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Book 26 Chapter 12

Get to know


In fact, Hyunwoon had been thinking something was wrong for a while.

The South Sea King's ex-husband's tanqi was a technique Hyun-woon had never encountered before. Few people in Bai Dao use coins as weapons. Although the Sichuan Tang Family were masters of memorization, they had never seen a shooting technique like this. Moreover, the Sichuan Dangjia's memorization skills were only at their best when they used their own memorization techniques. However, the coins he was using now were real coins that he would use to make transactions in real life, and his personality would not allow him to use fake money.

'And yet…….'

Even so, his body was subconsciously reacting to the shooting technique. It was as if he had already been through it many times before. Otherwise, he might have sold out on the first shot. The most dangerous thing is when you're not prepared at all. So I wondered in the back of my mind why this was happening. And then I remembered something I had buried in the back of my mind.

'Right! I get it!

Why didn't I notice it before? That ugly 'alchemy' with the big brother, Bi Ryuyeon.

It's not clear why it's called knowing. However, Dae-hyung's game was very different from the traditional game. In a normal game, you flick the white and black stones with your fingers, and the first stone to bounce off the board loses. However, this was not the case with Dae-hyung's game.

First, set up a row of workbenches about ten paces away.

He then places the same number of checkers on the board and bounces them with one hand while humming to himself.

Then the pieces will come flying at you at a tremendous speed, like an electric shock, and you'll have to parry them with your sword as best you can.

To give you an idea of its power, one time when he dodged an attack, it dug right into the rock behind him. A direct hit like that could kill you. But Daehyung dismissed their anxiety and fear with a simple statement, "Don't worry, I've controlled the power so that you won't die.

I risked my life to get to know my big brother.

"Why are you doing this, Big Brother, do you have to?"

"This is blood and flesh later, and it's not like I'm just doing this to kill time."

I yawned and said, "Yes.

"Shit, was that a timekiller!

The poor cast members screamed inwardly.

"If you're bored, why don't you play Go? It's a great way to pass the time."

"No, I'm not good at Go."

"If you don't know, I can teach you."

His Go skills were high enough to play against his master at Mudang Mountain.

"Hyun-woon, do you think I don't know about Go?"

"Well, I don't think so."

"I'm not playing Go because I can't play Go. I'm asking you to become flesh and blood."

Once again, we emphasized flesh and blood.

"I'm afraid I'm going to bleed to death before then."

The power of the flying pieces was terrifying. Then Bi Ryuyeon threw up her hands,

"Oh, you're a wimp. You're not gonna die, no way. It'll help you avoid memorization attacks later. This is all training, training. It's all for your benefit. You think I don't suffer? I suffer, Saxin, Saxin."

As he said that, he yawned again.

"Oh, no, I can't believe you don't know the depths of this grandmaster's heart. I'm going to have to triple the amount of checkers I have to avoid."

No wonder there were screams from the entire crew. After that, no one said a word of complaint. True to his word, no one was pierced by the flying go pieces. It didn't kill me, but the impact of being hit by a tiny checkerboard was like being hit by a full-force punch from a master. The bruise wasn't just a tiny dot, but a large bruise that spreads like a fist. The bruises, which did not disappear after a month, were called "death marks" because they were evidence of defeat in the game. I remember women, in particular, avoided it more desperately than men because they hated it more than they hated dying.

There is only one way to escape that death trap. Starting at ten paces, if you managed to deflect the flying checkers and survive, you would advance one step at a time. And only the last man standing could miss the next move, which made everyone desperate enough to light up.

And Hyunwoon's algebra grade is…….

"I see it!"

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Hyun-woon swung his sword like a breeze, striking the flying Chilian Rain Spirit with precision. Moreover, this time, he was not overwhelmed by the power of the shot. It was due to his precise breathing and the correct angle. The hardest part was to parry and dodge the ten checkerboards that flew in front of Wu Bo. Of course, no one succeeded in that, but…… still managed to hit at least seven of them.

'I can't believe your boring bullying is helping this……. Are you kidding me?

But he soon shook his head vigorously.

'It's a coincidence, cancer, it's a coincidence. He couldn't have done something like that just for the sake of it, could he? It must have been a boredom thing. I'm sure of it.'

I decided to reject the idea and chalk it up to a coincidence.

"I can't believe you picked my match, a seven-for-one, so accurately……. You're the first person I've ever seen display such skill, I'll give you that."

King Nanhai's ex-wife's complexion was very unhealthy.

"That's a shame. I'm sure you'll see a lot of them if you come to the Museum of Heaven and Earth……."

