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Book 27 Chapter 10

Three enemies (三招之敵)

-Freed Bong Shin-hwan


There was a flash of something. At that moment, Bi Ryuyeon felt a burning sensation on her cheeks. Her hair fluttered in the aftermath of her career. She almost didn't react.

Pow! Pow!

A series of popping sounds echoed around her, each one causing her long hair and the hem of her robe to flutter wildly. It sounded like a series of thunderous booms.


The sounds continued to echo. They were all coming from around Bi Ryuyeon's body, but Mu Ming hadn't moved from his spot.

First call (第一招)

Invisibility (無痕拳)

The air around him seemed to burst into flames as he stood still, but he was actually thrusting his fist out at an invisible speed. What he was using was a fist that left no trace, let alone a shadow, hence the name "no-shadow fist".

It looked like she was standing there frozen in place, but that wasn't the case.

Boom, boom, boom!

He, too, was thrusting his fist out at an incredibly high speed. However, because it was moving at an invisible speed, it appeared to be still. If he hadn't blocked the flying punch in the middle, Bi Ryuyeon's body would have already been bruised and bloody from the baptism of fire.

The constant popping of air was the sound of two fists colliding at invisible speeds in thin air, popping the air and creating a vacuum.

Time passed, but no victory was won, only a loud popping sound that echoed through the air. The nameless one, realizing the futility of further herbivorous contests, was the first to stop punching.

"It's been a while since I've met someone who's stopped me in my tracks."

The mute looked slightly impressed.

"It's not a big deal."

Bi Ryuyeon smiled and replied in a nonchalant voice.


"It's not a big deal, bullshit.

I did manage to block it. But I barely managed to block it. I saw an opening and thought I'd give him a nice punch, but he didn't have the slightest chance to counterattack.

"I thought it was about the same speed, but I couldn't get the punch down the middle.

Instead, if Kwon Kyung's momentum had shifted even a little, he would be lying on the floor, tattered like a rag.

"Okay, how about this?"

A nameless palm slowly stretched forward.

Jaycho (第二招)

Nothingness (無像掌)

To Chuck, the nameless palm didn't seem very fast. In fact, it seemed to be very slow, and yet Bi Ryuyeon couldn't easily pull herself out of it.

Ten thousand changes were condensed into a single, seemingly slow and simple move. It also meant that she was able to show gratuitous changes in response to her opponent's movements. The moment Bi Ryuyeon moved, her movements would begin to change as well, so if she made any hasty moves, she risked being swept away by the tidal wave of changes that exploded in an instant.

But it wasn't as if he could just stand there. There is no easier target to hit than someone standing still. If you stand still, you will be hit, and if you move, you will be hit.

That's a lot of fun!

The condensed change had become an intangible pressure, squeezing her movements.


You can never escape this attack with a simple jutsu. Unless you have a divine technique that allows you to slip through the raindrops.

How to use the Flying Thunder Gate Poisonous Moon Divination Technique

Phoenix Dance (鳳凰舞) Secret Extreme Righteousness (秘傳極上奧義)

Wu Zhongge (Rainy Day) Fire Clothes (不霑衣)

Extremely fast

Bi Ryuyeon unleashed a right-handed fiery ritual while wearing a black dragon ring. Previously, this was an aura that could only be used by releasing both ankle dragon rings, but after defeating a single left-handed dragon, her inner cavity was expanded, allowing her to use it while wearing the dragon rings.

Bi Ryuyeon was not yet in a position to dare to unlock another Muklong Circle.

Bi Ryuyeon's body split into dozens of afterimages, and then he burst into a beam of light, breaking the momentum of the nameless emperor's Heavenly Desire. Infinite change was countered by infinite change.

"Good, good, good! That's more than a second, that's unexpected. I think you could be my third-place finisher."

Moo Myung seemed rather pleased with himself for failing to get the first two meals in a row.

Trichotomous……. Elsewhere, an expression reserved for minions was being used to describe him as if he were a great master.

"It's too early to freak out yet, I'm sure we'll get the next one, and it'll be a three-thousandths enemy, not a three-thousandths enemy."

