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Book 26 Chapter 17

Rakvio's Training Course

-Cultivation of golden and semi-carbonized steel

What is power?

It's the power to force something to happen, so the world runs on the logic of the powerful. No matter how well-reasoned the argument, without power, it's just a hollow echo. Even if they are laws and rules.

This is why he sought power. If he wanted the world to listen to him, he needed the power to bring those ears to himself. So he sought a strong martial artist.

What does it mean to be strong?

For him, being strong was about "not getting knocked down.

The power to be invulnerable to all forces, to stand alone like a tower of steel when all else has fallen, was the power he sought. The master who had succeeded him was able to teach him the martial art, but it was a martial art so difficult to learn that most people gave up halfway through. The process of making bone and flesh as hard as steel and making a body impervious to swords was so arduous that many people died without ever mastering it. His master hadn't found a successor, either, as there was no one who could do it. They needed each other. One needed a pupil to teach, and the other needed a master to forge him into steel. Thus was born a priestly relationship. And so began the maddening days of training and discipline. It was what one might call hell, but it was a world that supported his power.

The fact that he had made it through hell was giving his spirit a boost. Of course, having been through hell, his body had become a solid tower of steel, unbreakable and untouchable by any external force.

The name of the martial art he mastered was called "Geumgang Bantan Xin Gong".

On the day he completed this martial art, his master said to him, in a voice filled with the characteristic pride that only a craftsman who has perfected something with his own hands can possess

"You are steel, forged in the flames of hell. No power will be able to bring you down now."

Although it was thought to be a kind of self-defense weapon, no one knew its true power. He used it to defeat the previous captain of the Tenth Battalion and ascend to the position of captain. It was a moment that proved his power, but even he could not comprehend the true nature of his power. And so he was defeated.

'Geumgang Bantan Singong' and 'Kang Soon Chunghap'.

With these two, he was unafraid of any opponent, and not a single person had yet discovered the secrets of these two martial arts, so they were all bound to lose before him. Every bet he had ever made had ended in a one-sided victory for him.

His defense was invincible.

No one could penetrate his defenses.

He believed in his power.

"I am the one with the power.

It was the cornerstone of his identity, and it had never crumbled.

"My body is gold! My devotion can never be broken!"

Rakvio had every right to shout it from the rooftops; he had devoted his life to honing his craft.

"Well, there are no absolutes in this world."

Ryu-yeon was not going to be deterred by that.


The punch that had pierced the invincible Kang Shun's armor a moment ago stretched out from Bi Ryuyeon's fist once more. Just when he thought that the thunderbolt had pierced through Rakvio's body, a strange phenomenon occurred.


A ripple centered on the area where Bi Ryuyeon's fist was making contact, with a drumming sound, spreading through Rakvio's entire body. It was the same kind of concentric ripples that one might see when one threw a pebble into a lake. A triumphant smile tugged at the corners of Rakvio's mouth.

"Even the sharpest needle can't pierce diamonds."

The ripples that had been spreading throughout his body turned and focused on his right fist, which at that moment seemed to glow,


Non-electrical (秘傳技)

Semi-Carburized Steel


A beam of light streaked toward her. Bi Ryuyeon quickly turned her head to avoid the blow, but she couldn't avoid having her shoulder blades swept away. The half-ballistic steel from Rakvio's hand shot past Bi Ryuyeon and created a huge crack in the wall five zhangs behind her. If he had been a moment too late, his shoulder blade would have been shattered.

"Okay, how about this, now you know who you have to surrender to?"

Bi Ryuyeon paid no attention to the words, her mind preoccupied with something else. It wasn't just that the needle wouldn't go in because it was hard; there was something else. She had to find out what it was.

"Hmm, so it absorbed the force of the blow, then turned it into power and shot it out?"

I couldn't help but analyze the technique Rakvio had just demonstrated. It was definitely a different style of qigong than the traditional Ho Che qigong that hardened muscles and skin into steel. Furthermore, the way he utilized the impact he received to attack was quite unique and surprising.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

Of course, she wasn't listening.

"Come on, shut up, you're distracting me from thinking, and I can't even recognize a bear when I see one, tsk tsk."

He clicked his tongue in disbelief. He hadn't given her a single spoonful of rice to help her get bigger, and yet she dared to yell at him like that.

Of course, Bi Ryuyeon was talking the talk, but she wasn't letting her guard down. Luckily, Rakvio didn't attack first, perhaps because he wanted to focus on counterattacking. A standing target……. There was definitely something about it that piqued Bi Ryuyeon's appetite. However, even though the food looks delicious, it can be dangerous to bite into it.

"But it's not perfect."

It suffered from the same weakness as any other self-defense technique: it was strong against strikes, but weak against thrusts. Of course, it would have undergone a considerable amount of smelting, so it would be able to block an ordinary sword strike with a snort. However, Bi Ryuyeon hadn't yet heard of a Ho Che Qigong that could block a blow with a sword steel.

"Sure, use it or lose it?

My mind raced with a few killer moves that would pierce the armor of that pesky bulging muscle.

'No, you shouldn't kill…… if you kill…….'

They're not called deadly skills for nothing; they're powerful, and they're meant to be used to destroy enemies, but they also leave you with a mess to clean up.

When a group of men loses their leader, they react in two ways. Either they scatter, or they charge, blindfolded, at the same time. All those muscles, all those men, all at once, would be a problem. You'd end up with blood calling for blood. And then you're in trouble. You might win the immediate fight, but you'd lose the bigger fight. If I couldn't rescue Na Yerin, there was no point in defeating such a huge muscle mass. I wanted to avoid the limb-splitting method as much as possible. I needed the cleanest, most overwhelming victory possible. She needed to take him down with a blow she was most confident in, not a punch. What she needed now was a crushing victory.

"How to…… armor of the flesh, armor of the flesh……."

Facing Rakvio, Bi Ryuyeon muttered quietly to herself.

"Should I try that?

I had a thought that kept running through my mind, and I needed to create a 'space' for it.

"Come to think of it, why do you hate judges so much?"

Bi Ryuyeon asked softly.

"For the justice of the law does not triumph over the justice of might. Law is powerless before strength!"

Rakvio's answer was very firm, and it was a firmness that was backed by past experience. There must be something to it.

"Ho-ho, you said your father was a judge, so as the son of a judge, shouldn't you follow the laws and rules better than anyone else?"

Take a poke to taste.

"Shut up, it's none of your business!"

Rockvio's temper flared. That was the point.

"Gosh, you're sensitive. Why, is there a sting? I mean, wouldn't his parents be very sad if they knew their judge's son was doing this in a place like this?"

In fact, his father was a judge, which is about as close as you can get to being a politician, so why is he now the head of the Black Island's premier educational institution?

There had to be a story.

"Shut up! Both my parents are dead. Foolishly believing in the law, by the justice of the mighty!"

Rakvio shouted in a furious voice, and Bi Ryuyeon felt a little sorry for him, as she knew that the story must be very relevant to his mental wounds, but she hadn't expected it to go this far,

'Okay, it shook.

I sang a happy tune.

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discord ko-fi