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Book 25 Chapter 9

Taking on the Master


Silla Gak, the most famous accommodation in Ganghorando.

There was an old man who had rented a private house at Silla Gak and was now sipping "Moon Dew," the most famous liquor in Ganghorando.

He had recently sold his ship, so he didn't have to worry about paying for alcohol for a while, and Zhang Wuyang, the head of the Zhongyang Bureau, was taking care of everything. As a result, all the old man had to do was sit by the window, gaze out at the lavishly decorated manor, pour the clear, citrine-colored liquor until it clinked in his white jade goblet, then bring it to his lips and sip it lightly, savoring its rich aroma. As the name suggests, the sweet and sour flavor of the droplets, which are as clear as the dew of the moon, runs along the tip of the tongue along with the fragrant aroma.

"Good, that's as good a drink as a good woman."

It's been a long time since I've been to a big game outing. There were many things that had changed from a hundred years ago, but nothing I liked. The same was true for the place with the ridiculous name of Cylindrical Arena, where ugly human desires were swirling around, and I couldn't feel any beauty even when I looked at it. There was only one thing I liked. Only this 'moon dew', aged for over a hundred years, could satisfy the old man's heart as much as it did then. The only difference is that he drank it then without knowing its name, and now he knows its name. But the flavor of this liquor was not forgotten after a hundred years.

"Was that the guy who poured the drinks?

I remembered that it was probably near Dong Jung Ho where I met him.

'I picked him up around here somewhere…….'

After a decade or two, the memory faded.

"I thought the only disciple was going around cross-dressing, but he doesn't know how to honor his master. In times like this, he should come and serve the master he respects.

It was Nosabu who was oblivious to the fact that his apprentice was struggling with the "unreliable rent" he was asked to arrange.

"Damn disciples, they're a dime a dozen, and they don't get you anywhere."

Pour the liquor back into the glass. But the stem of the drink is protected by the old man's hollow, which flows freely, so no matter how roughly he pours it, it never splashes or overflows. The gray-haired old man had just brought the cup to his lips and was about to sip when a patron entered.

"What? That's a fucking protégé, right?

It was none other than Bi Ryuyeon who came in looking a little rushed.

Bi Ryuyeon, who had just entered the hall, sensed her master's aura and turned her head towards him. Their gazes locked together. It was the master who spoke first.

"Yeah, what are you doing, cross-dressing?"

"I'm a man."

Nosabu began to tear into the face of the damned apprentice as he answered bluntly.

"Who the hell is this guy?

The apprentice before him was a face he had never seen before. He wondered if this was the same man he had taught all these years.

Raising a disciple is akin to parenting: it is an ongoing process of creating a work of art. It is an arduous process of adjusting the direction of education, taking into account many external factors. Therefore, it is necessary to always observe the condition and take appropriate measures at any given time. Just as no child grows up exactly as a parent thinks, no student grows up exactly as a teacher thinks. He realized this at a great cost. A child and a student are both creatures and human beings. A living being is a being that grows by giving and receiving in the vastness of nature. To want things to be one's own way is to rebel against nature, the world. Unnaturalness only produces distortion. In his eyes, his pupil was still unfinished. But it was not so unstable that it would fall apart any time soon.

"What the hell is going on, with that stupid face? Do you have the money?"

If Jang Hong or Hui Long were to hear this, they would be shocked. I mean, there's a big old man demanding money from Bi Ryuyeon.

"Don't give me that lowly hostage-taker tone. Not right now, I have a job to do first."

"No, you mean you have more important things to do than bring this master the money you promised him? In case you forgot, that money was originally a loan for borrowing the master's secret treasure, which this old man reduced with the same heart as Hahai."

"It's so wide and deep, I feel like I'm going to drown."

He seems to speak with the same tone as before, but without the power. The old man was keenly aware of the difference. He replied in a dry voice. He's distracted.

"What on earth made this guy do this?

No amount of shock could have broken him like this, and it was obvious that it had something to do with the fact that he had come to see her with no money.

"What is it?"

In a blunt tone, Mr. Nosabu asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You came here with no money. If you came here to get a cup of this 'moon dew', give it up. It's not going to happen."

