had the audacity to say that if we didn't take her, she'd shout out loud that we were trying to hide."

Yukyung Ok looked angry and embarrassed at the same time.

"But I want to thank you."

When Na Yerin's transparently clear, deep eyes turned to her, Jade Yukyung turned her head and said bluntly.

"Then do as you please."

It meant that if they wanted to thank me, I wouldn't say no.

Na Yerin bowed again, this time respectfully, and then asked in a cautious voice, this time directed at Iceblade and Yeomdo.

"Mr. and Mrs. Nosa, I know it's a big ask, but I'm going to ask you this. Would you be so kind as to include sister Ling in your group?"

Binggum glanced at the spirit, then spoke in a heavy tone.

"Do you realize how ambiguous her situation is?"

"I know."

The spirit had not yet recovered her original memories. Unless her memories returned, she was still the spirit of the Illusory Mountain Hall, a man of the Black Sea, and possibly connected to the secretive forces of the Netherworld. It was quite possible that not even she herself knew what had happened to her mind.

In other words, at any moment, she risked revealing their whereabouts to their enemies, which would have a profoundly detrimental effect on Meng Zhu's rescue mission.

"Is this your father?"

Bingum was asking if he could take the risk.

"How could I forget that, but I'll take charge and stick by your side."

Her father was not a mere mortal, but a master of the Hundred Swords, which meant that even if he was a spirit, she would be in charge and watch over him.

"I'm with Yerin on this one."

It was none other than Bi Ryuyeon who stepped in from the shadows.

Bing'er looked at Bi Ryuyeon with eyes that demanded an explanation. Even if he had lost a bet and taken him under his wing as a young master, he couldn't simply defer to his opinion in such an important matter.

"Since they've come this far and met us, we've already exposed ourselves to them, so why not send them back and see what they do when we're not looking?"

"Wouldn't you rather keep them around and keep an eye on them?"

Bi Ryuyeon nodded vigorously.

"Exactly, and besides……."


Bi Ryuyeon's head snapped back to the bush where Jade Yue and the spirit were hiding.

"Because I think there's another one in there!"

The words startled the entire rescue party, most notably Ice Gum and Yeomdo.

Who else is there? I can look at them straight in the eye and not feel a thing? Could this young master be playing a prank on them? Suspicions are creeping in.

Rustle, rustle, rustle.

"Oh no, I got caught."

The grass rustled and a figure stepped out of the stillness. The young man, dressed in ragged clothes with a hint of drowsiness, as if he had just been sleeping, was none other than the Captain of the Sixth Battalion of the Thousand and Thirty-third.

"Gee, I didn't think there were two of them……."

A look of bewilderment appeared on her face, a look that rarely happens.

Surprisingly, it wasn't just one person who came out of the woodwork.

"What is that?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked, pointing her finger at the 'it' hanging like a sack of rice over the nameless man's shoulder.

"Oh, So-ok, I've been hiding it because I don't want to disturb anyone when we get on the boat."

The 'it' that Mu Ming was carrying was a body that looked like the corpse…… of Zhang Jiaoxi, the deputy commander who had always followed him like a shadow. He hadn't been felt, not because his martial prowess was beyond Bi Ryuyeon's imagination, but because he was currently dead, stunned, and sleeping on Mu Ming's shoulder. The fact that his limbs were drooping downward seemed to spontaneously raise the question, "Isn't he dead?

"You look a little puffy in the back for being asleep."

"Haha, my unit leader is an asshole. It's in the blood."

"If that's the case, the colors and shapes look fairly recent."

Laughing, Mu Ming put the zither down, and as he did so, he turned the zither's back at a subtle angle, pretending to release some of the pressure points. But it backfired, as the back of his head naturally turned to face the group, revealing a large bruise on one side of his forehead.

Apparently, when he hid aboard the ship, they didn't want him to interfere, so they beat him to a pulp, stunned him, and then drew his blood to make him more domesticated and carried him around like a piece of luggage.

In the meantime, he chose to continue to stun Wu Gong's running place jade in order to distract the attention of the ultimate masters, the Salt and Ice Sword, and get closer to the rescue team. If Moshi was guilty of anything, it was of meeting the wrong captain.

After a few moments, the slumped figure opened its eyes. Sitting up with a furrowed brow, holding the back of his head, he looked around and muttered in a dazed voice.

"Where am I? I'm…… who am I? Who are you? Why am I in this place……."

It was like a patient with amnesia. Okuyukyung looked at the nameless person with slightly sharp eyes.

"Oops. Did I hit him a little hard?"

Mu Ming scratched his head and muttered something about being troubled.

"Ugh, my head is……. Ugh, when did I get a lump on this……?"

Sook groaned, putting a hand to one side of his forehead.

"What? I don't know, when did I get the bruise, that's a whole other story."

He wished he hadn't, and Moo Myung looked at him like he didn't know what he was doing.

I wonder if the words triggered something in me.

Zhang Ziyi's eyes suddenly flashed open, and he stared at Mu Ming and exclaimed, "I'm going to kill you!