This is what a master troupe member must be able to do to survive under the tyrannical, abnormal, cruel, and unforgiving Big Brother. In order to survive the bullying of the Big Brother, they must never skip a day of practicing.

"Obviously, I priced you wrong, and you can't get what you want if you're not priced right."

Then he reached into another pocket on his waist.

"What is that?"

He took money out of that pocket again. This time, however, it wasn't a coin, but a silver dollar.

"Ah, as you can see, there are silver coins in this pocket. I'm afraid your life is too expensive to buy with coins. In that case, we'll have to change our payment method."

The King of the South Seas couldn't help but feel bad when he had to pay more than he thought he would.

"What difference does it make if I change from coins to silver?"

There was no way that could have happened.

"Well, why not? Let's see if it's worth the price!"

Shhhhhhhhhhh! Shhhhhhhhhhh!

Without even making a preliminary move, the Southern Sea King unhesitatingly shot two silver coins toward Lin Yun.

"Something like this!"

Hyun-woon, already familiar with the pace of the battle and no longer afraid, swung his sword confidently.

Bam! Bam!

The two matriarchs clearly struck with their swords. But it didn't bounce back.


Hyun-woon let out an involuntary scream as the shock from the sword shook his insides.

"This… this can't be……."

Raising his Blue Song Sword, Hyun-woon was stunned to see two coins embedded in the hilt of the sword he had been so fond of.

"What the hell is this……."

Until I used the coin a moment ago, I could definitely bounce it off, and it did, but this time the speed was the same, but the force behind it was entirely different.

I can't believe you pierced a sword infused with sword energy so cleanly……. It was impossible without some sort of compressed energy infusion, yes. At least…….

"You mean…… gum cavity?"

Hyun-woon couldn't help himself. If he didn't have that level of power, he wouldn't be able to cut through steel like tofu so easily.

"Correct. Or, more accurately, 'all steel'."

It was a sign of strength in numbers.

"This is my ultimate skill, the Unmasked Marriage Technique. It's my secret weapon that can take anyone's life. A spear of light that pierces through everything, unstoppable even if you try to stop it!"

It was this technique that broke the sword of Mount Namgung earlier.

"You put your strength into a coin and sent it flying……."

This was a big shock to Hyun-woon, who had thought that kung fu was usually only carried in swords, dao, or rarely, spears.

"Almost all defenses are useless in the face of this powerhouse; now, do you think you can withstand the baptism of fire?"


Honestly, I wasn't sure.

"Looks like you're about to find out the price of your life! Don't you think?"

The baptism of fire rained down again from the hands of his ex-husband. Deciding that it would be dangerous to block, Hyun-woon chose to evade rather than defend. Hyun-woon unfurled the Qianlong Sect and somehow managed to dodge the incoming blows. This was possible because he wasn't tripling his speed, but he couldn't do anything if he kept dodging. Hyun-woon clenched his molars together.

"A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, if they're strong, we'll fight back with the same strength!"

The sword qi in Shen Yun's Blue Song Sword became even more vivid, forming a bluish power.

"To be able to use the Sword Qi at such a young age, the reputation of the Tianmugou Dragon is indeed not a lie. However, even if it's the same strength, the focus is different!"


With the words, "If I have to block it, I'll block it," the Ex-Husband's Demonized Maiden's Mighty Blade flew toward Hyun-woon's face.

"I already figured it out!"

Hyun-woon parted the air with his sword loaded with sword steel to block the incoming blow, but it suddenly plummeted downward. As it flew toward his chest, it was suddenly deflected and attacked his single point, and Hyun-woon quickly changed the trajectory of his sword to block it.


A terrifying roar rang out.


Hyun-woon nearly coughed up blood. A terrifying force had shaken his innards. The sudden change in the sword's trajectory was bad. Besides…….

"Suddenly faster?

The speed at which it dropped and flew was much more accelerated than before. I almost missed it.

And the blade was wounded.

'You mean you've been pushed out of power…….'

Apparently, the strength of his kung fu concentrated in a single point exceeded the strength of his sword steel. With the same level of inner qi, it would be much stronger to compress it into a coin than to cover the entire blade with it. The power concentrated in a single point pierced through Shen Yun's power as sharply as the tip of a needle.

"Extreme pleasure beyond pleasure!

The Nankai King's ex-husband, whose essence was extreme pleasure, was the most incompatible opponent to the Shaman Sword, whose essence was to subdue strength with tenderness. It could be said to be a natural enemy.

'And feces…….'

Just when we thought we'd turned the corner, the tide was turning against Hyunwoon again.

"We have to find a way, a way.

At this rate, Hyunwoon's defeat was as obvious as fire.

'Does this mean that there is nothing else like it?

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discord ko-fi