"Don't treat me like a drunken old man who lives somewhere, because I don't drink when you give me something like that."

"Then what is it?"

"I have a favor to ask, sir!"

Biryou said in a serious voice. At those words, Nosabu's brow narrowed to the center.

"A favor? Your boy to Nobu? All is well. The sun will rise in the west tomorrow."

"The sun will still rise in the east tomorrow, just do me a favor and don't get too carried away."

"Really? What's that, a favor?"

This old man is very anxious and worried, Master Turo said.

"I need something."

"You mean you can't say it once and for all, you have to say it in circles? This is getting more and more disturbing."

It meant there was no point in dragging it out. He decided to go along with it. Time was running out, and so was he.

"We need unreliability."


"Lend it to me."

"No! No!"

"Lend it to me. I really need it."


"Are you sure you can't?"

"It's really, really bad."

"Then please borrow it. I'll pay for the rental."

"I don't want to rent."


"I don't like it. Do I need a reason? If Nobu doesn't like it, I don't like it. Do I need a reason to hate it? I hate it because Nobu doesn't want to lend it to me."

"Are you really going to do this to your one and only disciple?"

"And if you do?"

"Okay, I can't do that."

"I'm glad you finally got it, too."

"Sure. I knew full well that further conversation and persuasion would be pointless."

"If you're just now realizing that, you're a lot less understanding than you used to be."

When she realized there was no point in continuing the conversation, she turned and walked forward, taking three steps before stopping.

"Why do you stop?"

"To save Yerin, we must have it, non-reliability."

Still not looking back, Bi Ryuyeon said.

"Nobu still doesn't want to lend it."


"If so, why, by force?"

The labor department sneered.


She didn't offer any rebuttal. Instead, she answered with a silent backward glance.

Nosabu's eyes widened. The aura emanating from his disciple's back was unmistakably fierce.

"Yes, you fellow, are you mad?"

Bi Ryuyeon turned and answered.


His face was very expressionless, unlike before. It was as if he had lost all emotion. The disciple turned around and saw a face he had never seen before.

"Are you serious?"


In a very bland voice, Bi Ryuyeon replied.

"What's wrong with your voice all of a sudden, where did you sell your emotions?"

"I just threw it away."

In an emotionless voice, she replied.

"Why? What's the point of throwing it away, you're not doing anything to the environment?"

The master frowned.

"Because it's dangerous."

Seeing his master's frown, Bi Ryuyeon remained expressionless.

"Why is it dangerous?"

"You might go crazy with something like that."

"Because I'm crazy enough as it is, right?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not crazy yet, and it's really nothing compared to what I'm about to do."

The corners of Bi Ryuyeon's mouth twitched.

"You haven't abandoned your feelings, you've abandoned your reason!"

Nosabu said, raising an eyebrow.

"'Fear' is just an emotion I let go of. I'm more rational than ever."

In a very serious tone, Biryou replied. Nosabu burst out laughing.

This guy is really out of his mind, Nosabu was sure. Does he think he has a chance? Or is he grasping at straws? It must mean he's backed into a corner.

"What could have driven this disciple to this point mentally?

Something important had happened while you weren't looking. But it's an adult's job to show you that the world isn't so big that you can't get stronger just because you have something you want to protect.

"Heh, did you see the way a madman talks about his insanity? The fact that you're being so serious is already not normal, man!"

An impatient Nosabu snapped.

"Did you think you could get away with it, you damned apprentice? That's ridiculous! If you were going to get away with it, you should have ambushed Nobu from the start!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Nosabu's index finger moved like lightning, traveling through space and slicing Biyou's body exactly in half from the waist down. It was a blow that came without a moment's hesitation.


The new Bi Ryuyeonyan with its waist severed scattered into the air like a gust of wind. Nosabu's eyes widened at the sight.


It was on the backs of the Ministry of Labor and Industry that Bi Ryuyeon Yan's new technique reappeared like a phantom. It was a new method, but the opponent was none other than the Ministry of Labor.


After spinning half a circle, Nosabu struck again, this time without hesitation.

"Did you think you could fool this old man's eyes with that kind of afterimage, Murmur!"