"You really don't know, do you, Captain?!"

Seeing this, Ok Yukyung swept her hand across her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily, the memory confusion from earlier seemed to be temporary. But then came the problem.

"Humph, you know me, I have a bad memory. I can't remember what happened. It's a pity. It would be nice if I could remember. ……."

A legendary unknown who had indeed created a tradition of camouflage for generations of Sixth Battalion commanders. He didn't try to avoid her gaze or make any other clumsy move; he simply stared at her with innocent eyes and shook his head. His flirting was already at its peak.

"It doesn't matter if you look at me like that, you're the one who forced me to come here, so you have to take responsibility!"

This is non-negotiable, said Turo Placeok.

"Responsibility? How?"

Jang Ji-ok thought for a moment, then spoke up.

"Do me a favor later."


Mu Ming nodded quickly, as if he had nothing else to think about. Zhang Ziyi sighed inwardly. He'd finally gotten one in his favor.

"Then I'll ask for a favor right away."

"Huh? Right now? Isn't that a little hasty?"

Zhang Ziyao shook his head resolutely. He had no intention of putting the disposable solicitation ticket in the closet.

"Of course not, I'd bet this place, my entire fortune, that you'll forget the existence of that disposable petition in a few days!"

Ming couldn't help but cringe at the firmness of his judgment. The commander's words made so much sense that he couldn't find the words to refute them.

"Hmm, so what does Sook want you to do?"

In a reluctant tone, Mu Mu asked, while the others watched with curiosity. Now that he had made a public promise in front of everyone, there was no way he could refuse to listen. They couldn't help but wonder what she would ask for.

However, Jang Ji-ok's subsequent request and the response of the unknown were beyond the scope of most people's predictions.

"I'd like to go back to the skyscraper, you too."

It's like there's nothing else to think about.


Mu Ming looked like a martial artist who had been caught by surprise for the first time. Then he recovered his composure and said.

"Anything else?"

In other words, it was an indirect way of saying that this request could not be granted.

"…Then send me one."

Zhang Ziyi sighed heavily. He had an ominous feeling that this ridiculous vacation was going to drain him of his eight lives.

"Um, that doesn't work either. Anything else?"

"Why, I didn't see much anyway, so I'll just say I don't know anything when I get back."

"Huh? No, that's not it, it's the job of a troop leader to assist the captain. What am I supposed to do without him?"

Who's going to carry my demented ass? It almost sounded like that. Sook wasn't sure if she should be happy or sad that the captain was relying on her.

"So you're going to follow these people somehow?"


Mu Ming nodded without hesitation. She took a deep breath to calm her rising blood pressure and stomach acid, then exhaled loudly and slowly.

"Haha… I knew it wouldn't work. Okay, but you owe me a favor, and everyone here is a witness, so don't try to back out later!"

"Don't worry, I'll never forget that."

This was absolutely unbelievable, so Zhang Ziyi took out a portable quill from his pocket and had someone else write it down.

"Sook always carries something like this?"

"It's a must-have for a troop leader who's always forgetful. It's not enough to be a witness, you have to have something like this to keep him on his toes later, right?"

"Well, yeah. That's smart."

I'm not going to deny it, and I'm not going to deny it.

"It's the wisdom of the ancients, built on many sacrifices."

That's right. This was the "Dementia Captain's Plan," written by a group of Sixth Army leaders who had been through a lot of trial and error.

How he was saved by a memorandum entitled, 'Top secret, for a strong cover, how to deal with a demented captain!

If it hadn't been for the book, which was said to be handed down from battalion to battalion to the commander of the sixth battalion, Jang Ji-ok would have been carried to the fourth battalion in the evening with a hole in the top.

"Well, since that's how the story goes, good luck with that."

Looking back at the rescuers, the nameless man smiled broadly. There was no doubt in his face that they had allowed him to join them.

As she watched Ming and Zhang Ziyi's comedy, Bi Ryuyeon wondered if she was in trouble. A troublesome opponent had followed her. His level of danger was nothing compared to Jade Yujing's. In the event of an emergency, she would only need one of the Yeomdo or Ice Swords to subdue him. However, the nameless man was still unable to give an estimate.

If he is forced to step in at the most crucial moment, will he be able to salvage the situation?

There were very few people who could instill such a wake-up call in the always confident, childlike, and independent Bi Ryuyeon, and unfortunately, Mu Myung was one of them. It was one of the few variables whose ramifications even Bi Ryuyeon couldn't predict.

Part of me wanted to send them back to Kanghorando right now, but I didn't really care where they went, as long as they weren't trailed by their rescue party. Should they be driven out by force, and if so, how much damage would it do to them? And whose side would Okuyukyung take?

Several possibilities swirled in her head.

"Hmm? Don't look so scary. I'm not going to bother you anyway, and I'm on vacation."

So I'm going to follow him somehow. I concluded that it was going to be hard to get this leech out of here.

"Are you sure about that?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked with a dubious tone.

"Sure, sure."

Moo Myung nodded softly, telling him not to worry.

"I'll take your word for it."

