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Book 26 Chapter 8

When the guns come together

-close eyes

Mo Yonghui, who had yet to find a way to counterattack against the Donghai King's army and was constantly being pushed back, was inwardly nervous.

'It's dangerous……. We're going to keep losing this…….'

I felt like I was dealing with a ghost. Mo Yonghui was also confident in his speed. The story of 'Mo Yong Sega's sword was as fast as a meteor' was not told for nothing. He had mastered such a sword technique to its peak at the age of a medicine man. He wasn't called a genius or a genius for nothing, and yet he kept missing his troops' moves.


Our first priority was to unlock the secrets of the Jagun's code, and to do that, we needed to get a better idea of what was going on.

"What should I do? There has to be something I can do…….

After a moment's thought, Mo Yong Hwi said,


He sheathed his sword.

"What are you doing, sheathing your sword? Have you finally lost your nerve in the face of my beauty?"

When asked if he was admitting defeat, Mo Yonghui shook his head.

"Nope. I'm not defeated yet, and you're going to have to work a little harder to get me to surrender."

"If you haven't admitted defeat, are you mocking me, saying you can knock me out with your bare hands?"

"If you want to think of it that way, you can think of it that way."

One of Jagun's eyebrows twitched.

"Perhaps you haven't come to your senses yet; will it be until your body is in full bloom that you realize that your beauty is no match for mine?"

"I don't care about who is more beautiful, but I do care about who wins, so come on."

"Okay, I'm going to give you a beautiful red flower!"

Shoot! Shhhhhhh!

The Red Whip's dazzling attacks began again. Mo Yonghui concentrated even harder.

'Forget defense for a moment. Let's cut our losses and dig in.

I felt like I needed to touch him with my bare hands to understand his 'oxidized nothingness'. Perhaps then I could feel something I couldn't through the sword.

Without a sword, it was nearly impossible to parry a flying whip. If I took that whip head-on with my bare arms, I was sure to be torn to shreds.

Mo Yonghui struck the middle of the less powerful whip with tension, forcing it to open a path, and then used the fastest herbivore in the Yue Clan to charge straight at them, unaffected by the flying whip attacks.

Jagun, who hadn't seen this coming, hastily avoided a new sentence.


Mo Yonghui stretched his right arm out in front of him, and something warm clutched at his grasp.

"Did you get it?!

He charged at full speed, but the newest member of his army was not there. Instead, it was a red petal in his grasp.

"Hahahahaha! What is it, you ugly little thing? Did you really think you could catch me with your bare hands? I'm still a decade ahead of you. Cancer, fast."

The women's boos rang out again around Mo Yonghui, who was devastated.


However, Mo Yonghui didn't hear it, as he was currently engrossed in other thoughts.

'What is it? That feeling I had just now is…….'

He looked down at his hand, which was clutching the petal. His fingers must have touched the hem of his soldier's robe, the same touch he'd felt just moments ago. It was the difference of a single sheet of paper, and that's when he felt the heat on his skin.


Something was bothering me.

"Let's give it a try.

It was a bit reckless, but it was worth a shot.


Mo Yonghui closed his eyes without hesitation as he faced his enemy.

"Mu, what are you doing, closing your eyes?!"


Instead of answering, Mo Yonghui's entire body tensed up.

"Will you insult me by not seeing my beauty?"

His face flushed red. He must have been angry in the wrong place.

"I wouldn't miss it at all if I didn't have to see it."

There was only one person he was sad he couldn't see now, and that person, or rather, woman, was Eunseulan.

"What, what!"

Mo Yonghui's words made King Dong's face pale. He had always been surrounded by only a handful of enthusiastic followers, but when had he ever heard this kind of talk before?

"What do you mean, I'm nothing but a shell, not even worth looking at!"

You put words in his mouth that he didn't say.

"I didn't say that, you did."

Mo Yonghui replied, a little confused.

"I, I never said that!"

"No. Not only did I say that, but that's what I think."

"No, no, no, no, no, no!"

"If closing your eyes doesn't make you invisible, doesn't that just mean that your beauty was only superficial anyway?"

"That can't be true! I'm beautiful, and that doesn't change!"

"If you have that kind of confidence in yourself, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, does it? At least that's what I think."

"I don't care, I can't stand to see my beauty disrespected!"

"So you're forcing it on her? Don't you think that's childish, or don't you think she already knows that she's not beautiful, that she's not good enough?"

Mo Yonghui declared. And for an instant, his face twisted into a vicious grimace.

"Cut the nonsense!"

Yang Hua Hua Liao Liao Shingong

The Art of Cheating

Crimson Rose Flurry (紅薔薇亂風)


The rose whip with its sharp thorns swung wildly to tear Mo Yonghui's flesh.