She was still Bi Ryuyeon after all, as she had experienced the power of the Martial Spirit and the Infinite Fields earlier, and her confidence hadn't diminished at all.

"You have to, because if you don't, you're going to die. That would be really…… really unfortunate."

His words were never threatening. Rather, he seemed worried about what would happen if she died on his third try.

"I'm getting excited, what's the first second, the second third, and the third fourth?"

"The last three seconds are the sword."

"The sword? Where's the sword?"

Bi Ryuyeon replied with a puzzled look.

"That's definitely on my waist……."

Looking at his own waist, Mu Ming couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

There was nothing there that should have been.

"Uh, uh, where's my sword, I'm pretty sure I left it on my belt here?"

Mu Ming groped this way and that around his waist, wondering if the ghost was singing, but he couldn't find even a trace of his sword anywhere. Just then, he heard a long sigh from beside him. Zhang Zhiyao, the commander of the troop, whispered in a low voice with a very red face.

"Excuse me…… boss?"

"What's the matter, Xiao'En? I'm busy looking for the sword, can we talk later?"

"No, I have to do this now……."

His voice was filled with shame.

"Why? What's going on?"

Without looking up, the mute replied.

"The… sword you're looking for is in my possession……."

The nameless man's head swiveled toward Zhang Ziyi. Zhang Ziyi's face was flushed red with embarrassment.

"No, why are you holding my sword?"

Seeing the look on his face of utter incomprehension, Zhang Ziyi had to shake in despair.

"Did you forget, of course you forgot, ha ha… That's right, of course, you told me to hold the sword after you used it once to hug her, so that's why I was holding it."

He slammed his fist into his palm,

"Oops, I forgot!"

instead of saying I must have really forgotten.


Ryu-yeon Bi was at a loss for words for a moment.

"Humph, I'm sorry. It's been a long time since I've used a sword, Humph. Old age makes you forgetful………."

"That's not forgetfulness, that's dementia."

"Hahahaha, that's why they call me the Dementia Captain. Ahahahahaha!"

Mu Myung put his hands on his hips and smiled proudly.

"It's no laughing matter, Captain. Nothing to laugh about!"

But the nameless man did not stop laughing. Zhang Zhiqing now wanted to go into the rat hole, or if not, he would dig it himself with a shovel.

The sword looked plain at first glance, but it was stained with the marks of many years of service to the mighty. It carried the weight of an immeasurable amount of time.

"Hmm, this sword is called the Nameless Sword. Like me, it has no name. But it's still a pretty good sword, if I do say so myself."

Mu Ming slowly drew the sword he had accepted.


A sword that had lain dormant in its scabbard for so long has been unleashed upon the world.

"It's a good sword, but what's the point?

It's not even a thrill, what's the point?

Those who saw the sword drawn from the nameless sheath widened their eyes in awe.

"Look, I hate to break it to you, but…… apparently you forgot to sharpen your sword, didn't you?"

Apparently, it wasn't just the location of the sword that Ming had forgotten. The entirety of his sheathed sword was covered in a thick layer of red rust. What should have been a blade of pulsating ripples and blue light was not only rusted, but also missing teeth, resembling a broken tooth.

"That's a really, really good sword."

She gave me a thumbs-up, as if to say, "Let it happen.

"Well, it's a good sword."

Whether he realized it was sarcasm or not, Mu Mu smiled and nodded.

"No, it's a good sword for the other side."

How could it not be a good sword if it didn't look like it could be stabbed? It was a truly great sword that guaranteed the safety of the opponent.

"You'd better not be so dismissive. He's surprisingly fierce, this one."


Not wanting to show too much, Mu Ming slid his sword back into its sheath.

"When was the last time you sharpened your blade?"


Ming tried to jog his memory.


I tried again to jog my memory. A little more and I think I'll remember…….


After a long pause, Moo Myung finally spoke up.

"Hmm, I forgot!"



I even had the dreaded thought that I might not have changed or polished it in a hundred years.

"I'll have to give that sword a name."

"What do you mean?"

"It's called 'white patina.'"

It was literally a hunk of iron that had been rusting for a hundred years.

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discord ko-fi