Thus, Moo Myung and Ok Yoo Kyung's union became a reality.

The rest of the crew, with the exception of Zhu Jiaodan, were dumbfounded as to why the decision of the rescue team seemed to lie with Bi Ryuyeon and not Salt and Ice Sword. What's more, Yin and Bing'er don't seem to have said anything about it.

Somewhere in the midst of it all, I heard a faint but dying voice.

"Hey…… did I forget anyone?"

Who the hell is that voice? People looked around, and then they saw it.


A scream erupted from Maharishi's mouth, and he threw his arms around Yong Tianming, who was beside him. With a slightly embarrassed but not unpleasant expression on his face, Yong Tianming looked for the 'ghost' the Maharishi had spoken of. And he saw it. A man was looking at this place with his neck twisted to the left. It was Jang Hong, who had received an unexpected blow from Yue Jing earlier.

"Yongke is still alive."

Bi Ryuyeon said, her eyes scanning his body up and down.

It was amazing that he was still alive when his neck was bent almost vertically.

"I learned this technique while studying abroad. But it has side effects, and I can't get it back to normal by myself. I need your help."

Originally, it was a deception technique that involved lying on the ground with his head turned and pretending to be dead. Fortunately for him, it saved his life from the wrath of Lady Jade Yue.

Only after a few gurgling sounds did Jang Hong's throat clear. But he didn't dare to open his mouth in front of Yue Jing, who was looking down at him coldly.

How dare he answer, "Well, it was just cosmic guidance," when she asks, "So all the injustices up to this point have been intentional, right?" It's something he could never say if his life depended on it, or his sanity.

But even in this chilly air, there was a presence that didn't seem to get the memo…….

"Well, the plan is, are we going to go with the one I submitted, because it's really great……. Isn't that right, the plan to disguise yourself as a Western dancer?"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was reduced to a hedgehog by the fearsome glares of the women. It was a stare of unequivocal condemnation and disdain. Even Geum Young-ho, who was the most innocent of them all, couldn't help but shudder at the intensity of their gazes.

Okuyukyung clicked her tongue.

"Not only can I not approve of such an obscene plan, but I don't think it's a wise idea."

"Why is that, Instructor Jade?"

But Yue Yue didn't answer, as if she had no obligation to answer that question. She had no obligation to help the rescue party rescue Na Bai Tian, who was suspected of murdering the Black Heavenly Lord. In fact, just by allowing them to do so, she had crossed the line, and it was all because of Jiang Hong. However, her behavior could not be viewed favorably.

"Then I'd rather not follow him!" was the cognitive thought. It was none other than Jang Hong who helped her out of her daze.

"Oh, come to think of it, he was in the middle of all those people checking us out. Isn't that right, Yugyeong?"

It was unbecoming of a comrade of Jingtian to call the name of the seventh captain of the Thirteenth Sect of the Thousand and Thirty-third, Jade Yujing, "Yujing," without her surname and without her honorifics. The few who knew of the situation simply remained silent.

"Normally, in an emergency, the only way in is through the south gate, and one of the people in charge of checking that gate is a guy I know, a guy who's known around here as the 'hard eye of the blizzard,' a guy who can see through any disguise."

Jang Hong pointed to an unusually large-eyed, fierce-looking gray-bearded man hanging around the checkpoint.

"Is that him?"

"That's right. He can recognize a martial artist no matter how he disguises himself. He's a very good human with an innate sense of speculation and life. It's said to be an innate sensitivity, which makes him very nervous, but there's no one better at spotting a martial artist trying to sneak in. Honestly, you'd be hard pressed to fool his eyes. Besides, there are a few of us who can recognize them without that kind of eyesight."

His gaze swept over the salt and ice swords. In fact, their colors were so peculiar that they weren't even easy to hide.

"In a situation like this, wouldn't it look pretty suspicious if you were a martial artist coming in under the guise of being a martial artist? You'd want to capture them, lock them in a dark basement, and torture them."

It was definitely more difficult than they thought. How can we save the Mighty Lord if we can't even get inside the city gates? When everyone was thinking about how to resolve the situation, Bi Ryuyeon spoke up.

"Then I guess I'll just have to go in as a warrior."


All eyes turned to Bi Ryuyeon. But Jang Hong's reaction was different.

"Oh, that's clever."


At the question of how to get in without being recognized as a martial artist, some people would say something crazy like, "Let's go in as martial artists," and others would agree with them. Suspicious gazes would fall on Jang Hong and Bi Ryuyeon, wondering if they had lost their minds together. But the accusatory stares were familiar, and neither she nor Jang Hong moved. Being around her was an everyday occurrence.

"If I go in there as a martial artist, the author's eye candy won't work."

Jang Hong nodded in satisfaction.

"There's one good place for that."

A smug smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"Where is that?"

Whenever something like this happens, she knows a great place to turn to.


With both eyes obscured by bangs, the smile was even more striking under the windswept bangs.

Little did they know, however, that another massive movement was brewing in the background, one that would prove to be a formidable obstacle to their journey.

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