A thin, whitish-purple beam of light extended from his index finger, cutting through Bi Ryuyeon's body like a blade.


Once again, Bi Ryuyeon's new look is split exactly from shoulder to waist.


Bi Ryuyeon's new work dispersed like mist again.

"No! No way!"

This time, the cut was also an illusion.

"I already knew that wasn't going to work!"


It was to the master's left that Bi Ryuyeon's new form reappeared.

Phoenix Dance Righteousness (奧義)

The Secret Meaning of the Three Jewels

Chapter of the Three Talents

Heaven and Earth (天地人)

Unlike the conventional sapchup-yeong, which simply superimposes three afterimages in a straight line, this technique creates an illusion of the three directions of the heavens and earth in a triangular shape, and was the extreme form of phoenix dance. As the illusions and realities of the three directions intersected, it was almost impossible to tell which was the illusion and which was the reality.

Finally, a gaping hole in Nosabu's body was revealed.


Toward the gap that had been revealed, Bi Ryuyeon stabbed Hyun Tianlin with all her might. She had prepared for it, knowing that it would be difficult to do so with her bare hands.


A spear blade protruded from the top of the lantern.


A blaze of white light burst forth from the window. It was the Chang Jiang. Bi Ryuyeon was serious.


But the blow was simply caught by his master's right hand. It was a thrust full of power, and he took it casually. Yet his expression didn't change at all. Moreover, Chang Jiang, who was said to be able to cut cast iron like tofu, was able to catch a young spear blade with his bare hands. Even if you've mastered the outer horsemanship techniques of Geum Chong-jo and Chul Po-sam, you can't grasp a powerful weapon like a sword or a spear with your bare hands. The skin and muscles would burn like charcoal. However, Nosabu's hand holding the spear that emitted the spearpower was intact.

"It's great that you're able to make him use both hands, but with this kind of skill, who can beat him, even if he doesn't have a sword? Of course, even if he did have a sword, he wouldn't be able to beat this master."

An arrogant smile formed on the Master's lips.

"No way!"

Bi Ryuyeon had had enough. It was an obvious mistake, for he was the one who should have been stabbed, not the other way around. There wasn't enough time to ponder the reasons why; there was no time for leisurely riddles in the midst of a battle like this, where dozens of moves were exchanged in the blink of an eye.

Ignoring the disintegrating briquettes, the labor ministry continued.

"The Heavenly and Earthly Man of the Threefold Rain, which you just wrote about, is not a straight line but a triangular composition, where the illusion and reality intersect one after the other. You've mastered it."

It's simple and obvious, but it's harder to create an afterimage in a straight line than it is to create an afterimage here and there while drawing a shape. It takes a lot more superhuman strength to pull off this technique.

"I'll give you credit for showing Nobu the door. But do you really think you can continue to abuse your body like that in your current state? You haven't even recovered from your wounds yet, have you?"

"How do you do that?"

"I know. How can you call yourself a master if you don't even know the condition of your students?"

The master added one more thing.

"Give up."

In fact, right now, Bi Ryuyeon's blood was twisted by the anti-elasticity that had been transmitted from the sealed Xiantian Silver Lin. It felt like she was going to spit out a handful of blood at any moment. Even when she was at full strength, she couldn't tell the difference between victory and defeat, and with her internal organs in such a mess as they were now, she was no match for him. But she couldn't quit.

Get it!

In his master's hands, the Xiantian Eternal Lightning stretched wide. The shadow of the umbrella hid Bi Ryuyeon's body like the moon during a lunar eclipse.

"Where's your little prank!"

Nosabu's grip tightened, and the open umbrella was forced to fold. But behind it, there was no sign of Bi Ryuyan. He had given up his only weapon, his only lightning bolt. Nosabu was somewhat surprised by this bold move. He could feel his disciple's determination.

"Look at this guy!

It was on Nosabu's back that the new, missing form of Bi Ryuyeon Yan reappeared. Once again, the heaven and earth of the Triple Spirit Five had unfolded.

In Bi Ryuyeon's hand, which had once again succeeded in catching her master's back, was the umbrella pole of Shen Tianlin.

