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Book 28 Chapter 24

A roundtable discussion with Ryu-yeon Bi and her crew

Nohak: (looks around warily) Greetings, dear readers. I'm Nohak, the cheerful beggar who's always been bullied by his big brother, but hasn't let that stop him from moving forward. There are rumors that I won't be appearing anymore after this 28th volume, but that's not true, it's all bullshit.

Stay tuned for the next installment of the one-armed beggar's epic saga, "Become a myth, Bireu Dao - Girl King Sword - Lore!".

Gone are the days of the big brother.

This will be the age of gerontology.

Long live beggars! Long live openness! Long live gerontology!


Old Man: (grabbing the back of his head) Ouch! Why are you hitting me? I'm a patient!

Bi Ryuyeon: Who says this is the place to spread rumors? Everyone, you can forget what you just heard right now, because it's not going to happen.

Noh: Me, me, me, me, it could come out, right?

Bi Ryuyeon: (Put!) No way.

Nohak: Well, I'm not giving up hope, we extras have our own lives, aren't we all the protagonists of our own lives!

Bi Ryuyeon: It's a life where no one cares about you. Besides, you're ugly.

Old Man: Why, why, I'm not ugly, I'm just plain looking. Is it a sin to be plain? Besides, I'm a one-armed man now, I have a personality.

Why would you want to emphasize a one-armed man when it's such a trivial topic? Even if it's the same one-armed man, would it be the same if Yang Guo had his arm cut off and you had your arm cut off? You have to compare apples to apples.

Nohak: (runs off crying) Aaaaaaaaaaah! Big brother, I hate you!

Bi Ryuyeon: (Narration Zorro) No one saw him after that.

Jang Hong: (sternly) Don't be too hard on him. You've been through a lot lately, don't you think you're being too hard on him?

Ryuyeon Bi: It's just a reminder of the rigors of reality.

Jang Hong: (looking around) This meeting seems small. It's also a bit lonely without the usual Hyolong army.

Ryu-yeon Bi:Really? Isn't she secretly happy that she's gotten more screen time these days?

Jang Hong: (furiously) Who, who, who, who liked Zhao, Zhao?

Ryuyeon Bi: By the end of this book, you'll be famous as a foodie.

Jang Hong: Don't talk about your private parts! People will get the wrong idea! Don't give them the wrong impression!

Ryu-yeon Bi: (smiling) Well, I think we have the wrong title for this volume.

Jang Hong: Why? What's wrong with a black and white expedition?

Bi Ryuyeon: I'm not going to throw away my ring…….

Jang Hong: Do you have a good title in mind?

Bi Ryuyeon: Of course, I have something in mind. Do I look like the kind of person who raises issues without any alternatives?

Jang Hong: (nodding vigorously) No, I think he's worse than that.

Bi Ryuyeon: (dismissively) Let's hear it, <The Humiliation of Ice and Fire (屈辱)>, what do you think?

Jang Hong: ……That's a title I've heard a lot.

Ryu Yeon Bi:There are no words that express this book as clearly as this, which is a shame. If this book doesn't work, the next book will be similar…….

Jang Hong: What are you going to build similarly?

Bi Ryuyeon: (firmly) <Ice and Fire Disgrace (恥辱)>. Or, as a second choice, <Ice and Fire Shame (羞恥)>. What do you think?

Jang Hong: Do you two have a shameful past?

Ryuyeon Bi: I don't know, that sounds like fun.

Jang Hong: I think we're getting away from the original point.

Author M:……Would you mind not telling me what the next book is about in the absence of the author?

Ryuyeon Bi:Chit, I really wanted to save it.

(from a distance)

The next volume will be titled "The Return of the Old Testament," by Hua'an Hua'an Hua'an Hua'an.

Bi Ryuyeon: (pretending not to hear) I'm hearing things.

Writer M: So you're saying don't decide on a story without a writer.

Ryu-yeon Bi: It's not like the writer can control it anyway, right? You said, "I'll write it at the right length," but it got really long.

Writer M: (laughs!) It's inevitable……. It's okay! Because of that, this volume is also a super volume, a super super volume!

Bi Ryuyeon: You're avoiding the answer.

Writer M: Hello, this is Writer M. This book was born with a huge volume. I originally planned to write only about 20,000 more characters from the 165,000 character standard, but somehow I ended up writing 240,000 characters, which is 60,000 characters compressed from 300,000 characters. But because of that, book 28 is a super volume that doesn't lose to book 27. No, it wins. This is all the result of the characters not listening to the writer and doing their own thing. It's all the characters' fault. It's not my fault.

I felt like I was losing money by writing two books and having to turn it into one and a half, but I had to do it for the fun of it. eek.


As a writer myself, I would love to be able to freely control the release of tension and the release of emotions, and to be able to control people's hearts, but I'm still a long way from reaching that point. I think I have no choice but to continue writing with the mindset that I can reach it one day, climbing a high mountain step by step. As part of this, I am training to shorten the writing period to two months. I'm trying to increase my speed by increasing my motivation, but it's still not easy. I wrote the first draft of book 28 in 2 months, but it took me a month to revise the best to the final version……. (Kuluk) I didn't like the end, so I rewrote it six times, and the length increased to 24,000 words. It's not easy, but I'm going to try again. I hope the next 29 volumes can come out with a faster turnaround.

This was one of those volumes that introduced a lot of new characters to the story. I hope you like it. It's the start of a big story, so it's kind of a warm-up issue, and we're going to be ramping up the tension from here on out.

I've been working on Noble Core (www.novelcore.net) for a while now, and I'm in awe of those who can multitask and write three or four works at once. I can only focus on one thing at a time at the moment. Once I've mastered the use of bisecting centers and can draw squares with my left hand and circles with my right, will I be able to write two works at the same time?

We'll experiment and get back to you.

For me personally, it's been an eventful book to write, and hopefully I'll have some new things to share with you.

We'll try to get to the next volume a little sooner.

Until next time, take care.

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discord ko-fi