Boom! Boom!

"Come on, admit it!"

Jia Zun wielded the blood-red "Red Rose Polearm" and shouted.

"Are you going to admit it now?"

Boom! Boom!

Once more the whip whips the wind, causing a flurry of flowers, and he cries out again.

"Now, behold, this beautiful attack, this perfect beauty!"

Mo Yonghui couldn't understand what he was being asked to look at, so he just kept dodging. His eyes were closed, but it was as if they were open.

"Come, acknowledge my beauty, and praise me!"

There was madness in his voice.

Recognize me, he shouts over and over again as he wields his safflower. Every single one of them was gorgeous. Like a whirlwind of petals in the wind, his attacks continued to press in on Mo Yonghui.

"There's no way that's possible, is there?

King Donghai's standard of beauty was simple. It was his face and body itself, and he was asking Mo Yonghui to recognize its beauty. If he does, his victory will truly be decided.


"There's no way that's possible!

How can you feel beautiful about something that you've felt weird about, but never felt beautiful about, and that's a man.

"I'll never understand it.

Mo Yonghui didn't know what an obsession with beauty could lead to, and he didn't want to know.

But feeling beautiful is definitely not the same as feeling beautiful for your troops.

But there's nothing wrong with that. Everyone has different tastes, especially when it comes to the value of beauty, which is so vague and fickle.

The fault lies with the man who imposes his standards of beauty on others. He is imposing them rather than trying to gain empathy. There is no empathy there. There is only self-righteousness and horror.

Mo Yonghui could not accept such beauty. She had no intention of tainting her beauty with such a thing.


A woman's face flashed through his mind. He thinks of the tears that flowed under the pale moon, the tears that shone like jewels, and the beautiful face.

I didn't want to let outside pressures ruin its gentle, tender, and sometimes violent beauty. He didn't want to fill this heartbreaking world with the face of his enemy. For that reason alone, he had to fight now.

"If Ryuyeon knew I was thinking about this, he'd make fun of me for three years.

So I decided that I should never let on that I was thinking about it.

"But that's after we win.

With that resolve, Mo Yonghui focused his mind toward the place where he could sense the presence of his army.

"Huh? This?!

With his eyes still closed, Mo Yonghui's senses fully open, he felt a strange sensation in his hand. A sensation he hadn't been aware of when he was wielding the sword with his eyes open.

"You're right about the…… heat."

Heat is heat, and it's not being used in an attack…….


It feels hot when it touches your body. Is it a "fire" of the Five Elements?

But it wasn't enough to burn my skin.

'Is Yin the same fire energy system as Nosa? Using the fire energy of the five elements…….'

It's hot, but not hot enough to burn your skin…….

"What does that have to do with the illusion law?

Something kept nagging at me and wouldn't let go.

"Besides, why would you use firearms in bodhichitta?

The fire element was usually used for offense due to its strong nature, but he was raising the energy of anger while practicing the technique.

'陽炎…… 陽炎…… 熱炎…… 幻炎…….'

The various clues connected in Mo Yongyu's mind.

"No way……."

At that moment, a realization flashed through his mind like a flash of light.

"Got it!"

Mo Yonghui's closed eyes flashed open. His body involuntarily stopped in its tracks as he looked directly at the shaped eye light. An incomprehensibly powerful force was embedded within him. Mo Yonghui was certain that he had finally discovered the secret of the Yang Flame Splendor Sect. Now all that remained was whether or not he had the skill to break it.

"You got it? What the hell did you get?"

Jagun asked.

"I have discovered the secret of your new law."

As if he had nothing to hide, Mo Yonghui replied, causing Jia Kun to laugh rather than be alarmed.

'Ahahaha! What a bunch of nonsense. Was it that embarrassing?'

He obviously didn't believe it, but Mo Yonghui's face was still serious.

"The secret is in the heat."

Hmph, his gesture came to a halt. For a moment, his face went rigid, indicating that he had been struck.

"Looks like my hunch was right?"

Mo Yonghui's reaction confirmed his suspicions.

"Yes, yes, yes, you, how dare you leave me?"

He shouted, his face flushed with fever. But Mo Yonghui's reaction was indifferent.

"I was just trying to do a bad boy impersonation."

The villain, of course, was a human named Bi Ryuyeon.

"I don't know who he is, but he teaches bad things. I'd like to see his face just to see what kind of an asshole he is."

His brow furrowed, and he pondered. He couldn't imagine that the man who had proposed to him so long ago was actually the bastard. And for his own mental health, it was better not to imagine.

"I agree."

Mo Yonghui replied, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. It was a rare display of emotion on his face, always the embodiment of neat, clean, molded perfection.