Sambok Gutta-Bong Method

Heaven and Earth


The rod in Bi Ryuyeon's hand split into hundreds of pieces, covering the heavens and earth. If his hands were able to grasp such a strong Qi with their bare hands, he would have no choice but to unleash an uncontrollable attack. An unstoppable attack!


The master's newborn sobbed and dodged through the rain that poured down on them.

Phoenix Mantle

Woo Jung Geo's

It was the ultimate trick for walking in the pouring rain and not getting your clothes wet. In the past, I had used this technique to … in the Biryu year.

"Where did you learn to beat a dog with a stick?"

"What are you doing?" the master asked, moving freely through the shadows of the batons. The sneer in his voice told me he was relaxed.

"Don't you know, I've watched and learned from people who have the most abundant talent for beating dogs."

Instead of stopping, she accelerated her pace.

"Where is that?"

Without pausing in his unfolding stance, Sifu asked. The pace of his steps remained steady, even as he sped up the pole.

"It's open, don't you know?"

"I don't know, I think there was, and I don't think there was."

It was the moment the heavens opened up. But Bi Ryuyeon wasn't the least bit surprised. If there was a sect that could be recognized by that damned master's prying eyes, that was even stranger.

The more relaxed he was, the more nervous she became. She hadn't even grazed the hem of his shirt yet.

There's a saying in Buddhism.

They say it's the bond of three lives, and that it's nothing short of a miracle. And it's so true.

But for Bi Ryuyeon, who was now realizing the truth of those words, the weight of them was unbearably heavy. He hadn't even touched the hem of his master's robe yet.

I used to think that no one knew my master as well as I did. Of course, that's true, but there were many things I didn't know. I secretly practiced spirit fighting. I fought virtually in my head. It was a kind of one-man nunchaku. I never neglected to mentally prepare myself to fight my Sifu. But not knowing the bottom of it meant I hadn't fully grasped its true value. Even if there were hidden parts, he assumed Oh Hal wouldn't see them; that is, he assumed that the power he knew was only a fraction of his master's. Since he was a master, he had to be careful. But now that he was fighting again, the hidden parts were being revealed over and over again as he fought with a deadly determination.

"I thought I knew about a third of what I didn't know, but you're telling me I know about a third of what I do know?

It was like an infinite onion, peel after peel after peel, with no end in sight. There is nothing more frightening than the unknown, but to stay in fear is to run away. Only if you can overcome that fearful feeling can you move on to the next level.

"What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?


In the next moment, Bi Ryuyeon's newborns overlapped in a straight line and grew to three.

"When even the heavens and the earth couldn't do it, did you think that the ordinary three spirits could?"

To see if there was still time, Nosabu struck again without using the biryodo, which meant that if he couldn't get the opponent to use the biryodo, his defeat was sealed. The only other option was to underestimate him and defeat him somehow while he wasn't using his biryodo.

A flash of neural energy from the tip of Nosabu's index finger pierced through the three layers of afterimages in a straight line. From the first to the third afterimage, his heart was pierced in a straight line.


Bi Ryuyeon clutched her heart in pain and leaned back.

"Ouch, did I have my hands full?"

As I reflected on my life like a mirror, I realized that I had overreacted, but it was too late.


At that moment, the half-bowed Bi Ryuyeon's new form blurred like mist. He then appeared to his master's right, all three of them carrying the black umbrella shade of Shen Tianlin that Nosabu had so casually tossed aside earlier. It was called the Current Moon.

Hyuncheon Eunlin


Three new products hit the market at the same time.


The black full moon left Bi Ryuyeon's hand, filling the air with black moon shadows. The sun was obscured and night seemed to have arrived.

Shortly after the March Madness, Bi Ryuyeon's new model disappeared again, this time to the left of Nosabu.

It was the equivalent of the "heaven" in the Chinese character for heaven and earth.

Phoenix Mantle

Heaven and Earth


Triple Heaven and Earth

Believing that he couldn't defeat his master with only the Heaven and Earth, Bi Ryuyeon mixed the Heaven and Earth and the Three Spirituals at the same time. The physical burden was naturally three times harder than that of ordinary Heaven and Earth.