"But even knowing the secret isn't enough to break it. There are some things in this world that you can't stop even if you know them. There are some things in this world that you can't stop even if you know about them, such as my beauty. Alas, what a sinful body……."

As if to cut him off, Mo Yonghui said.

"It's going to look torn."


Jagun grimaced, unconcerned by the onslaught of wrinkles.

"There are certainly technologies in this world that I know are unstoppable, but yours is not one of them, and I'm about to prove it, cleanly and unequivocally, by destroying your technology."

The women, whose spirits had been stolen by the sight of Mo Yonghui's dignified and undaunted demeanor in the face of a threatening attack from the enemy, began to scream, "Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!" Meanwhile, the sounds of the women cheering for the enemy were noticeably, even deafeningly, quieter than before. His anger grew as he realized that he was losing his followers. Whatever ease there had been in his demeanor up until now was nowhere to be found. He was more agitated than ever.

"Hmph. Say that now, and I'll make you regret it forever."

Cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching!

The thorns that Red Rose had been concealing were suddenly exposed. At the same time, the entire whip emitted a strange heat, and soon began to burn.

"I'll trade you for the most beautiful technology. You'd be perfect as fertilizer in a pool of blood. Fertilizer to enhance my beauty!"

"Should we try that?


Having made up his mind, Mo Yonghui took something out of his bosom. He took out a sharp sword and held it in his left hand. The basic stance was not left-sword-right, but right-sword-left.

"What's that, I've never heard of Moyonsega's sword method being used in conjunction with the sword?"

Jagun frowned again. If he kept furrowing his brow like this, it was clear that he was no longer able to escape the threat of the wrinkles.

"This is a kind of magnetic flow, and you can rest assured that Mo Yong Sega's other sword methods are not like this."

Of course, this was not a reassuring situation at all.

Mo Yonghui had already begun preparations for his final assault, and he was eager to put his own skills to the test, skills that had been honed over the course of his fairly brutal training at the hands of Yeomdo and Ice Sword.

As he began to gather Qi, a pure white Qi slowly began to concentrate in the sword in his left hand. Soon, the sword began to glow with a blue-white light. He compressed the blue-white Qi concentrated in the left sword even more intensely with the help of the binding crystals.

The energy gathered in a single point on the hilt of the sword began to leave the sword and form a sphere. The blue aura dao began to emit a frosty chill from the blue-white powerhouse, and the sword in his right hand glowed red as if it were on fire.

The foundation of the sword technique he was currently deploying was the unorthodox Galactic Opening Sword, a technique that only Mo Yongxue had succeeded in mastering aside from his own, but the content had changed. Originally, it was a technique that compressed and compressed and compressed the light-attribute meteoric energy emanating from the sword in his right hand into the heavy-attribute disintegration crystals on his left hand's blade, and then exploded in an instant, gaining tremendous destructive power. However, Mo Yonghui, who was also known as the Heavenly Martial Spirit, had not yet perfected it. Even Mo Yonghui, who was considered to be the strongest of the three Heavenly Martial Kings, had only been able to complete it in his later years after being beheaded. To be able to even imitate it at his age was a feat.

A specialized martial art that can only be mastered by being able to wield opposite forces simultaneously.

One who can wield the powers of a spirit and an icy white at the same time.

In other words, it was said that being able to use the two forces of chung and half, yin and yang, at the same time was proof of being a "Tai Chi talent.

"The Master said, 'The most important thing of all is balance.'

It is said that if you can see the balance, the path to taijiquan opens up, but I had no idea how to achieve it, not even as an idiom.

"Tsk, tsk, they've been failing for the last twenty years, and you think their methods will give you a clue?"


"Find a way that works for you, you already have the clue."

Hearing the old man's words was an epiphany, and he was finally able to turn his attention back to his salt and ice sword mastery, or rather, to the sword techniques he had been cultivating for decades. Yes, his efforts had not been in vain. He already had the Galactic Stream Opening Sword, which was capable of utilizing opposite forces simultaneously.

"Carrying one more sword doesn't make you stronger!"

Mo Yonghui shouted at him, his new troops moving quickly.

Yang Hua Hua Liao Liao Shingong

Righteousness (奧義)

Oxidation Blanket (散花無影) Yamalan Wind (野馬亂風)

As Zhao Qian formed his multiple alter egos and circled around Mo Yonghui, the countless petals on the ground flew up in unison and began to circle around him. Then they formed a wall of petals, isolating Mo Yonghui. A huge barrier of flower wind surrounded Mo Yonghui.


A grim chuckle escaped his lips, not the overly sparkling smile he had been known to display. Rather, it was a smile of disgust that was so refreshing it shocked the women watching.