Bi Ryuyeon's new form, which had appeared in the position of a thousand, was also separated into three afterimages, all of which held the Xiantian Sword in their hands. There was only one sword technique that could be performed with this sword.


Triple Thunderbolt

It was a thunderbolt from three new types simultaneously. Thunderbolts of black and silver lightning filled the sky and earth. There seemed to be no place for Nosavu to escape. There was only one herbivore that could break this Deep Sword Thunderbolt.

"Hah, I can't do that."

Nosabu let out a slightly defeated sigh. At the same time, the old man's movements seemed to stop completely, but it was only the calm before the storm. Nosabu's lips curled slightly.

"Wind God!"

There was no prior behavior. There were no signs.


The storm came with a tremendous, tremendous bang. It was no mere whirlwind, but a vortex, glowing with silver, that seemed to connect heaven and earth.


The dragon power, initially a single stream, split into two strands, twisting around each other in a spiral that threatened to engulf each other.

Feng Shui


Ssangyong Kwon


The silver dragon sphere wind swept away the sword light in the heavens and earth in one swift motion, and all that was left was a vacuum.

Boom! Boom! Quack, quack, quack!

Boom! Boom! Quack, quack, quack!

Two sounds rang out at the same time. With a loud boom that sounded like a heavenly drum beating, Bi Ryuyeon's body flew backwards and slammed into the wall with a thud. The wall vibrated, and a spider web-like crack completely covered the entire wall.

As the momentum of the two great dragon powers waned, and then disappeared altogether, the figure of Nosabu was revealed. But to his surprise, there was not one, but two Nosabu. But both of them seemed to be real, not an afterimage.

Phoenix Extreme

Twin Gods

It was a much higher level than the Sapphire Heaven and Earth, both of which were illusory and both of which were real.


The new Nosobu that had appeared on either side of Bi Ryuyeonun disappeared and came together.

"Eek, I haven't done that in a long time, and I'm about to trip over my own feet."

He patted her on the shoulder and spoke in a relaxed manner. On the other hand, Bi Ryuyeon, who was pinned to the wall, not a hair in sight, had no reaction to whether she was dead or alive. Only the dust of her kisses swirled around her like a tornado. The master's eyes were cold and still as he stared at the stone pile where his disciple had been buried alive.

"You fool, did you really think you could beat Nobu with all this stuff you picked up somewhere?"

There was no answer in the stone, but the Ministry of Labor didn't care.

"I'll give you credit for getting Nobu to write a feng shui."

I hadn't intended to use a non-reliability, but at the last minute I couldn't help myself. I broke my own rule.

"But I can't believe you're so easily taken advantage of by a wind god. You fool, I see from your behavior that you have not yet reached the level of a thunder god."

When there was still no response, the labor minister said sarcastically.

"I know you're not dead yet. Come out."

Suddenly, there was a reaction from the rubble.

"Kool-Aid! Kool-Aid!"

With a clatter, dozens of stones rolled out of the ground, and Bi Ryuyeon emerged. She was in better shape than expected, but she couldn't take more than three steps and quickly ducked down.


Bi Ryuyeon couldn't hold it in and vomited blood. Her body was not in a normal state after all. Even if the master had taken care of her, Feng Xin was Feng Xin. It was a miracle she was still alive after being beaten.

"Ouch, you're bleeding, how are you going to take care of that?"

Bi Ryuyeon grumbled.

"Yeah, you got hit, are you feeling better?"

"Who needs all the teachers in the world when a spanking will wake you up? A stick is all the education you need. Isn't that right?"

"Just because you don't hit him doesn't mean he'll come to his senses. Don't you know the old saying that to spoil a man, you give him everything he wants?"

"These are not words that would come out of the mouth of a mobster."

The master's curse fell upon the frowning apprentice.

"Fool, you still haven't realized why you were beaten! Did you think that a fresh martial art you've never seen before would be able to pierce Nobu's will? Don't be ridiculous! No matter how fresh you are, if you don't have depth, you'll never be able to defeat Nobu! Have you forgotten that the only martial arts that can defeat a disciple of the Void Gate are the martial arts of the Void Gate. You should have used the martial arts of the Void Gate to defeat me!"