The vortex of petals swirling around them made it impossible to pinpoint their position.

"Be a handful of ashes!"


Sparks flew from the red roses in his hand, and without hesitation, he swung the flaming whip at the barrier of flowering winds.

Blah blah blah blah!

Then, with a blinding crimson glow, the petals burst into flame.

Yang Hua Hua Liao Liao Shingong

The final trick

Intensify (激火)

The swirling barrier of floral winds quickly became a barrier of flames, engulfing Mo Yonghui who was trapped in the middle of it. The petals scattered at his feet were not just decorative petals; they were specially treated petals that could be ignited at a moment's notice. They were also his most powerful hidden weapon. Ready for a spectacular fireworks display.


At that moment, Mo Yonghui's red-hot sword pierced through the blue-white sphere.

Galactic Stream Opening Sword

The New Righteousness

Salt Lake Icefields (炎天氷地)

Unary sum (一元合)


A cluster of pure white light stretched out like a spear through the wall of flames that surrounded Mo Yonghui. The next moment, an even stronger burst of light erupted, so dazzling that he closed his eyes involuntarily. When he opened his eyes again, he was stunned.

The flames were extinguished in an instant, and the entire offstage area was frosted over, indicating that his last trick had failed.

"As promised, I won."

Mo Yonghui said in a calm voice. He didn't have to use the Galactic Floodwall Sword and then collapse from exhaustion like before.

Ever since he'd gotten the clue from the elder, Mo Yonghui had been thinking about how he could use the Galactic Flame Sword to channel the power of spirits and ice white into it. Its attribute, fire, represented the vigorous movement of qi, or dynamism, especially turbulence. Ice, on the other hand, represented the stillness of qi, especially the extreme stillness. The movement of chi is yang, and the stasis of chi is yin.

In other words, the meteoric strength of speed was related to the turbulence of qi, and the stillness of disintegrating qi. The result was the current system of right and left swords, and the technique that was learned was the "Yin and Yang Unity".

"Oh, no, I'm not done yet!"

The army again unleashed the Oxidizing Shield to attack Mo Yonghui.

"It's no use."

Before he knew it, Mo Yonghui's blade was at the nape of his own neck.

"Oh, my God! Uh, how?!"

His most confident sword, the Oxidizing Martial Spirit, had been shattered by a single blade.

"The secret of the oxidation streak is that it uses heat to heat the air to create an illusion, similar to how things look distorted when the azaleas bloom in the middle of summer, am I right?"


Not being able to refute it means that Mo Yonghui was right.

The oxidizing mu ying was a martial art that made the phenomenon more intense in a confined space, which is why it felt strangely hot to the touch. The scattering petals were also a trick of the eye to maximize the effect of the illusion. To draw attention away.

"It's like holding a coin underwater, because it's not where you think it is, and the reason why is because of the refraction of light."

I should have noticed it sooner. It is caused by the refraction of light by the temperature difference in the air.

The words "yang" and "yama" were just different words for ajirang.

"So when the air gets cold, you can't use that technology anymore."

Mo Yonghui then pointed to the white, frost-covered offstage. The one he had created a moment ago.


Jagun's eyes widened.

"There's no way they're blooming on ice."

Naturally, this is because all the air will cool down.


His body gave out and he fell to his knees in a heap. His back gave out and he slumped. His eyes were almost glazed over. With all his skills exposed, he had no chance of victory. Everything had come crashing down.

"Kill or spare, do as you please. It wouldn't hurt to leave my beautiful end in the hands of someone like you."

But Mo Yonghui drew his sword.

"I have no reason to kill you; I merely need to verify the contents of the 'wooden coffin' that was brought here."

"Do you mean to tell me that my beauty is still in this world……?"

Apparently his prince's disease hadn't gotten any better since his defeat.


"I'm going to fall in love with you, aaaaaaah!"

"I'm going to change into a whore!"

"Me too!!!"

"Me, I'm not, I'm a faithful follower of the Eternal Lord, despite my brief fling."

The women, who had been watching this duel with bated breath, erupted in cheers that seemed to leave the hall. Mo Yonghui couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the enthusiastic response. Somehow, it wasn't just his mood that made him feel like the gazes directed at him were even hotter than before. If he continued like this, he might be eaten.

"That's uncomfortable……."

Mo Yonghui muttered quietly as he walked offstage, the cheers still ringing out behind him.

Thus, the number of members of the Seventh Heavenly Sword's official brotherhood, the Seventh Heavenly Sword, has increased, and today's event is also the occasion for the birth of the Seventh Heavenly Sword's Ten Thousandth Branch… Mo Yonghui will never know about it, as it's secret from him due to his deficiency.

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