Of course, you can't win that way, but it would have been much better if you hadn't added the words, "I'll tell you what. An impatient Bi Ryuyeon shouted. He had something to say about that, too.

"Damn it, do you think it makes sense to unleash a non-lethal martial art without a non-lethal weapon!"

"That doesn't make sense, but what does that have to do with me?"

Sensei said, shrugging it off.

"It doesn't matter?"

Bi Ryuyeon replied with an incredulous tone.

"Of course! That's your problem, not Old Man's!"

The shamelessness was enough to make Bi Ryuyeon, who was rumored to have mastered the Lower Extremity Steel Strengthening Technique, cry. She felt a strange sense of defeat, realizing that she still had a long way to go to surpass her master's shamelessness.

"Even if I didn't have the redundancy, I wouldn't have lost if I was in good shape."

Feeling like she was constantly losing to her master, she had to say something.

"Foot, what good are hypotheticals after the fact? Are you going to go back to the past, or are you going to deny the present? If it makes you feel better, you can make excuses all you want, but what you really need to do is live in this moment, and what does it matter if you're not in this moment?"

"Yuck. Damn!"

He was absolutely right, and she couldn't argue with him. What's the point of trying if you don't get the recognition you deserve right now? You're going to come back in a few days and try again? By then, it'll be too late.

"So you can go on for a lifetime and never touch Nobu's collar."

Then Bi Ryuyeon wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and spat it out.

"I did."


"It grazed my lapel."

Surprised, Nosabu lifted his arm to check his cuffs. His sleeves had become tattered.

"What do you think, really?"

After looking at his torn sleeve for a moment, Nosabu slowly spoke up.

"…… I really liked this outfit, but you ruined it……. That's a little better."

It was the master's heart that could not bear to have a disciple be so unsupportive.

She straightened her disheveled clothes and woke up with a start. When she wiped the corner of her mouth with her sleeve, it was streaked with red blood, but it was hard to see through her black robes. It was even worse on the inside, where his eyes glowed a brilliant golden color.

"You haven't given up yet?"

The golden glow in his eyes told me he still hadn't given up his will to fight.

"Give up, what is that, you never taught me that?"

Bi Ryuyeon said with a smirk.

"Was it?"

"'Give up, impossible. What is that, dog food? There is no quitting in our code! If you're going to give up, don't start in the first place!' You were the one who taught me that, so you have to take responsibility for those words."

"Everything is an exception with this master. Didn't you know that?"

"Such a convenient theory, I don't know, and I don't want to know, and I still believe that my master will lend me his virudo."

"What's the basis for that ridiculous belief, I suddenly wonder?"

"Because if you don't, you won't win the 300,000 nyang prize."



Suddenly, Bi Ryuyeon fell to her knees and cried out.


Nosabu's eyes widened in disbelief.

"What, what, man, is this some kind of conspiracy?"

"It's not a conspiracy."

"Then you're either crazy or stupid. Why don't you go to your congressman, and I'll introduce you to a good one?"

He had stiff knees, and then he added a 'sir' to his name that he had never added before. I was worried that this would be the last time I would see the sun and that there would be no more after tomorrow.

"Crazy or not crazy, none of that matters right now!"

In a stern voice, Bi Ryuyeon shouted. The kneeling subject was unsteady on his feet. Her amber eyes, peeking out from beneath her slightly cropped bangs, were blazing gold.

"Oh, my God, my heart almost fell out of my chest."

Unfamiliar with such an abrupt response from his student, the master is suddenly curious. What could have driven him to this point? He had always been cynical about most things, but he never seemed to bend his pride.

"So what's the point? You tell me."

Then Bi Ryuyeon said in a serious voice.

"There is someone you must save."


"It's a woman."


"Send her to ……."

At that moment, Nosabu's movement stopped. Even his thinking seemed to have stopped. It was only after what seemed like an eternity that Nosabu's body, which was as still as a statue, began to move.

"Well, let's just say I didn't hear ……."

I figured it would be good for my mental health.

"You can call me an idiot, because I'm willing to be one for her."

"Really, idiot."

Then a blue tendril sprang up on Bi Ryuyeon's forehead.

"That doesn't mean you have to call them stupid."

"What's so complicated, silly disciple?"


"Uh-oh! All I need right now is a sack of genuine non-reliability. That's all I need at this moment, and I'll take care of the rest."

"Hmm……. That's a weapon with an absurdly strong life force, as you know, silly apprentice. You can't save someone with something like that. It's designed to kill people thoroughly, not to save them."

This was the so-called justification. But it was of no value to her.

"I need a weapon to fight now. I need to fight to save what's important to me. And I have no intention of avoiding this fight, please, Master. You are precious to me."

At that, Nosabu burst out laughing.

"That's great! He's so important……. Did you know you could make something like that?"

It seems that the apprentice has gained a knack for making strange things.

"He's a much more decent human being than Master."

"Are you on drugs?"

"I didn't eat it."

After a moment's silence, the master spoke up.

"It's a girl, right?"

"Of course, why do you ask?"

"No, there are many tastes in the world, and I recently cross-dressed, so I was wondering if you were interested in that."

"You're the one who told me to cross-dress to make money, so don't come back and blame it on my taste!"

It was nothing more than the work of a poor laborer boy, forced to do so by coercion, but the master who was responsible for it pretended not to hear him.

"Is she beautiful?"

"She's very beautiful."

"Hmm, beauty is a precious commodity. It's a shame when beauty is marred, no matter what the circumstances."

When she seemed to be slightly moved, Bi Ryuyeon spoke up.

"I assure you, there is no beauty that can compare to her."

There was no hesitation in her answer.

"Hmm……. You're not just drugged, you're blind, too, seeing as how you're saying such strange things like that with a straight face."

The symptoms are there," Nosabu muttered.


"Master," Bi Ryuyeon called out once more.

"Oh, I'm not used to hearing you called Master, because I don't think you're you, silly disciple."


Bi Ryuyeon called out to the old man as usual. Her voice was faintly turbulent, and then Nosabu said with a kindly smile.

"Add a 'sir'!"

His voice was hard as a knife.

That's a different story!

For some reason, my actions and words didn't match.

"One last question. What do you mean you won't get the three hundred thousand nyang?"

"I have an accomplice who is supposed to give me the prize money."

"What the hell!"

"And they didn't even give me a prize for winning."

Then the labor minister angrily shouted, "I'm sorry!

"You should have told me that earlier!"

King Don, the god of money, was the owner of the cylindrical arena and the organizer of the tournament. All the winnings came from his pockets, but he had disappeared, along with all his hidden wealth, and if he was not found, it was game over. The Ministry of Labor and Industry would lose the chance to make a huge profit. Of course, the same could not be said for Bi Ryuyeon, who was forced to pay the rent for the thunderbolt.


He held out his master's sealing box in front of him.

"No, what is this?!"

When she opened it, she was surprised to see that it was only for non-lightning weapons.


"It's only half!"

"You've got half the world, you should be more positive."

"Do you know this is a water glass? Why is it only half full? I hope you didn't switch it."

The answer was simple.

"No, not all of them, you might pick them up and run."

She couldn't believe it.

"Is that how you don't trust a disciple?"

The implications of his behavior were clear: He looked around to see if there were any other disciples here.

"What? A trusted disciple, where, by any chance, do you mean you?"

The old man is not yet old enough to trust you coldly, those graying eyes beneath his holy brow said.

"I'm done."

She realized it would be a waste of time to try to talk to him any further; she needed to talk to someone who could understand her.

"Isn't that enough, or do you want me to cut it down to two?"

Then Bi Ryuyeon slammed the lid of the lightning box shut and jumped to her feet.

"I'll use it and give it back to you, sir!"

Then he turned and sprinted away.

Looking at his apprentice, who had quickly turned into a single black dot, Nosabu chuckled.

"This is so ridiculous, I don't even feel like going after him. What do you say we wait and see? See what my apprentice is up to?"

That seemed like a good enough settlement. There was still alcohol in the bottle, and I had a lot of work to do.

"By the way, I don't know if he's going to be okay in that state of mind, not that it's any of my business."

He was an unusual teacher indeed.

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